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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I think Tristan has plenty of his own money. I don't know much about the sport but isn't he pretty successful in the NBA? I also think he is one of those guys that wants what he can't have and as soon as he wins Khloe back he will be cheating on her again.
  2. Brings back the memory of how disgusting and filthy Zach and Jeremy's bedroom was. They never even put sheets on their bed!
  3. I kept wondering why they didn't put one of those cheapy, washable plastic table cloths on the table. Isn't that what you do when you are doing fun, messy projects with kids? JMO but Emma's speech disorder issues should not have been televised. Do that off the screen, give the girl some respect. What is wrong with these parents? Are they that desperate for storylines so that Amber can keep buying $25 placemats?
  4. Yes! Cheers to your new life, Caryn! I still don't believe these two even have sex. It's physically impossible! Matt's auction was an epic fail. Like so many of his big idea's throughout the marriage. The reason they have money now is sheer, stupid luck and TLC taking a chance on them. Otherwise, they would still be living on that original brokedown hovel on the farm wasting any money they could scrape together on Matt's dreams. I couldn't imagine living with that man. You go, Amy! Live your life!
  5. Dayna, please stop telling Bett that he is a "beautiful man". Who says that? Can't stand this boring bitch.
  6. Yes, Beau, Kristin is correct. You are afraid of Stassi. Stassi, get off your entitled ass and help with the wine party or don't collect the check for the "Witches of WeHo Wine".
  7. She sounds like him, too! Throwing your own baby shower? For baby #3? I thought after the first one you didn't have any more showers. I'm kidless so what do I know. Nene just had to mention Wendy Williams. We don't care that you know Wendy Williams, Nene. Apparently Wendy has a problem with Nene now. She doesn't want to be associated with this low life reality show because she's too good has worked too long for Nene to drag her in to this show's mess. Too late, Wendy. You shouldn't have rekindled your friendship in the first place cause Nay nay is a user and she wanted to use you! So is Noelle trying to make herself happen in Hollywood, now? She quit school for that? Miss Twirl was under dressed for the baby shower. I love it!
  8. Yeah, I posted about Anisha's hairline upthread. It's so weird. All it takes is some laser treatments to remove that hair back off the forehead. It would make a world of differrence. The Kardashians did it and I'm sure many other hairy people have done it. I bet when Anisha sees this season footage she will be back next season (if the show is picked up) with a new improved hairline! Speaking of Anisha, I really like her TH's. She's actually kind of funny. It's just when she interacts with actual people that she turns in to a hateful, jealous, bitter shrew! Aside from the awesome parents I don't really like any of these people except maybe Monica and Amrit. Brian the playboy has no game what so ever. How embarrassing for him.
  9. I don't know exactly what went down, it was during the time Maddy was working for Meri. It was more or less insults being thrown back and forth but never really directed at the actual problem. Then ,poof! Tweets gone.
  10. MJ was leaving her newborn baby for camera time and BRAVO trips because she needs the money. I doubt she's doing real estate anymore. Reza and Mike also cry all the time. It's ridiculous. Since when is Mike the voice of reason with all his friends? Giving out his sage advice when he has never been able to get his own life together and does nothing but embarrass his own family over and over again? Sit down and STFU Mike! Oh, and Mike and Nema gettign botox together. Are you Fukkin kidding me? They were fighting like crazy just a couple of episodes ago, ready to pounce each other across the dinner table and kick the crap out of each other. Aside from all that, I don't know a single 29 year old male that gets botox, then again I don't live in vapid lala land LA. No wonder this show is in the shitter. It's all sooooo fake.
  11. 6 mos. ago we sold and moved out of state from our house that we owned for 22 years. It was a nightmare purging and separating what we keep, donate and trash. We started with that before we listed the house for sale and it was still a nightmare right up to moving day and I never really considered myself a saver. After we bought our new house we were still purging crap. I have made myself a promise to never save or hoard anything I think I can't part with or 'might need someday" ever again. Hot dog forks, anyone? I know what she's going through, though. Amy, just let it go,hon.
  12. Zach and Jeremy live close by so they wouldn't need to stay over. Of course sometimes the grandkids stay at grandparents over night when they are old enough. I don't know about where Molly would stay, I'm sure with one of the parents and the other kid (forgot his name, lol) I don't know if he lives in town or not.
