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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. I feel like I'm coming out of some kind of haze. I don't feel the desperation and despondence of previous days. I'm heartened by the protest marches. And now we will hear about a movement other than "Trump's Great Movement". ew
  2. This is the kind of thing that makes me ill. And really angry. Keep Hillary tied in knots but let Trump skate? From quoted link: '“I’m surprised that – if not shocked – that the FBI claims to have found no “clear link” of Trump’s Russian ties when it’s right in front of us and stretches back decades,” said Dworkin about the federal agency’s investigation exclusively in a telephone interview, “You can learn more about Trump’s Russian ties from Google, than you can from the FBI’s public purported investigation.”
  3. Our kitty loves to chase the laser point. But he figured out I was holding it and kept trying to look at it so had to quit playing with it. Didn't want to blind him! So back to the fish-on-a-string-on-a-stick. Poor little guy. But I gotta laugh.
  4. I hope they don't take his Twitter away. winner winner trump dinner
  5. Decided to google around to see if there were any nearby marches and came across this FoxNews report about an almost-altercation in Tampa. I guess even if you're a peaceful protester don't pass a pub full of Marines. And this was the Fox takeaway quote: '“I think they don't really know the issues,” Johnny Gomes told the station. “I think that they are misinformed they followed, sorry, but the regular media and don't know the real story.”
  6. I guess the new Trump-surrogates position is to blame the "other side" for fearmongering and racism. Like their candidate didn't live and breathe and spout those things for the last year. Now we're fearmongering. Gotcha'.
  7. Lot of work to do readying for 2018. Stuff up for grabs. Michael Moore is on Chris. Hooray!
  8. Took reply to Picture thread. Not fitting in anti-anxiety thread.
  9. Interesting. The protesters looked, to me, to be more of the "I got mine go fuck yourself, brown people" ilk. They appeared to be cut from the same TeaParty racist cloth, imho. My only complaint about the ACA is that it didn't go far enough. But those compassionate conservatives have to clutch every possible last extra penny. To ensure that they keep theirs. And the insurance companies maintain a healthy profit margin. Oh well, back to the ER for some 20 million people. Palin was a real champ drumming the Death Panels drum. When it's a conversation everyone should have with their physician. If they're lucky enough to have one. And be prepared to hear the words "Quality of Life".
  10. Steven Seagal is a musician. At least he says so. The album's not completely awful. Almost...
  11. What makes this especially rich is that the first ones to rise up against Obamacare were pretty much all on Social Security and Medicare. Ditto. Gonna click like I never clicked before. Hope there's a Comments section somewhere.
  12. Might be a good time to book for the Million Woman March happening the day after the inauguration. Bingo! We have a winner! Or he'll get one of his businesses to cater. With wine from whosit's winery. People flown in on the Trumpjet. Endless opportunities to grift! I'd love to see the bills he sumbitted to the RNC. Wish someone would leak that.
  13. From that People article: '“I told the girls I need the bridesmaids to enter behind me because I thought I would collapse when I saw him,” Jinger, 22, told PEOPLE of her ceremony at Cathedral of the Ozarks at John Brown University in Siloam Springs. She didn't really do that. Have the bridesmaids enter after her. Did she? Wonder if they wrote the sentiment on the "do Jeremy" plaque. I don't usually think to use the word "evil" in any marriage concept. Really awkward. All in all a nice wedding. Good thing TLC was still around.
  14. Too little too late, imho. Esp. after days and weeks and months of beating the Trump drum. And liberal voices were shouted down or marginalized. Now we get to hear them? And, I know, the MJ "team" aren't the only ones.
  15. Shame they didn't have him on before the election. But his message was cross-purposes to their message. eta we might not have needed all of these election post-mortems had the media done its job in the first place.
  16. Since it's not a "political" thread you could maybe carry the quote and reply to the poster over here.
  17. Wow. I heard a more engaged and animated Mika this morning! More so than usual. Shame she was chiming in, inappropriately, when a guest likened some voters to people who watch reality tv. I didn't quite get the point but, finally, a conversation Mika can enjoy. "Remember Ruben Studdard? I loved him! AI !" And raise your hand if you think the people of NYC are so concerned that they're stopping Joe on the street and asking him if everything was going to be alright. Really, Mika? I think expectations are pretty damn high! Especially among his "constituency". Me? Not so high. Glad they gave him his Twitter back. Surprised MJ reported the bad tweet.
  18. And it's not like it's a big surprise. Gee, it's another electiom? Already? Gosh golly gee, time to go to NYC! Tom Brokaw made some sense, to me, when he questioned the use of labelled poll reporting. Too much emphasis on what he called "tribes". Too quick to label.
  19. And yet another reason I am happy to not be a member of the FB community. Hubby turned his off. Blocked some. Got yet another "Muslim lover!" post and gave it up. (full disclosure: he sent an employee to HR for racist rants and Muslim remained employed.) I think Obama was a picture of diplomacy and acceptance today. Donald? Impatient. Distracted. And then McConnell. Triumphant. ::glerg::
  20. Dems can't seem to get it together. I just spent another whole Election cycle screaming, Fiiight!!!! We're too nice? Trump looked impatient in every WH pic I saw. Not humbled, just a, get on with it! Didn't even seem properly impressed when Ryan showed him the view of the Mall from a WH window. But maybe I'm jaundiced.
  21. True dat ^^^ Just maybe pinning my hopes, somewhere. Inventing and pinning? I don't think he's the R nor D he pretends/ed to be. More of an equal-opportunist. They really only paid scant attention to his "bi-partisan" ways. Next stop? Hard right. "We're in!"
  22. Chuck Todd, or someone, mentioned Dems forgetting/not paying enough attn. to, flyover states. This morning Joe and Meeka (Mika?) said that if they got in a car and drove from NYC to the the west cost the entire drive would be in TrumpCountry. Is she just going to dodge Illinois? And, depending on west coast destination), Arizona? And Colorado? god. Imho, it's bad enough to not need exaggeration.
  23. Steve Kornacki has WaPo's Chris Cizilla on and treating him like some kind of new seer for the divination of pre-election polls. Spare me. Wasn't it pretty much always 48-48 pct.? Isn't that within the margin of error? For both? Yet the Hillary drumbeat continued. These assholes confuse me with their, imho, cya moves.
  24. I'm waiting to see what he bills the government for the use of the Trump jet! and eveything else. The RNC seems to have sucked up all of that. Can't imagine the costs of securing one other Trump residence. Wonder which one he'll pick. Maybe he'll say, "Do them all. Bill me!"
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