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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. I thought the bananas were cute in a cartoonish kind of way. But, suggestive bananas is a step too far even for me. Erin, you aren't Warhol. Nor are you Velvet Underground. Now, go away. Please.
  2. I've been away from much news for the better part of the last week. Thought I'd take a chance and listen to MTP Daily on the way home from work. I could not believe that they are still rehashing what-went-wrong-with-the-pollsters this election. Still? STILL??? I guess there's no new news? Geesh. At least CNN was actually talking about how we only have one President at a time, Donald.
  3. Not to mention, their "Breaking News" was basically hearsay. That Trump comment: 'And in a phone call with Mika (yeah) Trump said, oh wait, we don't know exactly what Trump said because it was an OFF CAMERA phone call with Mika. So we only have her reporting to go on. Got that?' crooksandliars is not the only outlet reporting this Mika-get. Reuters. 'On Friday, he had an off-air phone conversation about the tweet with MSNBC TV host Mika Brzezinski, who said Trump told her: "Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all." MSNBC did not play his comments on air.' During a conversation with David Ignatius they tried to play it as almost Kissinger-esque. Wish I could say, Unbelievable!
  4. 'The outlet asked Paladino, “What would you most like to happen in 2017?” His response: “Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford. He dies before trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to [senior White House adviser] Valerie Jarrett, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her being a nice person and decapitated her." Asked "What would you like to see go in 2017?" Paladino attacked the first lady in sexual and racist terms: “Michelle Obama. I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortable in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.” Paladino on Friday verified to The Buffalo News that his comments were real, attacking the newspaper for inquiring about them. “Of course I did,” he said when asked if he had uttered the remarks. "Tell them all to go f--- themselves.”' Wow. Frightening that he considers it only politically incorrect.
  5. I don't know how I missed that. Oh, wait, yes I do. I missed it because about every time they showed Erin I was either busy rolling my eyes or was totally checked out. I couldn't find a good close-up of Erin's MissPiggy embroidery but guess it looks a lot like these examples. Ew. And those examples are from someone who prides themself on their work. ymmv
  6. Good grief. Now I'm thinking I should subscribe to Teen Vogue. They're doing a heckuva job! Dare I say better than "normal" MSM. That makes me both happy and sad.
  7. I started watching it in real-time, while doing other stuff, and thought the sched. was wrong, and, Why is PR Jr. on? Glad I decided to watch it on the app today. Well, glad I used the app but not so glad I watched. gah! I thought Kors would be there! First major disappointment. Hate what appears to be the planned editing of the judging for a grand finale misdirection. They almost got me. Actually, they did get me but I crossed my fingers and clicked my heels together and, like, everything, but at the "Roberi you lost" (agree with all upthread who hate that contrivance) I gave forth an involuntary and very loud NOOOO! Gag. The way she, like, posed and was, like, all, Twee-me!, during her Runway intro, like, made me want to like throw something at the screen. Erin! Grow the fuck up! This might be "it" for PR and me. I thought it couldn't get worse than the Ashley win. Think again. Ugh. Poor Roberi. He wuz robbed, imho.
  8. Private industry does not know how to run things better. They just know how to make money doing it. imho While I understand that Hillary did not connect what bothers me a lot more is that a bigoted, misogynist was able to do so instantly.
  9. Gawd. He looks (even more) freaking unhinged when he can't finish a "thought" in one Tweet.
  10. Awww. That's pretty sweet. I got our cat one of those carpet-covered climbing-napping things and he was terrified of it. I tried to lure him over by putting a couple of his catnip mice on the base. Came home a couple hours later and he had dragged the mice away from the evil interloper. Wish I had seen that!
  11. You made me look! That's just embarrassing. I don't think I've ever see slippers like Joe's in mens' sizes. Hmmm. What's that picture over the fireplace? Who did Joe just allude to as a "classless punk"? Trump??? For his "unconventional communications style"? I can't.
  12. I don't know what it is about this. Me watching the news?
  13. Wow! Between the Apprentice/Trump piece and the Morning Joe articles I might have to subscribe to VanityFair. And they even caught the uber-ambitious (deluded) Joe testing the waters. 'After the presidential inauguration in January, Joe (no fan of Mitt Romney’s—”I’ve been very critical”) plans on publishing a memoir that will serve—no joke—as a vehicle to test the waters for a presidential run in 2016. Take that, Mr. Romney.' insert eyerolls here.
  14. I'm disappointed that RM thinks this is a good idea. Disappointed meaning, What the fuck?
  15. Aw. The good old Stars and Bars. 'Germany -- Skinheads and neo-Nazis have been known to use the Confederate flag because symbols of Nazi Germany are banned.'
  16. I kind of like that Bethy is downlist at #15. She'd love being the most anything. But the poor thing lands middle of the road. Tsk. Tsk.
  17. Nothing says, "I wuv you" quite like a ''Honeymoon Bounce'. translation: bend 'em and spread 'em.
  18. I laugh but that's going to be one pissed off cat. There will be a kitty payback.
  19. DJs? hahahahahahahah hahahahahahha Had a fam converstion this evening and admitted that I might have to watch this steaming pile of shit. Only one in family so far. Morbid fascination. Wonder how many will travel from far and wide. Other than protesters.
  20. I think info for that issue is In Bugs. These threads are FB and Twitter heavy. The scrolling problem is worse here than any of my other PTV areas.
  21. Just been through that wringer. The male mid-life. It is strong. all best.
  22. Chuck Todd trid to pin his slithery ass down last Friday night, I think. "Tried" being the operative word. Though it's probably the most effort I've ever seen Chuck exert. I'm going to have to find Joy's takedown. She is the best.
  23. Are you sure it wasn't a Bojangles' commercial? Looks like Arby's might have a hit with the venison sandwich they are test marketing.
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