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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. And that's why I didn't add Stern to my Sirius package, and I had listened for close to 20 years. But Howard is also fiercely loyal. I think if Beth and Kelly are as close as I think, he might find a loyalty boundary. Or maybe I'm just clutching at my Bethy-loathing straws.
  2. Back in 2014 Dems. Bennet and Tester tried for a lifetime ban on members of Congress becoming lobbyists. 'Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) on Tuesday introduced legislation to prevent members of Congress from becoming lobbyists after they retire. Current law allows senators to become lobbyists two years after leaving office, while House members only have to wait for a year. But Bennet and Tester's bill would institute a lifetime ban on lobbying for lawmakers.' Which, to me, is ideal but doubt they'll cut off their noses ... CleanUpWashngton.org has a good overview of how restrictions have been handled. He could call it "cleaning up the swamp" and have it actually mean something. I think I'm hallucinating now.
  3. @annzeepark914 you might want to give Donny another try. I liked WADR except got tired of Halperin. I don't know why but I think "mealy-mouthed" when I see/hear him. Donnie filled in for Halperin when he missed WADR and was a breath of fresh air. Color me surprised 'cuz until then I always thought of him as Donnie Douche. He shows up on MJ once in a while but Joe has become so insufferable and shuts him down so often I don't know why he bothers.
  4. Riiight. He doesn't settle, until he does. And is currently facing 75 active lawsuits.
  5. I can't speak to how it would be enforced but I do know that there used to be much stricter lobbying restrictions. I think they did have to wait a few years before hiring on as lobbyists. And they did not used to give lobbyists floor access. I'll have time to research later but it's not a new idea to attempt to better control lobbying activities. This wasn't all changed that long ago. And I really can't go forward just saying, Hell No!, to everything. Especially if the blind pig accidentally finds an acorn. And I think banking and lobbying reforms are good ideas.
  6. And that's how he's going to fucking play it for the next however long. "Look at those ill-mannered libs!" He and his bots.
  7. I agree with your thinking that the series may have run its course. And also that the last two seemed fairly transparent. I think the story might have arced out, for me, Things seemed to be getting kind of contrived. Which is why I have held off reading Reckoning. Thanks for the info. I think I'll give it a try.
  8. Brought over from "Predictions" thread. And, in the spirit of that NYTimes guest op-ed, this is one of the few Trump ideas that I could get behind. Those lobbying laws were changed almost 10 years ago to greatly expand the ex-Congresspersons' ability to not only easily skate into lobbying jobs but to also skate right onto the Senate and House floors. That was new. And, imho, wrong. There used to be much stronger restrictions on those activities and I think being allowed on the floors of Congress was a new addition. Along with any kind of waiting period between public-service and lobbying. And he has some banking restrictions that don't look totally horrible.
  9. I had no idea. We catch BBT once in a while but had not heard this. Sweet!
  10. It wouldn't surprise me if that was indeed their plan. And, remembering back to W, cities, towns, counties etc. have the ability to marginalize protesters. They have a proposed travel route for the "dignitary" and then have designated protest-spots that are close enough to the route and would seem borderline-okay but actually the "dignitary" is unable to see or hear them. Because of this the ranks of protesters are diminished and they receive little or no or bad press. I think the RightWayToResistTrump made some great points.
  11. Maybe you can answer a Kelly+Beth bff question. When Howard described people getting up and speaking at their wedding he mentioned that Kelly (no last name) spoke about her friendship with Beth by saying that they had spent years modeling together and as friends and everyone knew them as KellyandBeth, KellyandBeth and she felt bittersweet because it would now be Howard and Beth. Howard said it was very touching. I always assumed the Kelly was Bensimon but have had little luck pinning that down. If it is I have an even harder time picturing Beth doing the show. And I cannot picture Howard's participation at. all. eta I would laugh and laugh and laugh if his pet Bethy fucked up the chance for a HoWife Beth.
  12. A NYTimes guest op-ed, The Right Way to Resist Trump, makes some interesting points of comparison between Berlusconi and Trump and how liberals could, and need to, best confront and defeat. I'm not at all surprised the TrumpYou! suit was settled. I would have been more surprised had it gone to trial. I think DT is known for settling and sometimes an insurance company will suggest/insist on settling rather than going through a long, expensive, protracted and messy trial. Not to mention needing to stay clear of "Discovery".
