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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Yes, it's always on the half hour before the new episode. I'm feeling shades of Zach and Mindy with Olivia and Brett. I hope I'm wrong. What was so terrible on Miles IG that turned Karen off so much? Pics of him having fun? Traveling? Lots of friends? The usual IG look at my wonderful life stories? What?
  2. Well, she's only 37. I was really horny at that age, too. 1,000 years ago. Of course, I wasn't out there dry humping and making out in public like a 16 year old. Why does Sonja think Ramona should throw her a birthday party or include her in on her own birthday party every year? What has Sonja ever, ever done for Ramona? I remember Dorinda egging her on with that, too. Dorinda is a shit stirrer galore and each and every one of them is awful in their own way. Avery to her mother at dinner: You don't talk to 50 women. Tell it, Avery! Leah was on WWHL last night and said that Ramona will not find what she's looking for in a man in NYC because those type of men (the 1%) want 25 year olds. She said that those men even think she's too old! At 37! I thought that was honest and funny. Leah is great in her interviews and TH's, it's the actual show that brings out her crazy.
  3. If you look at that picture Denise has almost no makeup on and she is in her 50's. Imagine if the others had no makeup on. Scary thought. Yes, she needs some botox in her frown lines and filler along her marionette lines on the sides of her mouth but big deal that's easily fixable. At least she's not pulled and stretched beyond recognition. If you look at Denise back in her prime she was naturally beautiful, born that way and looks much like her dad. Nose, eyes, lips and smile all the same. That can't be said for a single one of the others and that is what I think is the difference with Denise. *Edited to correct Denise's age. She 49, not in her 50's. But still.......
  4. Well, IMO Kyle has always had questionable taste when it comes to friends. Faye Resnick, Taylor Armstrong and Kris Jenner are prime examples of who she hangs with so it doesn't surprise me she likes Brandi again and will believe her because she wants to bury Denise.
  5. What's the deal with Kim and Brandi's friendship? Kim going over to Brandi and plopping herself between Teddi and Brandi and holding her hand, petting her, telling her to go ahead with her story it will all be ok. WTF? The whole scene was vomit inducing and phony as hell. Icing on the cake, Brandi acting all sweaty like she was hyperventilating and about to pass out if she didn't get some water. What a crew.
  6. Kim is looking really, really bad. Pulled and stretched ,her skin is dry as a bone and her makeup is always so wrong. How about Adrienne? She's gotten fluffy and her voice is so deep and raspy. She must be a heavy smoker. I can't with all the long, fake extensions anymore, either. So overdone, why can't they just wear their own hair maybe shoulder length with a few (very few) pieces thrown in for fullness? At least Dorito doesn't go for the awful long hair. Don't care for her but she is a stunningly beautiful woman and so is Denise. Gorgeous. Another reason for the overdone coven to be jealous of Denise.
  7. Awww I really like Woody. He's a good guy with a soft heart. He just needs to tone it down a little bit and realize he doesn't need to be "on" all the time. I was happy to see Amani liked him. Olivia is a sweet classy lady. Brett is a complete jerk. Watch tonight's Unfiltered and you will see what I mean. What a douche. Dr. Amelia and Bennett. Wow, didn't see that coming. I thought they would have been a match made in heaven. I wonder if they will follow through with the vows.
  8. So that was it? A drunken one night hookup between two adults. Brandi acted like Denise practically raped her. Brandi is a disgusting pig. I don't believe at all that Denise said all those awful things about all the other women. Brandi said that to get the women on her side before she told her bullshit story. Next week is going to be a very dark episode with all of them attacking Denise. I don't know if my stomach can handle it. Way to ruin a trip to Italy. I hate them all except Garcelle, Denise and so far Sutton.
  9. Ha! My southern husband always says if you know how to make a good gravy then you can make anything taste good even if you're a terrible cook. Just learn how to make gravy!
