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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Only in the historic district of downtown Charleston, like where Patricia lives. These chucklefucks live on the outskirts, they can do anything they want to on the exterior of their dumps as long as they don't live in a stepford planned HOA community where every new house has to look alike and it appears they don't live in such communities. If I was still young and pretty and I was in a bar with the likes of a Shep and a Pringle I would tell them to fuck off and get lost. Pathetic old men! Pringle still looks like an unclean, unshaven drunk and if anybody has no game it's got to be Shep. Those girls at the next table were funny, though. "What are you talking about"? Exactly. Again, no game. Go home old men. Is Whitney still a producer on this show? It's the only reason I can think of that would make him want to appear on this sinking ship, he certainly doesn't bring anything to the show regarding his personal life. So far we just see him sitting at a restaurant or bar with these losers. Something you know he would never do in real life.
  2. I thought so, too. I like the way the group handles Jill's wealth. They keep her grounded when she gets too haughty. Heck, even Jill makes fun of her wealth and knows she can be ridiculous at times about it which makes her endearing to me. It's difficult to play a rich snotty bitch but still so likeable and this actress does a great job at it. Speaking of Jill, where is her boyfriend? We need to see more of him. Bonnie and Adam talking about dinner with Marjorie and her boyfriend on the way home in the car was funny. That's something me and my husband would do after spending an evening with insufferable people.
  3. This is a perfect description of Whitney and her friends.
  4. I don't think so. It's cold in the NC mountains in Feb. That's all subjective, though. I call climate in the 40's cold while others don't think it's cold until the temps are in the 20's. Depends on what you're used to, I guess. One sure thing, though, the leaves would have all been off the trees. A dead giveaway that it wasn't Feb or even Jan.
  5. Scandal, wealth (or supposed wealth), melting faces from too much botox, and crazy ass backstories!. Marrying your granddaddy, having an affair with your much older boss and all your friends and family shunning you because of it, being ex-communicated from your church, being married and now divorced from a man that inherited a huge chunk of Howard Hughes wealth! Good job BRAVO, you may be getting back on the right track! After watching this the OC and BH are so stale and done. Those women should be shaking in their boots for fear of cancellation. There's a new franchise it town and I'm all in!
  6. Jeesh, Shannon sure is a downer so far this season. She had a puss on her face at Elizabeth's house, a puss on her face at the car dealership and was a bitch last episode. Where is Funnnnnn Shannon? I think she's miserable without Tamra and feels out of place with these newbies. I can't figure out why she iced out Tamra, though. She must be furious at what her daughter said about John. Shannon is trying to paint this picture of perfection with John but I don't see the relationship lasting and I still don't think Shannon is all that happy with her life. The car dealership scene. Who in hell thought it would be a good idea to film that and leave it in the episode? What a bore. They must have very little to feature this season if they chose not to edit that out. Why did Gina go to an AA meeting with Brawny? It's not normal protocal to invite a friend to an AA meeting unless you think they have a problem. I know Gina got a DUI and all that mess but it was a one time thing while she was going through a horrific divorce. Remember how much Shannon was drinking when she was going through her divorce? Please, please let this be the last season for Brawny and her brood. She has such deep issues and they start from childhood being raised (or not raised) with that sorry excuse for a mother then diving in to a marriage with a man that was more than happy to enable her alcoholism at the expense of their 7 kids. She needs years and years of therapy. I don't care to see her sober revelations play out on the show.
  7. This entire beautiful post has me dying!! But Deavon=Wednesday. I'm assuming from Adams Family? Pure Gold!
  8. Man, Justin Hartley is not just another pretty face (and body). He can act!! He did a great job this episode.
  9. Ugh, looks like Whit and Bud are back to being besties again. Pics and all on her IG. Her minions are telling her she and Buddy should get married, they belong together, they are perfect for each other and he is such a great guy. It's vomit worthy to say the least. Yeah, he's a great guy. Screwed over her best friend, can't hold a job, doesn't have a nickel to his name and he's pushing 40. Go ahead, Whit, marry that man!!
  10. I don't have enough mental stamina to follow the new grandfather/grand daughter storyline to try to figure out what that's all about. Please, writers, enough with the twists and turns of Randall's life. I can stay on board with Kevin and his babies mama drama, Rebecca and her dementia, even the Mc Bickersons Kate and Toby because all of that is real life stuff. Randall's story has always been so far fetched. It looks like it's going to continue to be this season as well.
  11. I agree, he had alcohol bloat and the way he used to slur his words when he was living at Whit's and passing out on her couch didn't look like drugs to me. Coke and Meth users are always skinny, BooBear stayed fat consistently.
  12. Ari and Bini: Why does Ari keep calling him BABY when referring to him? Baby said. Baby has to work. Baby is. Stop, already. Bini is a simple 4 letter name. Use it. And grow up while you're at it. Ari's mom and dad are delightful. I don't understand where it went wrong with her.
