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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. The election that ate my brain. Actually, I have no earthly idea how that happened. Maybe I accidentally had two tabs open. Sorry!
  2. Sorry, but I couldn't get past this: 'What too many of these uneducated and unshowered drum circlers don’t know, or don’t care to know, is the popular vote is a meaningless unit of measure. ' in that Townhall link. Did you edit http://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2016/12/04/the-unpopular-truth-about-the-popular-vote-n2254534 out of your post? That's the link I referred to in my above, and now merged, post.
  3. While I can't pretend to see inside the pilot's head I have to think that his particular position and training as pilot/captain will allow him to pursue employment in industries other than coal. He pretty much has needed to keep his license current with all of the requirements necessary to carry his license/employment into the global economy. But I see your point. I guess I'm just tired of the rehashing Clinton's so-called failures instead of hearing any blowback on Tubby's latest horrors. It's been days and weeks of bashing Hillary. And she still won the popular vote.
  4. Had CNN on for a few minutes this morning. They were doing a post post post mortem on Hillary's loss. "The Dems just need to admit that they had a bad candidate." "They need to recognize that they didn't reach out enough to the right people." ad nauseum w/ no mention of her popular vote count. Though I was pleasantly surprised the other morning when they did a round table discussion with their foreign correspondents. It was very measured and, dare I say, informative. I'm not used to that.
  5. Gail Collins at the NYTimes thinks that he forgets everything he says. Until he sees it on teevee. Glad he doesn't watch much tv.
  6. There really is no such thing as a network "liberal media" ? And/or there's just so much shit right now there's not enough time in the day. I think most get there info from teevee. They seem to be leaning right in order to not appear liberal. Or something. Though I am seeing glimmers of light at CBS. I finally got an online NYTimes subscription. It's scarier than teevee.
  7. Agreed. Some of those names were kind of a, Really? They were on?, for me too. I was thinking there were others purged. And Rev. Al is back on Sunday mornings. I have a real knee jerk reaction to him (not a good job one) but he can be thoughtful and informative. And while I don't necessarily miss those purged I wish they had left a bit more of a daytime liberal slant. MJ has become, for me, unwatchable. Even for the snark factor. And chances are I will criticize JoeS every single chance I get. Douche. BriWi? Nah. But Nicole has impressed me. Chris Matthews is too hyper and quick to talkover the guests and they all end up speed-talking. I pretty much bowed out of my political-junkie phase in the year 2000 and mainly got by with network news. Wish I hadn't gotten so invested this time 'round. Now I'm about back to network news only. I can only take so much.
  8. You can "thank" Joe Scarborough and Andy Lack for the new MSNBC. 'Scarborough’s glee comes from the network’s new harder news pivot, shown by Lack’s removal or demotion of several liberal hosts, including Touré, Krystal Ball, Ed Schultz, Alex Wagner and Al Sharpton.' Assholes.
  9. I gave that series up after her last attempt. Saw Chaos on the library shelf and hesitated. I read the blurb and was reminded how often I rolled my eyes throughout her last couple of efforts and put it back down. I used to love this series! Here's what the NYTimes Book Review had to say about it. This snippet from the review might be considered spoilery. It made me laugh. I picked up Stephanie Danler's Sweetbitter and enjoyed it. It's kind of a coming-of-age romp that follows "Tess" from her move from her midwest home and through her first year working at an upscale Manhattan restaurant. It's full of flavors and tastes and drinks and appetites and love and loss. It's, imho, a pretty good look at the service industry and though it didn't always feel fully fleshed it kept me reading.
  10. It's a topsy-turvy world. The irony. I thought oakville was joking.
  11. I'm guesing that MJ was on board with the just-say-no-to-Obama crowd. Here's Joe's 2008 pre-election take on Obama v Clinton. What prescience.
  12. Was listening to the Diane Rehm Show today. The discussion was about how journalists can best respond to Trump. It was a very interesting back and forth with James Fallows, Margaret Sullivan and others participating. Interesting, that is, until CNN contributor Scottie Nell Hughes spoke up, loudly, and tried to tell everyone that there are no facts anymore. Everything is subjective. Seemed to think that Trump's illegal-voters tweet was spot-on because she had different polls that proved it. Pew? Wrong!!!! And I put on Rehm hoping for a more measured response to our election. Scottie Nell Hughes. Ugh.
