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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Craig also receives at least $250,000 per season (probably more by now) for being a cast member on Southern Charm. He's doing just fine. Austin's money is also coming from Southern Charm, he doesn't have much more going for him. I don't know how successful his beer is just yet. I hate to admit those influencers make a lot of money. How sick is that. Kyle, Amanda and Lindsey seem to own successful companies. The rest of them, eh, they are still in the just getting by stages.
  2. He is a bit much and not as funny as he thinks. I would be surprised if they are asked to come back next season. I used to love Whitney and her confessionals but now she is just a pain in the ass.
  3. So wait. They made a big deal about the show ending, had a reunion with Andy Cohen and all the talk about how it was time to call it quits after 20 wonderful seasons blah, blah, blah, only to find out all they did was move over to HULU? WTF?
  4. It means you give up the alcohol addiction but still smoke pot. I don't think other drugs are involved. Or I should say they aren't supposed to be involved.
  5. I wondered that, too. She had a little bit of a belly which is unusual for her, she is so stick thin. Even after having the baby she slimmed down quickly. Time will tell.
  6. Wow, an all time low for BRAVO? I didn't think anything could get tackier than Summer House but here we are. All the oral sex talk at the table was disgusting. What 30 something people talk like that? We get it, Italian man. You like to lick p@#$y. Ohhhh, you're so hot. And most of the girls would rather give up sucking dick than give up cheese. OOOOKKKK. Again, great table talk. The only enjoyable part was watching the guys skiing. Some of them are really good.
  7. This is what I like about Flagg. He's a straight shooter. He tell them what the house is worth and if they don't like it they can find another realtor.
  8. Ugh! Can't stand Kim but at least she taught her kids to play instruments. Or did someone else? Anyway, good for the kids on that! Cringiest moment: Olivia sheepishly saying to Ethan "Do you wanna get a room"? Lmao as if they first met!
  9. I don't remember Bobby ever saying he wants "lots" of kids. He knows pregnancy is very risky for Danielle and seems to be happy with the two kids. He really wanted a boy and got a boy this last time. Jepthe is the one that wants 4 or more kids and Shawniece is not on board with that. For now.
  10. When the Altman brothers started out Mauricio was working for Hilton & Hyland (His brother-in-law Rick Hilton's company). Mauricio did not have his own firm. Years later he decided to branch off and start his own firm which started a fight between him and Hilton. Anyway, I don't think the Altman's ever worked for Mauricio. The british guys now work at Mauricio's firm, "The Agency", and the Altman bros hang their license with Douglas Elliman, same as Fredrik.
  11. I love her, too. I hate phonies, ass kissers, bullshitters or people that crave attention. She is none of those things. She is my people. Stone face, speechless Ryan. Always so concerned of what he says on camera so he says nothing. Bao lectures a lot. Michaela is crazy but why does Zach keep coming back for more? Johnny. Fuck off. ***Bao holding that shot gun that is almost as big as she is, turning around with it loaded and the gun accidentally going off. That is scary and that is dangerous. That is how innocent people get killed. Stupid fucking people.
  12. Omg, I was yelling at the TV! She should never have to tell him that! Why would he need to know? Her stupid ex said something hurtful and mean to her and she can't freaking get over it. Something seriously wrong with Dinyell. She has the emotional growth of a 5 year old with all the giggling, crying, waving her hands around. Is she really in nursing school? Maybe she's learning how to clean bedpans but that's all I can see her doing. Surely she's not in an RN or LPN program, right?
  13. Was the only bathroom in the Yonkers house upstairs? What the? Why didn't they at least figure a downstairs powder room in their budget? having to run upstairs every time you or your guests need to use the bathroom is ridiculous. Maybe there was a downstairs powder room and it wasn't shown. The son's playroom being upstairs didn't make sense to me, either. Also, I have never seen a master bathroom with the mirror hanging on chains suspended from the ceiling and blocking the window! I guess there is only so much you can do with $80,000. For me, the thing with N & J is that I absolutely love their design when they are doing their own spaces, their personal homes are stunning but the makeovers for other people I have never cared for. Same with their other show.
