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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. She put out that cocktail book with Sandoval. Did it make the best seller list? lol
  2. Yes she did and she's insane with the emotional development of a 6 year old.
  3. I can't help but love these guys. They have a dream life. Perfect kids, perfect city home, perfect studio/office, perfect successful business, perfect relationship, perfect home in the Hamptons. Plus they are good looking and apparently have endless amounts of money. Goals.
  4. He's going to blow a fantastic career opportunity. Great observation! I was surprised Ethan said regardless of what happens with Olivia he is still going to move out of town. Wha? That was a complete turn a round. Moriah's outfits were horrible. I can't believe Kim sat there acting like she approves of those awful clothes. Has she really changed that much?
  5. Clearly Katie and Lala hate being on the show, they are doing it for the money. They look out of place because their buddies Stassi, Beau, Jax and Brit are not there with them. I will say that Lala looks freakin fantastic for just having a baby. Scheana not so much. That pink dress did her no favors. Strange how some bodies after pregnancy bounce right back and some take more time. Sandoval thinks it's his show now. Sandoval's comment about Katie sitting on the couch during the pandemic and playing with Lego's was funny. Schwartz didn't disagree. So we find out Katie and Schwartz once again aren't having sex. They are not trying for a baby. I can't figure out what's going on with them. No big deal if they don't want a kid but at this point I think they are basically best friends/room mates. How random that fight between James and Max. James still has that mean streak, sober or not.
  6. Yep. I also think something is going to happen to that woman Vi is helping and then Vi and Hollywood will adopt the kid. RA stop being so stupid. Now Charley is worried about how Davis is handling his new life. Please put that romance out of it's misery. I can also see where Nova and her next door neighbor pot smokin buddy are going to get in to a relationship. It's a shame when a series starts off so promising only to take a deep dive so soon.
  7. Ok, so: 1. Whit is a college grad, she knows how to take exam's. All that anxiety is pure BS. 2. Sure way to a man's heart that you have never even met face to face yet is to tell him all about your quest for a baby, and your egg retrieval. That'll get him hot for you! 3. Loved Chase laughing at Whit's ridiculous explanation of her new Le Blur. You wouldn't move to Wilmington but you want to date someone from Paris. Okayyyyy. 4. Buddy driving Whit to the Dr office when he lives out of town. Nobody in town could drive her. Not even her brother. 5. I guess that top knot half bun on the top of her head is the new style.
  8. I was a young adult of the 70's. These women looked nothing like the 70's. They were all so completely random. Where were the high waisted pants, the bell bottoms, the platform shoes with the chunky heels, the big hair perms? (or wigs in this case) ? How hard is it to google 70's style? All they did was wear shiny dresses. I never had any opinions of Lisa one way or the other until now. What a vindictive bitch. Watching the fake crying and stomping around was too much. Lisa, you busted, girl! I still don't get why she hates Whitney so much. Her friend was also lying a little, though, when she said the text msg said Lisa told them to cancel. She showed the text to Whitney at lunch and Whitney said it must have been Lisa behind the party planners cancellation, Lisa was not mentioned in the text msg. Shady, shady, people!
  9. This is exactly what Florian figured out rather quickly. I don't think he can stand Stacey but he knows if he agrees with everything, avoids fights (when possible) and tell her she's "snatched" every five minutes then he has it made until he's ready to move on. Georgi couldn't get with the program, he was to feisty, too opinionated and too impatient to put up with Darcey's crap for the long game that Florian is playing so effortlessly.
  10. I thought he had a really nice sports car and totaled it. I do remember seeing the car but I could be wrong about him wrecking it.
  11. Do they own that home? I was under the impression they rented because Olivia acts like all they have to do pack and go.
  12. Charlie's sappy love message to Davis was too much. Who talks like that in real life? I dislike this relationship as much as I disliked Nova and Calvin's. Now, Prosper and the nurse-I'm here for it! You would think RA would be mighty upset with Nova again. It's because of her his land is being torn apart. I wanted to see him tear in to her but it looks like she's getting a pass again.
  13. Right???? Must be loading up on carbs. Lots of mac n' cheese, potatoes, biscuits and chips!
  14. They all are lost and unsure of where they want to go in life thanks to Ma and Pa Plath. The fact that got his license revoked or suspended or what ever is a red flag. At the ripe old age of 20 and not able to drive anymore. How may accidents did he have before that? I wish Micah would keep pursuing his modeling career while he is still young enough. His modeling photo's are outstanding, he could go far but he said last night that he's losing interest. The life span of a modeling career is not very long, he should go have a blast doing it for the next 5 yrs or so, get to see the world and save some money while he is doing it, then focus on a different career after that. Micah, are you listening? lol!
  15. Tal has a boyfriend and a life of his own so I think that was a fake storyline for the show. She didn't quit her real job. Again, fake storyline for the show and the fakeness was poorly executed. You could see the holes all over that mess. She was so rude and dismissive to him. I'm no Buddy fan but damn she couldn't hide her comtempt. How dare he be happy without her?? How dare he fall in love with a normal girl and leave Whitney after signing the pizza box contract?
  16. I see no difference at all between the twins emotionally. Stacey had her own little full on meltdown when she saw that whole video of Florian being a bad boy with that other chick. He's behaving now so she looks sane. Soon as he steps out of line again we will see Darcey 2.0 again. As far as looks, I don't see what some others see. I can not tell them apart. One is not a single bit more attractive than the other. I don't think Darcey considers Stacey the better looking twin. I do think she's a bit jealous of the fact that Stacey has been holding on to one loser for 6 yrs. while she can't keep one for 6 months. Maybe the wife's family paid for the wedding. Isn't that the custom?
  17. Lol, perfect description of Georgi. I can't help it, I still like the guy. Oh, and yeah, Octavia, you were fucking divorced! If I were Georgi I would have made enough copies to shove in ALL of their faces. Which, by the way, he never received a single apology for that lie.
  18. It's quite possible Armando doesn't know how to drive. Many Mexicans take busses or walk, they can not afford cars. My son's 27 year old Mexican girlfriend is just now taking driving lessons, now that they are living in the US she knows it's necessary. She and all of her friends took busses everywhere when she still lived in Mexico.
  19. Can you imagine them in their 60's? Omg. I know they are adults but I wish their parents would intervene and tell them they are going too far with everything. The young foreigners, the surgeries, etc. I wonder what their ex husbands think of all this. And for the record, I do think daddy is still bankrolling them. Georgie said it in one of their arguments and I believe it. I also think they are still hurt by their teenage years when they were made fun of , called trolls, and had no friends because they were considered ugly and weird. They will never get over that unless they seek therapy.
  20. Jenny will probably be dead before his parents. Isn't she older?
  21. True to all this and I believe they said the Nanny was paid $200 a month but......would it be any different if Ari was back in the US where it is very expensive to have a live in nanny and only the wealthy people here can afford it? I think her parents would continue to pay for a nanny no matter the cost because Ari is a spoiled, entitled brat and would cry her eyes out at the thought of having to care for the baby all by herself because let's face it she doesn't even hold her own child.
  22. He doesn't care to learn because Armando makes it easy for him because he speaks perfect English and now Armando's daughter does, too. Kids pick up language so easily. Not the case for Kenny.
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