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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. So this season's edit is going to be poor, sweet, put upon Tania and Syngin the alcoholic loser that can't keep a job. Quite a 180 from last season. Also, how did they qualify to rent that house when neither has a job and limited amount of money saved up? When I was a property manager if you didn't have verifiable jobs you needed 12 months rent in the bank and pay it all up front. Saved us alot of headaches when eviction time comes around. They have only been there a month and already worried about paying the next month's rent.
  2. Libby's sisters need to STFU because Andreii is the reason they are all earning extra TLC $$$$. The mother is a real winner stating Libby is American, not Moldovan, therefore she doesn't understand why she can't wear a wedding dress with her boobies hanging out. It's called respect for cultural differences, you fekking moron!
  3. Why is he such an SOB with his kids?
  4. Well, how pathetic is that? What does 38 year old Whitney need help from her 74 year old mother for? Shaving her legs for her? Helping wipe her lady parts cause Whit can't reach? Help getting out of the shower? Good grief.
  5. Tracy was trying hard not to laugh during her confrontation with David. She actually cracked a smile a few times as if she was thinking she can't believe she let herself be sucked in to playing this drama. Oh, well. Anything for a buck, I guess. I read an interesting article on Altman the other day. Apparently he and his brother worked hard in their early twenties and became very successful multi-millionaires by the age of 26, then he lost it all. Pissed all of his money away on flashy livin'. He went in to a deep depression and had to build himself back up all over again. He said he would never be that stupid again and has learned how to save/invest his money. I never liked him but have to say I have new respect for the guy now.
  6. Yeah, I think Coltee is absolutely a big, fat disgusting blob but his new chick and old one (Larissa) are just as disgusting. Larissa is so obsessed with all of the cosmetic and plastic surgery work she's having done but obviously doesn't care to get home to her kids! I call that disgusting. The new one wants lots of sex (barf) yet wants to spend one of the only nights Coltee is in town partying with her girlfriends. She's looking for a K-1 (and some TV time). They all make me sick. The reason Kalani, Libby and even Paul keep screwing up their lives is because the parents are always there to pick up the pieces and come through with the $$$$. Let them hit rock bottom and have to get up by themselves for once in their lives. Again, makes me sick.
  7. I refuse to believe Twitney walked around naked in front of the crew with all her sagging disgusting fat flapping around. No Way! Not even her! If they center a new season around this fake BS then I'm out.
  8. I'm not feeling the Altman and Flag relationship. You know in real life these two would never be friends. All for the show and it's not working for me. I prefer a little more drama between these two. I now appreciate Tracy after watching "Selling Sunset". She has class and is professional unlike the barbie twits on that show with the 8 inch stiletto's and skirts up to their yahoo.
  9. I read on DailyMail that a source close to Stassi and Beau said they have "saved up" alot of money so they are not financially hurting. What bullshit. She bought a 1.7 million dollar house and spend a huge $$$$$ amount of money renovating it. They also took countless trips to Europe on her money. Obviously Beau doesn't know how to save because he lived in that rent controlled apt for 15 yrs and didn't have enough to help with the down payment on the house so he could at least have his name on the deed? Stassi wasn't a "star" for that long to where she could have sooooo much money saved. They may get through a little while without jobs but that won't last very long. I'm sure she was counting on an advance for her next book that she is supposed to be working on but didn't her publisher drop her as well?
  10. If they don't cancel the show and keep Jax, Brit, (ugh) Schwartz, Katie, Scheana and Lala I will be curious if they keep their friendship with Stassi. Hollywood is fickle and they may not want to be associated with her in order to protect their own careers. That would be the final kick in the gut for Stassi.
  11. How could she possibly come back from that? I doubt an article like that would be published if it wasn't true. I believe every word of it. Stassi lost her edge this past season, she's no longer the big star of the show, her time has come and gone. Even her engagement was a bore. I hope they give the show another season and totally revamp it, it was a boring mess this season. Maybe keep the Tom's and Scheana and hire all new cast, see how it goes. It may not last another season after that but so what. Nothing lasts forever.
