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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Kylie, who is the youngest of them all seems to have it more together than any of them. She is the one I thought would never amount to anything. Always living in the shadow of her more beautiful sister, Kendall. Not tall enough to model, not pretty enough to get any attention. She went out and fixed her face, got some business sense, didn't care too much about being a famewhore and off she went. She even became a mom at a very young age and didn't make a lot of fanfare about it. Was I ever wrong about her.
  2. Wow, they really turned Jill's boyfriend in to an annoying doofus. He was not like that when they met. He was cool, yet sweet and he knew how superficial Jill was and had no problem pointing that out to her. How stupid for Marjorie to not be seated at the table. She was cheated out of hearing Bonnie's heartfelt (for once) speech and I thought that really sucked. Instead they all hovered around Jill in the bathroom waiting for her test results. Like a bunch of high schoolers. So badly done. It must have taken the writers all of 30 minutes to put this episode together. They could have thought of a better way to announce Jill's pregnancy and highlight Marjorie's achievement.
  3. Delores is full of shit. She wants the ring. Would she turn David down if he proposed and gave her a beautiful rock? I think not. That said, it's her business how she handles her relationship. She obviously loves David and doesn't want to give up on him. I don't blame her for wanting to shut the others down by constantly asking her about it. Enough prying, ladies. Does Frank ever date? Does he have a girlfriend? Or does he just sit around Delores' house all day waiting for her to come home so they can film? Does he really live with Delores? Can't he afford to live on his own? Sorry, I can't stand the guy. He can never practice law again because he was caught doing something illegal (can't remember what, exactly), and cheated on Delores when she was pregnant. He's scum and a total loser. David is 1,000 times the man Frank could ever be.
  4. Disagreed with most of their opinions. They all like Virginia and think she and Erik have a chance in hell to make it? Only Beth questioned Virginn's drinking. They really came down hard on Erik. All in all at times it seemed to me like none of them actually watched the entire season. They didn't rag on Chris near enough. I thought they would tear him apart limb from limb. I also thought they pretty much gave Haley a pass. Karen and Miles should have had much more to say about Ryan and Clara and the no sex situation since they have been through it. The women did look stunning, though. Jamie can lose the mustache with the bald head. Not a good look. Miles can lose the gold chain with the turtleneck, too. Woody is Woody. Love him and his silly style and the fact that it doesn't bother Amani. Unlike Haley being so turned off by Jakes style.
  5. Angela is disgusting. Mikull is never coming to the US. Wasn't he denied once already? Some shady reason he can't come here which they never divulged? I don't give a rats ass about her surgery. I wish TLC would be done with these two. At least we know why Ronald was denied. He has a criminal record and for them to pretend he will be able to come here on a spousal visa is absurd.
  6. I remember Andrei and his friend saying the police force was corrupt and Andrei had to flee the country when he quit because he feared something would happen to him.
  7. That's because she's in jail. For child molestation.
  8. I think the reason Marlo will never be given a Peach is because she's not really willing to open up her life for the camera. She's better off as a friend of, going to other people's parties, homes, not having to host anything where we can actually see her life. Kenya please shut the fuck up and stop talking (shouting) over everybody that tries to answer Andy's questions. Lord knows Andy won't tell her to shut up. Why was Shamea there? Cynthia not adding much except about her Covid Wedding.
  9. His baby mama name is Mercedes. Is that who you meant?
  10. I hope she is pregnant and decides to raise the baby on her own.
  11. I'm skeptical. Was there ever really a pregnancy or was this all a big scam for the camera? I put NOTHING past Chris.
  12. Yes, but Baker said that long after the incident happened, after several meetings about what to do about the incident. You would think that would be the very first thing they checked.
  13. I don't know if the incident with Jamie occured at Penn Station or Grand Central but you mean to tell me either station there were no camera's? Why didn't Frank immediately have the footage pulled to see exactly what happened? We all know nowadays there are camera's EVERYWHERE!
  14. Yesssss! I may be wrong but I thought she said that on WWHL, too. In which case if she did then shame on Andy for not bringing that up. Problem with Hannah is that she has a goal of being a stand up comedienne, however, she is not funny. Her comments that she thinks are funny always fall flat. Maybe she should go back to tennis and forget about famewhoredom. Luke is extremely handsome when he's cleaned up. Beautiful jawline and bone structure. I can see why he was a model. Lindsey was hanging all over him. Something is gonna be brewing with these two next season. Danielle is a gorgeous girl. Loved her long braid. She clearly hates Hannah. As does Lindsey. I have to side eye Ciera for being friends with Hannah. Same with Paige. In fact, why is Paige on this show? She brings nothing. Amanda putting her hand over Kyles mouth to shut him up. No bueno. Keep you hands to yourself. Sorry if your fiance embarrasses you because you never know what is going to come out of his mouth. Be prepared for a lifetime of that. Funny, though, she said she doesn't mind his drunken antics which is usually when he's at his worst. Ok, Mandy. Carl is still a dolt. He has big legs and wears too tight pants and those hideous super tight shorts. The only reason he has a job is because Kyle gave him one. I'm not so sure he has his life together yet. Didn't he say he relapsed and started drinking again?
  15. OMG Bonnie. Stop Yelling! Stop being pissed off at anything and everything!
  16. This is what I don't get about Erik. He's like a Jekyl and Hyde. He has issues with just about everything she does, he is constantly criticizing her, wants kids, wants a conventional marriage, she wants none of that. They can't even agree on how to train a dog or where to live but then he professes his undying love to her! That convo at dinner was painful. He really went overboard with the sweetness, hand holding and eye gazing. He wouldn't shut up about how much he loves her, how he loves to see her smile, how he lives for these romantic moments, blah blah. She didn't respond likewise to him once. Not Once. She just sad there and smiled. Something very strange is going on with this guy who used to be my favorite. Vinny is so immature. I also agree with some others that think the term "bossy" is the wrong word to describe Bri. Confident, smart, ambitious, hard working, yes. But bossy? I'm not seeing it. Oh, and Vin, keep your fucking hands and scissors away from Bri's hair! Clara is another one. She repeatedly said last night how she thinks she and Ryan are perfect for each other. Whaaaat? Don't care at all about Haley and Jake or the fact that they were pretending to actually like each other for a hot minute. I have a sick feeling we are going to be subjected to Paige and Chris on last time.
  17. Underground bunkers? UFO's and USO's? 20 yr old TikTok stars partying with Kourtney? Tristan part of the show? Scott mooning over his everlasting love for Kourtney? Yeah, this show needs to end.
  18. How do you just leave your city, your apartment, your clothes, furniture, job and never return? Don't you have to give notice to move to your landlord? Who is going to move all of her crap out? What about money, she just walking out on her job? This is all such bullshit. Unless she was homeless. I think I'm done with this fake show.
  19. Roberta wants the green card. She is going to do cartwheel and backflip sex with him until she gets exactly what she wants. Dani doesn't have a chance.
  20. I meant be there at the reunion as a happy still together couple, not already broken up. Alot of them are already split by then. I can't imagine Chris and Paige being there at all but you never know.
  21. Not how it works in the US. I'm referring to an RN not LPN or ARN.
  22. Don't know, that's what the podcasters said.
  23. Eugene's mom could not possibly like Toya. Right?
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