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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Omg all these people are so disgusting. I can't handle it when Ed and Liz get so choked up they can't speak so the camera stays on them not being able to talk, only swallow hard and hold back the tears. Ed's daughter is nasty, too. Saying Liz looks rough and botox works wonders, Liz should try it. Why didn't anybody call her out on those comments? I'm looking at you, Shaun and Ed. I'm so disappointed in Molly. She's still with Kelly when she clearly said she does not want any more kids and couldn't even if she wanted to. Now she's acting like she wants to "give him a baby" at the ripe old age of 47. I don't believe it for a minute. She can't do any better than him? Besides, she lives in Ga with kids and a thriving business and he's a cop in NYC so who's going to move? Dumb. Somebody shut Coltee up. He is not the voice of reason and is more morally corrupt than any of them, yet Shaun lets that cheating slob ramble on like he's something special. Why is boring Fernanda there? Danielle's new guy is clearly not interested if he hasn't seen her since that second date. Then the camera's go off, the season ends and now they are both soooo busy. Yeah, right. He's on the Tell All to collect a few bucks and that's all. It's the same assholes recycled over and over again.
  2. Something about Ciara I can't warm up to. She seems snobby and cold and a know it all. She was kind of bitchy on WWHL. He's a handsome guy. I don't know why he's so disliked. They all suck just the same. He's no worse. The Italian dude is having fun right now. He said he wants to eventually settle down with an American girl and move back to Italy with her some day to be closer to family. I like that goal.
  3. I don't know. I lived in the Tampa area, it ain't all that. I guess to these country folk maybe it is. And maybe it feels like the big city to them. They way he did it is definitely suss. Unless that was all for drama and they all really knew he was moving there. Hopefully he decided to take his modeling career more seriously and if so LA would be a great place for it.
  4. Didn't one of them (Barry or Kim) say right after that "Well, we forgive you, too"? Because you know they couldn't let Olivia get away with saying that on camera. Or was I imagining that? What the hell with Micah? Did he take off in the middle of the night for California without his roomate sister knowing a thing? Such BS. That is the worst editing I have ever seen. Yes!! A pastor's wife is what she should be. I hate Moriah's hair. Worse yet, I hate how Kim was touching it acting like she loves it making comments about the pink strands running through her hair. Shut up, Kim!!
  5. Could LeBlur be any less enthusiastic about Whit visiting? That phone convo was painful and awkward. Oh, your coming? Ohhh ok, then. Really? I didn't think you were serious. Well, I can't wait to show you around. He talks to her like an acquaintance, not a girlfriend! Omg. Learn how to read the room, Whitney. Is Whit on some kind of anti-depressants or something? She was so happy and giddy. Thrilled for Buddy and his upcoming proposal (after whacking him in the head with the remote) when just a few episodes ago she was furious with him for moving out and leaving her. WTF has changed? After hitting Buddy with the remote, Whit is rolling around on the bed laughing and Buddy was laughing, too. Something seriously wrong is going on with these people. When she saw his forehead had a bloody gash why didn't she check it out? Nope. Continues to roll on the bed and laugh. Heather , you idiot. My prediction for ep. 1 of next season: Whit will be back from France and announce that she didn't feel the connection with LeBlur and likes him only as a friend. That way she gets to save face from the true story of being dumped again. Then we proceed with the surrogacy story line. Then I'm out.
  6. I don't know how furious Erika is. There are photo's of Erika, Lisa, Kyle and Teddi going to Dorit's home to console her. They all have such serious concerned looks on their faces. The things these women will do for photo ops and publicity.
  7. To which one of the men allegedly responded, “Kill her.” This is from the same article. Maybe you didn't read all of it.
  8. Dorit said one of the intruders told the other to "kill her"! Why? I don't believe it for a second. Plus, there are no witnesses so who knows what really happened. If anything. Two of her homes invaded within a year. What are the odds of that happening?
  9. Agree. Also interesting that this home and Kyles home were both wired with security systems by Teddi's husbands company. Allegedly.
  10. It's been made pretty clear that Myrla saves money and has no problem doing so. She's not getting herself deep in to debt so she can go shopping for the things she likes. So Gil needs to stfu about her spending. She's not doing anything wrong. I'm beginning to wonder about Rachel. Jose is no prize but she makes some weird decisions. It sucked to be locked out but why not call a girlfriend, better yet, go to your own home! Why call an ex? I don't trust her. I thought Brett handled herself well when she told Ryan she knows about the dating app. She pretty much said he can't talk his way out of it so don't even try. Good bye! Michaela is straight up batshit crazy. There is plenty of footage of you losing your shit, girl. The gig is up. Nice friend you got there, Bao. Johnny is 100% right, he does have daddy issues. I was surprised to hear him admit it. It's time to replace useless Dr. Pepper. Does she study the footage before visiting the couples or is she just there to collect the check?