  13. I worked with a young girl from England. She came to the US on her own with a temporary work visa. She ended up marrying an American and was able to stay here permanently. The relationship was real and they are still going strong many years later. Anyway, she was a sweet, funny, hard working lovely girl. She loved her beer. She used to tell us stories about how in England it's common to go the pub on your lunch break, drink beer and get sloshed then go back to work. Those brits are a hoot! So, no, they are definitely not all douche nozzles!
  14. Sounds to me like he was "busying" himself with cheating and making a baby. It's pretty obvious this is why he had no intention of moving in with her. I don't think I'm going to be able to handle the break up and BooBear running to her rescue and hunkering down with her to save the day during the pandemic. Will he be allowed to start touching her again? Will she lay in his lap and cry while he strokes her hair? Oh, god, please no. I had to laugh at Whit whispering to her buds in the hot tub not to talk about wedding plans in front of Chase because it makes him uncomfortable then very next morning she proceeds to constantly talk about wedding plans. Beach or mountains and arguing over venue? Place cards asking her friends to be in the wedding in front of Chase and Ryan? When will he ask daddy for her hand in marriage? Whit's mom annoys me but she has Whit's number. She said in her confessional that Whit is the most opinionated person she has ever known and she needs to let Chase have a say in the relationship. Very telling statement. Maybe this is why Whit can't keep a man. She's an overbearing know it all shrew. Fun observation: When they were doing their outdoor jump the creek exercise I heard Whit yell "Boo Bear!!!!" at Buddy. Oops, she forgot she said she wouldn't call him that anymore. The editors really do their best to show us what a fake she is. They deserve an Emmy for daring to keep these little faux pas in the episodes. You have to listen carefully but they are there. They are subtle little digs at her pretentious ass but they are good. Another fun observation: When Whit and Chase arrived to the cabin and she went over to Ashley to give her a hug she said Oh, your red hair, I love it! Then she said I haven't seen you in.......weeks! Oops again, Whit. It's as if she was going to say I haven't seen you in months but caught herself. Yeah, close friends, sure. Again, kudo's to the editors for showing what a farce she is. I love them for hating her. It makes this shit show worth watching.
  15. I'm not buying it, either. As we know, Sunny is working on a popular televised cooking show which has been running for years now. Before that she had her own FN cooking show. I don't remember the name if it but it was pretty good. She's raking in the dough (no pun intended). I'm sure she can afford a very nice home. She's just a strange one.
  16. Yes, I noticed she's active on IG, too, so I deleted my rehab comment. Looks like she's doing just fine!
  17. If she just bought a home and/or is in the middle of a kitchen reno why not just say so? Hey, I'm cooking outside because I'm in the middle of a renovation and my kitchen is not fit for the camera!! That would be too easy. Shut down the speculation and move on. But no, Sunny has to be different. Speaking of kitchens, Katie was in a different kitchen this ep. Maybe she has a couple of homes.
  18. Aren't these celebs under contract? How could AF just walk away like that or even be fired? Unless her contract was up for negotiation and they couldn't come to terms or AF just didn't want to do another season but if you have a contract and walk away doesn't the network sue the star?
  19. So far I'm not seeing what is so delightful about Wendy. Oh, yes, let's not forget the butter knife incident. Candyass is the worst. I've disliked her from day one and just because Monique wrongly pummeled her ass isn't going to make me like her more now. Gizelle was always my favorite but damn, the woman is testing me. Wake up! You don't need Jamal. Not one single bit. It won't be better the second time around. p.s. I still don't think this relationship is real, it's for the show because Gizzy has nothing else going on in her life. Must stay relevant in order to keep your place on the show and keep collecting checks!
  20. Surprise, surprise. Sunny doesn't show us her kitchen pantry. I guess she doesn't have a pantry. Is she going to cook outside in the snow, too? Katie knew in advance the episode was going to involve showing the pantry. Take a few minutes and clean it up while Ryan watches the baby. Geesh! Earn your paycheck. Alex's popovers looked so good. Are they really that easy to make? If yes, I may have to give it a try. I'm not good at making any bread, biscuit, or anything involving dough. That includes pie crust and homemade pasta.
  21. I missed her, too. She had many great one liner's throughout the season's and delivered them perfectly. She and AJ had amazing chemistry.
  22. Shavel's daughter is so beautiful and sweet. Do you love Quaylon, do you miss Quaylon? That poor child. Some people just don't deserve to procreate.
  23. Kristianne is a mess, even her sister is ready to turn her in. Why is he so head over heels with this loser? I thought Johns kids were living with him, must be a mighty crowded house. Dylan, run back to mommy and auntie. They seem like decent people. He's a cutie, he can find a better woman than that batshit broad in no time. Maybe he should look up Sara. Ha! Jessica's ass in those tight dresses and those tree stumps for legs. Girl, cover yourself. Am I crazy or does her man appear to really want to do right? Will he repay her dad? Get a job? Will he stick around for the baby? So many questions. Only time will tell. Newsflash Destiny: your man has SIX kids. He is going to have to communicate with the ex until they are 18 and those kids are going to be a part of your life, too. Welcome to step mommy hood. Oh, I forgot, she's goin' back to prison soon. Never mind.
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