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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. Exactly. My throat has become ragged from yelling, Fiiiight!!!, over these many years. He probably wasn't sure if he had any lucrative Cuban business interests before he went out on a limb. Rumor is he plans on rolling back that EO. Well, that one and all the rest.
  2. In his mind he's probably seeing a missed opportunity. Asshole. I am thrilled with this latest recount news! Longshot or not it's an opportunity to really look over this patchwork of voting systems we have. And Whoopee! to the Clinton camp for adding their voices. This whole process has been devastating and practically debilitating. It's nice to see a glimmer of light. And it's really nice to have you wonderful people with whom to both cheer and commiserate. Hubby and I are 2 specks of bright blue in a bright neon red county, in Florida. Ya' pay for your sunshine in more ways than one.
  3. Yeah. That got a big ol' eyeroll from me too, thinking is was hyperbole on the part of the speaker. But, I gave B's site a click and yes indeedy, lunch meat. 'Sriracha Chicken Breast. Applewood Smoked Uncured Ham, Clover Honey Smoked Turkey Breast' There are a couple of others but I don't want to give any more clicks. The whole products list makes it look like she walks into stores with either a notepad or camera. "I'll make brand this and this and this and..."
  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Just switched on Meet Me in St. Louis in time for the Trolley Song ! Up next, Macy's Parade. And mimosas. Already got a start on The Tree. Peace and happiness and best wishes to all. Thanks for being here.
  5. I tried to convince myself that, No Way! would or could that happen. Then I remembered PRyan already has a blueprint. And this morning I received an AARP email that was more of an AlertALertAlert about it being a real possibility. I hope lots Trump voters were as concerned as I. And as pissed off as I. Did all of these low-info Trump-voters not understand campaign "promises". Especially his.
  6. If anyone is looking for where-to-donate, MSNBC just had an Anti-Defamation League spokesperson on and they have their work cut out for them. Along with the ACLU and the SPLCenter. All hands on deck, these days.
  7. I am so confused. Did the CBS website always tease Season 29 on the AR page? Lots of recent chatter out there. Most positive.
  8. Stephanie Ruhl just had Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee WI on to answer questions about recent cop shootings and the possibility of a Sessions appointment. Wow. What a hateful glib person and I practically choked when she thanked him for his time. I think I need a shower. Are they having these loathesome people on to scare me? Even more than I am now?
  9. Good for him! Surprised to see that most responses are positive. Except for Women 4 Trump whose one response is nothing but emojis. I'll grab hold of just about anything right now.
  10. Are you sure she hadn't just been standing too close to a puddle when a cab went by? Sorry, that's how I acquired mine. lol I didn't like the back to Rik's either. Whoever called it the mullet of the dress world was right. And it was interesting to see the two MC people disagree so heartily. I'm with Nina.
  11. Found the Voter Purge info. It was 2012 and is, imho, breathtaking. 'Florida Gov. Scott says voter purge is legal, DOJ is wrong' 'Meantime, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi refused to rule out suing Homeland Security to gain access to its database for voter-registration checking. From voting to healthcare to immigration, Scott and Bondi, both Republicans, have shown few reservations in challenging the Obama administration.' But that's even after then Florida Gov. Jeb Bush did his own voter purge.
  12. Her first brush with TrumpFame was with Anderson Cooper when she attempted to lie about her record on gay rights. She was owned by Cooper. It was a thing of beauty. She's Florida's Attorney General and Trump has considered her for US AG. I can do a bit more looking later but this link looks a good start. I think she was part of FL Gov. Rick Scott's great-voter-purge of 2016. She's all kinds of awful. Can't speak directly to her education. She's not Ivied but Florida's UF and the Stetsons are considered better than decent. Don't know how well that cred. travels to the federal level. Hard to imagine how someone can spend so much time schooling and come out of it feeling so fully-formed and non-questioning.
  13. It was a really wild start to the show. We watched with both horror and humor. And knew it would make the news. Pharoah did a Trump impersonation but I don't remember his. Lol And Gigi did a really good job, imho. Great stage presence, wardrobe changes and all. I had no idea. So many models just walk/stomp. No expressions necessary. Probably wouldn't have watched had I not seen her name and I'm glad we did. Great show! Though I did look for YoYo every time they panned the audience.
  14. At first I thought he looked shy and awkward but then as he became more composed I saw an imperious tilt to his chin and cold cold eyes. Wonder how fast Melania had to bounce back post-baby. Those pictures. Wow. The baby buggy the car, the magazines perfectly arranged to look like someone actually reads them. And leaves them on the floor. What a horrible life. All for money. Awkaaarrd. Looks groomed to be another Eric or DJ Jr. I hope "prohibited" also means illegal.
  15. Here's what appears to be a comprehensive and concise rundown of Mikey's belief system. In Pence-World smoking doesn't kill. Appears he hates the environment too. Quelle surprise.
  16. I'm not sure that a maybe incident of Obama, being perhaps brasher than normal, can be even closely balanced against the volume of rhetoric-on-blast that Trump has lately employed. Employed for not only the entirety of this election but at least since 2009. No google necessary. "We won" sounds downright mild to me. I just hope Trump keeps on his Twitter and the press/media don't continue to attempt to normalize his behavior. And keep a close eye on his "beautiful and important win."
  17. Not many libs in this county but a couple/few came by today and while one remains beat and over it others are energized. I pitched the make-some-calls idea and was met with interest. I might have to put that evil printer to use and collate info. And just happen to have said contact and issue info at hand.
  18. Was just checking evening teevee listings and saw that Gigi Hadid will be an American Music Awards host. E! has Live red carpet right now. Bella's up soon. Show starts at 8:00 est, ABC Cosmo has some Red Carpet looks.
  19. She literally said that she was literally spiraling into the abyss. Blah runway. Can't believe Tim raved about Rik's fabric. I thought it looked like road/mud splash/spatter which I guess works for a think-of-NYC challenge. I wore that pattern once. By accident. Disappointed by Roberi. Very nice and, as has been mentioned, very Uli. Did not "get" Mah Jing's look. Fug. Thought Cornie's was interesting but the win? Well, low bar this week but glad he's working it. Laurence's seemed, to me, still a bit short even after adding the fabric. Talented but safe. And Erin is wearing me out. Agree with upthreads who wish Tim had just said, "Make it work!" Buh bye, Mickey. And in the beginning I kind of liked him. Could not imagine them keeping Nathalia so glad for the double-E. Should have been a triple, Erin.
  20. Unless she remains loyal to Kelly. Who hates Bethy. @Alonzo Mosely FBI Thanks for info. I hadn't thought of Kelly Ripa. But I think it almost has to be KellyB 'cuz s/he also mentioned how much time they had spent together in Europe modeling.
  21. D'OH ! Double D'OH ! Crazy train. The clowns are looking alike.
  22. Good grief! GOP Senator aka next Vice effing President of the United States. I was going to take this to the "What next?" thread and suggest this is the kind of thing to phone and complain about but, my gosh, Sessions. He's already a lock and his phone picker-upper would probably bray with laughter. I've been calling Trump's first picks as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Wish I was trying to be funny.
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