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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Meredith, honey. The reason you are continually invited to events with Jen being present even though you requested that you not be invited to events including Jen is because you have a contract and are required to attend. So stop pouting when you see your nemesis sitting across from the table from you. You know damn good and well she will be there.
  2. I don't think they ever really broke up. They are lying so they have some sort of storyline. He has been posting on Insta for a long time, apparently living in Miami (Darcey and Stacey are there) and Darcey likes all of his posts. I can't watch this crap anymore but do tune in to Pillow Talk and even that is annoying because all of the Pillow Talkers absolutely love Darcey, Stacey and Stacey's loser husband (forgot his name) and hate Georgi.
  3. Something that really bothered me during Kody and Gabe's "talk" is while Kody was praising Sobbyn for being the obedient and perfect wife, Gabe backed down and said that they were all jealous of the relationship between Kody and Sobbyn. That comment was skimmed over but that is really what this disconnect is all about. Kody created this monster of a family dynamic by singing Sobbyn's praises as the perfect wife while disrespecting the other wives and kids. He is doing nothing to make it right.
  4. Quarantine aside, why can't Kody see that Gabe was basically asking why he doesn't hear from his dad? He misses talking to him. If you are going to quarantine then fine, then set up an agreement with your kids that you will call or facetime with them several times per week so you can catch up with them, their lives, etc... he could take a minute out of his oh so busy day to shoot them a text and let them know you love them and miss seeing them! What is preventing Kody from doing that? It sounds to me like he is not in touch with them much at all and there is no excuse for that what so ever! I think Gabe and Ysabel are hurting the most because they are teens and still in high school and they miss their dad. The other kids are either too young and the older are out of the house with their own lives to the point where they don't need Kody as much. I also blame Robyn for Kody's disconnect with his other kids because she could be reminding him to contact his kids more often. Just say "hey, have you called Gabe lately"? or why don't you give Ysabel a call, I bet she's missing you. Or is that not allowed in the polygamy lifestyle? To remind the king that he has other kids?
  5. It's called Cupping Therapy and is a form of alternative medicine. The marks last a few days to a few weeks. You can look it up online for more pics. I don't know the exact reason for doing it but it looks gross.
  6. I am jealous that Josh and Heather have a home in LA and a home in Newport. These two have it all and they are young enough to enjoy it. They even have close knit families that all like each other. I mean, it's a fairytale, right? Josh and Bobby have a beautiful life, too. They pick up and travel to Paris or other fabulous destinations on a whim (Bobby said in an interview that Josh was spontaneous like that and liked to surprise him). It's nice to see Josh working with charities and giving back to the community. I like that he said his parents raised him to know the importance of philanthropy and he follows through with that. All in all both couples seem like they are grounded and decent people despite their life of luxury and wealth that few of us are afforded.
  7. I'm a Jon Tenney fan so it was nice to see him on my screen. His character is nice which won't work for Carrie. Remember what happened to Aiden? She only likes jerks.
  8. Let's just change the name of the show already. We know it's "The Dubrow Family Hour" Emily needs to control her drinking. She's acting like a fool. I don't know how Dr. Botox kept her cool. We get it, Shannon. You got a divorce and your kids suffered because you and your ex continually fought in front of them and involved them in all of your bullshit. Now you regret it. You handled it badly. It was years ago, I don't think any of us want to keep hearing about it. Get another storyline or get off the show.
  9. Shannon had a nose job and a chin implant when she was young so I don't know how much of her real "looks" her daughters got. They are beautiful girls, there is some of David mixed in there, too. I think the older one has ventured in to nose job territory already. Not a big deal, just facts.
  10. James is a pothead and seems to have motivation. At least the guy works.
  11. Because the camera's were there so she got a little bit of attention but still couldn't fake much enthusiam. The wedding, if it even happened was for TV. I guess we will find out next week. I like ALL of those names!
  12. Most of us know this but this is Sander we are talking about. Unprofessional Sander trying to sell 10 tie dye dresses that took all day to make and awful tiktok videos trying to be funny.
  13. I'm disliking Brock the more he is on my screen. If he thinks that cheesy proposal on their apartment balcony with the noise from the cars speeding by was going to impress Scheana then he doesn't know her at all! I also don't think she would ever approve of a quickie private wedding ceremony piggybacking off of someone else's engagement. That is not how our Scheana rolls! It's smart of Scheana to get a pre-nup. I also get abusive vibes from James. Makes me sad because for some reason I'm always rooting for this kid. I thought weed was supposed to mellow you out. Glad Raquel got away.
  14. Exactly! Jazz is a south Florida girl and I'm sure has no winter clothes. I'm not talking a light jacket and one pair of Uggs. It's freezing in Boston and summers are short there! Heavy jackets, sweaters, scarves, jeans and boots are the way to go. Of course, we don't know if she's accepted yet... So Ari is going for her PhD and the brothers both have Master's degrees. Looks like Griffen is a lawyer like his dad (or is dad an accountant)? and Sander is just plain lazy trying to make a career out of social media. Some people are very successful at that but I don't think Sander really knows what he's doing. He's got a great education, he needs to get off his ass and get a real job! Both brothers need to lay off what ever they are eating. They looked chunky in their swim trunks. Griffen more so and Sander is on his way. They have no room to get on Jazz about her weight when they are both looking out of shape. What the heck is wrong with Jeanettes face? She looks so strange this season. Almost deformed. I guess she thinks the hair extensions make her look younger but it's a fail. Poor thing doesn't know what to do to keep from looking frumpy.
