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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Dang! I missed another episode. I moved out of state and haven't figured out yet how to work this antiquated DVR system I now have. Anybody know where I can pick up this season's episodes? Thx.
  2. Young girls wear their hair long. It's the style. It's a simple as that. Some wear extensions but these girls probably inherited Tre's thick hair.
  3. And yet he is living with her and totally involved in her life. To the point where he is asking her boyfriend what his intentions are. I would have walked out of that restaurant. Frank needs to mind his business and stay the fuck out of Delores' life. Then again, she would not want it that way. They sort of have each other by the balls. Why should David invest himself in Delores when she's still living with her ex? He's the smart one out of this trio.
  4. Elizabeth Hurley looks amazing. But she was annoying with her claims of not eating right, never dieting, never exercizing, no skin regimen except one Estee Lauder product which I also used to use and it did nothing. Just admit you have to spend some time and probably money to keep looking like that.
  5. Snooks has been on several times but that was years ago before Wendy weirded out. I thought Wendy wasn't supposed to be drinking. She was in rehab for that and drugs, right? So I guess she's still a big ole' liar who lies. Oh, also, as a former Floridian, drinking and being in Florida doesn't swell your legs, feet and ankles like that. Maybe for a day then back to normal if you have too much salty food but she stays swollen like that. She has something else going on, I do believe the Lymphadema story and that is the only story of hers I believe.
  6. She's going to far. Her teeth are new. There was nothing wrong with the veneers she had before. Now they are too wide for her mouth. You could see this on her close up selfies on her IG. Ramona from NYC and Kyle Richards did the same thing. Kyle said she did it because in her photo's you could not see her teeth when she smiled, her top lip covered them! Oh, the vanity of it all................when will they stop? This is what infuriates me about Shannon. She tries to fit in with these two so she dumbs herself down. For what reason? She should flaunt her education like fancy pants Dubrow did!
  7. Besides that, Tanner can't dance for shit. A drunken tool dancing with that chick who couldn't dance, either!
  8. Compared to Hannah she's manager of the year.
  9. I got lip injections for the first time a couple of months ago. I was tired of not having a top lip anymore. Your lips get thinner as you get older. Anyway, I had a very subtle job done, it looks very natural and really nobody could tell except me which is all that matters anyway. My lips don't look all blown u, they just look a bit fuller. These OC gals go to extremes with everything. It doesn't have to be that way. At least Vicki wears her hair in a shorter bob and it looks great. They should all follow suit except Emily, she has beautiful, healthy hair.
  10. What kind of world do we live in when Kelly knows who Hemmingway is and Shannon doesn't? What kind of world do we live in when Tamra's son Ryan looks better than Spencer?
  11. I miss Annie cooking her Tai food in the bedroom. What happened to all the yummy snacks they all used to have? Now it's blueberries and melon (Loren) and popcorn (Molly and friend). Where's all the fast food deliveries? Pizza and wings in the bed? 3 course meals on the comforters? C'mon pillow talkers, step it up! This show reminds me of People's Couch, the show that snarked on the BRAVO housewives and other popular shows. They started out hilarious and fizzled real quick. Please bring Libby and Andreiiiiii and Kalani and her Samoan hubby. Their comments were so much funnier and they were funny with each other, too. The sisters used to stop in once in a while, too, which made it even better.
  12. I have thought for a long time that Kris must be taking Xanax or Valium or whatever on a daily basis because as you said she is so devoid of emotion. She just sits and stares. The woman is so bizarre. I can not fathom her managing her kids careers. I guess she was on top of things at one time before the Bruce/Caitlin drama came to light. She's been downhill ever since. Also, is it ok for Khloe to sit in front of Kourts kids and trash her like that? That is their mother! The bitch has no respect. Khloe talks in front of Mason like he's an adult. I have noticed this before but to talk about his mom like that in front of him is a new low. Watch your mouth, Khloe. Mason may be the first and oldest kid but he's still just a kid!
  13. Ahhhhhh, the joys of drinking too much and acting like an asshole and then barely remembering why you feel like hungover road kill the next day. I hate being around shitfaced people! They make no sense and fight over bullshit! Kate was crying and throwing the clothes on the floor because of the alcohol. It would have never happened if she was sober. She must be mortified seeing this playback because it shows a loss of control of her emotions and Kate likes to be in control. Having said that, being late just because she is chief stew is wrong for sure. There must be more to the dislike of Kate than what we see on camera. Maybe she takes her entitlement status too far but one thing I agree with her on is that Kevin is a nasty, immature, bossy jerk with a dad bod and a big ole bald spot! Compared to the other guys he is downright fug.
  14. That's even worse they were trying to make something out of nothing and it tanked. Poor Marlo it's no wonder she never got a peach. Or did they finally give her one? If so, it was a mistake.
  15. Porsha tends to be so over the top and loud with her reactions. Almost like a cartoon character. I'm so tired of all the ass shaking with these women. That was some wonky editing at Marlo's "event". She has her people chanting for Kenya to leave, then next scene Kenya is still there and sweetly hugging her new bff Kandi goodbye. I think there is much more to Todd than we see on TV. Like the fact that he is a controlling asshole and Kandi lets him get away with most anything. I wonder how mama Joyce is feeling about him lately.
  16. I know Contessa was in the military and enjoyed it but wasn't aware she was raised by a military family. Wasn't her father a drug addict who was never around?
  17. These made the episode for me: Brandi with the sleeping pills Kari with the TH violin Kam with the white board D'Andra sampling the foods of Thailand and not bitching about any of it This ruined it all: LEANN!
  18. That sign just happens to be in the restaurant and Teresa just happens to see it and has no problem grabbing if off the shelf. Please show, stop it. There is enough shit to stir without insulting our intelligence. Delores is pathetic. Living with an ex that cheated on her while she was pregnant, taking him back in to live with her after he can no longer practice law because of his illegal ventures, does she not have enough money to live on her own? Now she has a boyfriend that has no time for her. Jackie has a nice life and is so much more attractive than the over tanned, over extensioned, over mouthy, pushover Delores. Yes, I do believe Delores is jealous of Jackie and Teresa is still butt hurt (holding that good ole' grudge) because of Jackie asking her why she couldn't control her husband from cheating people out of their money and not filing his taxes when she was all over the place stating Melissa should have control over JoGo. Well, Tre, what is your answer to that? Maybe Jackie shouldn't of asked her that on camera but I bet production made her do that to stir the pot. Jackie is light years ahead of these two when it comes to smarts. There is no comparison.
  19. Oh, I don't know if I believe that. Don't shady people hide money when they know they are headed for divorce? She was paid close to a million a season when she was the OG of the OC until she was demoted to friend which is probably one of the reasons she was demoted, they were paying her too much. She also has her insurance business so I would think she is worth more than $200,000. We will never know for sure.
  20. Absolutely! When Rylee walked up to them and Ashton told Tanner "Tell her what you just told me" makes me hate Ashton as much as I now hate Tanner for going along and repeating it! Filthy pigs, both of them. Is there not enough to do on these yachts that the guests have to go wandering around to the personal quarters of the Capt'n while he is getting dressed? Or walk in to the galley and disrupt the chef and stews? Pathetic.
  21. She has more money (wealth) than he does. But.....there is not enough money in the world to make a person want to put up with Ickie!
  22. Ahhhhhh the beauty of Key West. Sweat and frizzy hair, it's inevitable. They should do what the Beverly Hills gals do when going on a vacation with 150% humidity- wear your hair in buns and pony's or choose to look like a sweltering mess the entire time.
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