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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Depends on the woman. Unfortunately it can last 10 years. My peri symptoms were worse than the actual menopause.
  2. I agree, I don't get why he is so mad at his friends. Maybe because they waited until filming to expose Adam. Reza makes my skin crawl. He's aging badly, there is no way he lost 50 lbs, dude looks chunky to me. Judging from the previews, it's gonna be goooood. Looks like Reza is finally going to be put in his place. Poor Mike. No respect from his family. They are used to his delusions of grandeur. I hope his dad and brothers haven't put too much money in to Mike's latest get rich scheme. Managing properties is very stressful and time consuming. Mike just doesn't have what it takes. The only thing he got over and above his brothers is his looks. His bro's are hella homely even if they are more successful than Mike will ever be.
  3. Ohhhhh Andy Cohen, what are ya smoking or drinking? She said she wanted to quit, now she's ok to come back in some form, in some season? Maybe they will give her a one shot appearance like Alexis Bellino did this past season? If he wouldn't take Jill Zarin back, why would he want Tamra back? He was always so easy on her. I don't get it. Now Tamrat says on IG that they are moving back in to Eddies old house in Ladera Ranch. The one she remodeled when she moved in with him. I thought they sold that house when she moved in to the one she purchased and only lived in a short while before she purchased this one she just supposedly sold..... That's quite a step down from Miss Country Club Coto! She is so shady!
  4. Wow, all these years she has talked such shit about Simon on camera. Now she's so upset. I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. She should by all means comfort her kids but that's it. Stop talking about the ex. He has a new life and a solid relationship with someone else. She can't keep her stories straight. First, she said she was fired. Then she said she quit. Then she said she cried for a week, then she was going to flip houses, now (as of today) she is saying Andy told her not to accept any offers until she talks to him first because he has something in mind for her (she said this on Jeff Lewis' radio show). I do not believe that for ONE SECOND! She also said she was going to quit the show when she first learned about Simon's cancer diagnosis because she was so devastated. She knew about it at the reunion which is why she was so quiet. Now she sold her house for a hefty profit because someone just happened to want to buy it without it even being on the market for sale. BULLSHIT! What's so special about that house above any other Coto house in the neighborhood that a buyer shows up out of nowhere offering $200K over what she paid for her house? LIES!!! She just won't go away. Tamra must stay in the spotlight. Even Vicki is handling the departure with more grace than this piece of trash. Phew! I feel better getting all that Tamra hate off my chest!
  5. Right, forgot about that. Actually they went twice. Once way back in the Manzo/Laurita days and again a season or two ago.
  6. Because Dennis is a lying cheater, Greg is a broke old man with nothing going on except carrying his balls around in Nene's purse and Todd just likes to burn through Kandi's money. Plus Todd was good buddies with Apollo. Just seems to me Marc holds himself in such high regard. At least he acts like he's so superior to Kenya so I would assume he would carry over that persona to the loser Atlanta men.
  7. Well, yeah, until Kody divorced Meri and married Robyn. Only for the kids, of course. lol.
  8. Once again Nene must make her grand entrance. Hours late as usual. So Marc likes Dennis and Greg and Todd? Why? What does he have in common with them? I thought he was a big time restauranteur in NYC. He is as vile as his wife. One is no better than the other. Eva is pointless. These women and the gorgeous country of Greece don't belong together. How did they ever get BRAVO to pay for that trip? And all the New Jersey ladies get is the Jersey Shore and Easthampton. Ha!
  9. On a lighter note (because this show has become so damn depressing) The sister wives plopping themselves down on the snow to make snow angels and barely being able to get back up. Meri fucking with Robyn and Robyn not getting it. Would you like me to move in with you, Robyn? How would you like that? Robyn: What? What do you mean? Look of intense horror on her face... Maddy dogging her family in her talking heads. "They like to move alot". Hey, I'm not the one that moved away. Not my fault my mom is so far away from her grandkids. Tell it, Maddy!
  10. Agreed. I always thought she was a big phony. At least now she's standing up for herself about not wanting to build "The Big House". The TLC paycheck.
  11. That only proves how awful the other shows are.
  12. I was really referring to they way they treat Wendy in general. Not just this one oversight.
  13. Christy is the same age or a little older than Jill. I doubt she has many viable eggs to give. Exactly. I would at least expect more kindness from Margorie, the least self centered of the bunch. I thought Christy would say, Nah, I'm good. I already have two. But not a single mention of her kids. WTF indeed.
