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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. Christie put Jared Kushner's daddy, Charles, in prison. 'In 2004, Christie as U.S. attorney for New Jersey prosecuted the government's case against Kushner's father, Charles Kushner, the real estate executive, philanthropist and political donor. The elder Kushner pleaded guilty in federal court to 18 felonies, including making illegal campaign contributions and evading taxes.' From NJ.com. I especially like what Ivanka's daddy-in-law did here: 'The elder Kushner was also convicted of witness tampering after he hired a prostitute to seduce his sister's husband, who was cooperating the the federal government's case against him, and sent a videotape of the encounter to her.' It's, almost, comic except...
  2. And Ted Cruz was today seen entering TrumpWhatever in NYC.
  3. Jack Kingston was on CNN yesterday claiming he had never heard of the alt-right. He has such a smarmy condescending tone it makes my teeth hurt. He has the talkover down pat. And I have not seen any news to assuage my complete horror at Trump's kids not only handling the blind trust but the transition. And it appears there's no way to compell him to abide by previous standards. Isn't it the freaking law!?!?!
  4. Keith Ellison has thrown his hat into the DNC-chair ring. That might raise some Republican bp's. Good!
  5. The appt. of Bannon has helped me to cement some resolve. I need to do more. Watching teevee isn't helping and new announcements are starting to make me more angry. While I can't say I'm snapping out of it I am getting some ducks in a row. Phone calls to legislators count. And they're easy! You usually just get the gatekeeper who is mainly logging fors and againsts. It's pretty easy to work from a script, of sorts, starting with, "My name is ----, I live ---- and I'm a constituent of ---- and I vote. I would like to let her/him know that I am against/for ----. I appreciate your taking the time to talk to me and listen to me. Thank you." Very basic but if you have a bill number, or be as specific about your concern as possible, it's a big help. If it's a concern that is something that is affecting you personally let that be known and say you would like to speak to ---- and they sometimes do call back. But have a very specific concern. It's gonna be a slog but it will be worth it. I kinda' feel like this little guy but I know I'll get to that window!
  6. Gwen Ifill. Sad. Really really sad. 61 So young. And now so missed.
  7. Wonder what they do during the MJ repeat-hour? Er, no, maybe I don't. But it must involve wardrobe changes. They're really tying themselves in knots attempting to make the DT palatable. I at least once today heard Joe mention that they talked to Trump. Could be a new drinking game. Noon seems to be arriving earlier.
  8. What the fuck is she wearing? And she expects to be taken seriously? Even the shoes...
  9. Ha! NPR had an interview with Nadezhda Tolokonnikova a couple of weeks ago. The NYTimes covered the information more fully than the NPR site. Their "Make America Great Again" video is NSFW.
  10. I really hope that someone did a LesleyStahl lipstick intervention. He was nothing but campaign soundbites. And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Barron has been turned into a prop.
  11. There's the Million Women March. January 21, 2017. I am seriously considering. I marched on DC in the late 60s and I can/will march again. eta @VMepicgrl beat me to it. Great minds think alike!
  12. I think his thoughts on infrastructure overhaul are more along the lines of, "Hey, I bet I can privatize or get some contracts or add on some incentives, or something, and I will make yooge money! Bigly" And oddly, looking at his cv, that's the least offensive thing he's lately been involved in. Wow.
  13. I think my brain just started leaking out my ears. Bunnies to the rescue!
  14. Took reply to Professional life after the View.
  15. OMG Satan's Sisters ? This was released in 2011. Oct 20, 2011Electra rated it liked it Oh man this is terrible and perfect for a sick day. One of my many guilty pleasures is watching The View, although I haven't seen it in over a year. So naturally I picked this up when I saw it at the library. Nope, I don't recommend it but I'm determined to finish it. Loads of sex, backstabbery and total bitches. I think it was ghostwritten. And the NYTimes mentions it in a 2015 article about The View. "Later, Ms. Jones appeared on “Larry King Live” and blamed ABC for spreading rumors about her tenuous position. “That hurt,” Ms. Jones said. But mostly, she felt betrayed by Ms. Walters, saying, “I’m sad the platform that I helped build was used against me professionally.” Through a spokesman, Ms. Jones declined to comment. Ms. Walters said they are now friends. But in 2011, Ms. Jones got revenge of a sort, publishing a novel, “Satan’s Sisters,” about an ousted member of a popular women’s talk show who threatens to reveal damaging secrets of the show’s matriarch.
  16. Had you both voted for the same candidate? My experiences this weekend have been a bit different. I'm in retail so pretty much always have to put on a happy face. That's been a little tough this weekend. Yesterday a customer-of-color entered my place of business and reported a person in full nazi regalia not too far away. He was rattled and had turned around to look for a safe spot. A regular customer of mine seemed to think it was now okay to use racist language in front of me. That was new and he's been in and out of here for years. I made it clear, diplomatically but sternly, I considered it unacceptable. I hope he never comes back. I try to stay positive but it feels like everything is muted, somehow. I can't help but think the rhetoric DT used especially at his rallies has taken root. NYTimes piece titled: "Voices From Donald Trump Rallies, Uncensored" “Kill her.” “Trump that bitch!” “Build a wall — kill them all.”[/i] That kind of speech started with the candidate. And the candidate/prez-elect has done nothing to pull-back on his supporters' ugly rhetoric.
  17. My husband had a FB post this morning stating that "Trump won the popular vote!" At least he was there to swiftly refute. Others probably just passed it along as fact. And Zuckerberg's response to the possibility that FB might have influenced the election? "That's crazy!" But at least the question was asked.
  18. NYTimes is reporting on Facebook questioning its election influence. 'Throughout, Mr. Zuckerberg has defended Facebook as a place where people can share all opinions. When employees objected in October to the stance of Peter Thiela Facebook board member, in supporting Mr. Trump, Mr. Zuckerberg said, “We care deeply about diversity” and reiterated that the social network gave everyone the power to share their experiences.
  19. I'm planning on watching that but when the network shows the teasers all I can see is Lesley Stahl's lipstick. In my "state" that might be a good thing. We'll see how long I last. I worry it might be difficult determining fact from fiction. I also have a huge interest and concern in possible actions proposed. Hope Stahl's ready for some fact-checking. Should be interesting.
  20. I think the pollsters and the media led this charge. Which most bought into. I'd rather not hear the words college-educated-whites ever again. Puts people n little boxes. Sad.
  21. Oh myyy, is right! Sweet! Dear Mike ... Might be time to also donate to the ACLU.
  22. I appreciate your thoughts. However, I think there is a big difference between sharing commonality while decrying the latest Housewife or Duggar stunt and sharing commonality with folks who appear to be happy following an agenda that directly impacts the general population in what many (over half?) see as harmful. When Trump makes, imho, very unkind statements and speaks of plans I disagree with for the nation I am much more directly impacted and will feel more strongly and probably more negatively than if, say, Bethenny gets married.
  23. And I've gained back every ounce I lost in my diet-before-the-holidays plan! lol I got halfway to work today and realized I left my pickle jar of safety pins on the dining room table. Publix to the rescue. A selection of three varieties! Like @HumblePi, every time I think I'm working my way through my stages of grief I get slapped in the face with fear. Twilight Zone. Aw, the bulldog! And it's tough to beat platypuses wearing fedoras. Too sweet.
  24. Oh gosh, @parisprincess, I'm so sorry. It now seems like the better I feel and the higher I poke my ahead above the fray there's someone ready to gloat or neener-neener me. I don't expect much. Just some common courtesy. I need a bigger safety pin.
  25. Thank you. You've put it much better than I could.
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