  13. Ugh. Season 8. Really not a kid person. I don't think it would have mattered to me had they gone to the moon. Well, maybe the moon, but, kids. It's the first season of AR I gave up on. Barely even checked in on TWoP. And only then 'cuz I think Racers checked in. But, kids.
  14. Really enjoyed this episode. We were surprised that the Cuban government allowed so much access. We visited Cuba last July and heard a different, and I think more honest, telling of the realities of life in Cuba from Marcus. At one point we wondered if the Cuban govt. understood what The Profit is. The show certainly worked for us on the tourist level. I wanna go back !
  15. Triumph of the Swag. Got an email from TravelZoo (discount and last-minute vacation brokers) today and top o' the list was reduced rates at the Trump Doral in Miami. The little, Ha!, I had felt good.
  16. Was thrilled to actually find a copy of Ann Patchett's newest, Commonwealth, on the shelf at my local library branch. And it was a really enjoyable read. Lots of characters, blended families, jumping timelines, a Chicago locale, and other devices I'm not usually fond of but they all work together here, imho. But wish I hadn't followed it immediately with Jason Hill's The Nix. I thought it, too, was a good (great) read but had lots of characters, timeline jumps, a Chicago locale, and other devices that at times left me confusing it with Commonwealth. It's a big (600 page) read but it kept me interested. I almost just put it down after the first page 'cuz the opener was a loudmouth running for prez. But I'm glad I kept with it. Hill has a section on the 1968 Chicago riots that practically places the reader in the action. I can easily recommend either or both titles.
  17. I've been listening to more NPR than other outlets. The news can be just as dire but it's delivered in a less emotional manner and once in a while they drop in something vaguely hopeful. And offer new, to me, information. Yesterday they had John Koza explain the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. From DemocracyNow. 'Now, under the National Popular Vote proposal, which is now law in 11 states, those states, when we have enough states that have a majority of the electors—that is, 270—those laws go into effect. And they will award all of those electors to the candidate who gets the most popular votes in all 50 states. And that’s what would guarantee the White House to the candidate who gets the most popular votes in all 50 states. Now, this legislation is already law in 11 states, having 165 electoral votes. It needs states with 105 more electoral votes to become law in time for the 2020 election.' It was interesting. And I had no idea such progress had been made!
  18. I know, I know, it's the DailyMail, but it looks to have some juicy stuff. "Tensions flare" ! Julie looks to have found a stylist. Or heavier makeup, or something. Sophie. ugh
  19. To their credit, she did lose 80% of her clients and a partner after the crashes. NyDailyNews. Lizzie Grubman? Horrible is right.
  20. I don't know anything about Jaime Harrison but he sounded energized on whichever the heck channel I had the teevee on earlier. How much time and energy does Ellison need? Or have? Do we need him in the House full-time ?
  21. Footbal!?!? When the Macy's parade is on? Followed by the National Dog Show ! And that Christmas tree doesn't just light and decorate itself! But we have an off-and-on two weeks with family at Christmas. Luckily we are all equally appalled. Still, two weeks.
  22. Here's what the BBC has to say about Jared Kushner. 'Both Mr Kushner and Mr Trump inherited vast property empires from their fathers at a relatively young age, and their apparent bond may be based in part at least on similar experiences. Mr Trump's father, Frederick Christ Trump, was also a controversial figure who was taken to court for alleged racial discrimination in housing allocation. Trump senior, who was vigorously defended by his son Donald at the time, settled out of court without admitting guilt.' Fred Trump's middle name is Christ? One more BBC snippet: 'Mr Kushner and Mr Trump also share a complete lack of political experience. In his New York Observer editorial, Mr Kushner offered a politics-as-business approach instead. "Government is built with many layers to avoid making mistakes," he wrote. "The problem with this is that it costs a lot and little gets done. In business, we empower smart people to get jobs done and give them latitude on how to get there."'
  23. And the ACLU is a great donate-to organization. They have had a huge uptick in donations (hooray!) and it looks like there lots of work ahead. These are their priorities. Wonder if we need an activism/activist thread. Could help to make this info more easily available. I'm just sick. Just when I think it can't get worse. Back to difficulty motivating. This is close to overwhelming. Huh. Sloths. Who knew?
  24. Not only that but it appears they went out of their way to not only vanquish Cristie but to also provide a total humiliation. As @crayon78 pointed out, they kept him around! Elevated him with teases of perhaps higher elevations? Christie was pwned. That's worth a small chuckle.
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