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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Well, everybody, welcome to the "Sander Show"! And guess what? He likes vagina's! That's right. He said it. So why all the mystery of whether or not he has a problem with bottom surgery or no bottom surgery? This is the most embarrassing storyline I have ever seen. He is as screwed up as Jazz and Jeanette. Can't he like trans women as good friends and leave it at that? Oh, right, We need a storyline. Speaking of Jeanette, why are they making a point of showing how much she likes to drink, how she sucks down the booze in one gulp and dragging grandma in to the festivities? It's pathetic. I noticed dad is hardly on the show this season. Good for him. Jazz who? '
  2. I absolutely believe he needs Meri for the show and Meri is sticking around for the paycheck. I also believe Meri is hardly ever in Flagstaff except when they are filming. Judging from her Instagram posts Meri has quite a full life that doesn't include any of them. She just posted pics of her visiting a friend in Oregon. She has the B&B in Utah, the LulaNO cruises, her best friend she does her stupid Friday with Friends video's and then filming for the show. She has the most independent life of any of them and as much as I think she's a freak I say good for her for moving on in a way that (financially) benefits her the most right now which included faking wanting a relationship with any of these jokers so she can get the TLC $$$ until the show is cancelled. Then and only then will she move on for good.
  3. Isn't Hunter the one that graduated from the Air Force Academy? I have mad respect for him. Also, I believe Robyn needs a nanny because she is a lazy mother. I remember one episode she and Kody were talking about how they could not control the youngest one (Ari)? because the kid didn't sleep, she stayed up all night and ran around the house and finally crashed in the morning. Great mothering you got going on there, Robyn.
  4. Yeah, her "I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere" spiel is pathetic. Meri, you are there for the paycheck and don't need to work too hard for it, either, since you are not really a part of the family anymore.
  5. Candace Cameron's wigs always looked cheap and terrible on her Hallmark movies. If SJP is wearing a wig, it's the best I have ever seen.
  6. Lol, listen I'm the first one to criticize bad plastic surgery and the first 2 episodes she definitely had a weird wonky smile going on like her lips were too stretched out or something but this last episode I thought she looked great.
  7. Was Che's standup routine necessary? Boring, not funny, who cares and god this reboot sucks.
  8. Yes, she does. Newly divorced, has a boyfriend 25 yrs younger and she is pushing 50. Plus her bf is a trainer so she is constantly working out. She is annoying AF and her backless, tummy baring wardrobe choices are ugly AF.
  9. I kept waiting for the bomb to be dropped that Big was the daddy of one of Natasha's boys and that's why he left her the million$$$. I guess they aren't going there.
  10. Samantha lived below the 70's. I believe she live in SoHo or the Meatpacking district. On a superficial note: Carrie's hair is gorgeous. Kristin Davis' plastic surgery has settled and she looks amazing, exactly like she did in the original. Miranda looks so frumpy. The wardrobe choices for her are a fail. Also, when did Charlotte ever have an issue with Stannie? I don't remember that at all.
  11. Or put tons of long extensions in like the rest of them.
  12. Shannon, for the love of god stop with the I Dream of Jeannie ponytails. Just dreadful. Gina is ready for her boyfriend to put a ring on it. I wonder why he's hesitating. This episode proved that Noella may be the only one with a juicy storyline. The rest of them are boring. That includes you, Madame Dubrow.
  13. 8 new episodes spent on talking about what a lying bitch Christine is. Also: Chrishelle buys a house. Christine has her baby. Amanza the single mom Heather's engaged The gorgeous new Mexican agent Davina is back and nobody cares Mary with the bad hair Emma with the amazing body there to stir shit with the unbearable Christine. Did I miss anything?
  14. Yeah, Sandy doesn't usually bother me too much but that was a low blow. So Lala now has 2 nannies and an assistant? Life is hard, Lala. Charlie has no place on this show. None. She's not even pretty which is at least on thing all the others have in common (Except Randall, lol).
  15. It can be when it's the first time living on your own. Away from the evil negativity of Amber and Trent.
  16. So now Sander is the voice for the LGBTQ community while Jazz sits back and eats? Where is her voice? What the hell has happened to her? Where is her confidence? I think she is deeply depressed because she thought her surgeries would change her life and bring ever lasting happiness and when she realized nothing has changed she just gave up. It was very telling when Jazz was walking in the kitchen and said preparing healthy food was a lot of work. Yes, it is. The key is to prep ahead of time for your weekly meals so you know what you are going to make, and actually going to the grocery store. Making fresh takes more time compared to running out to the the nearest fast food restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Does she know how to cook? I don't think when/if she goes off to Harvard things will change for her. She will be free to eat what she wants, when she wants and nobody will be there to give her a hard time about it. Also, she said she has 2 months before Harvard and she just now decides it's time to get in shape? Oh, and again, Sander sit down and STFU! Nobody wants to see you shirtless or opening your mouth to speak.
  17. I was wondering about that. He was too calm eating his Popeye's and being so supportive of her. He knows she's nuts and almost divorced her last year. Of course he was on camera so there's that. I would like to know where he stands now.
  18. I'm so sick of badass Beth. Treating everybody she comes in contact with like garbage. Except Daddy and Rip of course. It would be so much more fun if Jamie wasn't so terrified of her and actually went toe to toe with her in the same hateful way she does him. So Monica 2.0 believes in love at first sight. Will Kayce give in or will he continue to blow her off? Does anybody care?
  19. Did grandpa Kody give one single crap about his grandchild? We all know the answer to that. Could Sol be any less interested in the big, muddy hole? I had to laugh. He wasn't going along at all with Kody's plan to show everyone how he and Sol are so close. Maybe Sol is shy in front of the camera's but damn he acted like he barely wanted Kody to touch him!
  20. We saw her walking through it and complaining that it was trashed. All I could see is it needed a good paint job and upgrade the backyard landscaping. that is not the definition of trashed. STFU Tracy. He's a successful contractor. I think he was a model before that! I wonder what went wrong in their marriage. In her first season on the show they seemed to be in a happy marriage. Guess not because the very next season they were divorcing!
  21. Without photoshop and heavy makeup she has sunspots and wrinkles all over her body. Baking in the dry desert sun with no sunscreen will do that to a person. I have seen paparazzi photo's with no touch up and it's not pretty. I mean she is 75 yrs. old but she tries to project some image of ageless beauty which just isn't true.
  22. The team she has now is not what I expected from Tracy. A bunch of young, green, unpolished, unsophisticated yokels from the valley. Tracy sells very high end real estate, wears designer everything and is a bit of a snob. It doesn't mesh. Unless of course this is just her TV team.
  23. You would think old potato nose Dubrow would get his partner on Botched (Dr. Nassif) to give him a nose job. As far as what I have seen Nassif does the best nose jobs in California.
  24. Sugar mama Tracy has become intolerable since her divorce. Her boyfriend is 20 years younger and a trainer. I think I heard her say she's building a state of the art gym/studio in her home so he can train clients there. How long is this relationship going to last?
  25. The dynamic she has with Gina is weird. That season she cried and cried because Gina was mad at her and wouldn't return her calls. She's always been a little obsessed with her. Total strange vibes when she started leaving the party she kept yelling over to Gina to "C'mon, you're with me, Let's go Gina, you're with me, We're leaving!! Terry is the boob man. I'm still not understanding why a lawyer would try to convince her to sue Terry when nothing was wrong with her boobs. What a crock of shit. It looks like Nicole medicates herself heavily. She could barely keep her eyes open.
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