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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. He looks like a short skinny kid. Kathryn looks older than him, how is that possible when she's only 27? And Kathyrn, for the love of god, what was that big old knotted mess on the back of her head? Fashion victim from head to toe.
  2. Well, Whitney. You have an entire hiatus to revamp this show. Get to work now. Use your other show SCNOLA as an example. Study it really hard. Here's a start: Get rid of Shep and Ashley. Shep is a disgusting miserable has been and nobody cares about Ashley. Do not continue the story of Austen and Madisin. In fact, keep Madisin and ditch Austen, too. Make Cam useful or say goodbye to her. Tell Craig to lay off the booze and what ever else he is doing, shut his mouth and just stand there and look pretty. Get Kathryn a stylist. I don't care about Chelsea and her out of town man or Naomi and her in town Dr. man. In other words, fire 3/4 of this cast and start over.
  3. He is a gaslighter and a verbal abuser. As much as I think Red is a nutjob she needs to run far away from this loser.
  4. Well, Iris. We have all been holding on to our precious gift for many years. Maybe not 27 but we sure as heck didn't start having sex right out of the womb. Dumbass. Oh, and I officially hate Matt.
  5. No, her daughter Sydney is the one that lives with Simon and refuses to talk to her. Sophia is the youngest. TamTam has 4 kids.
  6. Probably Sophia, Tamra's youngest kid. I think she's still in high school.
  7. I don't see anything special about her. I guess her claim to fame is going to be the fact that she has 7 kids and an eccentric mother who never gave her enough attention as a child. Interesting that on Andy Cohen's WWHL show both Tamra and Shannon were on two separate nights and both were gushing over how much they like her and what a great addition she is to the cast. Hmmmm.......why all the love for this one? I think it's because they are both on the outs with Kelly now and want the new girl to take her place full time.
  8. I just love the new calmer, less uptight Jenn. Can't believe she let go of the control and actually let Bill handle some of the birthday responsibility. Good for her! That little scene with her and Zoey getting their at home mani's and pedi's was adorable. Poor Jen sure is a mess in the kitchen. Can't even heat up soup from the can right! That was funny and she laughed about it, too. Will winding up in the "adult" section of the costume store was also funny. All in all, a good episode but I can't for the life of me understand why they stretch each episode in to two hours. They should be no more than one hour each week.
  9. Vicki following Kelly around from room to room looking for a fight was ridiculous. My, oh my, how the mighty have fallen.
  10. So Summit quits his job immediately after Jenny arrives because he feels he has to spend time with her, doesn't want to leave her alone because he looooooves her so much, then he leaves her for an undisclosed amount of time, tells her he doesn't know when he will be back because he has to go to his parents? And leaves her all alone! This guy is a freeloading POS.
  11. What personality? lol. She has blond hair and blue eyes. Doesn't matter that she's old enough to be his mommy. And looks every day of it.
  12. Here's an idea, Karineeee, get off your ass and get a job! That hovel they are living in is disgusting. Has she ever worked a day in her life? I know she's pregnant but plenty of women work all through their pregnancy. I don't like or trust her at all. Everytime Pole asks her about the men she's talking to (in english) she changes the subject. So why is she talking to all these men? Shady, shady. Get the DNA test, Pole.
  13. Right?? I think Joao kept his composure during that little lecture. It could have gone in a very different direction.
  14. Yes, they do look very nice, but he only paid $200 so I'm going with CZ, don't care what the sales lady said. Manufactured diamonds cost much more than that. For example, a $5,000 diamond ring would be equal to $1,000 manufactured ring. Still pricey if you are flat ass broke like Ceasar.
  15. She lives with her sister and somebody said that is her dad's house. I believe it because CT is one of the most expensive places to live in the country and the taxes are mind blowingly insane.
  16. It looked like he lives at home with mommy, daddy and the sibs, right? Wonder if Rebecca knew that. Poor Rebecca wasted all that time worrying about her age and looks, turns out greasy haired fat boy Zied is quite unattractive. Wouldn't it be a hoot if she was turned off by his looks! So 50's something Angela can "tote" a baby, she just can't "make" a baby? Where is Darcy's sexy boyfriend's upper lip?
  17. And Jasmine's bratty boys. She has no control over those kids.
  18. Like I said, I just read it. Don't know if it's true but it makes sense to me.
  19. Sara and muppetmouth fighting in front of "pretty girl" broke my heart. Seeing pretty girl go to her mama, tug on her and try to wipe her face just about did me in. Damn these fucking people!!!
  20. I don't know the ratings but I read that she has one more year on her contract, then will probably not be renewed so I'm assuming the ratings are not good.
  21. Don't be sorry. Your rant was perfection! I see Terra is still doing that cry with the breathless voice and NO TEARS! Is it odd that we do not see Grayson at all? Not even walking/crawling around, playing with toys, in the background? I wonder if he's ok. Good idea, Elena. Sink all of your money (as she said at least 5 times) in to 4 eyeshadow pallets. Woman has no business sense at all. Who is she marketing to? Has anybody spotted these beauties in any cosmetic dept/drug stores/Ulta/Sephora stores? Sorry but Jasmines new house is ugly AF. Looks like a low end builders grade, no upgrades, no frills big box with a dirt backyard with a cement wall around it. The kicker is that in Cali that ugly house is probably worth 1Million! And no, Jas, you don't just get a call to go pick up the keys to your new home. You know in advance when the closing date is, and you have to do a final walk through with the builder. Jeez, they really think we are stupid. Obviously Christy is setting up the viewing audience for the nasy divorce we already know is happening. She's no prize but Todd sounds like a real winner to be around. Last of all, since when is singing Terra's "passion"? I never heard her say a word about her singing passion. I thought it was wine, or dancing or fighting or LP retreats or writing books but never singing. They are all hot messes!
  22. How many times are we going to see Ashley apologize? There is something very wrong with Shep. What man turns his back on a friendship because of some pussy? I'm beginning to think Shep is in love with Austen. Also, I didn't understand what Shep and Cam were talking about at the restaurant. He has some big secret information on Austen? Something about Austen liking to do it in the butt? Please, someone help me out here because if that's it then I am a step away from deleting this mess from my DVR.
  23. I think it was the C word. You could tell by the way Beth mouth moved when she said it. Totally unacceptable.
  24. Oh, it gets even better. Kelly calling Tamra a "sugar mama". Tamra calling Kelly a "gold digger". Kelly saying Coto is just a step up from Temecula. Tamra telling Kelly she owns 2 houses, Kelly is just renting. It's soooo good, ya'll! I don't have a Twitter acct, I saw all this on a gossip site.
  25. Jen is so very tiny and fragile. Yet, she let's nothing stand in her way. She is amazing.
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