  10. This is true. Nobody can force him to take his meds. Unfortunately by not taking them he will ruin his life. He will get worse and yes, he can eventually become violent and harm others or himself if he goes untreated. This disease never gets better on it's own. What bothers me is the support Kim and the family have continually given him by constantly perpetuating his claims that he is a genius and going to the "Sunday Services", along with thousands of other people including well know celebrities. Why did so many go to the services? To watch a train wreck in person? Hollywood is just fucking fickle and weird. There are no real friends in the world of celebrity. Kim has said in many interviews (after his diagnosis) that she admires his speaking his mind and having his own opinion. So which is it? Are they supporting him and his meltdowns turning a blind eye to his illness because of his fame and image Kim has projected of the happy family with 4 perfect kids or are they trying to get him help which is futile because he won't agree to it? Can't have it both ways, Kimmy. Also, if Kim does ever leave him I have no doubt he will go completely off the rails and try to destroy her and her family with a vengeance, probably fight to take the kids, too. Just imagine his tweets. This is why she stays.
  11. Tim is such a freakin' little diva but he cracks me up with his dry sense of humor. Veronica putting clear nail polish on him, then he says he likes the freshened up look on his nails. He is a gem!
  12. Not where they live in Mexico. You pay cash there. As for utilities, as Armando showed Kenny you pay the bills in a "7-11" convenience type store. You don't really need a bank but you do need access to ATM machines. If they lived in a real touristy area then maybe plastic is accepted. Kenny was annoying me with his confusion on the currency exchange. He said he has been to Mexico before, so he didn't know something so simple as how many peso's equal a dollar? Get your head out of your ass, Ken. They will probably be better off moving to a more modern city. There are plenty of gorgeous cities in Mexico where he will be able to walk to all stores and markets if he so chooses and eat pizza and burgers instead of the delicious fresh Mexican food there.
  13. And her nose job, chin implant, boob job and her lip enhancements. If GG's mom is taking a primary role in caring for the baby (we are assuming but let's be real) then why was GG so desperate to have a child? Was she bored and needed something to do? She's alone, doesn't have a partner to help her so mom is gonna do it. I just don't get people like this that have to have a child when they clearly shouldn't. Sigh.
  14. This is probably an UO but.....GG is high as a kite all day every day with a baby to take care of? Sorry, I know Pot is legal in California and all that blah, blah. I worry for this baby. Marijuana still dulls the senses and reflexes and I would think she would cool it a little bit. She needs it for her RA pain but it sounds to me like she takes advantage of the medicinal purpose of her using it. With that said, I wish I lived in a state that would legalize it because I wouldn't mind partaking once in a while. But I'm not GG, I have sense and would use it wisely.
  15. Agree. He has since shaved that mess off his face and got a nice haircut. Looks much better.
  16. Josh Holloway is 51? Wowza, hot hot hot!
  17. I'm sure Andy Cohen didn't want that dirty laundry aired out on TV! MJ sure is full of herself. Nobody is allowed to talk or make a point except her. Why does GG dislike Nema so much? Actually it seems like none of them like Nema. He is the only likeable one to me! And for the record, his teeth look fine to me. They all have overly white veneers so what's so different about his? Looks to me like Destiny is sporting some new glow in the dark chompers, too. Anybody going to make any comments about that or is it just Nema that gets the brunt of their jokes? Ugh, next week we get to see Mike, the appointed voice of reason trying to mend MJ and Reza's broken relationship. The tears will flow and the "I love you's" will flow. I don't think Tommy and Adam will be too happy if they reconcile. So all gay men send dick pics and porn pics to their friends and Adam asks Andy if he agree's and Andy said yes, he does it, too. So that makes what Adam did ok. Then why are they all still having this argument?
  18. Yes! Why wasn't Beth informed of being sterilized before agreeing to the abortion? Let's just blame Jaime for everything that goes wrong with this family. Beth was being a bitch to Jamie before he took her to get the abortion but she had no problem asking him and only him to help her. Stupid, unrealistic story line. A lot of the story lines on this show are stupid. Yet, I love it, I can't quit it, the cinematography takes my breath away and I will continue to watch every episode!
  19. If social distancing is still going on in the winter where is she going to cook then? It will be too cold to be outside. Show us your kitchen, Sonny! Maybe she's a hoarder and doesn't want anyone to see it!
