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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Exactly! Zach should have been matched with a younger gym bunny and Mindy should have been matched with an older man that actually knows what he wants and is really, really ready to get married. Mindy is taking this very seriously and I don't blame her for that. Still, I think she has alot of insecurity issues. So far I'm only liking Derek and the pretty one that married Brandon (can't even remember her name)! Meka and Michael will bail soon, then we will be back to 4 couples as it should have been all along because damn those marriage's and receptions spanned over 3 episodes, 2 hrs. each and I was bored to death, fast forwarding through most of that.
  2. What is going on with Scheana's awful raspy voice? She was on WWHL last night and Andy was replaying a funny montage of her craziness over the years and her voice was nothing like it is now. She was also really cute back then with light brown hair instead of the witchy black mess wears now.
  3. I agree. It was awful! It was long, a bit too wide and did point down. Nassif is usually conservative with his nose jobs anyway and I appreciate that about him but with this one maybe he did not have much to work with because her nose was so botched to begin with. After all, he had to take cartilage from her rib to build up her nose! I don't think Meghan is going to be happy with it, I also don't think another doctor could do any better. I hope she leaves it alone.
  4. I used to enjoy Stassi's podcasts. Now it's all about Stassi. She doesn't have many guests on anymore because then she would have to actually work and ask them questions about themselves. She only has friends on that will kiss her ass, tell her how great she's doing and how they just loooooove her and how gorgeous she is. Even more recently she has Beau on all the time. Just Stassi and Beau. He doesn't come off as interesting, smart or funny. She is determined to drag him with her every where she goes and with everything she does. VPR, podcasts, her tour. He's right up in there with her, enjoying his newfound easy fame. I wonder if he's still working as a casting assistant. The latest podcast with the house buying discussion was very telling. Yes, the house is only in Stassi's name. She made a point of saying multiple times "it's my motherfucking house". Oh, this does not bode well. Especially since Beau kept trying to justify his existence by saying he will pay the utliities, and "fix" things in the house. Yes, Beau, you are a grown up. A grown up assistant to Stassi. It's only gonna get worse. He spends his free time when he's not following Stassi around all over the country on Pinterest looking for decorating ideas and shopping at Home Depot for remodeling ideas. He says they don't need a decorator because he has good taste. It better be Stassi's taste. She says she doesn't have time for this so basically he can do it all. I don't know about these two.
  5. Ok, I see where this is going with this pretend romance. Whit and Chase are madly in love but hardly know each other yet. The cracks start to show, reality sets in and Whit sees the true Chase. Chase becomes too jealous and controlling and then to save face Whit breaks up with him because she needs more space. Fake storyline over. End of engagement. End of season.
  6. If Sandoval is jealous of anything it should be that the new people are getting 90% of the camera time. In fact, all the OG's should be fuming over that. I would be shitting my pants wondering how I'm gonna pay for my new 2 million house with what's going on with the shift in the cast. They're all acting like it's no big deal but deep down they must be worried. It's also interesting that Scheana is the only OG that's in soooooo many scenes. Why, BRAVO, why? Like she's really going to have the new girls to her home to alter their ugly tshirt dresses or that we care about her stupid hookups with the new guy.
  7. That picture of Chase and Ryan standing naked and holding hands pretty much tells us everything we need to know. There are no straight men on planet earth that would do that. Now we know for sure Chase is hired to be Whit's boyfriend.
  8. Even with the older two, you can't trust them to get up and out of the house on time. Well, Dayton is in college now so he can handle it but all the others I say get your lazy ass up and make sure your kids are ready for the day.
  9. I don't know if anybody else caught this but either this episode or last Janelle said that she and Robyn have opposite schedules. She likes to go to bed early and wakes up at 5am and Robyn goes to bed late and doesn't wake up till noon. Ummmmm who can sleep in till noon when they have 5 kids? Who gets them breakfast and ready for school? WTF? Robyn must have off camera live in help which is why she needs so many bedrooms. I thought her cousin wasn't moving with them. I always thought she was lazy now I know for sure!
  10. Andy Cohen was really grilling Ashton with the questions on WWHL. Damnnnnn it was uncomfortable to watch, he was so on the hot seat. And deservedly so. He sounded really down, embarrassed and remorseful for the way he behaved. Too late, bruh. Capt'n Lee said he would never work with him again. Bye, bye Below Deck career. Why did Rylee start in on Kevin at the market for no reason? She really is a bitch. She pokes at all of them constantly, as if she really truly doesn't want to get along with anybody.
