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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Yes, I remember at the reunion she was so obnoxious with her buddy Pao to the point Alexei under his breath said, "Stop, that's enough", and she finally shut up! I love that guy, he doesn't take any of Loren's crap and agree with others that he is hot!
  2. I can not stand Cecil. He's a realtor now? I would like to know what he has listed and sold. I know they are using their south house as an AirBNB so he takes reservations for that, collects the money and makes sure the house is clean. I bet that is the extend of Cecil's job. I also think their "couples trips" suck. He takes the men to a strip club and the wives don't know about it until after the fact. What an asshole.
  3. Let's not forget the guy before the dude that busted up her house. Walter was his name and after they broke up (Kenya kept bugging the hell out of him about getting married) he swore she paid him to pretend to be her boyfriend for the show! Then there was the fake African Prince, then.......well, we all get the picture. That poor baby.
  4. He's not gone. Tonight on WWHL Porsha said they are back together and will be getting married "sometime" in 2020.
  5. So Delores has no problem with Jennifer outing her at the table with the comment she made about Jackie? What kind of a friend is Jennifer and what the hell Delores? She wouldn't let Melissa get away with that. Also, Tre had no reaction to Marge's "21" comment? New Jersey you are slipping! That was some good shit stirring there gone to waste.
  6. Shannon has a whole new life now. She has a boyfriend who is handsome, educated, wealthy and looks like he has a lot of class. The both went to the same university, are divorced and have 3 kids. They were introduced by friends. Shannon looks deliriously happy in her IG posts. She met him after this season wrapped so I'm really curious to see how she behaves next season. I think it's going to be a very different Shannon. I just hope he doesn't change his mind about her after seeing her antics on the show. When she is on WWHL and he is in the audience she is quiter and more reserved so I'm inclined to believe that is the new Shannon!
  7. It was blurred out at one point, when Vicki put her hand over the "area" so I'm assuming no panties.
  8. Right, Gina. Your ex for sure would never, ever, ever cheat on you again. Brawnbore says her husband has no fashion sense at all yet calls him in to the room to help her choose her vacation clothes. Tamra standing on the bar wearing that shiny pink dress meant for a 22 yr old and thrusting her vagina back and forth with no panties on. Eddie, are ya still not embarassed of your wife? I agree with Kelly, Shannon's hair looked like crap but to yell it through the lobby and then grab Shannon's hair was going way to far. Stop with the ponytails on top of your head, Shan. I guess she wants to show off how nice and tight her face is now after the lift.
  9. I originally thought that but the news of his son's death came after the season was already finished filming. Maybe Capt'n was distracted because his son apparently had drug issues (according to news reports) and it was weighing heavily on his mind.
  10. Jeez, does Pao let Russ talk at all? There is not one ounce of softness or sweetness about her. The man is completely beaten down. You are not allowed to say anyone is pretty! Only I can do that!! I miss Libby, Andreiiii and her sisters. They were funny. Same with Kalani and her hubby and sister. Get rid of Pao and Russ. They add nothing.
  11. I could be wrong but I thought they also sent for a Dr for Brian a few days after he injured his knee. That doc gave him antibiotics and went on his way. I feel like Capt'n Lee has been off his game the entire season. He seems tired, over it, unhappy, bored, etc..... I'm curious, what exactly is considered a "good tip" when chartering a yacht? I really have no idea. Just asking in case I win the lottery and decide to take a 3 day cruise for $200,000! Who gave douchelord Kevin the authority to order for everybody? That was the first mistake. Why couldn't everybody just order for themselves, then Rylee could get her Paleo option of a protein and a veg, which is no big deal anyway.
  12. I can't believe she messed up mashed potatoes. They were so thin she just poured them in the bowl! I also didn't care for GZ's big cauliflower head with a gazillion ingredients on it. Who has time to mess with that on Thanksgiving Day? So much for the Iron Chefs. And Katie running around sticking her fork in all the dishes to prove she's such a foodie and can stay so thin. Please, back off, girl. I thought except for Jeff they were all annoying including Alton.