  14. So Chase was hated by all of Whits loyal friends but they are ok with LeBlur. Making excuses for him, telling Whit he seems like a good guy, he tried so hard to see her. Why? I agree about Todd. I miss his shady snark. Something's wrong there. I guess Hunter is taking over that role. Production must have told Todd to shut up and Buddy to get lost (at the request of Whitney). How is Babs able to go on this trip, go hiking, go on a boat that is jerking around constantly in the wind, getting on a plane, then a car ride to the hotel? I thought she was doing badly health wise. Falling down, back pain, etc etc. That was a quick recovery. Interesting how Ashley recovered so quickly from Whitney firing her. Back to being straight up the ass besties!
  15. Hmmmm, so Victor wanted his live in girlfriend to buy him a motorcycle. He denies it (not very believably) but we know it's true. He's a user and I can't stand the guy.
  16. I'm disgusted with Heather and Ashley. Heather all of a sudden being the big, bad protective mama and Ashley hugging and patting Whit while brushing her hair off her face. Oh, he tried to get here, that's what matters...talking to her like she's her daughter not a grown ass almost 40 yr old woman. I wish she would just stfu. I would have liked to see try to get up off the road. Surely she needed assistance to roll herself up in to a standing position. She is the weirdest of the weird. She sure cut Buddy out. Or maybe he wanted it that way. Regardless, he's gone and life goes on for Whitney and her ass kissers. Last but not least, Whit in her confessional saying she just wants to touch Blur, just be with him, just hold him. That was some serious acting right there! Blech!!! This woman child needs serious help. She's regressing and it's not fun to see.
  17. Sounds like your work friend adapted to American culture the same way Jenny should adapt to the culture of India.
  18. Apparently this is Indian culture. It's not uncommon for the monster-in-law to live with the couple while teaching the new wife how to run the household. Jenny's friend said hers lived with her for 4 months and Sumit said it was common. If it was the USA for sure she should be kicked out of the house or told to stfu but Jenny is in another country, this is their culture and the man is not expected to help out with the housekeeping. Jenny knows this, she's been living in India long enough, she shouldn't be surprised by it at all. If she doesn't like it she should buy herself a plane ticket home. Speaking of home, why is she still in India? I thought there was this frantic deadline to leave the country because the visa restrictions were back in effect?
  19. Production is getting bolder and bolder with all the franchise's and I am here for all of their shady AF shadyness! They are our people!
  20. Well, Whitney can lose me with that. She was cheating on her husband with this one who was her boss while he was cheating on his wife. They were both married and weren't they kicked out of the church? I don't think she has much regard or respect for her ancestors.
  21. The way he was looking at her with horror in his eye's, then looking at his dad with that begging to save him look was everything! Too late to be playing involved mom, Jen. You son ain't buying it! Whitney loses her shit at the restaurant then they are toasting a minute later like everything is fine. I can't with these phonies. Was Heather serious with that birds and bee's talk? Stop, girl. I feel sorry for new Jenny. I always considered 3 kids to be a big family. How many does this selfish prick of a husband want? The story of their stillborn baby was so sad. I don't think Mary would care if he did.
  22. Especially if you already have raised 4 kids, which Kenny has. He will be at least 60 by the time they find a surrogate, and go through pregnancy, not to mention the outrageous cost. Armando has a child, it's not like he's being forced to live without knowing the joy of having a child. Saying he wants another because it will have Kenny's "blood" is ridiculous when you have a partner that is old. I don't understand why this is not a #1 topic with some couples as soon as you decide your relationship is serious and exclusive. I also don't understand why these two have to rush for everything. Is it just drama for TV or are they both selfish in their own way? Jenny's kitchen is disgusting. I would never eat at her house. Didn't they say she was sweeping up flies and bugs under the counter? Jenny's friend is exactly the type Sumit's parents wish he had. Never gonna happen, parents. You son is a loser. Poor sad, sorry Ellie. Go back to your pizza place before this guy drains you dry. Alina, he won't change. Listen to your mama. Go back to Russia and enjoy your coffee and wine.
  23. C'mon, Frank. You're in your golden years and have nothing to prove to anyone. Take the cushy NFL job for the big bucks and enjoy your life. Find a lady friend to have fun with, too!
  24. Yeah, that was irritating. All the siblings and Danny's own kids think he's someone to admire. Ok, show. Didn't Jamie also graduate Harvard Law School? Danny was a Marine and really cool in high school so I guess that trumps all.
  25. It was poorly edited. They need to do better and that's no fault of N & J.
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