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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Yikes! I hope my ears never have to hear about the intense unbelievable sex life of these two and their afternoon delight! Seriously, another baby? Shut up, spa friend. Don't put any ideas in Erica's head. She's drowning with the 11 she's got. No need to add another innocent child to this mess.
  2. RA is not her son, he's her nephew. To me is even worse because she is overstepping big time. She was downright vicious talking about putting up with RA and Darla's shit. Wow, where did that come from? I wish Hollywood would have been standing in the doorway listening to that conversation. Somebody needs to shut her down. I wish Charley would stop staring in to space because she can't believe Davis is being nice to her. One can only hope. UO here but I have never been a fan of the Calvin and Nova love story.
  3. No sympathy here, either. We should remember the way Natalie also treated Mike: I'm too beautiful for you. (Yes, she said that) Your fat. You need to lose weight and eat healthy. I'm smarter than you. What is your IQ? I don't like that you drink. I don't drink. I don't like your place, your town, your Uncle or your cat. Where is my rink? I want my rink back! When are you going to give my rink? They are both horrible people who were using each other. Mike for a little extra TLC money and Natalie for the green card.
  4. Ok, Rebecca. I'm gonna need for you to shut up now. She's way to opinionated for a woman that is a mess herself. Botox, fillers and tummy tuck sure have given that old hag enough confidence to speak her mind about everybody else's relationships. Also, her daughter said her friend was not flirting with Zied but Rebecca would not stop with the jealousy. It really bugs me that everybody is saying how much Zied loves Rebecca. What has he done to show that? Play video games all day while he waits for his green card? Insist they get married before Ramadan even though Rebecca didn't want to? Eat pizza? I'm not buying it. Not one bit. I like Yara's nose job. She was funny saying her nose looked like a potato before. I saw a before pic and she is right! She looked beautiful at the Tell All with her understated makeup, glowing skin and natural hair with no extensions. It looks like her lips have settled down from the fillers, too. As for lip fillers I was shocked Natalie admitted her swollen lips were awful. She didn't admit to her boob job, though. Mike has alot of nerve saying Brandon needs to grow up when he runs to mommy every time he has a fight with Natalie. Why are they pretending to be together when they arrived separately? He has his around her the whole time but they don't talk. It was painful to see them eating on the lunch break while she's not saying a word and then gets up with her box of lunch and walks away. Who are they kidding? Speaking of lunch, shout out to TLC!. Cardboard box of lunch in the makeshift cafeteria with folding tables and chairs. Swanky. They really went all out for these chucklefucks!
  5. I know when it comes to this crew Kandi has the most wealth and success. She really is an A-type personality. She never stops. I admire her drive and ambition. I guess she needs lots of money to keep financing Todd's restaurant dreams. Kind of reminds me of Cynthia's ex Peter and his big ideas of owning those bars that all went belly up. That said, Cynthia was a very successful model in her day. Didn't she also have that sunglass line and the modeling business? What exactly has Kenya done besides an attempt as an actress like 20 years ago and a hair care line we don't hear much about anymore? I still don't know where she gets her coin to be able to have that nice house in Buckhead. Maybe it's money from the show.
  6. Why are Kody and Robyn allowing Ari to run wild all night long? They could correct that if they weren't so damn lazy. Is this how Robyn parents her kids? We all know she sleep in until noon. Now we know why. She's up all night letting Ari rule the house. They seem to think it's cute that Ari is queen of the house. It's going to be real cute when she starts school and gets no sleep at night. What morons.
  7. I can't believe Des has a career in stand up comedy. Umm...you're not funny, bro. And neither is your sidekick chick Hannah that also thinks she's a comic. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they are on stage being funny.
  8. Right, we are supposed to believe this guy is doing so well in his newly started business that he can afford to hire someone to manage it for him or take on some of the physical workload or whatever he needs an additional employee for? That's got to be at least $40,000- $50,000 out of his pocket so he can be home more and help Erica? I don't believe it for a minute. Maybe it's the extra TV money that is affording him to work less hours, I'm doubtful it's his flourishing business. Anyway, aren't half of those kids at school during the day when he's at work? He can help make dinner and put the kids to bed when he comes home. Buckle up and grow up, Erica. It's not going to get any easier. Erica said during their camping trip heart to heart that she's basically overwhelmed and is at a breaking point. Basically she can't handle what she has gotten herself in to. Didn't one of them say something about the honeymoon phase being over? This is headed for disaster. On a nicer, more shallow note, I think Erica is beautiful. I noticed when she was talking to Spencer sitting on the rock with her hair in a ponytail. She hardly had any makeup on, her skin is flawless, her teeth and smile is gorgeous and her hair is really pretty when it's down.