  13. Stand by for a Carrier statement tweet from der gropenfurher . Wonder what kind of incentives were offered. Wonder how they balanced P&L.
  14. The NYTimes has at least addressed the use of Alt-right. Baby steps? Wolf has been unusually combative today. I hope it's the new Wolf. I think MSNBC might be tubby-toast. Kellogg's has pulled their ads from breitbart.
  15. Wow. Watching CNN and Wolf has actually been pretty much holding Sean Spicer's feet to the fire re: tubby's latest pronouncements. Really hit him on the whole "millions voted illegally" and so-called fraudulent voting issues. Spicer can spin but Wolf actually made him pause on mention of the WaPo 4-Pinnochios designation. But he managed to spit out something nonsensical. He (Wolf) made a big deal about how Gingrich was right about maybe the tweets aren't ideal and showed Scalia's (ugh) support of the First Amendment. Wolf has been pretty good at challenges today. Imho He's been doing better than Kornacke on MSNBC.
  16. Our holiday/special-day tradition is a side we call "cheesy potatoes". It involves a bag (or bags) of blotted dry hash brown potatoes layered with monterey jack cheese and salt and smothered in heavy cream. Baked to a browned top perfection. It probably also involves arteries slamming shut. We usually also do some lazy entertaining after the actual HoliDay and have found that a Publix Deli Ringleader works great. Add some chips, Publix slaw, Publix potato salad and/or quinoa/couscous salad, a relish tray and Bob's your uncle! Hubby and I did a smaller one, and sides, for T-Day and it worked perfectly. That's become more of a teevee and decorate day. No one had to cook. A little snack hungry? Just grab a slice.
  17. Bravo is showing Ladies of London season 2 until 4:00 est.
  18. Just finished In Bitter Chill and thank you so much for the recommendation. I love a good British police procedural and this was really good, esp. considering it's her first effort. Glad I was also able to grab A Deadly Thaw 'cuz I also love a good series. Read Terranauts by TC Boyle last week and had a hard time putting it down. It's his take on the 1990's Biosphere 2 closed environment experiment and is a hoot. Even though it was kind of easy to predict a couple of events. Laughed out loud more than once. Big TC Boyle fan here. Have Swing Time on my list. NYTimes loved it but they are not infallible. I use them a lot and more than once I've thought, Huh, really?
  19. Bravo is now showing Season 1 of Ladies of London lasting until 1:00 est. Mad as a Hatter is on right now (@8:45 est).
  20. And at the bottom of that vast pit of disgusting tricks there is a tiny kernel of truth. Butbutbut ... Very Rovein.
  21. Poppy Harlowe is on CNN and was droning on but brightened and perked up announcing, Oh! Look what's coming in! Trump landing from Florida! Cue live-cam of Tubby's vast entourage. I think Melania is staying in NYC as a way to force taxpayer paid US Security forces to secure three rather than the usually allotted two residences. Grifter and Con.
  22. No shit! Here is Foster Campbell's website. The New Republic is callng him the "Last Democrat Left Fighting". I'm going to dig a out a few farthings for the effort.
  23. Wonder if Ladbroke's has odds for a total Trump meltdown. Last night's twitter stream is freaky. I say keep poking the bear. This NYTimes article offers more examples of Trump's horrible behavior during the building of that golf course in Scotland. Scum. NBC Nightly News just did a piece on his "complicated" relationship with Turkey. Complete with video of Turks-on-the-'vator. Stupid elevator. Big effing deal. Wish I could remember which late night comedian joked that the last time he saw an elevator like that he was at the mall waiting for his friend who was getting an Orange Julius. Though the comic told it much better.
  24. And, imho, at the end of the day even more attorneys will get more richerer while she and those she involves find themselves in a personal nightmare. A maelstrom. Enough is never enough. Take no hostages, kill kill kill.
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