  12. Stassi, Kristin, Brett and Max all fired from VPR! https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/stassi-schroeder-kristen-doute-fired-vanderpump-rules-1234629172/
  13. Holy shite! All 4 of them fired! https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/stassi-schroeder-kristen-doute-fired-vanderpump-rules-1234629172/
  14. Hope Stassi put a large down payment on that house. She's got to keep those mortgage payments up. We know Beau can't financially take up the slack. Very curious to know if her book publisher dropped her. I bet she was counting on an advance for the book.
  15. I hope he's not being scammed. He seems like such a decent man. He sold his house so he and Armando can live off the proceeds for a while. Why doesn't Armando have any money? Doesn't he have a job? My son lived in Mexico for a few years, it is true you can live much cheaper than the US. He had a big, beautiful house there that he could never afford here and the utilities are very inexpensive. He also enjoyed fresh produce and meat for a fraction of the cost of groceries here. I'm hoping for the best for Kenneth! I've already lost my patience with Jenny. She has no job, living on her daughter's couch and spent all of her 401k the last time she moved to India but she can afford to go back with Summeat who apparently is still not working. If she was living with her daughter she should have at least saved some money from her pittance of a monthly social security check. I just can't do another round with this dumbass.
  16. At least Russ chose a woman that wanted to get married and wanted a child. Evelin wants none of that whatsoever! She doesn't even want to live in the US which I must admit is different from most. She'll take his money, though. It's all about the money with Evelin.
  17. So she said. We don't really know if that's true. I think Anny is a little shady.
  18. Can NOT believe Dorinda got up from the table to go and order room service, get comfy and watch movies. Alone. She didn't want any part of the shit show she knew was about to bust wide open. Who is this Dorinda? Oh, just remembered. She told Lu she didn't have her daily nap that afternoon. Must have been too tired to fight.
  19. That sure backfired on Dorinda! (Most of) the ladies at the table basically told Tinsley to just do what ever feels right for her. Then the camera pans over to Sonja with her jealous bitch face on.
  20. Kyle, that was not a BBQ. That was an outdoor dinner party with catered Mexican food. Looked delish but still not a BBQ. I didn't understand what Garcelle was saying about her oldest son. Did he pass away from drug abuse or is he alive and still doing drugs to the point of being disassociated from the family? Either way, it's a sad situation. Rinna is more of a shit stirrer than Teddy or any of the rest of them. She's so jealous of Denise because Denise has a full time gig on Bold and Beautiful plus gets a bigger check for this shit show while she has to hawk cheap ugly clothes on the shopping channel. Oh, and speaking of being inappropriate in front of the kids what in hellz was Dorito wearing? You could completely see her ass and thong through that dress or whatever in the hell you call that thing that was so very barely covering her body.
  21. I watched the video, too. I still want to know why Kevin Jr turned against Wendy. They were close and I thought he was disgusted with his dad. Wendy should never have stayed with that monster for so long. She should have bailed 10 years in if not sooner when she still had some self respect and was on top of her show and her life. Instead she stayed and let that trash beat her down to nothing both emotionally and maybe physically. That was her fatal mistake. Wendy stayed too long and now she's alone and older. How very sad. That said, when is the network going to get rid of Wendy? Why are they holding on to this disaster? A contract? Contracts can be broken. She's mentally done so they need to cut the strings. Wendy is a losing proposition at this point.
  22. I would like to see both her and Ariana together gang up on Jax since he doesn't like either one of them because he can't compete with their jabs. So I guess Jax's new excuse for himself is that he doesn't think before he speaks and he's harmless cause you know he doesn't really mean what comes out of his mouth when he's mad. Oh, ok Jax. All is forgiven. I agree Katie does look great with her weight loss. Her skin was glowing and her makeup looked so much softer, too. Schwartz is a sweet douche. Sweet with his friends and a douche to Katie. Lala better up her sex game before Rand starts looking for a younger BJ and PJ queen. Now is no time to rest on your laurels, girl.
  23. Awwww Anna. I have always liked her. I hope she thrives away from home, gets her degree and a great job and only comes home for the obligatory Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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