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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I felt like the entire episode was staged. Except Juicy Joe losing his shit on Teresa. That was for real. What a horrible, horrible little man. "The talk" with Jennifer, her daughter and grandma. C'mon now. The kid just happens to be sitting in the kitchen alone when Jen and grandma walk in? And then out of nowhere starts talking about the gay uncle? On camera for the world to see? Staged. The fight in the store with Marge and Danielle was so staged. Like the store owner is gonna stand there with his mouth hanging open and let them trash his store like that. Joe and Melissa, we know you're not having another kid so stop with your staged conversations with your kids about it. Teresa pretending to actually like Danielle. Staged. She's doing it because the suits at Bravo are telling her that is her role for the season. She needs the paycheck. Who else is gonna pay for Joe's apartment in Italy? Oh, and Jackie saying her husband has never gone downtown on her because she doesn't like it and the other women with their shocked looks on their faces. So funny and NOT staged! Best little scene of the night!
  2. Agree and also couldn't believe Andy didn't tell them to put the freakin' flask away! He was clearly annoyed but let them continue.
  3. Rick Leventhal doesn't have a great track record with women. This marriage won't last. Or engagement. Which ever ends first. I thought that was crazy to say. So Eddie can stick his weiner in other women, or letting them suck him off (I'm presuming that's what happens with threesomes, lol), but seeing the weenier is weird. Tamra was off her game this reunion. No screaming, no smartass comebacks, she just seemed tired to me.
  4. Don't feel too sorry for tax payin' egg totin' Angela. Wasn't too long ago after the first visit to Nigeria was filmed she was caught cheating on Mikul, getting shitfaced drunk with a married man in some dive bar. Apparently Ange was having an affair with this redneck. They got in the car and were stopped by the cops. I can't remember if one or both of them were arrested. I read this on DailyMail and there were pics to go along with the story. A saint she ain't.
  5. I don't think Kelly's ex told her anything about Shannon's procedure. I think Kelly and Shannon were probably still friends when Shannon decided to have Kelly's ex do the procedure and told Kelly all about it. Tamra must have taken a boatload of Xanax before the taping because she is too calm. Practically smiling and laughing at everything. Letting Shan, Vick and Kel do all the yelling and screaming. All she is saying multiple times is Who, me? I didn't say that. Or , so what, I said that. Then they roll tape to she what Tamra said all season long about Shannon and Kelly and she still didn't give a shit.
  6. Hell with all that, Wendy is very wealthy, and this is a successful show (well, used to be,lol) what she should be doing is giving out fat Christmas Bonuses, especially after what her staff has had to endure this past year. I know she has a large staff so give the big bonuses to the key people and smaller ones to the rest. No shopping needed for that. Just write out the checks or have your accountant write out the checks. Cheap ass bitch!
  7. Maybe pretty, but natural, no. She has had a nose job, chin implant years ago and then a couple sets of veneers. She's no stranger to having things "done". Since the show she had facelift, botox, fillers and what ever new fangled California crazy thing to keep yourself young. Oh, yeah, that vagina tightening procedure, too! At least she admits to it all which I do admire her for.
  8. When you go from very dark hair to blonde you have to do regular deep conditioning treatments if you don't want your hair to dry out and look a damaged mess. I hope she's doing that. I wonder what made her want to go so light. Maybe Jer prefers blondes. Are we going to see the birth of every single baby? Please, no. Why are these girls agreeing to do this? I can see doing a home video and keeping it for yourself but why in the heck would they want the world to see this?
  9. Ok, LeeAnn, so you sat on Julio Inglesia's lap. That means you can't possibly be racist. As Andy Cohen pointed out, Julio happens to be from Spain, not Mexico. Get your countries straight, dumbass.
  10. Goes to show the SOB hasn't changed at all. He can't accept responsibility for one. single. thing. I bet Tre is done with him and just putting on a fake show for TV and her daughters. I also bet Joe will find himself a hot Italian sweetie as soon as he can. The man is shit. Not that Tre isn't much better but she gets credit for keeping a roof over the kids heads, food on the table and taking care of her dad. Oh, yeah, and putting in a new $50,000 pool in the back yard. Just what you need in Jersey when you can't even use it 9 mos out of the year.
