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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I have to defend Lu on this. Previews show Ebony crying and saying Lu said she was an angry black woman. Lu did not say that! She said she is an angry woman. Easy to play back the tape. Eboni, honey, you're on camera. You need to stop making holemills out of mountains.
  2. She had that cutsie sheepish grin on her face. Ugh! That's why I now think the messy garage is all scripted BS, I have seen many garages in more of a mess than that with the interior of the house very clean. Not talking about my garage or anything. Ha! This is slowly going to evolve in to the ever boring Zach, Tori and kids Dr's appointments show with a few minutes of Amy, Chris, Matt and Caryn. Once Amy's wedding is over what else do those two have going on? We will probably get another season out of the wedding prep, disagreements and stress of it all. After that is done what else? As for Matt and Caryn they already have nothing going on. They are all pretty much settling in to normal, mundane lives so time to say bye bye.
  3. This!! Eboni is really turning me off and yes, everything is a racial topic. Even pointing out she has black girl hair and it takes her longer to get ready. Ramona was 100% right when she said "then start getting ready earlier"! She does think she's the smartest girl in the room, I think Luann getting upset was more about Eboni's overall smug attitude than just that one comment about education. She must be exhausting to be around with her constant lecturing. Note to BRAVO: Leah and Eboni were bad choices. Maybe their casting person is the one that needs to be fired. Start over next season.
  4. This is the whole problem with their relationship! It's the way in which Amber chooses to communicate. She comes off cold. If Anna is only working part time then it is a concern if she can afford to live on her own even with a room mate. Amber has no idea of how to approach Anna and discuss it like she really gives a damn. She sounds condescending and accusatory when she speaks to her. Anna knows they get along much better when she is not living at home. She said when she was away at college they talked and texted like good buddies all the time. I find that very interesting. Also, the elephant in the room is that Anna gets paid for appearing on the show, right? She's an adult so the parents should have no control over that money. So she most likely can afford to move out with that supplemental income. Smug Elizabeth has gained a lot of weight. She was slimming down last season, looks like she's piled it all back on and more. Same with Jonah. I don't like either one of them or their attitudes. They take after mommy.
  5. I'm sure TLC pays for the trips. That was one gorgeous villa. The reason the parents and kids came along is because it was free for them. I have read many times that TLC doesn't pay much but I think the trips are comped.
  6. "Bert's" desire for the green card trumps everything and anything that could get in her way. Parents, wife, kids don't matter as long as the end result is moving to the US and becoming the legal wife. And her clock is ticking. How old does she claim to be? She looks close to 40 to me.
  7. I'm sure she wanted to keep her mug on TV and also keep collecting that check. If TLC says to go meet Mother Mike then that is what she will do, lol! No, you didn't dream it! Wanting a baby was her #1 storyline and her religion was #2. Mike is atheist and she was freaking out about it, took him to church to try to make him a believer and he would have no part of it. Then she comes to the US and we don't hear a word about either. Fake, faker, fakest!
  8. He still has the interview to get through. Why would the US approve criminals to come in to the country? I doubt he will ever make it here. Same with Mikull. We still don't know the mystery of why he can't come here. He must have done something really, really bad. At least we know what Ronald did but no talk of what Mikull was up to. It's infuriating. We need new couples.
  9. I'm pretty sure they eat some weird shit in Ukraine. Not like she has never seen raw meat before and she's not being forced to eat it. Shut up, Nat. The Pillow Talkers need to bring it more. After all, this show is about their comments and reactions. They aren't so funny any more. I want to see some quick witted humor. None of them have it except Alexi and sometimes Tim although Tim seems more subdued this season.
  10. "Pay attention, children"! I can't believe they didn't edit that out. Who in the hell does she think she is? Oh, right. She's an Iron Chef. Pfffft
  11. Even Andy Cohen was like WTF??
  12. Surprise, surprise. Mike was lying and stupid Paulina forgave him. Stupid Paulina thinks he will never lie again. Poor, stupid Paulina. Boring episode. I enjoyed the convo between Nema and Shervin because they are my favorites and were having a genuine chat. They have GG's # for sure. Aside from that, snoozefest. Oh, and Reza needs to stop with the fucking crying. What is wrong with this guy? His emotions are all over the place. One minute he's yelling, the next he's crying, the next he's apologizing. Dude needs to get his hormones checked.