  13. I was thinking that adoption would have been an option for Jackie and Curtis in their 40's, not now. It's more and more common to adopt later in life. Jackie has a successful life and money which goes a long way in the adoption process. Look at Hoda Kotb for example. She is 55 and recently adopted a baby and she's single.
  14. I wonder if Jackie ever considered adoption? If she wanted to be a mother so badly she could have gone that route. Oh, that's right, her asshole husband said he didn't want any more kids. She could have divorced that creep and adopted on her own. I can not understand why she ever agreed to stay in the marriage. Judging by how miserable she is this season it looks like she may have made a mistake by taking him back. I firmly believe he is the reason for the negative change in her.
  15. Buffie said she has become pregnant many times, she just can't carry a baby to full term so technically Jackie is wrong about her being infertile. And she's a Dr.? Shut up, Jackie. I'm tired of her. Her misery is showing.
  16. More of our precious time wasted. Come on, Porsha. We know you took that hotdog king douchebag back so stop with the dramatics. Nene, really? shading Marlo's (hideous) outfit when you are wearing one just as awful plus playing with your long nasty weave at the table at the beautiful NYC restaurant? NO CLASS. And of course let's not forget she can't bring herself to admit she was wrong. Ever.
  17. Yeah, I get all that but D'Andra and Kary didn't need to keep harping on it. They made their point loud and clear. It wasn't good enough for them, though, because they didn't get the reaction out of LeeAnn they hoped for so they kept on and on and on to the point of ruining the dinner and even Cam and Brandi telling them to stop. It was cruel, childish and hurtful. I don't care how hot of a mess that dress is! That vicious smirk on Kary's face was all I needed to see to tell me what a hateful woman she is.
  18. How I wish LeAnn would have said that to those two bitches. Maybe that would have shut them up. LeAnn had that same deer in the headlights look as she did when D'Andra was going on about Rich cheating on her last season. On camera. D'andra is a vile horrible human being. LeeAnn is a mess but she really tried to hold it together at the table. Then of course she went batshit crazy when she left the table and poor Steph got the brunt of that.
  19. It's natural, she applies just enough but not too much as opposed to that black eyeliner she used to wear.
  20. I got that vibe, too. At least JoKen tried the food, I gotta give them props for that. That's more than I would do. I'm not eating anything until I know what it is, then I still may not eat it!. They were good sports about that. I can't help but like Kendra, she is so damn sweet I don't think it's phony, either. Her parents are so wierd, though, they give me the creeps. Jinge looks fantastic! I love the highlights in her hair, her makeup is perfect and natural and her hair is shiny and healthy. The longer she stays away from the clan the better looking she gets! Regarding their move, how do newlyweds collect so much crap in such a short amount of time? Jinge came in to the marriage with nothing and Jer lived in that small apartment. They shouldn't have that much junk yet!
  21. So grown up baby Jack is blind but can walk to the table with a platter full of shrimp, and place it on the table with ease? That did not look realistic to me at all. Kate can't keep her mouth shut about the avocado but can keep her mouth shut when she finds the text? If my husband walked out of the house and was going to be gone for approx 3 hrs (round trip) while my house is filling up with guests and family and I'm in the middle of preparing a huge holiday dinner I would be supremely pissed off! Rebecca was gone and Kate had not arrived yet so Beth had no help. That sucked. And.....what mom/grandma leaves the house on Thanksgiving Day while their family is gathering to go see a movie, by themselves?
  22. Why does Kelly wear that red lipstick on those over inflated lips of hers? It's all I can see when she talks. Shannon, STFU please. She lived like a queen for 17 yrs. and apparently still is. She got a nice settlement. And yeah, she is making close to a million a year on her own with this show, her QVC venture, public appearances, etc, so it's a little more difficult to prove that she needs so much money. Oh, and "It's only money" Tamra can STFU, too. We all know she LIVES for the BRAVO money. At the sake of losing and embarrassing her daughter, she is still working for that money. Brawnbore tries so hard to be "special". Trust me, people are not any crazier in Miami than they are in LA.
  23. Lol, He did? How the heck did I miss that comment? I would tell Kate that if Kev wants to do the serving at the picnic then take yourself a nice break and let him do it! He's such a jerk.
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