  9. I would agree except all the rest of the characters look the same as before COVID except Vi.
  10. Stupid question. Hilarious answer. Loved it!
  11. She is a nurse practitioner and made close to $100,000. She didn't want kids, wanted to go to expensive dinners often and wanted to travel extensively so that would be a no go for Erik. I think he would be better suited to Clara. Flight attendant, loves to be in love, would have kids with him sooner than later. Much better match.
  12. Why did Adam need to make amends? I'm confused about that. Do they follow the 12 steps in Al-Anon? As usual, shutting Wendy down every chance they get. Tammy is the only one remotely tolerable anymore.
  13. I can't believe they all thought that was ok and Hannah sat there gulping her wine looking so proud she finally found someone to fuck her. Then next day the others are all driving over to the boat talking about how much they like this jerk. I don't get it. They are both annoying as hell, just as I thought they would be. Ohhhhh, let's bang in the bathroom a bunch of times, let's bang in Amanda and Kyle's bed for spite, lets bang in the hot tub! These two are seriously getting married? Also, Kyle said Stephen called him and asked him about what he thought of his plan, so why didn't Kyle tell him then?
  14. Who ever in production thought it a good idea to showcase Simone and her kid graduating HS and going to college should be demoted. Let's see more of the strife between Simone and Jackie, the dysfunction between Contessa and her hubby and I'll even put up with Toya and her outbursts and of course my favorite crazy lady Heavenly but please no more Simone and her boring family.
  15. It will go nowhere just like the wanting another baby storyline and the mystery sister storyline. Honestly, Melissa is getting on my nerves with her never ending quest to keep relevant when in reality she is such a bore.
  16. One weekend a month? To spend with your spouse? And you have to practically beg for that? GTFO of here, Gin.
  17. I really want to know how early Bri wakes up and how late Vincent wants to sleep. If it's her choice to wake up at 6:30 or so on the weekend and he wants to sleep until 8 or 9 then I say shut up and grow up! Now, if he's sleeping in until 2pm then there might be an issue...... This is young people problems. When you have been married for a long time you don't give a crap how early or late your spouse sleeps. There are so many other challenging daily life issues going on. Pick your battles, kids!
  18. These couples crack me up! Their meetings with the experts: Gin and Erik- we connected right away. We really get along great! Except: dog dicipline, drinking, partying, living arrangements, having kids, not compromising, but yeah, we're good! Clara and Ry- We're a 10! Except: religious differences (dealbreaker for Ry), the word Love. I love him, he won't say he loves me, and oh yeah, Ry won't fuck me! Haley- He's great! He has a good job, is stable, sweet, I want to keep trying. No, girl, you don't. Chris- newsflash buddy. We ALL hate your face!
  19. Garrick- get a clue and watch the other Sister Wives show. NO kissing, hugging, pawing and sucking face in front of the other wife (wives). Have some respect, you jerk. p.s. That's the only thing I like about the "other" show. All of these couples are so creepy. For some reason I feel so sorry for the Snowden kids. Women trapsing in and out of their lives until the parents find the right ones to join their family, if ever. How pathetic and sad.
  20. Same here. In fact, my Italian father held my mother in the highest regard. She also worked outside the home, he helped straighten up the house every morning before they went off to work. Everything was pretty much 50/50 with them. It was also my immigrant grandfather that put up with my drunken grandmother until death departed. No misogyny in my family. What I remember about Nonno was that he treated his son like crap and loved his son in law more. Was there a televised memorial for Nonna since she's the one that put up with him all those years? Oh, that's right, they couldn't because Tre was in jail!
  21. No need to look wistful, Sophie. Kevin is a big time movie star and we all know 99% of those marriages never last.
  22. Except Clara told the other girls she "gets him off" every night so I'm thinking he's not asexual.
  23. I don't think they need any help in trying to break them up. It's inevitable this marriage will implode all by itself. I think Erica is depressed and trying to pretend all is well but I see cracks with all the pressure of the decisions they made while barely knowing each other. She's also jealous of Spencer's dead wife. He moved all the way from VA to UT with no job? and 11 kids to support? What kind of job does he have now that he can support 11 kids and his stay at home wife?
  24. What's up with Vi? Where are they going with the character? Why are they making her look older with the grey in her hair and sitting in a chair knitting? So many questions.
  25. I was so infuriated by this. It is a very, very, big huge deal to graduate from the Air Force Academy. Hell, it's a big deal just to be accepted in to the academy much less stick it out to finish. My son tried and wanted is so badly but was not accepted. All of these "parents" make me sick. They have no idea what a great accomplishment is if it bit them in the ass.
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