  11. Oh, yes she is. As she sits in her mansion in Mexico spending that liar and manipulators money. On camera.
  12. Sure, there are men like that. I just don't think Eduardo is one of them. She spends his money freely and goes where ever she wants when ever she wants. If she agreed to marry him without a nice iron clad pre-nup than that's on her. 10 yrs. later it's now a problem because she's getting older and maybe afraid he can kick her to the curb for a younger version. Better get that jewelry line together soon, Kary! Maybe she should have thought about what she was getting in to before she married him. I guess the $$$ signs were too enticing for her at the time. Like I said, marrying in to wealth can be complicated. How do you know that? Brian has shown himself to be a jerk in past season's so I would not be so sure they are in a "regular financial marriage".
  13. Regarding Boof I thought Wendy was dating up a storm, having the time of her life and had that Dr. boyfriend, too. Where are all of her men if she has so much time for Boof? I think Wendy sits home alone many nights and uses Boof for entertainment.
  14. I'm thinking Eduardo is generous, I don't see him as controlling at all. Maybe he is just sick of her bullshit always whining about the money. Kari was broke with 4 kids when she married him. She is living the good life now and complaining about it because her name is not on the house and she has no bank account of her own? Whose fault is that? Marrying in to wealth can be complicated. I believe it when Eduardo said the house is in a trust and Eduardo said they can buy another house together if she wants. Then she has the nerve to say on camera she doesn't know if the marriage is going to last? She is a total bitch! p.s. Eduardo is a nice looking man with class. He could do better.
  15. Tamra had no storyline, either. Yet, she's still there holding that orange.... On to the superficial: The camera people are really zooming in on the closeups. Gina still doesn't have it right with the extensions and hair color. Bless her heart. Tamra looks old and hard close up Shannon has too much makeup, too much fake hair, too much tan. Vicki's dress was the worst. Kelly got new teeth Emily gets a pass because she just had hip surgery and as she stated didn't get herself a spray tan Brauny actually looked the prettiest of all of them.
  16. If that's any indication of what the single men availability is in the OC then Shannon better hang on to this newest guy for dear life. He actually looks nice and appears to have himself together. But.......we haven't heard him talk yet......hopefully he will be on the show next season so we can give him equal snark time.
  17. Is it wrong to be filled wit Glee when Tamrat mentions (or screams) that she has spent 300K so far on this lawsuit? I hope it breaks her. No wonder she's working so hard to stay on the show.
  18. Why is Steve marrying Vicki? He doesn't seem to be the least bit interested in her and never has a nice thing to say to her. I bet there wasn't even a proposal. Vicki probably talked him in to it and then bought the ring herself. There is not one ounce of romance or connection between those two. Also, Vicki's brother Billy is an asshole. Even if you don't think the marriage is going to work, buck up and be pleasant at your sister's party. Eddie telling Tamra not to drink so much. Priceless.
  19. While she's at it she should also replace her husband. Emily, please don't damage your children by continuing to live in that toxic household. Leave the relationship, then get yourself some serious therapy. She said herself she has anger issues, Shane pushes her buttons and she's always exploding. It must be a real joy to live with those two.
  20. She is exhausting. Don't talk to me like that! Don't look at me like that! Don't yell at me like that! Don't ignore me like that! Ashton is right about one thing, you have to walk on eggshells with Rhylee.
  21. They were all hysterical imitating each other! And all spot on, too. That's the thing with these Kardashians- just when you think they couldn't be any more boring dead in the eyes narcissistic zombies they go and say/do something so funny. Kendall with the lipstick, lmao. She was even cracking herself up. I would like to have seen what monotone no personality Kylie would have come up with.
  22. Why did they keep mentioning Michelle O? That was weird.
  23. Those are some meaty women! Not afraid to show up on camera in bathing suits, either. Gotta give them kudo's for that! Buff, omg tone it down a little. Nobody screeches like that every time they answer the door. What was she saying about her house being "too big" to host the spa day? Bish, shut up.
  24. Dennis in the car to Porsha after intense Therapy session: You look good. Can I come over? What a complete and utter asshole he is. Is Nene being paid for this season?
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