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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. Can't Hugh Hewitt afford better glasses? His lenses...
  2. The thing that makes the most anxious is that this kind of won't end. I didn't think a clusterfuck bigger than 2000 was possible. I didn't think we could be more fractured. I'm more of a rat person but I admit to being now swayed by bats.
  3. Plus, James Taylor did a 45 minute concert. And we got CM the KKK denier.
  4. Might want to report it here. Not sure that's your issue but remember other reports. Chris Matthews. ::shakes head::
  5. OMG I just watched that! She and Kurt Andersen looked stunned. I am stunned.
  6. I was happy to see Tony Schwartz back. He was interviewed a number of months back but I hadn't heard from him in a while. Unless Trump had his book repackaged for the campaign all Art of the Deal copies have had TS's name on the dust jackets. I would think it's in his contract.
  7. And he can make shit soup out of anything. 'Furthering his talk of a “rigged” election, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said it’s “almost like cheating” when celebrities like Beyoncé and Jay Z rally for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. “On quick notice, we didn’t bring any so-called stars along ― we didn’t need them,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in Reno on Saturday. “The reason Hillary has to do that is, nobody comes for her. She can’t fill a room.”
  8. Another practicing (though close to perfection) self-isolationist here and I can't imagine being with a group of any size Election night. For one thing, I'm sure someone would speak right when I wanted to hear something on the teevee. I can sometimes barely watch with my husband around. He's having a difficult time remembering that I'm the only one allowed to talk over the teevee. lol I'll stock in groceries but probably small plate and/or nosh stuff. That will help to temper the oceans of beer I plan to consume. I'll post 'til I can't.
  9. Unfortunately all the Trump people will believe there was a gun. This shit's gotten so surreal I imagined Trump staging the whole thing.
  10. I really don't know what a reporter's responsibilities are when interviewing "normal" folks but I was just listening to CNN and they had someone (female) talkng to families divided by this election. She was interviewing two sisters who cancelled out each others' votes and when she asked the Trump voter what she liked about Trump the sis said because he was a good businessman. When the $900+million dollar business loss was brought up she said, "Oh, maybe he just bought something." My first big, huuuh?? Then she said she had been in the military and wouldn't trust a "criminal" (Hillary) with a security clearance. Shouldn't the reporter have said that she's not a criminal? Or at least used the word "alleged"? Or asked, "What the hell do you buy for over 900 million dollars?" It seemed wrong to leave that hanging out there but what's an interviewer to do?
  11. Brought over from Hillary's thread. I'm guessing that Catholics4Trump is a similar organization to BlacksforTrump or any number of fill-in-the-blank for Trump organizations.
  12. Not a WSJ subscriber so was unable to read entire article but makes me wonder how many other stories various outlets might be sitting on.
  13. It wasn't close-captioned so I tried to listen but there was a lot of background noise but I think I caught, " ... ... went down like that ... ... touched." But he didn't look "touched" sitting on that couch listening to it all go down. Maybe he's got enough self-awareness to realize there are better ways to behave. I hope so. Erin's Corny-love ("I didn't want you to go") looked fakety-fake, imho. I don't think it was C's responsibility to be their taskmaster. And I'm not sure his asking for help would have been greeted with much more than grudging offers of assistance followed by disdain and subsequent bus throwing-under.
  14. I thought this was one of the best Runways I've seen. Some unfinished edges etc. but all in all a pleasure to watch. Hard to believe they did all that in one day. Impressive. Glad to see Erin brought down a notch and glad to see Corny get a little dose of shade but still survive. Anyone else notice when RedTeam sat together and Dexter and Erin were squeeing over working together? At one point Dexter glanced to his left, noticed Cornelius and reached over and gave C's leg a condescending little pat. I'm not sure how to describe the noise I made but I think it was a snarkle-bark. Love her or hate her (I like her) I think KO is probably one of the best guest judges I've seen on this show. Tween stars and models don't seem to add much to the convo.
  15. And nothing says romance like a big ol' bowl of ChexMix. Though the paper doily is a nice touch. And they dressed alike! They really are looking better. Healthier. Except for the mullet.
  16. Don't know if this works for spoiler boxes but for regular quote-box removal, with the box open click/touch inside the box and a little square grid should appear above the box in the upper left corner. Click/touch to hghlight that box and delete. Hope this helps!
  17. I thought they had that Melania-worked-here-illegally documentation months ago. Maybe it was finally vetted? Or maybe Melania was considered "off limit" until she actually joined the campaign? Had MSNBC on this morning and I don't know which idiot Trump surrogate was on but for a while about all she said was "Saul Alinsky Hillary Saul Alinsky Satan Lucifer Lucifer Hillary...." The moderator did a decent job trying to shut her up to the point of telling her numerous times to not put her glasses on to read from Rules for Radicals. Moot point 'cuz her feed died! I thought maybe he had shut off her mic but he came back and said something about not knowing if it was an act of god or a gremlin or what but they lost her connection! I'm pretty sure I heard him chuckle. In car, didn't see names and faces.
  18. And the media will remain mute. It's only news if it's Hillary. I can hardly believe Ghouliani! He has turned into the ultimate told-ya-so-neener-neener toddler. He is taking such glee in this it's sickening. I hope that at some point in time he is held accountable in a, "What did you know and when did you know it" kind of way. Followed by, "Remove your belt, shoelaces and watches and rings."
  19. My understanding is that the online donations do not go to the RNC but rather go directly into Donald's pocket. That's why they're so big on online donations. But Trump might not be taking in what he proclaims when even his website obscures the actual figures with donation-tracker that's just a loop of previous donations. One can hope. I'm surprised the RNC hasn't confronted him with accusations of price-gouging.
  20. I think I'll be auditing myself that night. But my cans will be beer cans.
  21. Tried a few minutes of Today yesterday morning and could not handle the crosstalk. I hate that no-shaving thing they do. And I still can't believe Carson Daly is there.
  22. Tried a few minutes of Today yesterday morning and could not handle the crosstalk. I hate that no-shaving thing they do. And I still can't believe Carson Daly is there.
  23. And he was still going on and on about same in the 8:00 hour. I think he mentioned he was quoting from someone's column and I think he said "Charles" but not sure. Krauthammer seems to be right up Joe's alley but his latest column pretty much lambasted Trump. Maybe the 8:00 hour was on replay? How do they get away with that?
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