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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. But Why? Anna is her child, she should be so proud of the things Anna wants to accomplish. Don't we all want to see our kids have goals, become independant, work hard to achieve their dreams? I hope when Amber looks at these episodes and listens to what Anna has to say in her confessionals she has a change of heart. Anna comes off as the level headed one and Amber the asshole. Way to go, Amber. Amber unloading her issues on to Elizabeth. Worst thing a parent can do. You tell one kid about the problems with the other kid? Who in the fuck does that????? I think Amber is sick. She is not equipped to handle 5 kids. I have to wonder why they ever wanted so many kids to begin with. I can see the parents going hard on Jonah because he has no direction and is lazy. He needs a swift kick in the ass so I'm all for it.
  2. He lives in North Hollywood. California real estate is crazy expensive. Doesn't have to be nice. It's all pricey.
  3. No, they did not live in grand style. Basic, old, depressing apartments. I remember her mom was a sweet lady and she liked Mike. I don't think Nat ever mentioned on the show before what she did in Ukraine. I knew it because she has it listed on her IG. Let's not forget she also said she was a journalist. These people lie............. When Tiffany met with her sister or friend or who ever she was and was telling her that if Ronald's Visa was denied then she would divorce him I had to laugh. She forgot to tell her he never pays for anything, barely has a job, sends you no support for your kids and no money at all. Won't even pay for your plane tickets to visit him. She conveniently left all that out.
  4. He also finances Kalani's life. I don't think she has ever worked a day. Am I wrong about this? Mike and Natalie are both so creepy. Mother Mike is creepy. One look at that house and I would have gotten a hotel room. I'm weird that way. Julia is a mess but I have to defend her for losing her cool. Yes, she went to the bar with an attitude but I think Brandon enjoys gaslighting her. The "friend" was so rude asking personal questions about Julia's intentions. I would have walked out, too. Wowza, Angela has no titties. I have a little confession here. I had a breast reduction when I was in my 20's. The doctor left me flat chested with about a million stitches left behind. I had to go get implants after that because it was so bad. So I'm not so sure Ange is going to be a double D when it's all said and done.
  5. I had to take a good look at Nema's nose after that comment. It looks perfect to me. Maybe he already had a nose job and Reza was outing him about it? Either way, I can't stand Reza. He is so rude and immature. Also, nose jobs are very common in the Persian community. Every woman on the show has had one. I think Mike has, too. And Reza is the one that could use one. It's not a big deal.
  6. She is awful to Scott. I think Scott is a handsome, successful, decent guy. He doesn't deserve the shit Contessa keeps throwing at him. He could do so much better. When they divorce, she will want him back because we know she changes her mind about everything. How did she ever get through medical school and the military? She flip flops all over the place. Simone and Cecil get on my nerves. They have a little dinner party to talk about how to have a successful marriage. Are they kidding? Not too long ago they couldn't stand to be in the same room, divorce papers were filed. Now they are the experts. GTFO I'm not buying their smug crap.
  7. Reza screaming at Nema: Go get a nose job, bitch!!! WTF is he, 12 yrs old? Grow the fuck up, Reza. You and your ugly husband who I wish I never had to see on my TV again. I, too, want to know what GiGi's beef is with Nema. London doesn't fit in. Too sane. Mike needs help. GiGi is right about one thing. Some people aren't cut out to be in one monogomous relationship. Just date, Mike. No engagments, marriage or commitments.
  8. Were my eyes deceiving me or were the bedroom carpeting gross and filthy? Maybe it was the non-lighting playing tricks on me.
  9. Yes! Closed caption always for this show. I don't understand the women, either.
  10. Mike may be a shitheel but everything he said to Jess was the truth. He was spot on about her and what an awful person she is. She does not deserve an ounce of respect. It pissed me off that the experts were sitting there saying he was going to far. No! Somebody has to call her out and everybody else sat there while he had the guts to do it. I can't believe I ever liked Martha. What is her end game? Michael is such a sweetheart. He puts up with all of her crap and is happy to do it. Poor guy. Cam has the most beautiful smile.
  11. I wish Jake would say something like 'Yeah, she just lays there like a dead fish! He won't go there but one can only dream. By the way, I've been following Jake on IG and he is actually a nice, fun, sweet guy. He's buddies with Erik. He grew some facial hair and looks good.
  12. People keep saying Melissa has no storyline. Exactly who does? Delores and her no show boyfriend? Jennifer and what? What is her storyline? The fight between her parents? Jackie has nothing except fighting with Tre. Margaret has a book to shill but I would hardly call that a storyline. Tre's only storyline is her new boyfriend who we saw for a brief 5 minutes the entire season. None of them have shit, it's not just Melissa.
  13. Garcelle doesn't like Kyle because she see's her for exactly what she is. A fake Beverly Hills bitch. I get the impression Garcelle doesn't like fake. I love that she is still standing with her friend Denise. I hope she keeps her distance from Rinna. That would drive Rinna crazy. Speaking of Rinna, she is a vile human being. These bitches better not let Erika off the hook with her bullshit excuse that she didn't have a clue what was going on with the old man. Not impressed with Kathy so far. I keep hearing how funny she is. Not seeing it yet. Gah, Mo is looking old and PK is looking super old. I'm surprised Mo would befriend shady PK. As a real estate mogul and owner/broker of a successful company he has an image to uphold. and Mo is very much about images. Hanging with PK is not part of that image. I don't like phony Dorit but damn she is beautiful and her body is flawless. Her kids telling her her boobs were hanging out was priceless. Leave it to kids to tell it like it is! Kyles 3rd nose job still isn't right. Her nostrils still flare and it bugs me.
