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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. What the hell did I just watch? Shark. Jumped. Tamra and Borewind= match made in heaven. Shannon should start becoming jealous right about now.
  2. Definitely! She practically came right out and said he doesn't do oral sex. Maybe the thought of doing jiggy jiggy with old, fat frumpy Laura repulsed him and he couldn't wait to get it over with. He was only doing it for the money! Ever think of that, Laura? If he doesn't show up you know she will blame it all on his parents and wife not letting him out of their sight. Nothing is ever Somemeat's fault. Nothing.
  3. More like 62 but she's from Canada so I don't know how it works there.
  4. Evelin is an evil, horrible wicked beyotch. Corey the doormat has put on some pounds but I think it looks good on him. Laura is out of money and now Aladin wants a divorce. Surprise, surprise. Deavon looked really pretty with the lighter hair and makeup. Sounds like Jihoon is still a slacker loser. We will find out more about that in part 2 I suppose. Strange that Karinne could not take the time to be on camera. I want to slap the smug off Tiffany's face. She has a high and mighty answer for everything. Then we have Jenny. Poor, dumb delusional Jenny. Still pining away for Somemeat. I still think he may show up next week if he can get away from the horrible clutches of his younger, more beautiful wife.
  5. I figure it's the end of the season and SalsaTom has decided he wants another go at it so he secured his spot for next season by pretending to actually stand being in the same room as Darcey. Not only does Tim have no shoulders, I noticed last night he has very tiny hands, almost freakishly so. If Jennifer would just start stroking his dick while she is in bed with him it might solve any mystery as to what's going on down there. At least it would tell her if he has a normal sized dick, a tiny little knob or maybe a vagina instead. Get down there and do some investigating, girl! Father Akini is a straight up asshole. Her sisters are weird as hell, too. I don't care what culture dictates there is no reason to make someone feel so awkward and uncomfortable in your home. How ungracious can you be? Why did Akini go to the store with Ben and order up all those supplies and food, did she not know that is what you bring to a family in mourning? Apparently she doesn't understand the traditions of her own culture. Reebikka is looking older by the episode. Time and lack of filters have not been kind to her. I'm not sure she should have even told Zied she was still married. If they both signed the papers it shouldn't be much longer before the divorce is final. But, of course, drama is necessary in order to keep this trainwreck rolling along. I don't care for the way Mykull handled his friends. Why did Big Ange deserve an apology? Because Mykull has a life with his friends when she is back in Georgia? Please, stop.
  6. I would be rooting for them except for the fact that Jihoon is a lazy slacker and Deavon left everything and moved to Korea with nothing. Constantly whining about this great job she left for Jihoon but yet brings no money with her so they can find a place of their own. They both have a lot of growing up to do.
  7. Same here, everything else just meh and the slapping scene was not funny to me. Christy acts like a 20 yr old not 45 or is she 40? Either way, it's starting to grate. I think the best thing about this show is when all the girls are together. They bring out the best when they are playing off each other.
  8. I don't think D'Andra is a nice person at all. She comes off as selfish and cold. I guess with a mother like Dee what can you expect. I mean what mother deliberately sets her own daughter up for failure? I can't even imagine.
  9. Are the "kids" supposed to be 15? The kid that plays Kevin seems younger than Randall. His voice hasn't dropped yet and he still looks younger and smaller than Randall and Kate. Unpopular opinion but I don't think it's very good casting.
  10. She already has. She said on WWHL the other night that she has a boyfriend and is very happy. People move on quickly.
  11. At $110 for a pkg. of 9 meals I higly doubt it's going to stay around for long. Yikes that's roughly $12 per frozen meal plus tax and shipping and the reviews say the meals are small. That is nuts! Maybe her rich buddies in Newport Beach will pay that but not the average home shopping buyer.
  12. Don't forget "It's his culture". That along with the snotty saliva filled tear wiping crying was indeed vomit inducing. Edited to add: Jenny really lives in a fairy tale world. She said the six months in India were the best of her life, Somemeat made her happy. Ummmm...... all they did was fight about his disappearing acts for weeks at a time, her worrying about him not having a job and the fact that he would not tell his parents that she was in India. But, ok, happiest six mos of her life!!!
  13. Then why get involved with him at all if she's so happy where she is? Lil' Akinyi is confusing me. In a culture where being single at 26 is unusual, I think there is so much more to her than we are seeing. Maybe her parents should reduce the bride price and give Ben a deal.
  14. Avery said it herself. Mr. Personality seemed more interested in the green card than her leaving. Listen to yourself Avery. You are 100% correct.
  15. How do they get away with that? This was a total shitshow. What is up with Dr. Jackie and her relentless shilling of her silly book? I thought she was the only one in this bunch with an ounce of class. Wrong I was. I won't be watching this trainwreck anymore.
  16. I though Wendy has written books before? If I'm not mistaken she has several. Everything out of her mouth is BS. I wonder if any of her new friends take her seriously.
  17. It looks like the writers found a sweet spot for Tammy. She is no longer the loudmouth overbearing nutjob but instead now fits in with the girls perfectly yet is still funny and lovable.
  18. Welcome back MOM! I missed you so and you did not disappoint!
  19. That was the worst episode ever. Ryan's over the top open houses with costumes have got to stop. NYC realtors don't do that! Also, I love the way they open the door for the open houses and there are hoards of realtors standing outside the door waiting to get inside. That's not how it works. The new guy has a lot to learn, he lacks self confidence or is very bad in front of the camera. Either way, he doesn't have that IT factor. Steve, please take a shower and get a decent hair cut. I get that he's all urban and hip but damn he looks sloppy, dirty and tired. Did Ryan say he bought that 11 million townhouse in Brooklyn to renovate then sell or rent? I thought they were going to move in. They are going to be spending a ton of $$$ to renovate and not live in it. I just don't get how that's a wise investment.
  20. Sandy is the worst type of boss to have. They thrive on ass kissing. If you don't kiss ass, you don't matter. I worked for bosses like that (a mother/daughter team) for 9 years until I could no longer hide my disgust. One of the worst, laziest, back stabbing co-workers at my office always got what ever she wanted because of that ass being kissed. It's an awful atmosphere to be in. I only lasted that long because the money was good. Is Joao really ready to be a captain? We saw him dock the yacht once. Don't you have to be a co-captain first for a while ?
  21. Oh, yes, miserable! Home with a baby daughter and child support for the next 18 yrs. Never having to get up, get out and get a real job because Wendy's money will take care of her. Just miserable! Hahaha! Did her co-hosts start clapping wildly when she said that? I bet they did and bet Wendy had that stupid smirk on her face, too. Wendy is the one miserable and will say anything to try and make herself feel better about her own life.
  22. Agree. LeeAnne has deep, deep issues. I hope in her private life she taking steps to take therapy seriously. She's 50, she's just too old to be acting out like this, especially when she should be concentrating on the joy of her upcoming marriage. It's disturbing and not fun to watch. What a mess.
  23. Then she should most definitely get off this show.
  24. I don't like Shannon but......I wonder why she continues with this show. She has gobs of money and a new (very good looking) man that she's crazy about and he seems to be crazy about her. You would think she had enough to keep her busy but instead prefers to embarrass herself or have others embarrass her (Tamra) on national TV. She should get out of this mess like Heather did while she still has a modicum of self respect. Maybe there is just never enough money or attention to satisfy some people......
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