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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. It's amazing what a great head of hair can do for a person. Ryans comment about Steve Gold looking like Steve Jobs was hysterical. Speaking of Ryan, I hope we're not going to be subjected to another season of him dressing up in silly costumes for his open houses. That just doesn't happen IRL.
  2. Loved the ending family dinner. Almost brought tears to my eyes. Great casting with Will Hochman. He really looks like he could be a Reagan.
  3. I'm guessing they don't actually "live" in those rooms with the white furniture. Jennifer's home is huge so there is probably a TV/family/playroom where they gather most of the time. Same for Jackie who also has a large home. I have seen photo's of hers on IG and she has darkish furniture in what looks like the family room.
  4. Their interaction with each other was so strange. You look beautiful tonight. Thank you. So do you. How was your day? Good. how was yours? Good. You really look great tonight. You are so beautiful. I love that shirt. I love your dress. Repeat at least 5 more times. I don't trust the guy. All of Tre's friend seem to like him and Joe G and Melissa love him so he must have some redeeming qualities. Unless all of them are just as stupid and vapid as Tre.
  5. Whyyyyy is her face alway so shiny and greasy? Powder down, girl.
  6. Loved it when he said NO. Once again he shut Haley down. He isn't going to sugar coat anything, he's a straight shooter and that's what I like about the weirdo. Unlike Erik and Ryan who pretend they are happy and want to stay married.
  7. She's wearing black hose and black patent leather shoes to complete the outfit. Horrific! I'm so mad at Erik because I loved him so much in the beginning. They agree on nothing. Where to live, dog dicipline, sleeping with the cats, having kids, getting drunk and not coming home at night, having kids. WTF is wrong with these two that they think they should stay married? I think Erik is afraid and embarrassed of failure. Can't stand Vincent. He will never get over Bri's 'bossiness". I hate that she wants to try to change for him. She said she won't change for anybody, this is who she is but I don't believe her. Something happened in Paige's life that caused to be so damaged. Poor thing needs deep therapy or her next man will treat her the same as Chris. She and Chris will continue to bump uglies for a while until he finds someone else that is better looking. Mercedes must have dumped him right after the miscarriage. How dare he argue with Dr. Viv. Smug asshole. Haley is gross. No accountability for the demise of the marriage. It's all Jake's fault. She really, really tried, ya'll! Clara, the thick shiny red lipstick has got to go. It looks like it's going to drip right off her lips. It's all I can see. It accentuates her man jaw and is not a good look. Same with the dark roots and platinum blonde. It takes alot of maintenance to keep hair that color. I would like to see her with honey blonde highlights and a lighter lip color. I CAN NOT wait for the reunion. It's gonna be epic because that host (Kevin?) does not hold back, I've seen him before. He goes in hard and takes no shit.
  8. It was twice that she had a bad day. Once at the family cabin she got lost then also at Randall's house when the family was there celebrating something and she went out to get a pie or go for a walk or something. She ended up in a Chinese restaurant, lost her phone, didn't know where she was. She was freaking out. I would have thought the disease would have progressed by now. I was surprised to see she was doing so well. The disease only gets worse, never better.
  9. What happened to Rebecca's dementia? She seemed perfectly fine this episode while in others she couldn't walk out the door without getting lost and the family fighting over putting her in an assisted facility.
  10. Sonja is so delusional. She really re-writes history and think nobody will remember the truth. She cheated on old man Morgan, took off on yachts overseas and fucked and drank her way through his money. Even Dorinda screamed in her face about it during one of her drunk rages. Morgan got sick of her shit and kicked her out. There was no decision on the table to be made of whether she should stay or leave. Get over yourself, Sonja. She's pushing 60 and still broke. She's panicking. Leah really has it out for Ramona this season. As I mentioned upthread she was nasty on WWHL the other night. She said Ramona was drunk during filming the entire season. What a crappy thing to say about your cast mate. I think Leah resents being sober. Andy Cohen loves Leah so regrettably she is here to stay.
  11. Oh, well, now I definitely 100% don't believe it. Matt lies. I want to hear that come out of Amy's mouth. 😀
  12. Is it being held at the farm? Amy actually agreed to that? I don't know how I missed that info. Talk about selling your soul to the devil. For a storyline and a TLC check. I will never believe that. Did Matt say that or Amy?
  13. Ohhh Ok. I'm with ya! I thought I was weird because I like it cold. At night 68 and during the day in summer no more than 72. We have sort of a mild winter where I live so seldom use the heat at all, definitely not at night but most people I know do!
  14. Man oh Man. Amy can't hide her contempt for Matt and Caryn. She hates them and I don't blame her. Problem is it's uncomfortable to watch. None of this forcing couples get together stuff, ok, TLC? We don't want to see that. We all know in real life Amy would never have them over to her house unless it was a birthday for one of the kids or grands. I am also a person that likes my home neat and everything in it's place. I don't know how Chris is going to deal with messy Amy. Especially at his age and never being married. I wonder if he ever lived with a girlfriend. And why is he not living there full time yet? That is too freaking weird to me. Look at big Zach talking about how Matt is going to have to change his ways if he wants to be in business with him. Shut up, ya spoiled brat. Matt isn't going to change for anybody, especially in business. I see a disaster waiting to happen.
  15. I'm in SC, too. The first question out of their mouths before even meeting us was "Do you have a pre-approval letter"? It makes perfect sense to me and I wasn't offended by it. Why would any realtor want to drive all over town showing homes to people that can't afford them? That's not working smart. There are a lot of stupid people out there that will look at $400,000 houses when in reality they can only afford $200,000.
  16. Time for some new 90 dayers. These people are boring AF except Jovi and Yara and that's only because they have only been around for a season. Tiffany, you picked a loser. Don't expect him to miraculously change now. Sounds like she picked a loser before and ended up with poor Daniel. Angela, keep smoking, you moron. Her friend is right. Ang is going to do what she wants, when she wants. I'm so sick of her. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if she eventually gained all the weight back. She will have to continue to eat healthy and follow the diet PLAN. Not gonna happen with her. The last time (recently) I bought a house, you had to show proof that you were approved for a loan and how much you were approved for before any realtor would even consider showing you property. Their not about to waste their time with tire kickers. It's all bullshit for the show. Unless of course Kalani's daddy is going to buy the house for them.
  17. I thought he got that certificate in his country before he came to the US. It wouldn't apply here, he would have to train all over again for the certification. He doesn't strike me as overly ambitious, either. Time will tell.
  18. The original Pillow Talk showed them all eating in bed. Pizza, Chinese take out, Subs, snacks, Annie cooking. Now it's pretty much only Annie cooking. *Rebecca and Zied. I can't stand her. She wants to hold him captive so he doesn't ever look at another woman. She's scared to death he will leave her just like the young one she married before. Is Zied doing anything at all with his life or just content living off Rebecca and her management job at the chicken joint? Still love Alexi.
  19. By "fixed" I meant she wanted to look more Kardashian like. Big lips, nose job, and what ever else she did to look more like "them". I never said she looked better but she obviously felt she needed it so that's what she did.
  20. Yes. He's a pig. Supposedly she caught him in their bed! Don't know if that part is true but yes, he cheated and yes, he's a pig.
  21. Are you referring to the Carl that "fingered" Lindsey? And the Carl that keeps getting fired from his jobs until his bestie gave him one? lol. I can't stand that douche. Yeah, sorry about his brother's recent death and his father leaving his mother for a younger piece of ass. It's no excuse for being an alcoholic jerk. Thing that infuriates me the most is that he always gets away with it. Why is he never called out on his behavior but Luke is? I don't get it.
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