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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Hahahahaha! Nene is 52. I didn't stop getting my period until I was 54. I always thought she was in her late 50's, though.
  2. I was expecting one of them to say that he looks just like Joe or for Frank to look like he just saw a ghost when he met his grandson but nobody ever did.
  3. I guess none of them have ever heard of that super duper wonder titty tape Kim Kardashian sells. Do we really believe Kenya and Marc are working on their relationship? I don't think he wants anything to do with her. Andy with the mute button. Living for it!
  4. I don't even remember who that was, lol ! The new doc with the asian husband doc- I kind of like them, they're cute together. They have potential and him having a small weenie or a 3rd leg for a dick makes no difference to me. If we can't see Jazmin's husband and she's not a Dr. then kick her perfectly sculpted ass to the curb. Why were they partying in some rental house? I'm surprised Heavenly hasn't torn her to shreds because she's so unbelievably judgemental. Britten and Contessa are way too extra when they are together. Calm down, ladies. You're not in college anymore. Britten's husband is hot, hot, hot! Those eyes! She needs to bring him back to her bed or they aren't going to last very long. That woman is not thinking clearly. I kind of zoned out but why was she so late to her own party? Why didn't she go with her husband?
  5. Right now Matt, Caryn, Amy, Chris, Zach and Tori are the show. Not just Matt. If Amy left I don't think Matt could carry the show, either. It's a package deal. I don't see anything that is so interesting about Matt at all. Watching him build toys for his grand kids isn't exactly must see TV.
  6. I like Jacques, too. He knows LuAnn very well. At lunch when she was talking about drinking again, Jacques said one glass of wine at dinner, maybe. She got all cutesy and said well, maybe 2? He firmly said no, one. I loved that ! Also made me believe that Jacques knows Lu has a drinking problem and she can easily go off the rails. She can not have just one drink. There is no one or two glass of anything with her. She's kidding herself. She said in the past when she starts she can't stop. She admitted that. If that's not an alcoholic talking I don't know what is. I know some disagree (especially Dorinda) but I see Lu as an alcoholic. She will start slowly for a while then will be back at it full blown before long. She may hide and drink at home or off camera but trust me she will be out of control soon enough.
  7. I don't think any of them experienced financial loss except Sonja and that's only because she pissed all of her divorce money away on bad investments. The rest of them seem to be doing just fine financially, especially Ramona. They don't have to work, they all have several homes and living in NYC and the Hamptons (Berkshires for Doro) is mega expensive. They also get paid very nicely for doing this trainwreck of a show. As for social standing, oh yes! That's where it really hurts with these ladies. A real punch in the gut especially for Lady of the Manor Morgan. She still can't cope with being a nobody so she continues to lives in her delusional world.
  8. Now I get Dorinda. She misses her lavish lifestyle with Richard, hobnobbing with all the important influential people. She really loved Richard. But..... she's wallowing in what will never be again and she's drinking her misery away. She hates the new life she was forced in to through no fault of her own. It's made her bitter and hateful. If she wasn't such a bitch I would feel sorry for her. She really needs therapy to try and get her life together.
  9. Is Robert's Anny pregnant? She was covering her stomach with a pillow or blanket or what ever. I could see from the side she looked big in the belly. Not fat big, pregnant big.
  10. Did Kyle know that at the time of filming? Seems that didn't come out until after filming when Kyle saw the episode. It feels to me like this whole Kyle/Dorit fight is producer driven. LVP is gone, they need to stir new shit somehow so let Kyle be the big bad bitch. I'm sure she's happy to fill that role. She's an actress, she's playing a role. It's obvious. Garcelle is boring and not a good fit for this show. One and done season for her. I want to see a gang up on Rinna. She's out of control. Her daughters are void of any personality. You can't compete with a loud mouth phony mother like Rinna. Especially since Denise asked them more than once to shut it and they kept on and on and on as if she wasn't even there.
  11. Still, you show up for support. Grieving father, siblings to be with, etc......
  12. Adderall does crazy shit to people. Mixing with alcohol is insane. Jaxass should know better and why is Brittney putting up with that? Stassi said a while ago she quit taking Adderall because it was ruining her relationship with Beau. He pretty much told her she was out of control when she was using it. She has calmed down alot although she still has bitch issues she's not nearly as bad as she used to be. Jax said he has extreme highs and lows, maybe he's bipolar and needs meds? But then again you can't drink if you are on those type of meds. Never mind, never gonna happen. Keep raging on, Jax.
  13. Not sure if that's true. She has her book sales, the stuff she promotes on social media and does speaking engagements and let's not forget the money she makes from the show. She's doing fine without Matt.
  14. Yup. Especially if your hair is pure white like Chris'. The white roots start to pop out after 2 weeks so you are constantly touching up with color. A real PITA. I don't know any men that dye their hair.
  15. Or pick a beach that actually needed to be cleaned up.
  16. Or don't want to feed him, or change it's poopy diaper or watch it while you go to the store or play with it or put it to bed? A fine daddy he is going to be.
  17. Ok, so I thought this episode was poorly produced. Amy's mother passes away. She's still having that stupid prom party and not going to be with the family for a few days. Her dad just lost his wife and her sister has been the one helping them out regularly and she is going to wait to go be with them? Sorry, that did not sit well with me. Your mother just died, go be with your father and siblings. Help them make the plans for the funeral for godsakes. I'm starting to think she really is a famewhore. First breaking the engagement news to Zach when he specifically asked her not to do that when the time comes. She knew it would upset him but claims she just forgot and expects all to be forgiven. Now this with the death of her mother. Don't want to miss any camera time, god forbid. The prom party must go on!!
  18. A vineyard in Oregon? Does the climate allow for that there? It's rainy and cold, I thought California, Italy, France, Spain had the better climate for vineyards. What do I know.
  19. Why don't they call this show what it really is? A scripted sitcom.
  20. I dated a guy many moons ago that said I scraped my teeth on the fork when I ate! The nerve of him, lol! I was never aware of it and I also apparently never forgot it!
  21. MJ was alway nasty to GG. Aside from MJ being the one jealous of GG- being younger and prettier than her there was that season when MJ befriended GG's sister and became besties with her when GG and her sis were having big issues just to get under GG's skin. It worked. Drove GG crazy. I also remember when MJ and that asshole Reza invited GG's ex or ex wife (can't remember) to some party they were throwing only to announce all of it on microphone again trying to drive GG over the deep end. It worked again. GG went ballistic I think that's when she scratched Adam. That's a couple of instances I remember I'm sure there are alot more. GG said recently that MJ has had problems with every woman that has been on the show. This is so true. Does MJ have any female friends? She can't stand any woman that is friendly with Reza. She will do anything to destroy that friendship. When Lily Galechi was on for a season, Reza was friendly with her. She was jealous of the friendship between Reza and Asa as well. Then she was jealous of Adam. It never ends with her. In fact, MJ has some deep, deep issues with her love for Reza and knowing she can never have him because he's gay. It's pretty obvious. And it's sick. She is disgusting. I wonder how long her marriage is going to last with that loose cannon Tommy.
  22. She still hasn't gotten the eyebrows right.
  23. I see a divorce in Britten's future. Her husband looks miserable.
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