  13. I always heard the dating scene in NYC is horrific for women. The men want them younger and there are like 10 women to every man in the city. I also heard women in the city want men with money, they will settle for nothing less. Doesn't matter if you're a dick. Just have the $$$$. Sonja, what the fukk? She always had a flawless body now she's just a bloated mess. Sure sign of drinking too much. And for chrissakes please do something with your hair, Sonyarita. Brushing it would be a good start and get rid of those awful long ratty extensions. Same for Ramona. Brush your damn hair, ladies! Lu and Tins have their hair game on point (except Tins in her TH, lol). Wowza, Ramona waking up in the morning after a night of partying really showed her natural, 63 year old face and it was a bit shocking. Although, I'm Ramona's age and look frightful when I wake up in the morning, too, not even after partying! Gotta give her props for letting herself be filmed like that given she's so vain and boastful about her "young" appearance. Leah seems to be ok so far, sorry to see she's decided to start drinking again. Not sure that's going to be a good idea for her since she's had substance abuse problems in the past. Lu said on WWHL last night she's drinking again but not during this quarantine with her daughter staying with her. She is still in denial with her alcoholism. I think Lu, Sonja and Dorinda should all go to rehab, take it seriously and make a pact to support each other in sobriety. They are all drunks. Very sad, very unhappy, very unfullfilled drunks.
  14. She is so awful. Anybody can say they "know things" and then not say anymore. She's a coward and a lazy one at that. She thinks people are going to be satisfied with that kind of reporting? She should just keep her drugged up, liquored up mouth shut unless she's willing to really spill the dirt. Lort, hasn't she passed her expiration date yet?
  15. This is what I feared. Kyle is now the star of the show. She's been waiting for years to take LVP's place. She got what she wanted and now she's completely unbearable. Bangs, shitty fashion and all.
  16. Teddi does not fit in with these stealth bitches. Why is she still around? Oh, yeah. She's a Mellencamp. Denise has really gone wild with the face fillers. Her face looks swollen. Brandi is a nutjob but we know she like to get it on with the ladies from time to time so I can't believe she would make this affair with Denise up out of nowhere. There has to be some truth to it. My question is why did she out Denise? Maybe Denise had her fun with her then dumped her and that pissed Brandi off so now she's out for revenge. Don't care for Sutton. Rinna is such a kiss ass.
  17. I hope the mystery couple are Taylor and Derek. They seem to like each other at the couples weekend retreat. Wouldn't that just piss off turtle face!
  18. So Stassi and Sandoval are OK now? After we had to go through how many episodes of them fighting? Keep phoning it in, Stassi.
  19. Is she trying to cover that weird hairline? It's not working. It's like she has 2 globs of extra hair on each side of her forhead. Laser removal treatment will take care of that easily. Just ask the Kardashians.
  20. What ever made these people decide they wanted Five children? They can't handle it.
  21. Jeremy always pretended to want the big house and said he would run the farm, too, when Matt retired. Problem is he's too damn lazy to do any of that. He will ruin it with neglect or poor management or both. I remember Zack saying he didn't want it because he knew how much work it would be to maintain it all. Chris, really? You gonna make Amy feel worse by telling her YOU will miss the farm, the stunning views, the land? Amy was annoyed by his comments and I for one am glad she spoke up to him about it. He needs to shut up and support her. Let her wrap her head around all that is going to change for her. She knows her life with her kids will never be the same, she has said it several times now and she's trying to adjust to that. I just don't know what that guy's end game is.
  22. Why so much LVP now? Making her out to be the MILF of all time is disgusting. Brett lusting after her, Schwartz smelling her bra, Beau saying her approval to marry Stassi is the most important approval of all. Really, Beau? What in the fuck is happening to this show? I'm even getting annoyed at Kristin constantly crying and having sad face over Katie and Stassi. Get over it, already. Kristin has plenty of friends outside of this show. Go be with them. Oh, and for the record, I think the entire Katie/Schwartz not being legally married is total BS. They set that storyline up for the show. Katie and Schwartz need a story. Where I live, the officiant sends the paperwork in to the courthouse and they in turn send a fully executed copy to the couple. It has nothing to do with the bride or groom getting the paperwork at the ceremony. It's all such a lie!
  23. She has dry, thin, uncared for skin that is wrinkling. Her face looks rough close up but she sure does have beautiful hair. Aspyn inherited her hair gene.
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