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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I think Kameron is very funny. Her talking heads are gold, she often emphasizes her own silliness, she knows she's over the top with a lot of things. Just don't act "trashy" in front of her and watch the cuss words and all will be right with the world, Lol.
  2. They have a big, beautiful house in CT! Why can't Derek be happy with having a country house and a city apartment? He has to complain about the "concrete jungle" of NYC. I don't know, he really turned me off with his attitude because he came off as spoiled. Fredrik works his ass off and provides a beautiful life for Derek so he can paint in his loft. Oh, and harsh winters big deal. I grew up in NY and it's not an issue. They can go to CT for outdoor play. Kids can play in the snow, go sledding, snowball fights, build snowmen, play indoors with your friends when there is no snow, plus have all summer for the pool, picnics, etc...they can experience a childhood that LA kids will never know. So Derek's "better quality of life" BS doesn't sit well with me. Now Fredrik will exhaust himself traveling from coast to coast constantly. When will he have his time with the kids?
  3. Lol, D'Andra with her granny panty spanx! How can she not be mortified when she sobers up and see's that footage? Sexy she ain't. She's not just a bitch, from what we heard this episode she's also a huge slob.
  4. Yeah, Florida is a real dream. Anything you do outdoors in the summer will result in you sweating your balls off and yes, it will probably rain, too. The speech Bill and Jen gave indoors to their guests was a bit much. The guests weren't there to hear blowhard Bill talk about how wonderful life is for them in St. Pete. It's a party, not an awards banquet!!
  5. Thank you for helping me understand the dynamic between these two! I never could get their strange friendship. As awful as Kelly is, she was right about Shannon, though. "I've done nothing but be nice to you" were the exact words that came out of Shannon's mouth. Yes, Shannon. You are a saint.
  6. Why would we ever think Kourtney takes the time to discipline her kids. She's so low energy she barely has a pulse. Scott said he was raised that way (no discipline) and wanted better for his kids. Sorry, Scott, it looks like that's not going to happen.
  7. I'm sorry they ever brought her back. It wasn't necessary. Who'd she bribe?
  8. Omar has zero personality. Directly after getting married and walking out of the room: "I'm hungry". Oh, Omar. You hopeless romantic, you! Get ready for an exciting life, rebel Avery. As long as you keep your mouth shut, cook, clean, have babies and don't argue with your master then your life will be golden. Tom is a gaslighting POS. I think Darcy batshit crazy but he took advantage of his miserable mood by telling her she blew it by not going on vacation where he wanted to go. Because , you know, that's where his parents got engaged and he was feeling some kind of way about maybe becoming engaged to Darcy in the same location. Bullshit, Tom! He had no intention of proposing to poor, desperate Darcy. Now he has her feeling guilty for no reason. He's been pouting and bitching all the way around Albania. He was just telling her a few episodes ago he wanted to take it slow and get to know each other. Well done, Tom. Very well done. He actually comes out smelling like a rose while leaving Darcy in a pile of tears. How is he any different than Jesse? Rebecca, isn't she a private investigator by profession? Yet, she did no investigating herself? I call shennanigans with that whole story. Tim is the strangest. Are we sure he's not a virgin? He did have that live in girlfriend from Colombia that dumped him so I can't figure out what his deal is. I happen to like Jennifer and think she's beautiful and from what we have seen a pretty good mom. She wants to get laid. Nothing wrong with that. Angela is nuts. She's not getting pregnant. She's 53. She could never afford IVF so that is out of the question. Even if she still gets her period (I had mine until I was 54), her eggs are most likely no good. She better listen to Mykull's momma and let him fuck some young chick because mama Mykull wants a grandkid!
  9. Michael could suck a dick right in front of Ashley's face and she would still deny he did it. They all need to let it go already. For what ever reason, Ashley is in this marriage 100% and she's going to defend her coins.She saw what her dismal life was like when he kicked her out and she's not going there again. Now the arrangement is that she was granted the baby she so desperately wanted and he got her undying devotion and agreement to stand behind his disgusting ass no matter what. A marriage made in heaven.
