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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. That's typical of their relationship, though. They have never really warmed up to each other. Mostly because Bonnie is a self centered bitch. Kind of like what happened to George Michael and more recently Eddie Van Halen. They got sober but years of abuse to their bodies took a toll.
  2. Could John Pringle be any more boring? He looks like he needs a shave, haircut and a shower. Yay! Whitney is eating again! Maybe that's why he's looking so much better. He was anorexic for a while. He used to say he hardly eats at all. Always covering up from head to toe in long sleeves and black. Glad to see he's out of that phase. I wish Kathryn would lose the orange lipstick. And the stoopid outfits. Oh, I forgot she's a fashionista that worked at Gwynn's and modeled the clothing. Before she got fired. I don't get why Craig is living with Austen. Did he say his house flooded or something like that? It's weird. Same with Kathryn living with asshole again. I think most of that is for the show. Sheppie and Craig were on WWHL tonight, they both looked good. They have a trainer and are going to the gym regularly, Craig said he is off Adderall completely and has gained 18 lbs. Shep seemed much calmer. Maybe the girlfriend who looks like she's 12 is good for him. Since Patricia turns her nose up at vodka because it's made from potato's does that mean no mashed, fried or au gratin at her house, either? Are potato's peasant food in the Altshul household? This show is utter bullshit and please for the love of god I hope they don't make Madison the center of it all. She's just not that interesting. So she fucks everybody in town when she and Austen are on one of their many breaks. Big deal.
  3. He wasn't going to a bank, he was pretending to go to a bank. Armando was like really? You want to go alone? because he knows Kenny doesn't know how to converse in Spanish. Kenny was actually going to meet with his daughters to talk about his surprise marriage proposal to Armando that evening.
  4. Wow, who would have thought that news correspondant Rick Levanthal was a door mat. I don't see that marriage lasting. Kelly is such a bitch. She really needs to also shut up about how he bangs the crap out of her. Again, such a bitch. I'm still fascinated about Shannon's new man. She was sitting on the couch crying as usual about how she can't forgive anyone that calls her a liar and he's just looking at her like wtf? He is seemingly so calm and normal. Maybe that's why he's taking his time about moving in with her and getting married. Smart guy. Take your time, John. Take a long, long time. Well, while talking to Emily in her crowded sad bathroom Gina said they don't have their kids full time. The ex's have shared custody so the kids are not stuffed in there very often. We can all breathe now. Oh, and Gina, clean up that pigsty. She's such a mess.
  5. Especially since he doesn't speak the language. How does he ever expect to have any type of parental relationship with the child if he can't talk with her? Kenny is ridiculous. Armando may be 20 years younger but is so much wiser in so many ways. Armando speaks perfect English with hardly any accent at all. I wonder if he will start teaching his daughter to speak English. It's so much easier to learn a second language and become bi-lingual when you are young. It will benefit her for the rest of her life.
  6. Then he had the nerve to say he wished he spoke Spanish so he could ask the important questions he wanted to ask. He had plenty of time to start studying Spanish. Besides that, Armando was doing a great job translating and asking the right questions. He got all the answers he needed for them to start to take the next steps. Kenny needs to STFU and stop acting like you are superior to Armando. Yazan is crazy. Brittney is horrific. I can't stand Jenny. She's so in love with this loser that works 3 hrs a day and has to pay his parents $20,000 but never will be able to. How long does it take to earn $20,000 in India?
  7. Eh, I have no dog in this fight but I have to give congrats to Candyass for becoming the front and center star of this show with her boring singing career that took too much time on my screen and for using her smart ass mouth to her full advantage and to garner sympathy while she uses her pointy kleenex to dab away her tears. The women imitating Wendy's skulking dance was every phuckin' thing! I couldn't stop lmao. With Wendy sitting right there! No matter how Wendy tries to impress with her gazillion degrees these women are just not buying her superiority act and not afraid to talk about it in front of her face. This franchise is the best!
  8. TRav the molester is back on our screens? BRAVO you have sunk to an all time low. How desperate and disgusting can you be? True or not I was lmao at Kathryn's description of Cam. Miss Lili Pulitzer oh I'm just a sweet southern girl is an ASSHOLE! I don't care for Kathryn but she always brings it in her confessionals. Shep finally settled down with a boring, plain jane girl after all these years of talking so big about being able to get any hot woman he wants. How much is she being paid to be his girlfriend this season? I don't see any chemistry between them at all. Shep is on his redemption nice guy tour this season and I'm not here for his BS. It's not looking good right out of the gate. This shark has already jumped. Whitney you get a big fat zero.
  9. Sounds exactly like what Vicki used to do with the newbies. How long before John realizes he got himself involved with a nutbag? He seems so normal. Where was he when she was going ape shit at her house fighting with Brawny? I would have been seriously re-thinking the relationship if I was witness to that. Emily's kid with the cat tail pulling. I am so pissed!!!!!! Why does she keep introducing pets in to that family? Clearly she has no time for it or to teach/train her kids about animals. You don't bring pets in to a family of unruly kids!
