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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Sara will be Angela in about 30 years. Hair and all. Still lookin' for love with prisoners.
  2. I would love to know Michael's real story. He lives in Miami now with apparently no job but can afford to come up to NY when ever? Isn't he supposed to be on parole or probation or what ever the hell? I thought he had no driver's license yet he's always driving. And has a car. Loser must be doing something right.
  3. 3 kids now. Triplets on the way. All screaming and crying at one time. Chane with no job. Yet, Laci is never hurting for money. What exactly does she do? Let's hope this a fakety fake storyline because there couldn't possibly be any man as stupid as Chane at 21 yrs old being happy about having 6 kids, 3 which belong to someone else but will have to be taken care of by you. And Lacy's dad. Malcom, run, buddy. Run very fast and very far away because you are right. Sarah is not over Michael.
  4. That's the key right there. The kids were very spoiled, lazy and disrespectful when they were young and there was no discipline from either Amy or Matt. Except Molly who was pretty much born a perfect kid.
  5. Caryn knows how to play Matt and she does it very well. She is very calculating with him. Knows what to say, when to say it, and when to back off just enough to let Matt think he's still the big decision maker. She uses her skill on his kids, too. They all fall for her BS. Amy could never figure out how to play Matt's game. It's sad that when you are married you should have to play a game at all but this is Matt we're talking about. I also find it very sad that Amy still says that Matt intimidates her. Interesting that Amy wants a little time alone in her new house with out Chris. I would think she would be suffocating him with wanting to live together right away. Good for her. Maybe the infatuation is wearing off a little bit and reality is setting in? Chrismas was depressing. House barely ready for occupancy, just Zac and boring Tori and the babies. So different from Christmas' past at the farm. Why is it taking Amy so long to move all her furniture in and make that house a cozy home? I guess she was doing a lot more renovation than shown and possibly buying new furniture.
  6. If Gizelle's daddy refused to walk her down the aisle the first time I guess Jamal was probably an asshole before the marriage. She married him anyway. She's going to mess up again. Unless of course this is all for a storyline.
  7. At that point in the kitchen he had no idea how bad the fight really was. Wait till he actually sees the footage. By now he has. Shit is going to hit the fan in the Samuels household.
  8. Jamal running some kind of game giving a restaurant (in Atlanta) to his daughters (who live in Potomac) is some kind of shady. He hasn't changed a bit and their daughter's and Gizelle's dad know it. After 12 years Gizelle really wants to start over with him? I'm so disappointed in her. She can't say they're getting back together for the kids because those kids don't give a shit about daddy coming back.
  9. So you can your tubes tied and still get pregnant with IVF? Ummm...how is that scientifically possible?
  10. I just remembered something that explains Sonja's behavior perfectly. Ramona said off the cuff (in Part 1, I think) that Sonja was the Lucille Ball of the show. I think Sonja thrives on that and really believes she is that funny quirky Lucy that everybody loves. Sonja, You are not LUCY. Give it up.
  11. Yesssssss! And at the end of the day there they all were kissing Dorinda's ass again (except Lu). We all really love you, Dorinda. Dorinda has such a big heart. Dorinda has been through so much this season. Dorinda was in soooooo much pain this season. Dorinda is always there for us. Camera pans over to Dorinda sitting there looking like the cat that ate the canary, looking justified in every shitty thing she has done. Way to go, girls. You just negated every malicious nasty thing Dorinda did all season.
  12. Table for one here but I thought it was so funny when Olivia was once again complaining to Brett about Brett and he wouldn't take his sunglasses off! You know that just pissed her off! I think at this point he is so turned off to her and knows the marriage is never going to work so he is just enjoying poking the bear at this point. Normally I would say that isn't nice but this Olivia we are talking about and I can't stand her.
  13. The Duggars usually get married shortly after courtship. The fact that the family was applauding with glee at this 17 yr old's announcement is disgusting. Not one of them thinks "whoa, slow down a little, buddy." They are all sick.
  14. I don't think Brett has any intention of being toned down. At least not with Olivia. Stephanie was a kind, thoughtful, fun, truly adventurous person that worked with AJ to try to understand him and a big plus is that they were sexually attracted to each other from the get. Olivia does not have that personality. All she really wants to do is have serious conversations with Brett about how he needs to improve himself. She is a drag and a bore. I don't care how much she herself believes that she's fun and Brett is the boring one. All the excitement we have seen from her is Trivia night and a boat ride in the Louisiana swamp. She has only shown us that she likes expensive restaurants and high dollar wine. Big Whoop.
  15. I'm sure her lawyers told her to keep her mouth shut about it. Her stupid mouth talking about it on tape would only serve against her in a lawsuit.
  16. No Way! Steve is very tall so probably around 180-200 lbs. That would mean Mishel would have to be 280-300 lbs. Again, No Way! She's not that fat by a long shot.
  17. I thought she said she was 11 weeks but still......Huge. Imagine if she doesn't lose the weight after the baby is born. Jax will be on her ass asking her why she can't be skinny like Stassi and Lala managed to do. I'm sure they will lose all their baby weight quickly.
  18. Another fake storyline. More BS. I don't know of any "experimental" IVF programs. If there are, women having difficulty conceiving and broke would be lining up to be in so called free program.
  19. I caught a few minutes of her new season on Ytube it was a disaster. First of all they kept panning to the audience of maybe 10 people all sitting far apart with their masks on. Obviously staff members. They were clapping and chirping at everything she said. Why did that camera man keep showing that pathetic little audience? The she starts talking about Kanye and what a mess he is but she kept taking long pauses between every sentence. It was as if she was forgetting what she was saying mid sentence. No, Wendy has not changed at all, in fact I would say she has gotten worse during her long absence. Not sure if Norman lost weight or what he did but he looked fantastic. Some of the comments on Ytube said that Wendy was so mean to Suzanne. Told her to shut up! It wasn't on the footage that I saw, it must have been edited out because it was so bad.
  20. How many times has he been married? He has like 10 kids. That whole family is disgusting. Ericee makes my skin crawl. Larissa's freak show boobs look hideous but they do match that freak show fake ass she has. Somebody didn't send her the memo that porn boobs and Kardashian asses are no longer in style. Even Kim K had her ass reduced back to semi-normal. I do like her slimmer nose, though.
  21. I noticed when they walked in to the house and mama was gone and Brittany was supposed to be pissed she turned her head away from the camera because she was smiling. It was so obvious. What ever happened to Britt's storyline of having that prison girlfriend on the side? I guess she got pregnant and that put an end to her wanting an open marriage or what ever she was trying to do. I hope dumbass Sara stays with Malcom. He seems like a decent guy which means she will blow it somehow and keep screwing Michael until she gets pregnant again. Holy crap, I thought she was about to go all Exorcist and start rotating her head! That voice was scary!
  22. Jeremy's buddy jumping in to the water with his long pants and long sleeve shirt on. What a stupid thing to do. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must have been when he came out of the water trying to dry off on the sand with his pants sticking to him and then getting in to the car.
  23. Denise and Lisa have been friends for 20 years. Denise said she had texts that she could expose to hurt Lisa if she had to. In other words trying to get Rinna to STFU because she knows A LOT about Rinna and her life. I have a feeling Denise knows the same things Kim knows about Harry and I'm dying to hear about Harry's skeletons. Rinna better watch out and start playing nice or someone may come along and blow her secrets apart and I hope that someone is Brandi. Not that I like Brandi but we see how she can be when she out for revenge.
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