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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Eboni's morning after talk with Sonja was pathetic. She's way too lenient with her. This is why Sonja never changes. Nobody holds her accountable.
  2. Nope, she has severe bald spots that do not grow back. She had some pieces in there, possibly extensions. She said she uses this product called TOPPIX to cover the spots. I have used it before, it's got some weird texture but makes you look like you have a full hairline.
  3. Tell me Sonja's outburst at the dinner table wasn't scripted. As usual, she gets away with her screaming. Ramona admitted she had too much to drink but yet didn't fight back with Sonja at all. Instead, hugs, kisses and pats on the ass between these two.
  4. I hate to see Ethan so unhappy. He basically gave up everything for Olivia. Now he has regrets. He misses his siblings so much and O could care less.
  5. She has definitely lost some weight. I'd say around 50 lbs or so which is not much when you weighed 380 to begin with. If you ever have the pleasure of watching her first and second season you can really see the difference now. Her no BS video's are pathetic. She's barely moving in them.
  6. Probably part if his contract. He had to come back one last time for the $$$. Gee, let's go to a party at Whit's house and wait for hot dogs and then watch Whit berate Buddy in front of everybody. Fun times. I hope Buddy finds eternal happiness with his new girlfriend. Oh, and I'm dying to know what this "Life Plan" she and Buddy had. She hasn't grown up at all. Looks like Ashley has taken the place of Tal this season. She has too much to say. Earn your check, Ashley! Tal was in the background at the party, we barely saw him. So happy to see Todd back with his snark. Heather needs makeup lessons if she's going to pull off that purple hair look. She looked clownish. It was sad to see Whits mother fall down. They didn't need to show that. Have some grace, people! French man is a hired actor. Just my opinion. Whit goes to Paris!! Just like Carrie from SATC. We are not that stupid, are we?
  7. Angela needs to stop obsessing about her titties and focus on getting a tummy tuck, then transferring some of that fat to her ass.
  8. Coltee, the serial cheater who sends dick pics to any strangers who will look doesn't want sex with porno granny with the perfect body. Because his heart belongs to Vanessa. GTFO, Coltee! Mohammad's English has vastly improved. You can tell he has been studying. Maybe Natalie and Julia can take lessons from him. Dinyell is obsessed and always will be. I find it very hard to believe Fernanda's ex up and moved to Chicago from North Carolina. He was starting up his own real estate business and was developing a clientele, doing pretty well for a beginner. She is full of shit.
  9. Then you go through the divorce process just like any other couple in the US that has been married any length of time. I'm talking about these couples that have been married for less than a minute.
  10. Yikes, listening to Robin's daily routine kind sounds like my own since I retired, moved to a new state, and am having a difficult time making new friends except I have no kids at home to think about and I do have a husband that loves me. I never thought of myself as being depressed but maybe it's time to find a little therapy!
  11. Tiffany stayed is SA with awful Ronald for 4 months? Couldn't have been that bad. What about Daniel's schooling? There's a lot going on with these two that we don't know about. I still want to know why Mikull has not been approved for his VISA. What did he do that was so bad? Why is nobody asking that question? As far as I'm concerned, if a marriage with a foreigner doesn't work out the American spouse should have to pay for their airfare back home, and maybe a little bit of money until they get back on their feet, back home. Nothing more. You don't get to stay here indefinitely. I don't understand our gov't sometimes.
  12. Seriously what in the almighty fuck was Wendy wearing at the dinner? I can't get over it. Where do you even buy an outfit like that? I thought Fredriks of Hollywood went out of bizz a long time ago.
  13. Oh, come on now, Gizzy. You can't sit at the table and shade and critique everybody then say you will only discuss your relationship in private. It doesn't work that way, boo. Keep that up and you may not have another season.
  14. I had a Pasta Granny. I can still remember her at our kitchen table making a well with the flour and beating the eggs in the middle. Her pasta would melt in your mouth. She also made home made ravioli. Nothing else like it on the planet. I always wonder what GZ is thinking when he has to sit and watch that revolting slop.
  15. How do you lose 106 lbs. and end up looking worse than before? That big belly, flat ass and back fat, Oh lort. I'm still trying to figure out why she got that dreadful tattoo on her one tittie implant. Pulling that fake ponytail tightly off her face was an assault to my eyes. Has she had a facelift yet? I couldn't tell. More superficiality: As much as I can't stand Natalie I have to admit she looked beautiful. She really slimmed down and her dress was the only one I liked. Looks like Tiff is eating her feelings, she's bigger than ever. Kalani with that cousin IT hair hanging everywhere. Yuk. Yara is so pretty but I never like what she wears. Julia and Libby. Boring to look at.