  11. Yes, it really does boggle the mind. If the properties were listed in the MLS, then any realtor with interested buyers would show the homes. Janelle does not have to be there. The buyers agent would do the showings and only has to call Janelle with any questions. The paperwork can all be done long distance. Honestly, these people are idiots. If Janelle is so stupid that she did not put the properties in the MLS then no wonder they took so long to sell. There would not be enough exposure for the properties. Then again, she would possibly do that to save having to split the commissions with another agent. Hence, driving her own fat ass to LV every weekend to show the properties herself and have open houses.
  12. It wouldn't normally be a big deal since they all wear bags o' hair except Kenya brags and brags about her own natural hair and being the liar she is she has said many times she never wears pieces or wigs so that's the difference.
  13. Then go back to 4 separate homes on their land like originally planned. With Kody wearing himself out running from one to another. I want to see all of that! Enough of all this talking and doing nothing. I bet TLC is going to tell them to do something before they start losing viewers. So far it's been a boring season and if TLC continues to pay them, they better start bringing it! I miss the days of the Janelle and Meri hate and therapy sessions, the Kody and Meri marriage breakdown, the Robin always Sobbin, the Utah B&B mess, and Christine high on what ever mood altering substances she takes to make her madly in love with Kody again.
  14. Ya think these Mensa members would have researched that before the purchase of the land and the rush to move? I remember some talk about zoning but I guess they brushed it off and conveniently forgot about it. Kody is a sicko but the wives are every bit as stupid as he is.
  15. Wow Sunny was high voltage today! They were all competing over who could make the cheapest yet tastiest meal on a family budget. Sunny was screaming because she thought she was going to win. Sorry, Sun, you lost. Which of course made her even louder and more turned up over losing. Alex Guarnaschelli was on again and made stuffed peppers. So boring. GZ's omelet looked raw in the middle. It's very easy to make fried rice in the skillet so I don't understand Katie's sheet pan version. Sunny made chicken noodle soup with cumin in it. I guess that was supposed to be her surprise ingredient. The only dish I liked was Jeff's tortilla pizza in the iron skillet. I will try that except with pita bread instead. Very lazy episode.
  16. It's very interesting that there is no building happening on their land. Since all the LV homes have sold, there is nothing holding them back now. They should be anxious to get the ball rolling. I wonder what is really going on with the Browns.
  17. I'm confused about this mega home idea of Koduche's. Do they all have to enter through the same entrance to get to their homes? Do they each have separate garage entrances or do they have to pass each other in the hallway to get in their front door? Kody wants to do this for one reason only: For the convenience of Kody. He wants to sit his ass in the middle of the house with his pristine white furniture, floor to ceiling fireplace and windows and super duper kitchen and let them allllllll come to him! Because we have learned that walking from one house to another in the cul de sac in LV was just too much for the little man, now having all the houses on one street on Cayote Pass is also too exhausting for him to consider. Driving from one house to another temporarily is just blowing his mind, even though he knows it's not forever. Janelle, shut up.
  18. Has Tony gained alot of weight? Marcelino and Brit looked heavier, too. The TLC checks must be good. Lots of dinners out and full refriges and cupboards. Lacey like to play games. That's all there is to her. Poor kids. So Cheryl is leaving the kids with her parents and going back to whatshisname? Her sister has something to say about everything except that she's abandoning her kids? Angela, stop already. You will take him back. You're gonna have to buy him a new wardrobe, though. Andrea sure has a filthy mouth for being a mormon. Tracie scares me. She looks a step away from an overdose. How does she keep getting out of jail after so many offenses? I would think this last arrest would keep her in there for years. Anybody know if she's still in there?
  19. Jackie was on WWHL and said she and hubby have had oral sex. He was sitting in the audience and looked humiliated and liked he wanted to crawl under the chair. Poor guy.
  20. Or production tells him and Tre when to make the calls and what to say on those calls....
  21. Once again, good job experts! You would think that would be on the top of their lists for making matches.
  22. I was falling for it at first but everything he says and every look he makes is so perfect, down to the way he looks in to Mindy's eyes. Is he an actor?
  23. He has good hair, he just has no idea how to style it. Shampoo would be a good start.
  24. It's all such a stupid storyline because they ALL have their own lives. Ashley with her man and baby, Tal with his man and buying a condo and a full time job, Todd doing all the stuff he does, Heather with 2 kids and a job and I'm sure she has some other friends. Nobody is sitting around with no life because Whit decided to move to Charlotte. Well, except Buddy. He wants to follow Whit because where else is he gonna pay $300 a month rent. Even a one bedroom apartment generally runs 800-900 a month around Greensboro. Poor Bud's in deep shit financially and he knows it. They're probably all thinking, do we really have to pretend we give a crap where Whit lives or how long she takes to answer a text? I guess they do if they want to get that check.
  25. Heather still has all the other friends. I think she's sick of Whit's drama and totally over Buddy but I don't feel like she's being left behind.
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