  11. Here's my theory about LeBlur. Whitney has no storyline this season so they had to make one up in order to keep the show on the air. They hired some guy to talk on the phone with her. Then she decides to go to France to meet him (at the prompting of the show writers). The production team has to go with her because they need to film for the show. One of the guys on the team agreed to be seen with her as long as he doesn't have to show his face. Hence, the creation of LeBlur.
  12. What's the deal with the guys walking past Micha and giving the wtf stare when they see him hugging his friend? It's happened more than once. What am I missing?
  13. Hollywood was the only one telling RA the truth. Darla, grow some balls.
  14. Whitney and friends: Novacaine does not make you high, assholes. Way to go dumping your all important noBS app so you can run to France for a man you have never met but claim to loooove. So much for the career priority. It was infuriating to watch everybody sitting at the table listening to Whit talk about being in love and going to France and nobody speaking up saying what a stupid idea it is. Are they all afraid of her, including her parents? Oh, and because it can't be said enough, Heather STFU!! Who died and made her the leader of the pack? When is anybody going to give Whitney a reality check?
  15. Drama Queen Kenny. Why couldn't he just tell Armando he is feeling homesick and he would like to go visit his family in Florida for a while. Armando is a sweetie and I'm sure would be ok with that. But noooooo that would mean there were no tears and guilt involved.
  16. Which makes it even more ridiculous that they are having a baby conversation. Buddy, you waited till you were 41 to want kids so maybe you should say in your dating profile that you are seeking women in their 30's and that you want kids!
  17. I kept thinking the same. Also, during the time he is in Mexico his daughters and grands can come there to visit. Problem solved. Parents with adult kids do this all the time. Hell, my son lives only 300 miles away yet we only see him a couple of times a year because of his job demands and he has a life. We get it and it's no big deal. Do we wish he lived down the street from us? Yes! But it ain't gonna happen. It seldom does now a days.
  18. All the PT'ers reactions were pretty funny tonight! Even big mouth loud Veronica didn't get on my nerves. I continue to love Alexi. The guy is smart, devoted to his family and never expected a handout from anyone. He's sexy, too. Lauren did good. I think Mohommad genuinely cares about Danielle and wants her to be happy. Annie has toned down a lot and David is not so know-it-all anymore. They are likeable again. Anny and Robert are cute together. She has really come out of her shell and isn't the entitled brat she was portrayed to be on their season.
  19. Danielle's date seems like a nice guy. I couldn't care less about Brittney. She is so boring. I do love the Pillow Talk with her ex and his interpreter, though! Ed is the creepiest of the creepy. How does Liz muster the strength to kiss him? She's pretty but has zero personality. Coltee and Vanessa. Wow, took Vanessa a long time to say yes to his proposal. Nah, she didn't want to say yes. The camera made her do it. Molly and whatshisname- even if she reversed her tubes being tied (is that possible)? Why are they avoiding the elephant in the room which is that she is already 45 and is probably 95% too old to get pregnant naturally? You have to have good eggs for surrogacy if they could even afford that. It ain't happening so say your goodbyes now and move on.
  20. I just want mother Sumit to know that not all Americans are like that! Jenny is gross. And Jenny, wash your damn greasy, stringy hair!
  21. Where is the mother of his children? Was this a surrogate situation and she is not in the picture? I'm curious as to this whole family dynamic because something is really off with the way they all react to things.
  22. Evelin and Corey: I can't stand the double standard with this bitch and nobody ever mentions it. Not even Corey. Stand up for yourself, man! Oh, and they were on a break. She broke up with him during that time, right? Isn't that why he went to Peru? Ari: BS on needing another 6 weeks away. She's just not ready to go back to Ethiopia. Now she has an excuse not to because Bini is being a bad boy and not following her instructions. Sumit is over Jenny. Stop being a pussy and just tell her, already. I'm in my 60's and my house is clean. I don't need any help. Jenny is still too young for that. Maybe in 10 yrs or so but not now she seems to be in good health. She just doesn't see the need to have a clean kitchen. A lot of people are like that. Gross but true.
  23. Evelin is a master gaslighter. Nothing is ever her fault.
  24. I was cracking up at Wendy laying so nice on the sofa holding her over priced candle while having an awkward side conversation with her mother the whole time! You know the photogs wanted to tell her to stfu already and look at the camera!!
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