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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Nobody stays out 6 nights a week until 2a.m. Unless....you have another girl/guy. I suspect our boy Matt is cheating but wants the money from the show so he's going to continue to lie his ass off.
  2. I'm not up for watching these bitches cry all season. Braunwyn is going to sit all alone at her lonely little table for one and cry because her husband took the kids on a 2 day trip. Go away, little shit stirrer. All Gina does is cry. Now Emily is crying over her.... wait... what exactly is she crying about?
  3. Latest tabloid gossip: Wendy went to a strip club, apparently NeNe Leakes was there and they made up. They are pals now. Barf! Gee, Wendy is really classing it up. Going to strip clubs and kissing ass. She really is gutter trash. Her parents must be so proud.
  4. Don't forget also this baby is already super special because she knows about this one.
  5. So what is this fantastic job Deavon keeps mentioning she gave up to go to Korea? Didn't she live at home with her parents? Instead of bitching about Jihoon saving money for her and the baby and Drucilla, the kid that isn't his, I wonder if she bothered to save any money herself from this great job she gave up so she could go to Korea and have Jihoon take on all the responsibility of supporting her. I think Jihoon is harmless but not ambitious. He had a crappy little job, also lives with his parents and quit the crappy little job with no new job to go to. He doesn't strike me as a guy with a real bright future or much intelligence. They're both immature and now have a family to support. Good luck, Deavon!
  6. At least Pole had enough money to get that sad apartment. My question is what is Karine doing to be actively supported by a woman and her son ? She's not innocent and that's a weird story that makes no sense at all. I have no sympathy for her, she is stupid enough to get pregnant with loser Pole, then pouts and wants a divorce because he questions why she's talking with other men? She does nothing all day, every day. The least she could do is keep her apartment clean but even that is too much for her. She's a lazy, dirty slob with no ambition to do anything but troll men on the internet for money. She must not be very good at it judging from the poverty she lives in.
  7. I could not believe my eyes when she was asking the guests about their food, one of them said her food was cold and then Sandy had to try it so she ate the guests food right off her fork! How very Classayyyy! I was getting anxiety watching Ben in that awful messy little galley with the crappy burner situation. And this is a gazillion dollar yacht?
  8. She looked old in the stark light of day on that soccer field. Zied always looks greasy, dirty and disgusting. The way he was dousing himself with cologne all over his body when they were getting ready to go out proves he doesn't shower much. How is Omar only 24 and already a dentist? Something fishy there. Jennifer is beautiful and not going to put up with Tim's bullshit with the ex. I like her. Darcy saying she loved London and would move there. Umm....you have TWO daughters, remember? Dumbass. Also, walking on to that boat with 6 inch stiletto's, she looks like a damn fool.
  9. We learned absolutely nothing. Luis lives for drama. It's becoming tiresome. I missed Fredrik. I guess this is the new format? Each episode one of the agents is missing.
  10. Ohhhhh I totally misunderstood what she was saying. Thanks for clearing that up! Iris is such a nerd.
  11. Iris' swallowed a quarter and her mother is a Dr. Ummmm.... Huh?
  12. So Dr. Viv tells them to visit their childhood homes and all they do is drive up to where they used to live and sit in the car or in a park and talk about it (except for Keith)? How incredibly boring. By the way, my childhood home/childhood life is 1,000 miles away from where I live now. That was a stupid exercise. Jamie is a dick but I can relate how he felt at the NASCAR track. My husband talks alot. Sometimes I want to tell him to shut up. I would never do it in front of other people. Sometimes I tell him on the way to where ever we are going that he needs to listen and let other people talk. He never appreciates when I tell him that, lol. Big Reg flipping the table was not acceptable. She has so many deep rooted problems. Did the Dr. even address the table flip or maybe that was edited out?
  13. Here's to hoping Josh moves to LA. What is best for his daughter should be more important to him than any day dreams he has of Liza coming back to him. And Liza, get over it, already.