  14. Her weight does fluctuate quite a bit. Wait till she starts having babies. Will she lose the extra weight? Will Jax tolerate a chubby wife? Time will tell. She also drinks a lot which keeps you bloated. I can't imagine Brit dealing with not drinking during her pregnancies. I always thought she was borderline alcoholic. When her Dr. told her she had to stop drinking because she was having some sort of stomach issues she refused to do so. That was a couple of season's ago, we haven't heard about it since but she continues to be a sloppy drunk. Maybe Lala should have an intervention with her.
  15. Saw GZ on the Q the other day and it indeed was hilarious. He was selling some gadget that chops your veggies. The manual kind that replaces a food processor. It was a piece of plastic junk, he didn't even know how to use it. The show host had to take over. Pitiful.
  16. I was listening to Kristin on Danny Pellegrino's podcast today and she said she still doesn't understand what she did.
  17. Everybody always talking about how stupid Raquel is. Brittney is every bit as stupid but somehow gets a pass from her friends. Is she more bearable because she uses that annoying, cutsie southern twang to make herself appear so sweet? If you ask me, Brit is not only stupid but also marrying someone worse than James.
  18. No fan of James but if my husband was constantly invited to events and I was left out, I would have a huge problem with it. Raquel should keep her mouth shut about the invites, though. Unless she really wants to go to the parties in which case she should break up with James and go be free to do what ever she wants.
  19. If I was 74 and fell backwards down the stairs and was knocked out for 20 seconds I would be moving to the downstairs bedroom, no questions asked. That is no joke. Glenn was lucky this time. There may not be a next time. The fact that Babs is making light of her fall down the stairs is also crazy. My husband and I are recently retired and in the process of house hunting for a smaller home. #1 pre-requisite, NO stairs! I just don't understand the Whit/Buddy relationship. It's sick. The highlight of this episode was Buddy's sober friend. He has no time for Buddy's excuses. Buddy will start drinking and/or drugging again if he doesn't start going to meetings regularly and work his 12 steps. He's already starting to lose his will power and is hanging on by a thread. If Whitney loved him so much she would not tell him he has nothing to apologize for because she "loves him very, very much, boo bear". Let him do what he needs to do to stay sober.
  20. I think that is her natural lip line. It's distracting to me, too. Does anybody know what nationality Greg is? All the kids have dark complexions and gorgeous dark, shiny hair. I'm thinking middle eastern?
  21. First the engagement party. Then the bachelor/bachelorette parties. Then the princess bridal shower. Then the wedding. Then, wait for it... pregnancy announcements, baby showers, baby luncheon's, baby birth's...When will this nightmare end? I can't with this show anymore. Oh, and we still have Stassi engagement and wedding bullshit to get through. Not sure how much of Lala's we will have to endure. I'm loving all the negative comments Brit got on social media about her stupid princess bridal shower. It's so hard, ya'll, the comments really hurt ma feelin's, ya'll. Whimper, whimper. I also liked the shit talking Stassi and Lala were doing about Brittney behind her back. Wonder what Brit thinks about that after seeing it air. Sandoval is clearly insanely jealous of the attention Brit and Jax are getting over this wedding fiasco all season long. He is doing anything and everything to put a big, dark cloud over all of it. Just to add fuel to his already burning fire, it's pretty obvious he was set up by production to harp on the pastor issue at Peter's birthday party. They are all told what they have to do/say/fight about before the camera's start rolling. Same thing with the Sadoval/Stassi fight. I read they had to do several takes before they got it right by someone that was there that day and watched it all.
  22. I'm not interested in watching Sarah and Juliana sitting on the couch holding hands like they are besties for life. Then dragging out the kids and asking them who their favorites are. Who cares? We don't need kids on the Tell All's. She's full of it. She was crying on her wedding day that her family couldn't come to the wedding, then we see that she was Skyping with family and friends later on and she was happy again. Also, she said she's sending the family money on the regular. Where is she getting money? She has no job. And.....she has her own house in Brazil which her family lives in? I thought she was poor and so mistreated back in Brazil. Get your story straight, sweetie. Same for Michael. That guy is a sleaze.
  23. Was that crying scene of Nene's her last ditch attempt to wiggle her way back in to the group and gain control of her Queen Bee status and start collecting those big checks again? Ain't gonna happen. Especially with Kenya in the mix.
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