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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I wish Miles would stop trying with Karen. She doesn't deserve him. Usually love Bennett but he was over the top this episode. His letter was childish and ridiculous and it hurt Amelia. ChristineA is really looking rough. No makeup, hair disheveled and greasy looking. Henry still looking like a fresh flower. I love him. Woody cracks me up. He has good bullshit radar. I pride myself on having that same radar. He knows ChristinA is batshit and doesn't have time for her BS. He knows Henry has issues and talks in circles. He knows his buddy Miles is wasting his time and Karen is not being fair to him. Most of all, he has no problem saying such in front of the camera, he's not trying to sugar coat shit.
  2. He's a couple of years older than Shannon. They have a lot in common. They both went to USC, she didn't know him then. He graduated a year or two before her. Agree, maybe Gina's man's ex has primary custody and he see's the kids on weekends or what ever arrangement they have. If he has his kids full time his ex must be a real winner. I'm not sure I like him. He's too willing to move in with her so soon and show his face on camera. Does he have a real job? How did Gina get this gig anyway? She's common looking, her house is common, clothes are cheap looking, her hair is a disaster, and she has no wealth. Apparently she is one of those women that has to have a man in her life no matter what. Again, she got this job how?
  3. Regarding several comments about Matt: I dislike Matt intensely but I will never begrudge him for what he went through medically. The man is a mangled mess, he can barely walk or use his hands. He spent years of his childhood and teen years in the hospital enduring painful surgery after surgery. He talked about it on the show because I'm sure he was asked to talk about it on the show. Let's not forget that during all of these reality show talking heads they are sitting there with someone on the other side of the camera asking questions. After all, this started out as a show about little people and how they navigate through life with their limitations. It's what the viewers wanted to know. As for marrying Caryn without a pre-nup, I don't see that ever, ever happening. The man is an asshole but is not about to enter in to marriage without protecting his wealth. He has millions of dollars at stake. He's no fool when it comes to money. That's if he ever marries Caryn. He doesn't seem to be in any rush what so ever to do that.
  4. The constant kissing between Amy and Chris. Please make it stop. Thank god Matt and Caryn don't do that. I couldn't take it from both couples.
  5. Jason was fighting that pre nup. Bethenny didn't have anything when they got married. Her wealth came after the marriage and Jason said it was because of his guidance and support in the business that she became so successful. I think that was settled but I'm sure B had to pay a pretty penny to resolve that fight. Now it is about custody. I don't know why a judge can't straighten all that out like he did the finances. It's ridiculous, Brynn will be old enough to make her own decisions by the time a resolution is met.
  6. I always wondered why Ms. Independant Bethenny always seems to jump from one relationship to another quickly, none of which seem to last. She can't be without a man for a hot minute. For all her bravado tough girl persona she must be a very insecure person.
  7. It's called respect. You have big news and you're not sure what the reaction will be? Tell it privately first. Are you calling Armando's family bigots? I saw family that was warm and welcoming in light of the fact they did not know how to handle Armando's choices and were very uncomfortable all sitting around the fire, hence the strained silences. In spite of that, they all hugged and welcomed Kenny. The dad is an ass but hopefully he will calm down. Kenny is not a woman so why compare? We're talking about actual situations, not "what if".