  15. I agree, I don't think any of the Family Hamza are any more than average.
  16. That has to be the only reason. She allows herself to be humiliated week after week on TV for what reason? Kody wants her gone so she decides to stay. Now she's acting like she loves Kody and wants him back when he clearly does not want anything to do with her. When he heard she was coming for Thanksgiving he probably wasn't thrilled but did it for the show. It's clear on her IG that Meri has a busy life of her own which does not include Kody, Robyn or the Robynettes. Robyn doesn't care about Meri or she would have called her regularly and gone to see her with her socially distant chair in tow. It's all such BS and they are all hanging on by a thread trying to keep the show from being cancelled. They need the money big time. By the way, where was Mariah and Audrey? Also, Meri has brothers and sisters and at the time I think her mom was still alive so why didn't she go spend time with her other family like Janelle did?
  17. I'm not feeling any of these SLC men. Seth licking the boob cakes was beyond. Apparently, according to the playbacks he's had a fascination with Whitney's fake titties for quite a while and being very vocal about. Whitney's hubby should have shut him down and Meredith should have kicked him to curb a long time ago. Jumping in the pool has been done so many times. Nofuckin' body is getting me in a pool with my hair and face all done up and my designer duds on. One of the women even went in with her shoes on! Wtf. Lastly, Jen has a really bad temper. I thought she was working on controlling that. That bus scene was painful to watch. Why does she keep blaming Lisa for what Meredith does? I'm no Lisa fan but that was out of line. She's batshit crazy.
  18. Alina is not just a little person. She is a little person with an added disability. She can not stand up straight and she can hardly walk. Her legs are permanently in a squatting position and when she does walk she is on her toes. I can't imaging how uncomfortable that must be. I'm trying to picture how she would be able to have sex and I don't get it.... That said, Kah-lub knew all of this going in. He has known it for 13 yrs. There is no excuse for him to be acting all dumbfounded over her needs and physical limitations. He's had 13 years to think about it. I think the only reason he decided to meet her in person is because the show contacted him about doing it and he probably thought, Hey, why not? I get a free trip to Turkey and some TV notoriety! I don't know how TLC finds these people but someone applied for the gig. I mean, c'mon 13 years?
  19. Wowza, as a female myself I hate to talk bad about my tribe but all of these women are bitches! I FF through Ella so I don't have an opinion of her yet. Memphis- Why does she keep talking to Hamza in full on English sentences? He doesn't understand what you are saying, boo. Use the translater app for god's sake. He's never going to be good in bed because men in that part of the world don't look at sex that way. You are there to sexually please him, and he will never go downtown on you if that's what you are looking for. It's always going to be wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. Don't ask me how I know this. Jasmine- entitled because she's hot. Get over yourself, honey. According to Gino he paid for all of your hotness by continually sending you money so now that he is unemployed his well has run dry. Didn't he say he paid for her lips, teeth, boobs, etc? Also, Gino could have settled on a couple of shirts and pants instead of the full $500. What did he think he was walking in to when they went in to the clothing store? Alina- she has a very snotty side to her personality which rears it's ugly head when she's with her friends. Then when she's alone with Cah-lub she acts all sweet and hurt because he won't immediately have "sexy time" with her. X- liar and a poser. She's not attractive, either. So her ex is a hitman? She is trash.
  20. She should not pull her hair back so severely any more. The plastic surgeon was right. Carrie has old lady hollow face. Thin people age like that. If you are overweight you get saggy face/jowls. I fall in to the latter category. I give kudo's to SJP for doing that scene because she knows her face is aging that way as opposed to most egotistical actors that would refuse to have any spotlight put on their aging faces. Miranda masturbating with her son standing outside her door was disgusting. I know the writers (and Cynthia Nixon) probably thought that would be comedy gold but it was gross. Since when is Anthony buddies with Carrie? He was always Charlotte's go to gay bff and Stannie was Carrie's. Is Charlotte jealous? This reboot had her jealous of Stannie and Carries friendship so why not be jealous of Anthony and Carrie?
  21. Omg, this show can not go on another season, can it? You know it's bad when Shannon is featured with her 92 year old dad, then we get to see her going to Nashville next week with the kids to visit her mom. WTF is happening? Who gives a shit? Shannon and her mom agreed that her mom has been living in Nashville for 10 years and Shan has only visited twice. She's not close with her parents so why subject us to these scenes? It looks like nobody wants to film with her so production has to find something to do with her. Archie doesn't even want to play with her. Then I guess we're going to be subjected to Heather having a party because her daughter wrote a book. I just can't. This entire cast is so disconnected from each other. Except Heather and Gina of course because as Heather said they just liked each other immediately. Suuuurrrreeee, Jan.
  22. Jazz knows how to buy healthy food. Before her bottom surgery the Dr's told her she had to lose 30 lbs and she did it. This is not her first rodeo trying to lose weight so this whole thing about not knowing what to buy at the grocery store or what to cook is BS. Unless of course Jeanette did all the buying/cooking for her before.
  23. Jeanette complaining this episode about how draining Jazz is, how she can't do anything for herself, how she always has to intervene to wake Jazz up, sort out her meds, etc...YET she will not give up control. To the point of getting an AirBNB because she's concerned Jazz will fail at living on her own. I think Jeanette needs serious therapy herself, she enjoys playing the martyr. Never mind the hair extensions and plastic surgery, she should concentrate on what's really going on within herself. She can't see it or is afraid to admit she (and Gregg) created the Jazz we are seeing now.
  24. I think some of the medication has to do with her transitioning from male to female and the surgeries. Hormones, etc.... she will have to take those meds for the rest of her life. Just like she is going to have to dilate every day for the rest of her life. As for some of the other drugs she is on anti-depressants and anxiety meds, too, right? If she is on blood pressure medication as mentioned upthread then that is the saddest thing ever. Nobody at that age should have high pressure! . What a sad mess she is.
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