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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. Anyone else sensing a disorienting feel of vertigo? And shortness of breath? I'm wearing my wood clogs today. Wish I could kick someone. Hard.
  2. I haven't read the entire article (and probably won't) but Carole's in the NYTimes. 'One Dog. Three ‘Co-Parents.’ What Could Go Wrong?' It's in the Fashion & Style section. It struck me as a kind of slow-news-day article and there aren't many of those these days. I guess she showed Bethy! A NYTimes article rather than a DailyMail sleaze-piece.
  3. I actually heard some sewergate remark that it's best for Dems to not call out the Repugs for racism because there were so many crossover Dem-votes for Trump that they are actually calling themselves racist too. And he warned that "we better not go there". (mini-paraphrase)
  4. Yup. This is exactly the kind of thing Tubby and his Horsemen might miss. 'These contrasting interpretations dominated the weekend's news. For example, President Bush commented on Sunday that the "PDB said nothing about an attack on America. It talked about intentions, about somebody who hated America - well, we knew that. … The question was, who was going to attack us, when and where, and with what." (Note A1)Meanwhile, the Sunday news analysis in The New York Times began with the following summary: "In a single 17-sentence document, the intelligence briefing delivered to President Bush in August 2001 spells out the who, hints at the what and points towards the where of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington that followed 36 days later." (Note A2)' And why they even had Bush talking about it I don't understand. He didn't even read the damn thing. I'm pretty sure he was clearing brush at his Texas ranch. Shame Tubby doesn't appear the vacationing type. Though he does always appear vacant. Lights are on, they're burning brightly, but ain't nobody home.
  5. NYTimes take on The Hack. I could barely sleep last night worrying about what this country is becoming. I don't know whether to feel defeated or hopeful or just plain sick to my stomach. Agree with @AntiBeeSpray that Friday night is typically news dump-night but this has to have legs. Doesn't it? Please???? And that Tubby-response? Sounds right out of the politburo
  6. If anyone else is having an issue with pages jerking/jumping in this thread please report to ^^^^ Bugs link. Helpful to add your operating system and browser and any add-ons.
  7. Breaking News! Hillary made fun of Mika's ass!
  8. I bet Mike Pence knows someone. 'An archived page from Pence's campaign website, unearthed last year by BuzzFeed, contains an article titled "The Great American Smoke Out," which states: Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer. '
  9. Thread's still "jerking" for me. Been doing it almost all day. I'll take it to Bugs.
  10. Ugh. More Erin. squee. not. Hate her shorts hate her make up hate her attitude even hate that gap in her teeth. Managed to burn her model this week but, not to worry, she said it was worth it. Aren't you spayshul? At least Nina was there to not-love her stuff. Love Roberi and laughed out loud at his victory dance. I'm hoping that Laurence's aesthetic is at least a little different than all of those stiff-shouldered LBD and jackets. Really did not like either of her looks but knew she'd make it through to FW. She kind of bores me. Didn't get the heapings of praise on Rik and agreed with whoever said he should have left the leashes off. OMG! I guess you missed them making waffles in the BW breakfast room Day Two's morning! ::eyeroll:: At least they didn't have to design workwear for any BW employees. Happy to see Michael Kors!
  11. Not sure where to put this but Obama is ordering an investigation into Russian hacking. BUT: ' ... it is unclear that the contents of the report will be made public. Intelligence agencies and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which still has an active investigation of the hacking underway, have been reluctant to make public any of their findings; they fear it will reveal sources and methods of how the incursions were traced back to Russia.' Figures. Maybe this will help: 'On Capitol Hill, the pressure for deeper investigations and a broader release of intelligence findings is growing. Seven Senate Democrats asked the White House earlier this week to declassify some of their conclusions, a step that Ms. Monaco said the intelligence agencies were now considering. Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, has vowed to hold hearings on Russian activities, including efforts to get into military systems.'
  12. Or they deflect deflect deflect. "Benghazi!" "E-mails!" "Libya!" "Bill!" But complete silence regarding the "pussy grabber" and everything else. Except there were those women saying that he could grab them! It's like collective ADD.
  13. Politifact truthiness findings reported on WaPo. Whose red nose is the longest?
  14. I would have a hard time voting for Foster Campbell. 'In other ways, Campbell is an odd fit for national Democrats. He generally opposes abortion rights. He hemmed and hawed on whether he supported Hillary Clinton during his campaign. And he is also a strong opponent of gun control. In his latest TV spot he blasts one of his many shotguns to prove the point, copying a move from Joe Manchin’s famous 2010 Senate ad.' This is how how he felt about tying himself to Hillary back in September. 'Six of the seven major candidates for Louisiana's open U.S. Senate seat are backing their party’s presidential nominee, with only Foster Campbell declining to say whether he’ll support Hillary Clinton, the Democratic standard-bearer. “This is a race about Louisiana,” Campbell, a Democrat from Bossier Parish who is a member of the Public Service Commission, said in an interview. “Talking about Hillary Clinton distracts people.”'
  15. Huh. Less than 2 months ago he was ready to grab his musket if Tubby lost. His Twitter feed is deplorable bordering on despicable. Trump blocked him!
  16. Huh. I wonder if she, or anyone, was ever saying that the Repugs needed to show Obama some respect. I kind of doubt it. Heard the last bit of their interview with Janet Napolitano. They were discussing what a wake-up call most of these private sector appointees will have when they actually attempt to govern. And she actually mentioned just how onerous (my word) Congressional oversight is. Cogressional oversight??? Now??? Has she not been paying attention? Also heard Donnie extolling the virtues of private sector crossing over into public service. Just when I was starting to like him!
  17. Seeing those images again. JFK and LBJ watching that little black and white tv. That tiny capsule! And so much more. Godspeed, John Glenn.
  18. I hate the flag being used as clothing. And cowboy boots? Marginally better than flag shorts. Hm. Maybe not. And I'm quite certain it's not listed as an appropriate usage according to Flag Etiquette. 'The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top. The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations. The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind. The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.' They can be burned in a dignified manner. I'm a stickler for USFlag etiquette. Bite me, Bitsy.
  19. Depending on who's out next I might take my show on the road. I was going to suggest Whoops but she's starting to make sense. Finally.
  20. What's up with that ? I tuned in briefly and Joe mentioned his attire and Halperin unzipped his little jacket to show an NBC logo on a T-shirt. Is he feeling all pissy because his show was canceled? Show would have been fine without him. Actually it was better. Guess he's all MJ's now!
  21. Good grief. Where the fuck do they find all of these Trump apologists? Stephanie Ruhl is trying to hold Billion Dollar Buyer's Tilman Fertitta's feet to the fire but this good ol' boy sees absolutely no Trump conflicts of interest but Hillary?? Evil. "He won." "Everyone knew what they were getting." "It's just pennies." Disgusting. Liking Stephanie more. She seems to come loaded for bear but the Trump assholes supporters are too slimey to grab hold of.
  22. Why not? We're all SoL. Oh wait. SoS? Are you a rich old white man? You're in!
  23. And quite conveniently the things that piss him off always happen when there's an inconvenient truth. sorry al. why?
  24. The Apocalypse only needed four Horsemen. At least I haven't seen Bondi in ages. Well, a month ago. Feels like eons.
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