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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Annie was X-tra loud tonight. David is becoming very annoying. An expert on everything. Let's re-visit your shit show of a season, David. A total loser now he has all the wisdom on how people should live their lives. Can't stand him. Big Ed's momma is a little cutie. I love when she calls him "Pony". Her comments are spot on. Telling Ed he likes to argue when he drinks too much wine! Molly has put on so much weight she looks uncomfortable on that couch. It's a shame because I thought at one point she lost about 50 lbs. Looks like she gained it all back plus more. The only one I truly like is Alexi. He's smart and funny. Has a great dry sense of humor. Loren is a lucky girl.
  2. I thought that was the father's house and they live there because he's always working in China and never home. I always wondered if Stacey was as much of a mess as Darcey. Now we know. Stacey said Florian doesn't know how to drive, has never had a job, and lives with parents. He's only average looking. Quite a catch you got there, Stace!
  3. Destinee is an entitled, ungrateful bitch. I hope she ends up back behind bars. Shawn's gonna lose his 50K. I just hope that 50K wasn't supposed to go towards supporting his SIX kids. They're really dragging out this "where is Lindsey" story line. I feel so sorry for her kid. She didn't need to be sitting there while the phone call to prison was being made. What is wrong with these people? Shame on grandma for allowing that. They're also dragging out Blue Suit meeting Big Ass. This show needs to pick up the pace. There are enough trashy dysfunctional couples to keep it moving along. No Kristianna and John at all or did I miss that exciting segment?
  4. Does she? I have seen pics of some of her family members, if I remember correctly some of them were on the show. Maybe a sister and brother? They look like average middle age people. I don't remember her mother looking like anything special, either. Maybe she takes after her Dad's side of the family. This woman works hard at it. I bet she works out regularly. She's also very tall which is in her favor. She has a models figure and knows how to keep it looking right and tight.
  5. What's with Steve and Mishel? I'm not understanding these two. Steve clearly not attracted, she continually crying about being betrayed and lied to. Next episode he loves her, she's the best woman he's ever met, she's beautiful and she's got a shit eating grin on her face like all is well with the world. Huh? I thought the American version of this show was bad but the Australian version sucks even worse. The commitment ceremonies are a waste of time. The experts never ask any hard core questions about anything. No matter what the couples are complaining about all they ask is "so what is your decision"? Never getting to the bottom of any issues the couples are having.
  6. Not a fan, but....Kudo's to Tamra. She posts her workouts on IG and they are hard core. She works her ass off (no pun intended). I don't know how she does it at her age. I don't see her doing any yoga, though, mostly strength training and some cardio.
  7. Ramona, Sonja and of course Dorinda are always making comments about Leah's great body. Besides the fact that these women are so superficial, Leah happens to be 26 years younger than Ramona and at least 20 years younger than Sonja and Dorinda. Cut yourselves some slack, ladies. Things change with age. Luann has the body that should be coveted by these harpies because that woman is in her 50's and when she was walking down the beach with Leah her body looked fabulous yet they never comment on her fit body.
  8. Why all the TH's with Dorinda? Stop it, BRAVO! She's not entertaining, cute, clever, funny, or shady.
  9. Tim was so weird during his season. I remember Veronica face timing Jennifer asking her if she and Tim had sex yet. Because she knew that was probably impossible. Yea, I don't see Veronica ever wanting Tim back. He just isn't boyfriend material.
  10. How long will she last in the studio before having her handlers claim that she is bailing once again due to her illness. All of her failures are due to her illness. It's getting really old and nobody cares about her bullshit excuses anymore.
  11. Because she had a baby. Something no other female on planet earth has ever done.
  12. Only if she shaves her legs, brushes her teeth and doesn't want any more kids.
  13. So Kaycee knows Jamie was adopted? Jamie saying (paraphrasing here) "I need some help, brother, if I can still call you brother" and Kaycee saying you will always be my brother. Sleek how the writers just slid that in there with no further explanation. This show.
  14. So the best Larissa can do is Eric-ee living in that run down shack of a house without a penny to his broke ass name? You're really movin' on up, girl! He's quite a catch! She has accomplished nothing. Go home to your kids, act like a mother and stop fucking around here in the United States. It's not working out here for you at all.
