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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Agreed. Could do without Stassi over acting. Looks she's really going overboard but we don't know yet what exactly Sandoval did to provoke her reaction. Even so, I will always be on team anybody else when it comes to confrontations with Stassi.
  2. He said that but he didn't imply her dad was paying all the bills. Jax was an asshole long after he and Stassi were done. He was a lying, cheating, stealing mess until his dad died.
  3. Kristin Johnson who was also once considered a sexy blonde actress is suffering from Lupus. Her meds have affected her looks as well, which she said is the reason for her weight gain. How sad for both of them to have to suffer from these painful incurable diseases. I'm glad they're still finding work.
  4. Whitney and Buddy and the kiss. Whitney and Buddy and the kiss. Whitney and Buddy and the kiss. These people are f*@#^ing 5 yrs. old. Run Chase. Run for your life.
  5. Jax, honey. I am no fan of Carter, but you have a short memory. Remember when you were living with Stassi and her daddy was footing all the bills and you lived rent free in her apartment? Yeah, so STFU about Carter. Were Sandoval and Schwartz even on this ep? What were Katie and Jax doing in Kristin's apt helping her pack? Two people from the cast randomly chosen by production to have a scene with Kristin. Sooo fake. The whole season (2 episodes in, lol) reeks of fake. I can't stand any of the newbies. Sorry but they are boring AF. I don't understand what Scheana's storyline is supposed to be this season but so far it's a big fail. Was she promoted at SUR or something? Why is she training staff? It's only just beginning, too. We have to live through Jax and Brit's bachelor and bachelorette parties and the wedding of the century.
  6. Which makes one wonder just how staged is 90 Days because on their season she hated his guts, caught him in lie after lie, he couldn't keep a roof over their heads or hold down a job. I'm also wondering about the baby situation. He had a vasectomy and she wanted kids. Maybe TLC bailed them out of their financial mess by keeping them around.
  7. Big does not = awesome. That house is ugly and depressing AF.
  8. She even said in her TH that she only got 2 hrs sleep, she was tired and DID NOT want to be going to this lunch! The nerve! What a crabby, nasty beyotch. Does she not think her sissy wives aren't going to see the episodes? She is a piece of work. And she wonders why she isn't the beloved matriarch of the clan. They are all letting the truth bombs fly this season and don't care who doesn't like it.
  9. How can poor ole sad sack face Meri be sooooo lonely when: She is shilling her LuLuNo merch day and night, fulfilling orders and going on lulu cruises and conventions all the time? Traveling to Utah to oversee her beloved B&B that we never hear about anymore? Visiting Mariah in Chicago? Moving, packing and unpacking to Flagstaff, back to Las Vegas, back to Flagstaff and then to another different house in Flagstaff? She hasn't had a relationship with Kody for years and the sister wives have pretty much had their fill of her all because of her own doing so save the lonely schtick, Meri. None of that is news.
  10. Alexi- maybe Jasmin likes Oprah Loren- Oprah? do you mean Opera? Alexi- Yeah, Opera Loren- Oh, ok. I like Oprah, too! I love when the foreigners screw up the words or don't understand our slang! Yes, the english language is a bitch!
  11. Ok, they are not even trying to hide their hate for each other anymore. They're just putting it all out there. The disgusted look on Meri's face when Janelle was talking about how "hot" she thought Kody was. I followed Meri's face all the way through that cringe worthy explanation of the hotness of Kody and if looks could kill.... Meri making a point of telling them all at lunch and on camera that Robyn knew she was back in town in a hotel close by to her house and Robyn never reached out to her. Then the little back and forth between them with Robyn saying that just wasn't true. Kody saying he enjoys the drive between homes because it gives him a chance to decompress from all the baggage of each wife. Nice to know how you rilly feel about your wives, Kodester. The women flat out telling Meri they are not going to help her move up the stairs and Meri getting all butt hurt over it. Then there's good old Sobbyn saying how very busy and very exhausted her man Kody is so he can't possibly be expected to help move anything.
  12. I love Derek! He seems perfect in looks, personality, career, everything. Why is he on this show? Tall, dark and handsome and only 26. I don't get it. While they were dancing he held Katie close and told her she was beautiful. Swoon...... Either he is a really good player or he is a sweetheart. Time will tell. I still am not totally sold on Katie. I hope she doesn't turn Derek off by talking about her ex wanting her back. I'm really rooting for these two and that's saying alot because just last week I wanted her gone. Taylor was trying to bring out some conversation with Brandon, being interested in him and asking questions to try to get to know him. I thought she was so sweet. He was a stone cold dud. I do think she is beautiful and he is intimidated. He's used to being the pretty one. Just a vibe I get from him. Austin and what's her name. When she asked him at the photo shoot "So do you like wearing your hair long like that" he was not happy. Then he came back at her with Do you like your hair long like that? He got over it, though. I think he's not gonna take her crap and she likes to give crap. Another vibe I'm getting.
  13. Yea, it was real slick how Kary turned that apology right back to somehow making it LeeAnns fault. Kary is a real piece of work. Poor Eduardo. I'm sure she never takes the blame for anything in that relationship, either. Oh, and thanks, Kary for letting us know you like getting your asshole licked but it "doesn't mean I'm gay". Andy let that one fly right on by. Couldn't change the topic fast enough. Wonder how he would react if LeeAnn would have said that.
  14. D'Andra standing up showing LeeAnne how to "sell" that dress was insane. Sit down, lady. Nobody thought that was cute.
  15. I saw that. Shame on Stephanie for the excuses. She was talking in circles. I'll say one thing for her, she's a ride or die bestie.