  20. I don't buy it, either. I remember in the beginning of the honeymoons Michel and Steve had a big fight because they went skiing and Steve was pretty good at it, having a good time and Michel said she hated it and was a sulking bitch face because she was terrible, kept falling, was too cold, blah blah. So no, I don't think she's an adventurer at all unless sitting on the beach drinking margueritas is her idea of adventure. Something is not adding up there. I don't understand why Michael wanted to be on a show about getting married when he clearly is not ready for that kind of commitment. He doesn't want to settle down yet, he wants to go out and party with his buddies and cheat on (apparently) his wife. He is not serious about a monogamous relationship so again I wonder why he wanted to get married in the first place. Just to be on TV and look like a jerk? Well, then, mission accomplished, asshole. Makes no sense.
  21. That was one random table of dinner guests. Sonja, Colin Cowie is gay. And has a husband. Give it a rest. Dorinda making a toast to Leah and Leah getting down on one knee to thank her. Strange people. Ramona telling the delivery guy how cute and thin she is. I get a lonely and sad vibe from the moaner this season, despite the fact that she has 60 girlfriends.
  22. Kris Jenner looked less than enthusiastic to be at Kyles party. Maybe because the spotlight wasn't on her and her vapid daughters. She also looked old and tired. Kyles bangs are growing on me. What's wrong with bangs, anyway? I had them for years and years and felt forced to grow them out because nobody else was wearing them anymore and I didn't want to look out of style. Now I have to get botox because I don't have bangs to cover my forehead lines and between the eyes lines. Sigh. I would kill to live in Malibu with that view but Camille's house felt small and cramped. It's Malibu so it probably cost close to 10 Million. Insane.
  23. I enjoyed Aaron not giving a damn about what that phony poser broke ass blowhard PK was saying. Are Kyle and Dorit buddies again? Dorit went to Kyles house during party prep for what reason? Garcelle is a beautiful woman but doesn't fit in on a Housewives show. I could care less about her business meetings or her latest projects. Who the heck was that tagging along with Brandi at the party? Rinna is one of the most vile humans ever. Why anybody would want to be friends with this backstabbing wench is beyond me. But again, she gets a pass for her shit stirring.
  24. And she's having a baby. How pathetic. If she was living back in the US I'm sure her parents would hire a nanny for her but what is she going to do in Ethiopia? Above all else, why would a spoiled brat that doesn't know how to do anything want to have a baby? Boggles my mind.
  25. I'm confused as to what Jihoon was saying. He paid off all his debt and gives his mom his paycheck so he doesn't piss it away? Ok, that's a good start. Then he said she is holding $3,000 for him? So he also said he works part time and earns $2,000 to $3,000 per month? Damn, sounds pretty good so far. Then why isn't he putting that $3,000 down on a nice apartment? And why didn't Deavon ask him that or ask him to send her money to help her with the baby while she was still in the US? Again, so confused. The only conclusion I can come to is that Jihoon is full of shit, there is no savings and probably no job otherwise there would be no problem. Ariela's mom should offer to find them a nice apartment, pay the first six months rent and tell them they are on their own after that. The family has plenty of money and mom wants to know her daughter and grandchild have to have decent accommodations. There really isn't much of a choice, her stupid daughter got pregnant, now mom is going to have to take over and make things right. If it wasn't for the baby I would tell Ariela to kick rocks. I think Bini would really try to come through for her and the baby. They need help starting out. If he blows it after that, then I bet Ariela will come running home. I'm more interested in Sumit's nice looking tall friend. Jenny picked the wrong guy. He actually sounded like he had some sense unlike Sumit sitting there like a lump. I also want to know why he is getting a divorce and if he married an American or a local girl. Oh, and Jenny, it's not the friends place to tell you what you should have already known about Sumit. Jeesh! She will blame everyone and everything except Sumit for this mess. Armando is an at home crafter! Love this cutie. Kenny driving down the road to Mexico singing and dancing (sort of) in the car with old girl doggie in the seat next to him. Again, love. I want them to work out. Oh, and just for the record you can live in Mexico nicely for one third of what it cost to live in the US. Hence, the nice apartment.
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