  15. You mean his "little assistant". What a demeaning thing to say especially since she's also a realtor. Steve, way to go, buddy. You promise Mishel in the car that you would not bring up your lack of attraction for her to your friends because she made it clear it's embarrassing for her and then you go ahead and do exactly that! Does this guy not know how to read a room? Anybody else have doubts if that's really Michae'ls house? Nothing in the frige, almost nothing on the walls, bedrooms looks sparse, the pool, fountain what ever area blahhhh. Either the house has no warmth because Michael the bachelor has no taste and needs a professional decorator or the house isn't his and production used it to pretend it's his. I'm voting for the latter. Cathy, for the love of god stop crying! Nobody is going to want to be around your sniveling weepy ass if you keep that up. Seb and Lizzie- they sure edited out most of their camera time. She's going to talk herself right out of that relationship.
  16. Olivia doesn't want kids and Brett does. Isn't that one of the first qualifying questions these experts should ask? Olivia is confusing me because she told his parents she didn't want kids right away and wasn't sure if she was ever going to want them, then she told Brett she does not want kids. Oh, boy. I can't imagine how boring Henry must be in the sack. Although, my ex was a quiet guy and was dynamite in the sack. Certainly was not the reason we divorced! 😁 Maybe there is hope for Henry.
  17. I was team Denise until this ep. Saying that Brandi said she has slept with every female she knows and has slept with someone at the table. C'mon Denise. Blatant bullshit there, too little too late, deflecting, what ever you want to call it didn't do anything for her innocent act. The reason she will never admit to sleeping with Brandi is because she doesn't want Aaron to know and will never admit it to anyone. Otherwise, I don't think anybody would give a rats ass who she slept with. With that said, still hate Brandi for bringing it up in the first place.
  18. There is nothing more obnoxious than Rinna's IG dancing and near nude photo's. We get it Rinna, you don't eat, your dance moves are from the 80's and yes, you have an incredible banging body. Enough.
  19. No way in hell that is a real "doctor"! And no way in hell Angela has a perfect anything! She is so obese, a smoker and eats crap for nutrition. In reality her cholosterol levels must be sky high and she's probably borderline diabetic. She needs to be more concerned about having a stroke or heart attack instead of toting a baby. Speaking of having a baby, the dear "Dr" needs to tell Ang flat out that at 54 she is not going to conceive a baby naturally even if she tried in-vitro the chances are probably 0% even then not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars it costs to go that route which Ange and Mikull can't afford. I'm so sick of this storyline. Put it to bed, TLC!
  20. If she's married to a man with money then she has money. Then she better get that secret bank account now so she can start saving her coins. As for Charisse, did she not get a fair divorce settlement?
  21. True. They're all broke except Monique and maybe Ashley and we all know that's the Aussie's money. Ashley doesn't have shit and the Aussie made it pretty clear that if she left him she would be leaving not having shit. Hence, the baby being born. Guaranteed child support at least. I can't figure out where they live. Is it a condo, townhome, house, what? Doesn't look like anything much but for all we know it's a million dollar penthouse in the sky. For some reason we never really see the place, only small shots of the living room which looks like one of the first apartments I ever rented. Anyway, Robyn and Juan lost everything they had, they are still working their way out of the mess. Giselle has been struggling since her divorce even though she bought that run down house and fixed it up so good for her on that but she still is not wealthy by any means. Is she driving an old mini cooper? We all know Karen is a poser with a husband that can't control his finances and again classless Candiass and Chris have nothing unless momma pays. So I'm not seeing how Monique can be jealous of anything. She's beautiful, she married a man who loves her, he had a great career and obviously he invested well. So what if she wasn't born to the manor and is a little insecure because of it. Who cares. These other women have nothing on her and as far as I can tell she is the only one with a good marriage.
  22. Angela has one daughter in prison, one daughter living with her along with SIX grand kids because apparently her 2 daughters are losers and can't support themselves or their kids and up until recently a sick mother to care for. Yes, 54 year old Angela needs a baby in the house. Go for it, you stupid cow.
  23. Mystery solved! Katie said in this episode she lives on Long Island.
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