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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Anisha cracks me up. She's very funny and self -deprecating. I thought she had great conversation with her date. She seemed very at ease and confident even if she wasn't. She has her faults but I hope she finds love and has babies.
  2. Well, there we have it. That is Chris' full time job. Has she ever listened to him?
  3. Especially since BRAVO has shown clips of upcoming episodes of trouble in the marriage. Same with Candyass and Chris. I thought it really rude for Robyn to have her little nasty comments about the exterior of Gizelle's home. Yes, it may be ugly but keep your comments to yourself, don't say it on camera. Giz is supposed to be her best friend. Candy has been shit talking about Karen since the season started but goes to her house with Chris like all is well. Such phonies. See, that's the reason I like Gizelle. She's a bitch all the time, not just behind your back! Wendy's boobs and ass. Is this going to go on all season?
  4. He has a dog. The little brown one that pisses on everybody's shoes when they walk in his house. Cute dog, though! Another episode with Reza getting all choked up and crying. Is there any other? MJ talking to London about her relationship with Tommy. Interesting. Wonder how Tommy feels about that after seeing the episode. GG making all kinds of sense. What is happening?
  5. Sunny has posted on Instragram photo's of her hanging out with people. There are also photo's of her on "Beat Bobby Flay" where she is sitting closely with other judges. I don't buy her Covid fear.
  6. Is Sunny so special that they would build her a special outside area? Get your butt inside like the rest of them, Sunny, or get off the show. I'm sure it would be no problem to find a replacement for her that would be an actual team player since she really brings nothing of importance to the show. Ice tea in a bag.
  7. What happened to Fredrik with the always freshly coiffed hair and the expensive perfectly tailored designer suits? He's gone Hollywood. Now this is just an acting job for him. Sleeping in his listing to give it a lived in look, rumpled bed and all. Please, stop.
  8. Some call them Confessionals, others call them Talking Heads or TH's and still others call them Interviews. Either way, I prefer "stool chats"!
  9. Not only that, she said several times that she bought her card for him 2 weeks prior. So what, Amy! Now it's a competition of who bought the card first? She is ridiculous. When Chris and Amy started dating I remember he was easy to anger and was critical of her. He told her he didn't like her moodiness. Then she tried to hide who she really was and Chris was the moody one. Times sure have changed. Chris seems to put up with all of her crap now, he's whipped. I wonder why.
  10. She is really funny. I like her the most out of all of them. She's a far cry from the snotty, money grubbing entitled beyotch TLC wanted to make us believe she was. Whyyyyy? What is the big mouth white trash POS going to do to them? She has no power over anybody.
  11. Wow it looks like Chuck's sister is as much of an asshole as the rest of them. Telling Andrei to calm down when it's actually the rest of the family that's yelling and critisizing him! It's Chucks money, Chuck's life and Chuck's company. If he wants to piss it away helping out Andrei and his youngest daughter then that's his choice. I doubt any of those kids could make it on their own with a real job that doesn't involve daddy which is why they are so paranoid about losing their cushy gig.
  12. I'm here for everything Alex does to put Lauren in her place! I missed Kenny and Armando. I also missed Victoria and Tim even though Victoria gets on my nerves with her loudness at least she has funny comments. Stephanie and her mom brought nothing. Having those two on is an epic fail. How did Stephanie get this gig? Good Lord, David is huge.
  13. Because the therapist or life coach or who ever was at their house asked Ray last season (or the one before)? if he loved Karen. Karen was sitting there. He paused and said Ummmmm, yeah, I think so. That's a pretty good indication that maybe he doesn't. I don't think she loves him so much anymore, either. It's a convenience thing. They will have a stupid vow renewal for a storyline.
  14. Didn't Mike find the truck in a parking lot? I assumed it was at the Dr's office or hospital. I guess she drove it there after sleeping at Juliana's and not answering her phone all night. I did have to laugh at Mike waiting on her for once, making her nasty potato dish, bringing it to her, picking up the plate after she was finished and then Natalie shuts the door and turns off the light behind him. See ya, Mikey! Brandon and Julia's apartment have no windows? Just like a Russian compound. Tiffany shut the fuck up. You don't complain to your husbands mother about what a loser he is. She already knows that. And put some shoulders on your damn shirts. That look went out 2 years ago. Angela I'm an Amerkin! You are an embarrassing Amerkin, Angela. These two have got to go away soon. Asuelo is such a stupid boy. Yes, have another kid. Kalani was half laughing about it, too.