  10. Also, isn't this the Dr. Contessa that quit her job last season (or season before?) to stay at home with the kids because she felt she was missing too much with the kids and the kids were unhappy with not having enough time with her and she felt hella guilty? What happened to that Contessa? We spent an entire season watching her cry about being at work and not with the kids. She's full of shit. Oh, yes she was and I'm here for it! Jackie was throwing shade like crazy at Mariah! Talk to me in ebonics, lol, soooooooo good. Mariah is not too bright at all. She tries real hard, though, and Jackie can see right through her.
  11. Hahaha! I get you! I just moved from Florida and have never been happier! Should have done it years ago. Jen clearly didn't want to go camping but did it anyway. For the camera....
  12. How could anybody hear what the reunion couples were saying when the past couples were talking over them with their comments? How effing irritating. And I really don't ever need to hear Doug's comments on anything ever again. What a pain in the ass he is.
  13. I can not stand LeeAnn but Kary was rude to ask her in front of a table of people why she doesn't have children. Did she ask D'Andra the same question? As a person that does not have kids I would have been really pissed if someone asked me that. Ask in private if your nosy ass must know. Money just does not buy class, I don't give a rip how big and beautiful your Mexican house with the knockout views is! Having said all that, why must LeeAnn be such a downer? People aren't always attacking you, carny girl. Find a better therapist. There must be something severely lacking in Rich to stay with this woman much less want to marry her. And yeah, I do believe he cheats.
  14. I think Fred and Ryan are both 6'4. Steve is 6 ft and looks short next to them. Fred's gorgeous hubby Derek is even taller than Fred. I know this trivia because I like tall guys, too!
  15. Boohoo I'm sick of hearing about Braun's awful childhood. Every. Single. Episode.
  16. We were actually posting about Pole's reaction to seeing the baby but this could apply to Jihoon, too.
  17. Ahhh yes, because the newborn baby just one minute out of the womb looks just like him!
  18. He was practically growling at her! Now Karini is all good with Pole because why? She's as gross as he is. I really want an answer to this. Deavon is an entitled brat. Where is all your money Deavon? And if I hear one more time from any of them:" I gave up everything to come here......." Laura's discussion with Aladin while waiting to choose the lamb for slaughter (which was disturbing enough) was cringeworthy. No jiggy jiggy lately. Poor Laura. The sex is so bad she dug her purple friend out of the garbage for future use!!
  19. Wendy on WWHL was a mess! First of all, Norman was there behind the bar and was super nice and Wendy's sister was there in the audience. The camera panned over to her sister. She looks like a nice lady and nothing like Wendy. I didn't know her sister was an attorney. Wendy had to tell everybody that she is now friends with CardiB and Bethenny Frankel. She calls her friends her "team". Sure Wendy. Keep being delusional. Andy asked her if she was still seeing the Dr., she said she is seeing lots of men and had that sly look on her face. She really thinks she's cute. Except she's not.
  20. Plus he and Emilia purchased a massive 7 million townhouse in Brooklyn which is stunning as is but of course they are renovating it. So yeah, stfu Ryan!
  21. From what he said on WWHL, Steve and his girlfriend are not married yet and he implied he is in no rush. How is she able to stay in the country? What type of a VISA did she have to apply for to be able to come here so quickly. It just doesn't add up. Maybe it depends on the country you are coming from?
  22. And she's going to make the Bishop "court" her before she gives him sex is just so Lady Mae. She kills me!
  23. I'm still trying to absorb the fact that convict lovin' Angela and her BFF Tommy went to grad school.
  24. Are we back to unreliable wonky TV scheduling again? Where is the show? It's been on and off the air all season. Surely the last episode wasn't the season finale, was it?
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