  16. Seriously, why is she giving him access to her credit cards? This woman depresses me. Her friend is going to get his ass shot if he doesn't stay out of Jeff's business. Back off, bro, or your story is going to end up on the ID channel. Lord, Nicolle is such a mess for a young girl. Her mama makes a lot of common sense so where did she go wrong raising that loser user? Kristianna soooooo fat and bloated. Girl, get control of yourself. At least start wearing clothes that fit. I guess food is her new addiction. Ray seems like a decent guy but he needs to understand he is a convict with no job living in their daughters house rent free. Ease up. You have to prove yourself to her family, you don't just walk in to their lives and expect them to welcome you with open arms. Man up and tell your family to back the fuck off for a while. Lisa and Stan make my skin crawl. They're not a real couple, are they?
  17. Oh but Derek doesn't like cold weather. Derek gets what he wants.
  18. Yeah, I know. I just don't trust this show until I see the episode.
  19. I never thought he was implying anything about her teeth. The offering to brush them for her was what was weird to me. Like I said, maybe it was a joke but Rachel sure didn't like it. I will stand by my question of why we have to be subjected to these couples brushing their teeth together. Watching them try to talk while seeing spit and foaming toothpaste run out of their mouths is disgusting. She has dark brown roots so I doubt it.
  20. Oh, boy. Myrla is complaining about the hotel and the view before she even gets to see it in the daylight. Johnny likes vanilla sex and said on Unfiltered kissing Bao is like kissing his sister. Uh-oh. Ryan is not into Brett. Obvious. He thinks he can do better. So what if flying freaks her out. I hate to fly, too. Doesn't mean I don't do it. Brett, take a Xanax and have a drink, it will ease your anxiety. Get over yourself, Ryan. You're not all that. Michaela and Zack- I had the most hope for them. Is he going to turn in to another Chris from last season? She's adorable and bubbly, he did a 180 as soon as they got to the honeymoon. Why, why, why are we subjected to these people brushing their teeth together? Jose was trying to talk the entire time he was brushing. Plus he wanted to brush Rachel's teeth, too? I hope that was a joke and he wasn't serious. It sure turned Rachel off.
  21. I can't help but think that maybe Ramona takes something like Adderall. Nobody in their right mind at that age acts like she did at the dinner. She was also very rude when showing (and supposedly learning) that property with Michael Lorber. Maybe she's very stressed out about whether she will be asked to return next season and felt like she has to amp it up to appear more contract renewal worthy! I thought Sonja was very nice, conversational and mature with her dud of a date. Who fixed her up with that guy? She really tried to make the most of it. This is the Sonja I like. She has it in her to be a lovely, somewhat interesting lady. Again, another one that feels she has to act like a drunk asshole in order to keep her job.
  22. I felt like this episode was a set up for the Zach, Tori and cutest kids on the planet show. I just know it's coming after the wedding season is over.
  23. So sick of his "I just wanted a nice family BBQ" or "I just wanted a nice family boat ride" or his "I just wanted a nice family vacation packed in an RV going to visit more obnoxious family". No, Chuck, nothing ever turns out nice with your family. Give it up. Also, let's not forget how awful Chuck was to Andreii when they visited Moldova for the second wedding when he let his sidekick alcoholic son ruin the wedding. The tables sure have turned, haven't they?
  24. Jovi blowing a disgusting kiss at the stripper in front of his wife was all I needed to see to hate him for eternity. I'm not for physical violence but Yara slapping him was everything! Why couldn't going out to the a nice dinner with your wife, then stopping for a drink somewhere in South Beach, then taking a walk on the beach before going back to the hotel enough for him? Nope. He had to go straight to the strip bar after dinner. He is such a POS.
  25. This was bad. Really bad. Dredging up the old losers again. So totally scripted. Pillow talk was much better. Yazan and his translater guy were funny! Is Mohammit living in the back of his delivery truck? Dinyell could have at least done her hair and makeup if she wanted to impress Mo. What's with her 3 young friends from Maryland? It didn't make sense. Oh, yeah, scripted. Ed is boring with his same old schtick. At least Colt lost weight but Vanessa is having none of it. She see's right through him. That's all I have for these two.
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