  13. These therapist crack me up. When the unhappy couples sit on the couch and go through all the awful things that happened that week, who said what to who, who did what, why they don't like each other, why they don't think it's going to work. Then..... The therapist: So, are you going to stay or are you going to leave? WTF They never contribute anything to help the couples. What a joke.
  14. Oh, Hell no! Are they all going to cozy up to Jess now because she looks sooooo happy? Smiling and laughing like a little school girl? Even hard ass Mike being so nice to her when they met? I'm pissed at all of them for giving in to the way she and Dan hurt people, lied to people and played people for fools and now they are all gung ho for this cheating, pathetic couple? I hope these two fail miserably once they are out of their love bubble!
  15. They like him. I follow Erik on IG, he's very fond of Jake. They are buddies.
  16. Real classy of Teresa to mention that Louie's son has autism on national TV. Not her place, not the time. Can she be any more of a moron?
  17. That was before she even met him! It shows the kind of person she really is. Stone cold Haley is a piece of work.
  18. We must have been watching different reunions, lol! From what I saw Jackie was holding Tre's feet to the fire and Tre could not talk herself out of what she did. She kept digging herself in deeper and deeper. She even admitted she told Louie she was sorry for what she did. She also ended up apologizing to Jackie and Evan again. Jackie showed Tre for the asshole she is and I think Tre doesn't want Louie to realize she really is that nasty of a person by deliberately trying to cause a problem with someone's marriage. Tre started out smug and ended up in a puddle apologizing for vicious behavior thanks to Jackie.
  19. Can't blame him. She had the sex appeal of a snail. Who comes to meet their "potentials" with ball cap, t-shirt and shorts? At least she had makeup on which I bet she only did for TV. I also notice she would never eat any of the food. It was always left on her plate and she took tiny, itty bitty bites off of her fork as if she was going to heave any minute. I got a super weird vibe from her.
  20. Well, I guess Louie secured himself a full time spot for next season. He'll be part of the husband group and fit right in. So once again it will be the Teresa show and we will get to watch her and Louie smooch and paw all over each other. Nobody can fight like a well trained highly skilled lawyer. Don't even try. Say what you will about Jackie, she proved her point over and over again and pretty much left Jen and Tre in the dust and only raised her voice when they were talking over her. I liked that all of the women supported Jackie except Jen and Tre. They pretty much were left hanging out to dry. Even Dolores who has always been a strong Tre supporter wasn't having any of her or Jen's bullshit. She says she was a buyer in one of the big NYC department stores. That was a pretty great job to have back in the day. I don't believe her, though. Maybe an assistant for a minute until she married Joe.
  21. Sooooo disappointed in Kevin. In the past, he was the truth teller, would put people on the hot seat until he got true answers and called people out on their bullshit. What happened to him? I'm guessing the network told him exactly how to handle the reunion and who he should be defending. Ugh. Now that the camera's are gone I'm counting down the days until Erik and VirGinn implode. I never realized that these two are such rabid famewhores and will pretend to have a happy marriage just to stay in the public eye. Couples Cam is another disappointment for choosing them.
  22. I wonder if Chris called off the wedding and told Amy they need time to figure out where they are going and what they want to do with this relationship then maybe Amy would get off her butt and start becoming serious about Chris moving in and sharing ALL of their lives together. That just might be the kick in the ass Amy needs.
  23. I'm shocked at Amy's attitude towards Chris. She used to fall all over him and kiss his ass, so much has changed with their dynamic. Amy is sending clear signals that she's not ready to make Chris a full time part of her life and it doesn't seem Chris is ready for that, either, or it would have happened. There is no reason why they need to get married. Just keep dating, keep your own places, continue to go on your motorcycle day trips and nice dinners and there will be no problems. I don't understand why when you are older and have your own financial independance you think you have to get married again (or in Chris' situation for the first time).
  24. I guess Sonja feels she has to fill the sloppy drunk role now that Dorinda is gone. She's always been a sloppy drunk but she seems to be very spiteful, hateful and jealous this time around. I'm sick of seeing her and all the excuses her so called friends makes for her. She disappeared for almost a year, never so much as a text to any of these women! Fuck Sonja! I thought Ramona was very calm and nice when asking Leah to give her and Lu 5 minutes to finish their private conversation. Leah lost her shit over that? In Ramona's house? Leah to Heather: You said this, this and this about Lu Heather: Well, yeah, I did. It's true. Hahaha, love Heather!
  25. Maybe Toby cheated on Kate while he was working in San Francisco, Kate divorced him and hooked up with obnoxious teacher after that. Time will tell.
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