  16. He looks like his dad. Poor kid. She really likes attention. The way she was prancing around on stage after the show. Slow your roll, woman, you're not all that. Come to think of it, she behaves that way at her birthday parties, too. All eyes must be on her as she dances and yells to her adoring fans friends and has to remind every one how hot she is for her age. The fashion show was ridiculous. Why was everyone jumping and screaming as if they were in a strip club throwing dollar bills at the male dancers? These people have no class at all. They really do give NJ a bad name. I have cousins in NJ that have money (unlike myself) and they are lovely people with lovely friends and great kids. They don't all act like this shady bunch.
  17. He clearly said last night they are not getting married and not having kids and the house was "their marriage". He has conceded to Ariana's wishes. For now.
  18. I'm feeling a bit sorry for Sandoval. I think deep down he really does want to get married and he really does want kids. I also think he really loves Ariana. I was in that position once. Right now he's settling thinking someday things will change and if he buys a big, beautiful house Ariana may soften up and change her mind. He's going to become very resentful if she doesn't. I hope it all works out for them, it didn't for me.
  19. Damn, Heather is miserable. She's becoming very bitter and it makes me sad. She was a total bitch to Ryan at the BBQ for no reason. Buddy pays $250 a month to Whitney for rent? Whaaaaaat? How is that fair to Tal? He is the biggest loser of all loser's. He looks fatter and more unkempt than ever. What is this "ride share" job he is talking about? Is that another term for Uber or Lyft? Charlotte is only 1.5 hrs from Greensboro. Not a big deal. Whit can easily drive to Charlotte for work a few times a week since she doesn't have a normal 9-5 anyway. She needs to stop making an issue of it. If she misses Greensboro so much than just move back home! Oh, I forgot, it's all for the storyline. I do think Whit is pretty. There I said it. I can also see the 50 lb. weight loss on her. She has a much better hair system going on, too. Unfortunately once she opens her mouth it's the same old annoying obnoxious narcissist she's always been. Do we really need to see any of those stupid scripted talking heads from Babs?
  20. How quickly Stassi forgets that when she was begging to get back on the show and was dead broke with no job, Kristin was the one that took her in, let her live with her with no money until she could get her shit together. I hate Stassi for that. Stassi talking to Lisa: My grandmother just died. I'm so sad, we were so close. Now, let's talk about me!
  21. She just bought a house, too. Can't wait to see what neighborhood she chose and how it differs from the other 3. I'm still not crazy about Beau. He sure fell in to a pot of gold hooking up with Stassi. Now he's on the opening credits. He's looking old because he's 40, still drinks too much and stays out till 5am. It's catching up, bruh. I think this show is going to be in trouble. The newbies are boring AF. The girl is trying to be Stassi#2. The guys look alike, can hardly tell them apart. I think the originals Tom & Tom, and even Jax are better looking despite their age. But really if the season is going to be about Kristin not letting go of Carter and Jax being a groomzilla then it's going to be an epic, stale fail. Oh, and wasn't it priceless for Lala to call Kristin a "sugar mama". Fuck off, Lala. She admitted once again last night she pays her way with Rand by giving BJ's. Pot, meet Kettle, bitch.
  22. Plus others from previous episodes like Rocky and Eddie. Jenn is a chief stew now? Alrighty, then. Anybody watch it? I normally like Kate, but thought Kate was high on something. She was really trying to be shady and funny but fell flat. Andy Cohen was not amused with her at all. She would answer a question with another question and kept telling Rocky how "talented" she was. Very strange. Oh, and Kate, stop with the trout mouth lip fillers. It doesn't look good when you have a natural resting bitch face and those lips are hanging out there.
  23. Nene being ignored was thing of beauty. The queen has certainly lost her crown. Too bad Eva gave her some attention although I'm sure production told her she had to. Cause she's pregnant what else was she gonna do while everyone else was pretending to hang off the side of the bldg? After the twitter war between Nene and Porsha with all the name calling, Nene goes and says "Porsha was fat before she was pregnant". I couldn't believe the bish said that. Yea, she wants to mend fences, alright. I hope she gets the shit kicked out of her next week.
  24. It's amazing when you're filming a show how many people behind the scenes are involved. Camera people and all their cumbersome equipment, lighting equipment, production people, etc, etc. There must have been vans covering that cul de sac and TLC people all over the place. That is what was pissing off the neighbors. Who would want that shit all over their street? Hell, the neighbors probably couldn't even get to their own driveways. They all look so miserable. They are not even pretending anymore. Except Christine, of course. I was watching them on the couch, Meri was looking at the ceiling and in to space, and Robyn kept looking down. Every time Kody opened his mouth they looked like they wanted to haul off and punch him out. I think they hate him! A little superficial snark here: I think Robyn is just fat, not preggers. Her hair (besides bad dye job) was so greasy. Did she not know they would be filming couch scenes? Fix yourself up, for chrissakes. She seems so depressed. Meri's face looked like an oil slick. I thought she was losing weight last year but looks like she gained it back. Christine still has the prettiest hair and Janelle looked ok for Janelle. Lastly, did we need a synopsis of how they all met and married Kody? Really, we know all of it already. Most of the 2 hrs. was just filler and rehashing of the huge Flagstaff screw up.
  25. I think Freckles was hired by production, not chosen by the therapists. Have there always been 5 couples? I thought it was always 4. If this lame show puts up with some cry baby telling everybody that will listen that her ex wants her back and she's even considering it, she should get booted off the show right away! She's going to be the one that drops out, then they will be back to 4 couples, as originally planned. She won't even make it to the alter, the show is looking to shake things up for some stupid drama but this is an epic fail. Stop wasting the viewers time with this mess! Furthermore, Freckles is only 26. Why the desperation to get married anyway?
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