  8. Why don't they live in the US? Is Sumit not able to get a 90 day VISA or did he do something that would cause him to be denied? Now that he's divorced that shouldn't be a problem. I'm also wondering if this guy is working yet? What the heck does Jenni see in him I will never understand. I guess she thinks her measly Social Security check will cover all their expenses. In India maybe but not in the US. Sumit is a user and Jenni is a desperate idiot. Let's talk about the parents for a minute. My heart broke for Sumit's parents. His mom is devastated. We may not agree with their cultural beliefs but his parents are heart broken. Are these the same people Jenni said stormed in to their apartment, yelling and screaming, scaring poor Jenni to death and physically smacking Sumit around and dragging him home against his will? Armando's parents- I agree with his mother. He has to announce his engagement in front of his entire family? Tell her in private. That was disrespectful and I'm positive Kenny was the one pushing him to get it out in the open. The family probably never met a gay person in their life. Let them get used to Armando's new life for a freakin' minute. That family was very sweet, they will get used to it eventually. I think even dad will come around at least enough to be cordial. Does Kenny want to get married asap so he can move Armando to the US easily and get the hell out of Mexico? Is that his end game? Not liking Kenny at all. Oh, and taking the time to learn greetings and some simple sentences in Spanish would be a good idea and I don't mean in the car driving as an after thought on your way to meet the family. Brittney- her mom seemed to understand Brittney quite well. She not changing for anybody. Mom needs to convince her to stay in Chicago. Ari's parents- wow, they really made their bed with this daughter. Get ready to pony up more money money for a car and everything the baby needs and probably $$$ to fix up that apartment because Ari is not entirely satisfied with it! Did I hear Ari say she was paying for everything? She means her parents are paying for everything. I thought Bini had three jobs. But, no, now Ari wants him to help out with the baby and not work so much. While is she going to be doing all day?
  9. This is why you hire an accountant when you have various streams of income or are an independent contractor that doesn't have taxes automatically taken out of your paychecks instead of trying to do the 1040EZ form yourself! Accountants aren't cheap but well worth the money. Didn't Juan think to ask her if she was handling the taxes or suggest they do it the right way? He's just as stupid as she is. So happy to see Candiace wanting to adopt a dog then pushing it off to the side so she can cry to momma about how badly she's wronged. Don't adopt a dog, Candiace! They need more love and attention than you would ever be willing to give. Then she completely ignored it which the camera person willingly showed us.
  10. Ohhhh didn't know that. He seems very sincere that he wants to change his life. He actually knows how to talk, too. I don't know how long any of that will last if he keeps hanging with cray cray Heather. The only model Heather could have ever been is a porn or nudie model if there even is such a thing. She's disgusting in looks and personality.
  11. Yeah, you have a good point. Truth is this show has become incredibly boring. I remember reading an interview where Matt said they do amp up the drama somewhat for the show. Can't believe he admitted that.
  12. My new fave saying. "Put on a sweater and chill". I love Dylan. I must have fast forwarded through his story, though. What was he incarcerated for and how long was he in prison? It has to be an AirBnB. Jessica pregnant. Oh, god. Her family is going to be thrilled.
  13. Their lawyers should be handling those negotiations. That's what they get paid the big bucks for. No need for the two of them to be talking face to face about finances any longer. No more sparring back and forth in the DW. If I were Amy I would tell him just that.
  14. I don't know if that will work for Amelia. She wants to start a family within a year or two. They are newly married and barely know each other. They don't have a firm, grounded foundation yet. They need the time together. I think the distance and commuting will get old for her. Every two weeks can turn in to once a month, then once every six weeks, then once every three months, etc etc... not good for newlyweds. Bennett will need to make a choice eventually. I hope he chooses to be with Amelia full time, all the time.
  15. Oh, Woody. Chill on the baby making convo. You both want kids, give it at least a year or two of getting to know each other before getting pregs. Meanwhile, get that puppy. You will fall in love with it before you know it. Kudo's this episode go to: Henry calling out ChristinA about her living arrangement lies. Brett for sitting through another of Olvia's scoldings then saying yeah, I'm out. See ya! Miles for admitting he's ready to give up on Karen. I'm glad Amelia and Bennett came to some agreement on her moving to VA but I wish she would have put a timeline on the commuting back and forth for Bennett. Like maybe saying they could try it for 6 mos and then he should have a feeling of what he wants to do. Leaving it wide open is not good in a situation like that. Bennett may think it's ok to go on like that indefinitely. I want them to make it!
