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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Ole' money bags Michael from high dollar Greenwich, CT. living in that nasty rental. Who is he kidding? He has no money and that necklace was ugly AF. No way those fake colored stones were worth $4,000. He's fronting big time. How does a douche like that have such sweet, well mannered lovely kids? It boggles the mind. The Lumberjack from WA. Tell her the truth! You're broke, you live in a small town and you don't want any kids right now. I hate the turkish guy and the bee lady. He has no looks, no personality and no money. She is a horrible person putting her sons throught this shit. Shame on her! She needs to send that jackass back to Turkey asap and beg her sons to forgive her.
  2. WTF is wrong with Jackie? Requesting everybody wear vagina pink to her party? Oh, she's so cute. Hurting and embarrassing Buffie on front street like that? That's girl power? I used to love her but she has morphed in to a stone cold bitch ever since she took that lying, cheating husband back. If she was such a strong woman she would never have taken Curtis back she should have realized she could make it perfectly fine on her own with a man that adores her or even better just be by herself for a hot minute! Even Quad is making it on her own, gotta give her credit for that. Jackie is all talk.
  3. She sure made it sound that way. For many seasons. Nene needs to stop those stupid faces and noises she makes in her TH's. She thinks she's so funny when in reality she's just repulsive.
  4. I agree with all of this. I don't know if Kenya is going to have a healthy relationship with her daughter as the child starts to grow up. She is just so damn dysfunctional and at her age she's not going to change. I hope I'm wrong for the sake of the child. Porsha has a good mom and sister and brother. She knows what a functional family looks like, Kenya has never lived that life. Sad for her, sadder for the child.
  5. I'm looking forward to the Jennifer/Danielle take down. I feel it brewing. Jennifer and her temper could mop the floor with Danielle. I'm sure the only reason Teresa is besties with Danielle is because production told her that is what she has to do because Danielle has no other friends. Tre probably hates having to play that game buy hey, she has a new pool to pay for!
  6. Omg can't she get that low hairline lasered like the hairy Kardashians did?
  7. This entire episode was cringeworthy. I had to fast forward through Jack and Karen, they are nothing but comic book characters at this point. Grace's Dr. (Ali Wentworth?) was ridiculous, the scene was not funny at all. It's pretty clear there is a rift between Debra Messing and Megan Mullaly. They were not in a single scene together. It's like two different shows at this point.
  8. Well, I guess I married a winner because my husband not only helps me with the fitted sheet, he also puts the flat sheet on himself because he learned in the Air Force how to do it perfectly and nobody can fold corners the way he can and have the same amount of sheet hanging on both sides of the bed!
  9. Cringeworthy! But to be expected from a Pearson. This would never happen in real life. I didn't get the whole thing about Kate being stressed about Toby not being the first to feed the avocado to baby Jack. Just keep your mouth shut and let him think he's the first to feed the baby solid food. Jeez, is it that big of a deal. Oh, I forgot. It's Kate so everything is a big deal. She is exhausting. I agree that Cassidy may be pregnant and we will see her again down the road. Forgetting where your phone is surely is not the best example they could have used to show Rebecca's impending dementia story. It was a lame example.
  10. Iggy is a jerk. I hope his husband leaves him. Did the stillborn birth mother have no family or friends? That was sad. What happened to Kapoor's son? did he just vanish? Has Kapoor tried to contact him at all? That father/son storyline went nowhere.
  11. Really, Eddie? You think Tamra is a good mother? It must be exhausting to have to kiss ass in order to keep those big checks of hers rolling in, huh? I hate TAMRA! She sure knows how to work Shannon. She had her eating out of the palm of her hand by the time that meeting was over. The lighting at that lunch was really showing how old and haggard Tamra is looking. No lighting in the world can cover up what a truly ugly heart that woman has.
  12. I'm not here for Porsha's tears because evidently it's all over social media and her IG (so this is not a spoiler) that she is back with Dennis and wearing the ring. So cut the bullshit, Porsha. They are just wasting our time with the dramatics. She took him back, he will cheat again and then what? We have to watch and listen to her crying the blues over how badly he treated her all over again? No, thanks.
  13. Eva should not have gone to the kids party all. Make an excuse to not attend. Problem solved.
  14. Especially now that she finally got her Dr. boyfriend to show his face on camera. All that huggin' and kissin' with the ex husband is creepy AF. What ever happened to fresh out of prison "namaste" Teresa, zen yoga lady? She's come out swinging and ready to fight. Calm down, honey, you have a whole season ahead of you. Yes, Gia has grown up but comes off as a little too "know it all" for me. First kid going to college and all that. She's a bit too full of herself. I do love how those girls love their grandpa (nonno). It's very sweet.
  15. Fingers crossed. I can't take much more of her and her perfect boyfriend who is still in high school and has a baby.
  16. Kerissa has Clymidia! This show cracks me up. Who was the mysterious dude talking to Grace by the grave? I'm confused.
  17. So Shannon sits in disbelief as the girls tell her all about what a snake Tamra is then says but...but...we talk to each other at least 15 times a day! Oh, Shannon, dysfunstion much? What on God's green earth does anybody have to talk to their "bestie" about 15 times a day? And, I thought Tamra said last season she was sick and tired of Shannon constantly calling her. Emily crying again in her TH about how awful her marriage is. If you husband is causing you to cry this much it's time to cut the cord. It's depressing watching that relationship. Just lose the husband, lose 20 lbs. and start drinking more and you will be happy happy just like Shannon! Gina's kids getting their haircuts. She has her hands full with that crew. They are a mess.
  18. Ha! Loved it when Kevin, spoiled baby of the family, was crying to his sister about how mistreated he was and she basically said suck it up, do your job and don't let me see you showing up on my doorstep. Tell it, sister! Could Capt'n Lee be any more of a sour puss this season? I know he's pissed at Kevin and rightly so but damn he refuses to crack a smile with any of them even his beloved Kate. I wouldn't want him as a guest at my table if I was chartering that boat, he has no charm what so ever. Can he even carry on decent dinner conversation?
  19. Porsha's mom eating all the food that she was supposed to be putting on Porsha's plate and so busy stuffing her face she didn't answer the door had me cracking up. That was a cute and realistic scene. Also, Porsha's mom is doing a good job of biting her tongue about Dennis because she knows how much Porsha is hurting and she doesn't want to make it worse with any "I told you so". If you watched the Porsha 's pregnant specials, mom clearly does not like Dennis or his bitchy mother!
  20. I'm not buying it. After the first missed birthday, her husband should have been all over her ass about it and no way she would miss the others. And why didn't her husband remind her of each birthday coming up and would she please call the kids, send gifts, come home, yadda, yadda. I know he shouldn't have to remind is wife of their kids birthday's but evidently that's where the relationship is.
  21. It's no picnic for single white women, either. Ok, now that the introduction of the babies and the babies in the womb and the surrogate wombs are over with, let's get on with this adult trainwreck! Thirsty Cynthia bridal barbie. Go move to LA with your man and stop this foolishness. I hope this is her last season. Let Kenya's long distance marriage be an example of what not to do. I have no words for what's going on with Dennis.
  22. You said yourself we only see snippets of their lives so it's plausible the nanny is still there.
  23. It became un-promising after Season 1.
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