  10. She's only 7 weeks? Aren't you supposed to wait until 12 weeks to announce because of complications of a miscarriage are more prevalent before 12 weeks and she has already miscarried once? I guess there's really no rule, wtf do I know. I hope it works out for her, she's wanted a baby for so long.
  11. Yeah, but is it in Jer and Auj's interest? I can't imagine they are fine with this. It doesn't matter if they are on the show or not. This is family money and family property. Jer stated when he was still on the show that he wanted the house eventually. Matt kept saying Zach has been working hard with him on the farm. Then Amy reminded him that Jer has put alot of work in to the farm, too. Matt hesitantly agreed. It's almost as if Amy had to remind him he has another son to think about. Hmmm something is going on with these two boys. Unless it's all for the camera and Z and T really have no plan to move in to the house. Also, they kept saying someone else was moving in there for a while which really confused me. What's that all about?
  12. Sure, Matt needed to get over himself a long time ago. I was talking about Amy at the time of my post. I've had plenty of snark for Matt at other times.
  13. I just can't forget how on their season reunion she and her buddy Paola ganged up on one of the others they were jealous of and tore them to shreds to the point of Alexi telling Lauren under his breath "Ok, that's enough, be quiet". I like Alexi and he knows his wifey was going to far with her malicious behavior. I love it when he constantly puts her in her place. He does it nicely but you know he doesn't take any crap from her.
  14. Bethenny can not be without a man. I'm sure every relationship she's in has an overlap.
  15. If she's going to be on Air and by the grace of god still have her own show and raking in millions of dollars doing it, she better fucking well make it her business to "be perfect"! Every day, consistently. I'm so sick of her excuses. If all the other talk show hosts had that attitude it would be a real shit show out there in TV land.
  16. On a previous episode Chris referred to the new house as their "starter home". I don't get it. These people are in their late 50's. Why on earth would they want to move yet again? I was getting irritated about Amy showing the exterior of the new house and how "small" it was with the lack of land. That's what you get in Oregon for half a million dollars, get used to it, Amy, and be thankful you could afford that. I thought the backyard was awesome, had enough lush landscaping and privacy, nice water feature and fire pit. Of course she had to whine about the fire pit not being as good as the one at the farm. Honestly, she needs to get over herself. Caryn's comment about not caring to get married was interested. I have a feeling she said that because Matt is the one not wanting to get married again and she knows it's not going to happen. He like the relationship just the way it is.
  17. The last home episode Geoffrey was in a totally different kitchen. Maybe he has two homes. One in the city and one in the burbs. One had a modern white kitchen and the other one he is usually in has a dated kitchen. It was distracting me. It doesn't take much. I have tried several of Katie's meatloaf recipes. They are all delicious.
  18. Drives me crazy when the pillow talkers get all excited at the beginning of every show. Are you ready? Yay, clap clap! Ohhhhhh I'm soooooo excited! This is gonna be soooo good! Clapping like seals. Then at the end of the show: Ohhhh can't wait till next week! It's gonna be soooo good! This season is the best! I can't wait another week, I'm soooo excited! STFU already. They all do it except Alexi because he's the only cool one in the bunch. And Tim because he thinks he's cool but he's not.
  19. Ah ha! I always thought she was wearing wigs because, well, her hair always looked "wigish" to me. She didn't look well this last season. I thought drug use, too. She started looking bad after her divorce and her ex's new marriage. So painfully thin, disheveled and frail. If this is the case I hope she gets the help she needs.
  20. When exactly did Karen amass all this wealth Ray keeps talking about? Is it from her old lady perfume? I can not imagine anybody is buying that stuff. What else is her claim to monetary fame? I don't know how much she is paid for the show but that can go away any time. It was just a few seasons ago they were renting and lying about everything in their lives. Now Karen, who has never really worked a day as long as she was married to Ray is wealthy? Did her parents leave her a huge inheritance or something because it ain't coming from that stank perfume line.
  21. Michael is in his 60's. How long is he gonna blame daddy for his lying, cheating behavior? That's a very bad look, Michael. Oh, and yeah, Ashley is giving all her attention to the baby, things have changed, blah, blah, so hey, let's have another baby! That will solve all your problems. You mean her momma has money. I'm glad he told her to shut up. Not that it would ever do her any good. The beatdown Monique gave her was wrong, wrong, wrong but Candyass is milking the attention she's getting from it. She's the star of the season!
  22. I think she feels more comfortable in prison. Sad, but she practically said that, right? She just doesn't know how to live in the outside world and isn't willing to try.
  23. What? John's leaving $20 bills all over town for Kristianne to randomly find?
  24. I thought Emily lost 25 lbs. She was putting it out there all over social media a few months ago. I'm not seeing it.
  25. Sure, Kelly. Keep convincing us. Sex three times a day. With a 60 yr. old man. Let's see how hot it is when you don't live across the country from each other any longer and have to look at each other every day.
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