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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. While I agreed with her sentiment I was sorry she went there. The whole "go high" thing. Rubio made that mistake but lives. It's a topsy-turvy world. (not comparing)
  2. I have some cold beers! And a couple of splits. Glad I don't have to go anywhere. Hubby left for office stunned. That's okay. I think he was eyeing my beer. Dazed.
  3. Thankfully, I've only seen KAC this morning. Where do surrogates go after an election? ::my head::
  4. Went to bed last night after NC and FL went not-Clinton. Laid awake for hours afraid to face the outcome. I am bereft. And stunned. Difficult to process but thanks to all here for the help dealing. @walnutqueen sorry for Trump on top of your other stresses. Be well. And thanks to all of you for some positive posts. @aradia22 I will take your optimism to heart and try. @sleekandchic, you too! I know there are others I haven't mentioned but have appreciated all. Poor Hillary. Gutted, is right. my country...
  5. I don't know what to do. I think it's too early to call but am flat wore out. I thought 2000 was bad.
  6. Florida voted down the Solar Amendment that was written by 4 energy companies. The ballot language was ambiguous and had been challenged. It rewrote law already on the books and gave the consumer no benefit. And Florida passed medical marijuana by a large (app. 75 to 25) percentage. Little Marco is in.
  7. I keep switching around looking for good news. Texas to Trump. I'm empty. At least MN is too close? Whaaa...?
  8. It was live. Only had time for a quick look and found no substantiation. Sorry. I was listening and missed a name but it was not a surrogate.
  9. Not sure if this is the right thread but DirectTv has "enhanced" election coverage. If you push the red button underneath and to the left of the "Select" button you have the option of up to 6 channels within one screen. Of course it's aggravating figuring it out but could be a new toy or a useful tool.
  10. Coffee? I was almost sorry I had some this morning. I are revved up on anxiety. Ran errands that didn't need running. Got a 12-pack, a Publix sub, chips, Twizzlers, a box of Kleenex and I am settled in. Hoping for a landslide. I can't take much more of this. Oh, and a bottle of Prosecco. And 2 splits. And I think I have some Barbancourt rum. For my coffee! Or a hot toddy. This is, finally, IT!
  11. Update from MSNBC re: Lawsuit in NV It was just reported that they allowed people to get into the lines after the polls closed. And remained open for those voters. Those are the votes in dispute. Sounds like the judge has little patience with the Trumps.
  12. It really hit me when I opened the ballot and filled in the Hillary bubble. I had to just look at it for a moment and take it in. I walked out feeling like a load had been removed and the sun was brighter and the sky was bluer. Yes we did!! (Just now saw "Roar" ad for the first time. Where's my tissue?)
  13. They're showing Hillary and Bill voting and being "mobbed" by supporters, friends and neighbors. Note to self: get extra kleenex for tonight.
  14. C-Span1 is showing the Philly rally. Independence Mall. Wow.
  15. Moved. Should be in another thread. oops. Sorry.
  16. Originally from MN here and if not for the winters would live there still. Twin Cities are incredible. Now I'm in Florida (since early 70s) in a bright red county where the Dems can't sometimes even come up with a candidate so am registered R. (ugh) Nothing like casting "negative" votes. Not very uplifting. I am so loving the huuuge crowds around Hillary. And she sometimes seems to be positively effervescent.
  17. I took a book break and finished A Man Called Ove. Tears. Lots. But what a sweet read. Now I'm watching the ID channel. Maybe murder and mayhem will help remove the edge. Except it's an episode of Disappeared and I need something with an ending. But it's a location I know. I'm so confused! lol Maybe I'll work on a grocery list for tomorrow. Nope, back to MSNBC. Flipping helps.
  18. I watched the 2000 results (which seemed to go on for weeks) and most of 2008 but will not miss tomorrow night's. Though my previously well-controlled anxiety started spiraling down (up?) today. Interview with Khizr Kahn? Tears. Hillary in the rain? Tears. Gotta get a grip! This is just so emotional. Such high stakes. And I feel such optimism! Maybe I should get out and Prancercise!
  19. I was never much of a re-reader for that ^^^ very reason. So many books, so little time! Instead of poetry I turn to essays. EB White is like putting on a favorite pair of shoes or a comfortable old jacket. He transports me in about the first paragraph. And if I want a fun read I always also have a David Sedaris book, or three, ready to go. Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim is probably my favorite. His family observations are funny and poignant at once. But now I need to read some poetry. Thanks for November.
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