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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Are these two really together? I'm shocked! I never thought that relationship would see the light of day. There was some serious malicious fighting between those two during their season. Goes to show maybe alot of this on camera stuff is exaggerated by what production tells them to do. They seem to get along great on CC and their comments are funny and on point.
  2. You were responding to Duke2801 post. Don't know how my name got on the quote.
  3. Exactly! I hope she, Ramona and Lu don't go overboard and try too hard to prove the franchise doesn't need B. See, we don't need B! We're cool all by ourselves without any help from B! Being themselves is enough, they are funny and crazy and nasty enough to fill the void without over doing it.
  4. First episode in and I'm already sick of Dorinda's drunk mouth. Regarding John, I think the break up happens later in the season. Same with Tins getting back together with Scott. So new Leah (and her daughter I assume) has dinner with her ex 3 times a week and acts like that's some hip and cool thing she does. I'm sure any new man in her life is going to love that. Maybe chill on that a little bit and let your daughter have dinner alone with her dad. Boundaries, people!
  5. I remember seeing some IG story of the girls getting spray tans. Katie was stripped down and had the best body of them all! Her ass was perfection! We don't get to see that body. I think she has a very poor fashion aesthetic and she does her body no favors with the clothing she chooses.
  6. Celebrities still wear extensions even if their hair is thick and healthy. They wear them for the length. It would have taken Katie years to grow her hair that long. Kim Kardashian another example. She is sporting very long extensions these days. They both remind me of Morticia Adams especially since they both part their hair down the middle. I don't like the look, it's too severe and dark, and yes, could use some layers.
  7. Her bad boy ex dumped her. Maybe Derek should be more like him.
  8. My son who is in his early 30's was talking about this the other day. He said the majority of girls he dates don't like to cook, don't know how to cook and don't care to learn how to cook. I asked him if he was exaggerating and he said NO! Single young girls just don't cook. Weird, huh?
  9. I know, right? Maybe a little inappropriate but I loved it because well......Katie!
  10. I think Amy is very happy now. She adores Chris. Not sure why but she does. She just can't stand her ex or the bitch (that she knew for years as an employee) that carried on an affair with her husband. I don't see why people think she is so awful for that. She has no choice but to see them at family functions and celebrations and it appears she makes the best of it when she does. Matt and Caryn are both assholes so why should Amy get over it? If she wants to hate on both of them for the rest of her life then so be it. She seems to be doing very well with all other aspects of her life so good for her.
  11. But he does nothing. NOTHING! She does it all! He doesn't even initiate sex! Not only has he done it all, he added her to his insurance plan without thinking twice about it. Awful immature nerd, huh? So tell us, Katie, what exactly did you do? When they went on their anniversary date did she even get him any gift? I remember he did a lot for that special evening. Run, Derek. Go find yourself a cutie that likes to have fun and likes you just the way you are. I'm sure there are plenty of adorable girls in their 20's who would love this guy. I still don't understand why he is on this show. Sure he has a little growing up to do but he's only 26. 26!!
  12. As a realtor representing Amy, you would think Chris would be guiding her on how the game is played. Is he an idiot? I agree they won't get married. I find it strange that Amy is looking for a home for herself. It would make sense if Amy and Chris bought a home together if they are engaged and looking to spend the future together. A home that they both love and want to live in together. I don't get Chris at all.
  13. So what exactly is considered "middle age"? 50? because I don't know many people that live to be 100.
  14. Both Katie and Brittney purchased their spec homes with the model furniture in it. Ariana and Tom have said they want to take their time and purchase furniture and accessories that mean something to them and show their own individual taste. How long that takes who the hell knows. Or maybe they're full of shit and can't afford nice furniture, after all their apartment was gross. Stassi seems unhappy this season. Can't put my finger on it. I think she is over the show but knows she needs the check so she's putting up with filming. Lala is awful. Sober or drunk. Makes no difference. Hate her and her stupid outfits and her ugly fiance who has pulled pranks on the movie sets of all "100" movies he's produced. Oh, wow, Lala, you are some hot stuff now! I don't care how wasted Schwartzie was when he said "No wonder I don't want to have sex with you" to Katie I believe he meant every word, the lack of sex was an issue before they married and is still an issue now. What a strange relationship they have.
  15. Meri loosing her shit on Christine gave me life! I can't stand Christine. She is always "on" and I rilly wish she would get her anti depressant prescription corrected. Lower the dosage or something because she grates on every last one of my nerves.
  16. But she does have those nasty 3 inch talons which always makes me wonder how can you wipe your ass with those things in the way! She is a hoot, though. I like her friend, too.
  17. Too bad Reza can't figure it out.
  18. I highly doubt that. Jax is all about the superficial. He was complaining about her weight gain when they did that Kentucky spinoff show. He said all she does is sit on the couch and eat all day. He was really nasty about it and it pissed off Brittney's dad. Then she lost weight. I think her weight fluctuates back and forth quite a bit.
  19. Good on Heather for telling the host to fuck off with all the Buddy questions. Heather is over it but the other's are the ones that just won't let it die.
  20. Time to rotate the pillow talkers. They really have nothing to add, no funny comments or reactions. Bring some of the other ones back. I'll even settle for Pao and Russ at this point.
  21. It's no surprise Babs raised a daughter to turn out like Whitney. She's very immature herself. Unless of course it's all for the show. I know Ryan can be a jerk but I just love how he has no fucks to give for anyone on this show! He even looked annoyed with his boyfriend Chase.
  22. I noticed that, too. He is losing his looks. You just can't drink and party like an animal when you are pushing 40 and expect to keep looking great. Shame, too, because at one time he was so handsome. The Daug funeral was so embarassing. Goes to show the Schwartz' have nothing going on with their lives. Big shout out to the editors that must hate Katie for showing us the montage of Katie being a boring, lazy mound of useless flesh over the years. How dare she put down Kristin's hustle? I agree with Kristin, bish is jealous. Now, I want to know why Stassi is so die hard besties with Katie. She's a loser with no personality. Stassi is always saying she has no time for people like that. Well, Stass, honey, you are making plenty of time for "people like that". Your best friend is that. I fast forward through every newbie scene. No interest whatsofuckingever. How long before Jax is sick of his bride playing the newlywed game? I saw traces of him losing his patience last night as his eyes were glazing over with boredom. Grow up, Brittney, and stop with that shit eating grin every time you mention how happy you are to be married.
  23. Wow! Thanks for the very juicy info! I knew that bish was as fake as fake can be! Kody the dumbass fell for it, too.
  24. Thank you! Wowza! Does TLC vet their potential "cast" members at all?
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