  16. Yeah, while Karen is still searching for a man that's "masculine" enough for her. Like the one that cheated on her and had a baby with another woman while he was still in a relationship with her and broke her heart in to a million little pieces. Keep looking, Karen.
  17. The first year or two, sure. They have been split up for 5 yrs. now. Time to happily move on with the man of your dreams. She should be elated with what the future holds for her. She's rid of Matt and that miserable marriage. He's Caryn's problem now.
  18. I could not sit still like Chris did listening to Amy lament about the history of each and every piece (mostly of junk) she has collected over the years. Going on and on with those stories would be of no interest to anyone but her. After politely listening to a couple of those stories I would be out of there! I hope he was, too. I would have told her to call me when she has everything sorted in to the Keep and Discard boxes and then I would come over to help her move it out. A year ago we sold our home of 22 years and had a lot of sorting to do. We were moving out of state, there was only so much we could take and extra trips back and forth with a moving van was not going to be possible. I am not a collector but my husband had the garage and attic full of crap. Every closet inside the house was packed and needed to be cleaned out. He got in there like a champ and we sorted, donated, sold or threw old what ever was not going with us. We were laughing about some of the stupid stuff we held on to. Maybe we had it easier because we had a timeline, the house was closing in 60 days and we had to be out of there. Amy's excuses about losing her dream and dragging her feet with the whole move was giving me anxiety.
  19. I remember a time when Amy was the one always walking on egg shells with him. No longer the case. How times have changed.
  20. I'm usually pro Amy but she really has gotten on my last nerve this episode. Never cared for Chris but he has my sympathy now. Having to deal with hard headed Amy takes the patience of a saint. Is he really that patient off camera? She has made several snotty comments to him in this episode that I thought were uncalled for. For example, when he was talking about having several dining pieces he could go and purchase right now she said something like "Well, aren't you special" and gave him a pissed off look. Chris has never lived with a woman so he is set in his own ways, too. Having to deal with Amy on a full time live in basis may be too much for him. Her lack of decision making and her hoarding tendancies may just drive him out of her life eventually! Her habits could be extremely irritating even for the most patient person. Also, I'm sick of hearing about how she can't let go of what she thought her life would be. She has a new house that she can afford to decorate and furnish any way she wants, she's not single and lonely, she has a boyfriend she is supposedly crazy about and her kids and grands are still very much in her life. Most of all, she's rid of Matt. She should be thrilled with her new chapter. Instead she is stuck in the past. She's making a boatload of money selling off her share of the farm plus the revenue from the show so STFU, pack up the rest of your shit asap and get on with your life, already!
  21. This is so very sad. Ms. Robbie gave that POS every opportunity to make something of himself after his time in prison. Did he have any idea how lucky he was? Most ex-cons can't even find a job, let alone being invited in to the successful family business. That's because Tim opened and was in charge of those. He just had to get to California. Against Ms. Robbies wishes.
  22. You would think wealthy Wendy would have 2 bathrooms in that NYC penthouse in the sky. Problem solved. What a moron.
  23. One is no more at fault than the other. Ashley should have never had a baby with a man that she knew didn't want any more children. She should have moved on and out. She's young and could have found love with someone else worthy of bringing kids in the world. Of course in Ashleys case he would also have to have a big wallet. Michael should have stood his ground and not given in to her just to shut her up. Get a vasectomy for god's sake! They're both fekkin' idiots.
  24. Then Ashley should never have had a child with him. She should have divorced him and went on with her life with a man that wants kids. Their marriage has sucked from the get, they have never been on the same page, it's destined for divorce anyway. I see it as sheer selfishness on her part to have a baby (soon to be 2) with this self centered asshat. What kind of a father did she think Michael was going to be? As usual the kids will be the ones to suffer.
  25. It's almost as if he's punishing her because he never wanted more kids to begin with so basically he's like if you want a kid, just remember it's going to be your responsibility to 100% take care if it. I don't feel sorry for Ashley at all. She knew where he stood. My confusion is that she's pregnant again! I don't get that at all.
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