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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Well, she's a very giving person. She has given her all because she gifted him with new clothes and put them in pretty gift bags with tissue paper! Because she hated his old clothes! Snerk.
  2. He is fronting because he's pretending to anybody he has a discussion with that he and Virginia are perfect, they get along great, they are soul mates, no problems, etc.....when we all see it's not true. They disagree on just about everything except sex. Next week it's a big fight over her dog. Her dog!! Every week it's something. So, yeah, he's fronting about the relationship having no issues when everybody else is honest about where they are in their relationships. Why is he afraid to tell the truth? It's not a crime that they have things to work out.
  3. I believe it's because she's doing all the 'everything" and he is the recipient only of the "everything". These experts are hell bent on promoting the opposites attract theory. It's not working, never worked with the couples and they need to stop it.
  4. How is it possible there are snow flurries all around Sunny but none actually on Sunny, in her hair or her food prep table or bbq grill? Shenanigans.
  5. Dumbass Amanda is ready to start a family with this man child. Good luck with that, girl. Get back on that birth control asap! Carl started drinking again and immediately turned in to the asshole we all know and love to hate. I hope he gets a handle on that. So is texting to the opposite sex after 9pm a big fat indication that you have no class and are a jerk? I had no idea. Singles millenium etiquette. I'm getting so old.
  6. I'm sure he loved her when he married her. I'm also sure she is exhausting him with her big mouth and all of her constant wants and needs and lack of empathy for how hard Eugene works. That can wear on a person after so long.
  7. Or Frank is just a gossipy bitch who has cheated his way through his own marriage to Dolores and thinks it's no big deal for a man to cheat. I think he likes Evan.
  8. She talks so damn fast I have to put my closed captioning on to understand her.
  9. How beautiful it is that the guys night convo about Evan is all on camera. I wonder what Marge thinks now. Yes, her hubby said he heard the rumor but he also said he didn't believe it. The good news is that all of the guys said they didn't believe it and none of them thought Evan was cheating. They all seem to like Evan. Enough said. Put that rumor shit of who heard what to bed.
  10. IMO the compromise is that Erik offered to list his place for sale. It takes time to sell a property. Even in the best of markets you still have to meet with an agent, get the property listed, have it shown, there is still a period of time to wait until the property closes. Living in his place is only a temporary situation, childish GinGin could not understand that.
  11. All Ryan ever says is: Sure. We're getting there. You could practically see Clara's skin crawl when ever he says those words over and over again. Suurre. We're getting there. No, Ryan, you are not getting anywhere. I have to admit Clara was not very nice talking about changing everything in his house to accommodate her. That's a turn off. These two don't match. Just as bad as Jake and Haley except they are more polite about it. I agreed 100% with everything Jake said to Haley. He was cool and calm and said everything that was on his mind. He took Haley down and she was shocked and embarrassed in front of the camera. She deserved every bit of it. Erik's family must have some big money. I wish he would stop pretending to the other couples that he and GinGin are perfect together from the get go. Aside from sex, they have so many issues, for some reason he doesn't want any of the couples to know. Stop fronting Erik! Erik and Clara would be much better suited for each other. He's a pilot, she's a flight attendant, she's ready for love and committment. He's a neat freak, she's a neat freak. She would probably love his condo, too. I wonder why the experts didn't match them.
  12. She shouldn't have done it in front of his daughter. Immature and in very poor taste.
  13. A hero indeed. A frontline worker putting endless hours in helping to save lives in this awful pandemic. Toya should be shamed right off the show. I'm surprised she hasn't received a whole lot of backlash on SM and the show from her peers for her attitude. She should have been shut the fuck down at that dinner right away by the other Dr's that were there. Instead everybody sat there and let her rant. That's the problem with her, nobody ever calls her out to her face. She is disgusting and I feel for Eugene. I have no idea why he puts up with her. Because of the kids? Because he will lose shit tons of money if they divorce? It might all be worth it just to get rid of her.
  14. Martha and ManBun are beautiful looking people. Why do we not see much of them? Are they boring? Too normal? Not enough drama? We wouldn't know because we don't get a chance to see enough of them.
  15. Poor guy. Anila's mother has no fear or shyness of the camera. She was full force in your face from the moment she stepped out of the car, didn't skip a beat. If I didn't know better I would think she was waiting all her life for her 15 minutes of fame.
  16. 5 Childs. 5 Children. Editing made sure to keep that glorious footage in. Father and son together laughing. Best scene of this otherwise trainwreck of a show. Toya sit the fuck down. Can't Eugene have a heart to heart with his wife and explain she's over the edge with her yelling and complaining about everything and she needs to check herself in public and on camera or he won't be going out with her anymore? C'mon Genie. Put your foot down. You helped to create this monster now fix her.
  17. Why would Rebecca buy a wedding dress that didn't fit? Maybe it was a dress from one of her other weddings when she was skinnier. She's miserable she can't have a wedding her way and Zied doesn't give one shit. Natalie having to go back to Mike's house is so fake. Why are they wasting our time with back and forth BS? Yara was moody and nasty ever since she stepped off the plane. Before she was pregnant. She hates Jovi and his friends. I want to see her smile, laugh and be sweet. Just once. Stephanie to Harris: Here's some money for snacks. Hands him a $100 bill. Harris: Is this real? It looks fake. I died.
  18. My point exactly. They have been together for years now. And I would hope they are in love. Most couples are.
  19. I must take mental notes on how not to host a party. Invite six people and call it a party. Sit around a kitchen table and bitch. Follow Kenya's lead and do not feed your guests. Make sure they stay hangry. They fight better and nastier that way.
  20. I haven't watched this ep yet. Did she microwave rice outdoors? Please tell me no.
  21. Couple of random thoughts: Was this episode a prelude to them moving back to Utah? Will we have to watch them struggle, sell and pack and listen to the kids unsolicited opinions again? I did like when one of Christines kids asked why they move so much. Can't we just pick a place and stay? Smart kid. Why do Mariah and Audrey have to practically sit on top of each other and hold hands all the freaking time? Alllll the time. These are grown ass women, not star struck teenagers. Nobody does that in real life. Janelle's backyard was depressing me. Put some nice patio furniture out there, some plants/flowers and mow that damn grass. Make it a home even if it is just a rental! Dogs make everything better. You can get non-shedding breeds. We adopted a sweet hypoallergenic non shedding sweetheart at a shelter. Get the girls a dog, Koduche!
  22. He's adorable in this. Jeff is best when he's not in the studio with the others.
  23. Oh but she thinks she's attractive! I want to just snatch that damn tight ponytail off her head! Does she always wear a pony? I don't think she is attractive enough to have her hair pulled off her face like that. I wish someone would take her down. She needs a good dose of reality and a better mirror because I'm not seeing anything that special. Poor Bronson. There is no way Sam is 26. He's hot but more like mid 30's. Who is he kidding and why is he on this show pretending to want to get married?
  24. She completely disregarded what he said, too. After voicing his concerns, she's like I'm still going off bc because that's what I want to do. Way to make a major life decision with your fiancee, Amanda. I can't with these people.
  25. I don't think that was rude at all. @SOMUCHTV was asking a simple question.
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