  14. From being a manager at the farm? That's far fetched. I suppose she could have inherited some money or maybe got a boatload in her divorce or maybe her parents are very wealthy. If she had that much money why would she be working for Matt. I'm a skeptic, I don't believe it.
  15. So Virginn pretty much said all the drama was amped up for TV. She really doesn't go out that much with her buddies and Erik added he really likes her buddies. She doesn't drink much. Erik is not as controlling as shown on the show. She really is ok having kids, but if it doesn't happen she's ok with that, too. Huh? She's living in Erik's condo, kitties in tow. They are madly in love, even his mama who they dragged out to verify how happy they are loves Virginn. Same with Ryan and Clara. Most of all we saw was drama for TV. They get along great, he told her he loves her on national TV (I'm pretty sure he has already told her that before the reunion) and they are having sex. I believe they were always having sex but Ryan did not want to talk about it on the show and asked Clara to keep quiet about it. Vinny and Bri, again perfect match. He's alot more fun than we were led to believe and she's not near as bossy as we were led to believe. They are on the same page with everything. Chris and Paige, she will still bone him if he comes knocking on her door for a booty call, yo. ***** Vinny looks fantastic! Lost weight, let his hair grown in, trimmed his beard and was smiling all the time. I hated him, now I love him. I'm so fickle. So fickle that I still love Erik. If I were 20 years younger he would be the whole package for me. Sigh.
  16. I've got to give Matt credit for not jumping on the marriage train with Caryn. He has no intention to jump in to any of that. And if he ever does, you can bet there will be an iron clad pre-nup. This is all I am giving him credit for. The rest of his douchiness still stands.
  17. Never. My opinion only but I always thought Chris was attracted to her celebrity (and money). You can't tell me that a man in his late 50's that has never been married has found his love match in Amy. His willingness to be buddies with Matt doesn't sit well with me, either.
  18. Sonja could easily sell that townhouse and get out from under that noose around her neck if she would listen to the realtors and lower the price. Even her bestie Josh Flagg said it's overpriced and that's why it's not selling. She's stubborn and stupid. And.....if she's so hard up for cash then how does she afford to go to all these wellness retreats when she's not filming? She posted on IG her visits to Arizona, California, Florida and Hilton Head in SC. All beautiful, high end expensive retreats. I don't get her at all.
  19. I'm surprised Amy with all her talk about "the land" didn't buy a home on 5 acres or so. Or build a dream home on some acreage. It would give her that open, serene feeling she is missing, yet still be manageable. Strange she went for a home in a conventional neighborhood. I think she has a beautiful backyard, though. Just not big enough for Amy. Who in TLC land thought it would be fun to watch smug Tori and her kids in the pool, on the farm, playing........She and Zach are frothing at the mouth wanting to move to the farm and in that big house. I'm sure Amy ended up with a nice amount of $$$$ with the buyout. She acts like Matt got it allllllll and she got nothing. Shut up, already! Do Amy's friends ever get tired of everything being all about Amy, all of the time? I guess that's what they are being paid to do. Sit and listen to her whine.
  20. Not so much fun when you're sober, huh, Lu? Leah. Not funny, not hip, not cool, not nice. This needs to be her last season. Another season of drunk Sonja. Boring Sonja. Funniest part of the episode was when Ramona and Sonja were in bed in the morning and Ramona looked soooooo hung over with her old crusty eye makeup on and the sheets pulled up to her chin not saying a word and Sonja going on and on and on....Is Coco dead? No, she's just old and needs her sleep!
  21. Across the street from each other! How convenient is that for filming? Destiny is probably renting and I'm not impressed with Reza's little house. The neighborhood doesn't look that nice, either. It looks like he lives on the corner of a busy street. You would think with all the gaudy gold, expensive watches, designer clothes and Gucci shoes he wears he would be living in some high dollar Bev Hills home! I don't think any of these Shah's have any money. Except GiGi's parents who pay for everything for her.
  22. I may be wrong but I thought I saw Shervin on some of the previews. He was always a friend of, never a full time cast member. I will be fast forwarding through that mess. I can't stand those mystery dinners!
  23. I still don't know what the issue is with Contessa and Scott's marriage. I always like Quad until I'm reminded of how she goes 0-100 in a nanosecond. I can't take her yelling and screaming. Her "apartment" from the outside does look kind of sketchy. Where in the ATL does she live? Cecil and Simone didn't do a very good job with Miles. Kid is spoiled rotten. I hope Simone keeps her word and doesn't pay his way through life.
  24. I hate all of these people so I'll just go straight to the superficial: Reza's new teeth. They glow in the dark. He had the nerve to make fun of Nima's last season? GG looks so much better now without the black hair. GG's sister. Holy shit! Unrecognizable. Destiny had a LOT of work done. Another nose job? New teeth of course. Mike looking older and fatter. MJ put your titties away. Nobody wants to see those udders.
  25. Why is it that so many of us here can see it but Tre's family, friends, even her daughters seem to really, really like him. Could everybody she associates with possibly be that blind (and dumb)? We don't expect much from Tre, we know she's a vapid dumbass with an IQ of a squirrel but the rest of them? I don't get it.
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