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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. I, used to, love the Barbie books that had real Barbies in real Barbie clothes. At least those I could call delightfully campy. Wonder if Mattel knows what god hath wrought. Have you seen the Bible with (fake) Lego illustrations ?
  2. Joe should never utter the words, "As I've been saying..." Earlier he again tried to walk back his TrumpLove with something about how they disagreed with that Muslim ban. Way to step out on limb, Joe. How brave.
  3. Ditto to no kids but babysat. They looked unusal to me but I never sat with a newborn. The angle of the shot isn't the best.and it puts things out of kilter. Oddly, the rings don't really help the perspective.
  4. Those pictures make me so sad. Poor Priscilla. Poor baby. Poor kids. Hard to feel sad for David but wow. Dysfunction at its worst. At least they did it for jesus.
  5. Great. Thought I'd give Hardball a shot and he starts with Karl Rove and there's Hugh Hewitt on the panel. That's twice today I've seen Karl Rove. I think I need a shower.
  6. How...? (that should be an incredulous font) Wow. I know you have a teevee... I envy your kinder gentler time w/o.
  7. Ah. I didn't picture one with no judges. Editing is, almost, everything in reality teevee.
  8. I used to pooh-pooh the blind runway 'cuz I was sure they could tell who did what. I loved when they found they were mistaken. And also surprised they didn't notice how poorly stitched Jenni's dress was. That should have been a clue. I thought they used to do a blind runway and then a designers-in-the-audience (with tells) runway? I remember being concerned that they could change their minds from one runway to the next.
  9. And I'm bringin' you too! I think the most horrifying, so far, Trump behavior was reported by Ivana. The less graphic part: 'Ivana Trump’s assertion of “rape” came in a deposition—part of the early ’90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump. The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon. “Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried. What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants. ...'
  10. Yep. And I bet on the RNC's, inflated prices, dime. I can't imagine how those kids will make a difference. Except in daddy's pocketbook. They give me the creeps.
  11. And I am willing to bet that there are many many more who have not come forward. As I'm also willing to bet that a number of female posters right here have had horrifying experiences with grabby men-just-being-men yet chose to not report for a variety of reasons. I don't know why this continues to surprise people. Here's the New Yorker's take. I guess this convo is in Hillary's thread 'cuz it's her fault? The issue, to me, speaks more to Trump's misogyny and alleged assaults.
  12. I wonder if some of the news people have been doing some surrogate-wrangling practice. Kornacke is doing a great job with KAC. Good job hitting her hyperbole. At one point she referred to what people in "Cappucino Bars" are talking about. Is that a thing now? I know coffee shops are huge and many are quite fancy but she sounded so, I dunno, elitist? And she continues to do the "Pay no attention to the man behind the twitter account just listen to his speeches" thing.
  13. I gotta ask. Was the name actually misspelled? Or was Mechelle having a, uh, moment.
  14. Took reply to Peanut Gallery in Current Events and Politics.
  15. I didn't see her at the debate but I rolled my eyes so often I'm sure I missed stuff. Here we go. Oh Sarah, please go away. Her main press presence seems to be Breitbart. I thought that she had maybe disappeared because of Todd's accident. I'm surprised she wasn't effective with the campaign. Seems almost like a match made in, well, somewhere.
  16. Was it a hawk? Maybe it was my dad! LOL Loving all of these sightings. In the Duggar forum, no less!
  17. Re: Palin, I've been wondering same! Here's the link to Current Events and Politics. it's in the Off-Topic section at the bottom of the Forums page.
  18. I LOVE how MSNBC people are making all of the Trump surrogates spin KAC's admission that, yes folks, Trump is behind. I really hate Boris. Now a mention of McAuliffe elicits an "Is he in jail yet" response? And all of the surrogates try to keep pushing policy and finding it a tough go 'cuz their candidate isn't talking policy.
  19. For quite a while after my dad died I was "visited" by hawks. I'd be driving down the street and one would swoop really closely in front of my car. The first time I thought, Wow! Close call! Then it happened when I was nowhere near where I usually think I might see a hawk and for some reason I thought, Dad? It happened a few more times over the next couple of years and I took it as a comfort. Hubby was in the car with me once when it happened and was like, Wow, that was really close! We now have a number "neighbor" hawks and a couple hang out in our oaks or on a nearby telephone pole. Glad I'm in such good company here with all of the other "visits".
  20. If that's the case someone needs to take that camera away from her. And maybe hide the knives.
  21. Thanks to all for the recaps of and the encouragement to see the MM segment And big thanks to @Jaded for the clip. I don't usually have the patience to hunt them down, That was a thing of beauty. It's a shame it probably went flying right over CCB's airhead. If she's voting for Trump because she thinks he lives biblically then I've got some land for sale... I wish she had explained why all of the fundies seem to be on the TrumpTrain. Mr. I'll-pay-you-to-get-an-abortion has their support. Maybe she just needs to shoehorn in her main talking point at any opportunity. Oh, and playing the "christian card" doesn't always end well. It tends to sometimes incite arguments or end discussions. The simple, Do unto others ... works well. Live it, don't announce it. Go Michael!
  22. Whaaa...? And another "photographer" who can't be bothered with the backgrounds. I'm guessing the use here of depth-of-field for blurring out the background was accidental.
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