  15. That is why Mike was grossed out by MJ using her hands to plate the food. Why didn't they do buffet style? London clearly doesn't have a clue how to host. Or Nema for that matter. Mike and Reza need to make up and become besties again. They are perfect for each other. Reza, you sent those texts. Mike is prepared to forgive as long as you own it. I don't understand that kind of a relationship but again they are perfect for each other. Two lying, cheating skeeves. Adam's shaggy overgrown beard is ugly. I can't stand to look at his face.
  16. Karen spewing out made up words and phrases at Gizelle and the women looking at her like wtf is happening here, what is she talking about? That was pretty funny and the only enjoyable moment of the eppie.
  17. Seriously. Right out of the gate. I did not like this episode at all. If this is an indication of what's to come and what these bishes have been up to then it's going to be a disaster of a season. Ashley, her swollen feet and her dickhead husband are in a good place now? Sure they are. Especially since she said they're not having sex. We all know dickhead can't keep it in his pants. All of a sudden he's daddy and husband of the year. Karen looks rough. She needs to lose the yellow wigs and half the makeup on her face for good. She's too old for that look. Gizelle visiting Candiass and her "bonus kids" and them pretending to be friends. Gizelle breaking up with Jamal. Oh, we didn't see that coming. Way to save face, Gizelle. I don't know what new image Wendy is trying to project this season but it's tacky as hell. And this is our educated one with the gazillion degrees? The new one- she's had everything done including her clit. Thanks for that information, new one. Is that something to brag about these days? She looks like plastic melting shit. Robin- was she there? Oh, right. She and Juan are building a new huge McMansion. Did she pay off that 90K tax lien already? Not a good start. All of these women came off as unlikeable to me. The reality famewhoredom has gone to their heads.
  18. I'm sure they have a full time nanny. Or two. I'm sure these nannies travel with them where ever they go. Derek doesn't do all the work. He has the luxury of painting in his studio while Fredrik is out busting his butt happily making his millions. They have an incredible life and if they have another kid it shouldn't make much of a dent in their lifestyle.
  19. Tori needs to be cognizant of the safety of the kids. Zach does some stupid things. She needs to stop thinking everything Zach does is cute. Zach is a little person with a tiny little son. Safety is a must. Jackson could have really been hurt and Tori should get her head out of her ass and had J wear a helmet and make sure there were brakes on the sled!
  20. Everybody bugging Brian about getting married was getting on my nerves. Leave the guy alone, he's only 29 and he's not ready. If his girlfriend is ready then that's her problem. Maybe she needs to find someone else. Why aren't they on Anisha who is 36 and not married? This show. One week I'm madly in love with it, the next I'm annoyed with all of them.
  21. I had no idea. Does he dislike Audrey? I would like to know more about that!
  22. How much longer are we going to be subjected to the Matt and Chris bromance? I get the feeling Chris is alot more enamored with Matt than Matt is with Chris. I don't think Matt gives a shit. Chris is so weird. If I were Amy I would pull Chris aside away from the camera and tell him to stop with the sly jokes on her behalf. I wouldn't care if TLC is putting him up to it and I wouldn't care how funny he thinks he is. It's disrespectful to her. She will never feel comfortable around her lying, cheating ex and his girlfriend. He needs to stop.
  23. Eboni's serious preachy deep news anchor voice makes my skin crawl every time she opens her mouth to command attention. Please Eboni. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Leah ganging up on Ramona again. Why? Sonja, the reason your friends dismiss you and don't pay attention to what you have to say is because they know you are full of shit and as soon as the season and reunion are over you ghost them. I think LuAnn doesn't like Eboni and she's not going to pretend that she does.
  24. I can't. I just can't. What is going on with Chris? It's like he doesn't know what he's supposed to do on camera. How about keeping your paws off your little pet for starters? Who the hell leaves drawers open all over the house? That would drive me nuts, too. They are just not that interesting. Z and T are becoming increasingly full of themselves. TLC get a grip and cancel this mess. But first I want to see this farytale wedding!
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