  14. This is so annoying, Andy really needs to stop with that. What makes her opinion so important? Her only claim to fame is that she was on the "Real World" 20 years ago and married a guy with a great job. She got lucky with this gig and now she is the voice of reason among all these chucklefucks. Agree about Chelsea's reunion look. Good lord, my mom wore her hair like that 40 years ago. And she's a hairstylist? Andy really went in on all of them, I hope he continues. He asked questions we have all been talking about all season and held their feet to the fire for explanations for their behavior/actions. This is the best hosting he has ever done on a reunion. He usually asks stupid questions and never really gets to the root of anything. Hope he keeps it up next week. Not looking forward to seeing Danni crying next week. She needs to toughen up. I don't know why I didn't put Craig and Adderall together. I thought it was coke but I have known a few people on Adderall and they behaved just like Craig. They become very argumentative especially when mixed with alcohol. I'm glad he's trying to fix that problem.
  15. If she keeps this up I wonder how long her new boyfriend will stick around.
  16. Exactly! Todd needs a cane to walk and can barely do that. She can run or even walk circles around him. They may have very ugly verbal fights but physical abuse? Please. For once I agree with Terra. Christy is the worst. No, they can't. And that's not a terrible thing. Not everybody can do everything. Same size or not.
  17. Nice new hairstyle, too. Jen has the most beautiful smile! She has a warm, lovely demeanor with her patients.
  18. Since production told her she need to in order for them all to have a storyline. "Tres Amiga's", right? I also believe production told her to befriend Brownbore immediately because they didn't want her on the outs with another new girl like she has done every time before. I don't believe Shannon cares about Vicki or the new one. Shannon is there for the $$ and so is that raunchy trash Tamra. Speaking of Tamra. Watching her grabbing Brownbore's tits and jiggling them (on two separate occasions) made me want to retch. She just met this woman! Then getting on the table top and all three 50 somethings dancing just screams of desperation to stay on the show. Top if off with promising Eddie anal and him making an ewwww face and declining her lovely offer was just too disgusting. I'm disappointed in Eddie. He used to stand up to Tamra, now it seems he's given in to her embarrassing antics because he knows they have a 2 million dollar Coto house to pay for. Next we are at the restaurant with the again 50 something bleached botoxed desperation women making out with each other. What in the fuck. BRAVO, it ain't cute or entertaining, or funny. Lastly, the kids. An entire scene of crying over kids with Shannon. Who gives a single fekk about Brownbore's kid stories and Shannon making it about herself. Not me. I don't give a shit. At all.
  19. Every one of them dressed so inappropriately. Their stiletto's digging in the sand as they were walking on the beach. Looked like they were sinking in quiksand! They looked so stupid. Girls, if you insist on designer everything, Louboutin and Manolo Blanik make gorgeous flat sandals, go check it out. Oddly enough, Krazy Katie was the only one with a cute beachy dress and flat stylish sandals. She sure has a pretty face, too bad she can't get her wig game together. I can not keep track of who is friends with who on this franchise. It changes every. single. week. Except Gizelle and Karen. Their hate for each other is pretty constant. Just ask the lobby patrons of every hotel they have been in. Every scene with Ashley and Michael makes me cringe. Their dynamic together is so forced and uncomfortable.
  20. Yeah, that was a mistake for Luis to give away his 60 custom tailored suits. He needs to lose the nail polish, too. It's not a good look.
  21. Luis was spiraling before the bad breakup. He was unhappy selling RE and wanted to leave and go travel the world. He wasn't happy doing that so now he's back. Somewhere along the way he met and fell in love. It didn't work out. Now a baby is on the way. We don't know yet who the mother is but if it's the ex I wonder how that is going to work out. I don't see a baby being Luis answer to his perpetual depressing state of mind.
  22. I can't either. I remember in the first season Terra wanted to get married and Joe was very firm about not wanting to. He was a dick and they used to fight a lot. Then she gets pregnant, it wasn't planned and they end up getting married. I never thought Joe was that much in love with Terra but she's making the $$$ now and has two kids with special needs (well, one does, we don't know about the other since we never see him) so he's sticking it out for now. Cole: STFU and go back under that rock you crawled out of. Nobody cares about a thing you have to say. The one new LP that is Autumn's friend with the dark hair and all the TH's last night is so pretty. She seems to be smart, too. She doesn't go for all the yelling and shit stirring. Wonder how long she will last.
  23. Right?? What world would that be, Shep? Sleeping till noon, then drinking the rest of the day away until you pass out with some bootie call ho? He better be waking up in time to feed Lil'Craig and take him out for a nice walk. Of course that's assuming the pup is still in Shep's "world".
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