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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Thanks for filling me in! I don't remember that at all. I must have been fast forwarding, lol
  2. I think it's the box for Blu that REBKY is asking about.
  3. I saw her in the footage of some of the upcoming episodes. Maybe she will still be on the show as a "friend of". So all is right in the world with Brandi and LeeAnn? No. That's not how it works. There was too much hate and vitriol last season for that to be believable. What stupid producer decided that they should be friends now because we know that can't be real. DeAndra said she is the breadwinner in the family so what exactly does her husband do? Nothing?
  4. That was a real dick move on Micha's part to wait until the party and in front of his family to announce that he's not going to Harvard. He couldn't tell Charley in private days before the party what he was up to? The kid always has the worst timing and his disrespect for Charley makes him look like a priviledged, entitiled jerk. Kind of like his aunt.
  5. One more observation: when they were at the marina and the sailing instructor was greeting everybody, he said hello to each one of them by name and when he said hello to Will and introduced himself Will ignored the man and walked right past him. I thought that was incredibly rude and should have been a teaching moment for Bill to call Will over, have him look the man in the eye and say hello.
  6. I don't know about that. I would never have behaved that way with my older brother and his friends. In fact, I wanted nothing to do with them when they were all together having fun. Zoey would have a fit if she had a little girls night and Will kept interfering.
  7. Because Jen and Bill do not teach her otherwise. She gets away with it now because she's cute as a button but what happens when she's in her teens and older? Who is going to want to be around that? Jen seems to be quite proud of they way she behaves. Last night she called her a "woman". Umm.. no Jen. She is a child with so much to learn. They need to take her off that pedestal and start parenting. I was enjoying these first few episodes of the new season but last night's annoyed me. Bill seems to be on another planet most of the time. Is he still on pain meds? I get a loopy vibe from him.
  8. Gina crying again, Braunwyn crying, Emily always on the verge. I just can't with these women. Oh, and I hate hate hate Braunwyn's mother.
  9. I said she could find happiness with another man, I didn't say anything about it being ok to be a gold digger or that she wasn't slimey. Michael is getting plenty out of this relationship. I'm sure he knew exactly what he was getting in to when he married her.
  10. I was flipping channels and landed on this right at the magical time of Wendy as Jerry's guest. First of all, stop kissing ass Jerry. It's unbearable. I'm sure that part of his contract was to have Wendy on the show so she can promote her own. Don't forget about Meeeeeee, it's all about Meeee and my sinking ship of a show! Second, Wendy completely took over the interview. She was going in all directions. Nobody can tell me she isn't smoking, snorting, or drinking something. So much for sobriety, Wendy. Her stories make no sense. Jerry stood her up for her last minute lunch invite. Even he didn't know what the hell she was talking about. I thought she invited Blac to have lunch with them, too but Blac never made it because it was going to take too long for her glam squad to spackle and wig her in to looking presentable. This really annoyed Wendy. She thinks all she has to do is snap her finger's anytime she wants and everybody is supposed to drop what they are doing for her. Guess again, Wendy. You are important to nobody except your poor staff who is left wondering how much longer they are going to have a job.
  11. The first time Ashley and Michael split she came crawling back because she was broke and apparently he wasn't giving her any money. Now she has the baby she so desperately wanted (and 18 yrs of child support) and surely makes enough money of her own now that she has been on the show for a number of years. Wouldn't surprise me if she left him again. She's still very young and beautiful, she could find happiness with another man instead of this psycho pervert she has to keep lying for.
  12. I wonder why his parents didn't tell him to get a job asap and start saving money so he is ready when Deavon and baby Jihoon arrive. Seems they are too easy on him which is why he is the loser he is at age 30. Oh, and leave the dog with the parents, please.
  13. I love love love Jihoon's dog! Jihoon, not so much. Grow up, buddy. You're a daddy now. Her daughter is pretty cool, too. She's all talk. She's not going anywhere.
  14. Yes, I have had the pleasure of seeing that. His oh so sexy shirtless pic must have been taken at least 50 lbs. ago.
  15. She was also cheating with a married man. This was after her first visit to see Mykull. There is soooo much more to these trashy disgusting people than TLC will allow us to see.
  16. Cesar is a 46 year old overweight out of shape doofus. He's not going to be getting any gigs. He needs to go back to mani's and pedi's, stop wasting his money on the Maria's of the world and find a nice local girl to settle down with.
  17. Here we go again with the "I've got a big secret". And it's usually anticlimatic bullshit.
  18. Wow, Ryan needs to calm down before he has a heart attack. I hope having a baby puts some perspective in his life. If he has 70 people on his team I'm sure they all realize that he is not responsible when the market tanks. If his agents are professionals they will get out there and hustle to make deals happen. It's not his fault if they don't.
  19. The hell?? Nobody and I mean nobody is going to guilt me in to eating bugs! Was Deonna going to think less of Greg if he refused? He's a great sport and she can really be an ass sometimes. He tries and tries with her, I have yet to see what she is doing to connect with him. If he keeps bending to all of her wishes to please her and the relationship continues after the show Deonna is going to grow to expect Greg to cowtow to her on a regular basis and she will begin taking advantage of him because it will be the norm for her. Greg is setting up the relationship to be this way if he doesn't grow some balls and put his foot down once in a while and just say NO, I don't want to do that or don't feel comfortable doing that. I'm rooting for Greg big time. Love this guy!
  20. I get what you are saying. I live in Florida and am a boater, too. It's amazing to see people out on the water that have no idea what they are doing. Anyway, regarding the life jackets I worry about Jen. She is so tiny and fragile, she could be knocked out of that boat easily. I hope Bill understands that and keeps her safe.
  21. Yes, but this Jen and Bill we are talking about. One if 4' tall, the other is 3' tall. I don't think Jen can swim. Clearly they need the life jackets on.
  22. Kristin is 38 (or close to it). She has aged out of this show. They are all aging out. Beau and Jax will both be 40 by the time the new season airs. Sandoval isn't far behind. They are bringing new young blood on to the show next season, that says something about how the producers want the show to go forward. We will be subjected to seeing Brit and Jax's wedding and then the season after that it will be Beau and Stassi's wedding. Next comes babies. Not sure if viewers are going to be too invested in pregnancy drama and settling down in the suburbs. I can see the new young cast taking over eventually. I also think Stassi will be the first to leave the show (after her wedding of course, got to get those wedding freebies first) because she has a lot going on outside of the show. Another book is in the works, her podcast, and she's working on a fashion line. She's in love and happy so she's no longer going to bring much drama to the show, anyway.
  23. Now it's coming out that she was drinking Tequila at the strip club. Wouldn't surprise me if she was snorting a few lines, too. As for men, that story about the Dr. boyfriend sure fizzled out fast, didn't it? And that young stud she was hanging with was all for publicity. He was paid to show up for the paps and hold hands with old bag Wendy and she bough him bags of designer clothes for his time.
  24. It must be nice for Bill Sr to have that nice home with a pool and a boat when he left his wife alone with 3 sons to raise and no child support. He will forever be an asshat in my book.
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