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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. MsPH, I'll try a YouTube search later, it might just be my browser today or that specific link. But reading your post made me go, "Awww ..." See what a sappy sucker I am for this show? ETA: I'm also curious to see if Chris had his Ed Grimley hair back then, so I'm not entirely without snark today.
  2. I know. While I think he's gorgeous, I had to turn the channel during his dance, I just could not watch it for so many reasons. I turn channels right after the dances because I can't stand the judges, Erin or the scores, so I was pretty stunned last night when I turned back at the end and saw Robert at the bottom. The heck? The Robert I saw was dancing like crazy and working his heart out, unlike a few others mentioned here already who weren't exactly what I call "dancing." My blood pressure thanks the creator of the remote control. Was it Artem who got carried away by the background dancers at the end of his routine? I shouted "LIFT!" at my tv and was waiting for CAI to dock points for it.
  3. I can't access the romantic Chris video; wish I could though. And Chris having an affair with Witney is so far out in left field, I can't even imagine it EVER happening, even if it did. Chris H. hosting Millionaire ... now THAT I can get behind! Thanks for the link, Lulee.
  4. I think that's the Potpourri category now, a little bit of everything left over. It would be a shame not to use those answers writers worked hard to think up. I agree about Alex doing mental math and not purposely stalling.
  5. But don't contestants have a certain amount of time to answer? Or on DD can they take all the time they like to figure out how much to bid? I saw Alex's hesitations as him trying to get his brain to focus on one thing instead of it flying all over the place, like to his itching back. What has been the most answers left on a board at the end of a round? One or two left is not unusual, but I've never seen most of the game still up there, which would happen if a contestant were stalling to keep others from uncovering answers.
  6. The entire show last night was like a big Broadway production, all the costumes were over-the-top, cartoon characters all over the stage to distract viewers, tons of background/extra dancers to distract viewers, then the first one-half of the so-called "dances" were set ups with no dancing at all. There used to be special nights where pros could incorporate props and/or extra dancers; now that's just every week. And every dance starts with so much Len "mucking about." Makes me wonder why the contestants complain about not being able to learn 20 seconds of a dance routine each week. As soon as Suzanne's rehearsal package was shown I knew she would be going home. TPTB don't like complainers on this show. And of the three "stars" throwing a tantrum, only Sharna knew how to handle it. She was fantastic with her "concentrate on what you CAN do" and "I'm suppose to be the princess" lines. Color me impressed. I love Tony but I found myself talking back to the tv when he was trying to make Suzanne feel better. He really made me wonder how he handles arguments with his wife since after one sentence I was arguing back to him from my living room. And Witney ... yeah, Chris overstepped it with his rudeness. But I guess I'm with others here who count her lack of knowing how to handle him to her youth and inexperience. All I could think of with Chris in that Atlas (?) costume was, he is going to be teased WITHOUT MERCY by his farmer buddies when he goes back to the farm. Plus his chest got waxed. So much for his "dancers wax, farmers don't" comment from a couple of weeks ago. I think the ranking on Chris here shows how viewers look at contestants who have dance background and the ones who do not. I cut the guy some slack, I'm 100-percent positive he's never taken a dance lesson in his life. Unlike some others on this show. I couldn't tell what dance styles 90 percent of these people were doing last night. One couple I figured out was doing contemporary ... then they went into hold and started some ballroom dance. Who knew? I still love me some Robert, but I wish someone would tell him to shut his mouth during the performance. His fly catching is starting to bug me.
  7. Alex wasn't going to bet any money on FJ anyway so I guess to him his answer didn't matter so he did a shout out. I've seen it many times (didn't Ken Jennings do it on some appearance?) so it did not bug me. He already knows he's smart so doesn't have to prove it with a FJ answer that means nothing. To him, anyway. Since this show is edited to fit the time allowed by the network and isn't shown in real time, how can Alex be stalling to delay the game when all of the clues are still revealed by the end of the show? I've attended Jeopardy tapings but it was years ago and i don't remember there being some hard-and-fast timeline to complete each taping. So I guess I can't seen Alex stalling to prevent the others from getting a chance at the questions. Maybe the battery pack mic on his back is slipping or something so he has to keep checking it and isn't back scratching. Although if that is the case, production would step up and fix it. So, never mind. I did notice the camera cut away a couple time when that left arm swung around to his back so the show is noticing, too. Plus he was less jumpy Monday, even though that episode was probably taped immediately after Friday's. And asking about American Sniper ... really uncomfortable.
  8. Contestant Alex cracked me up because he looked like Anyman playing the game. Everyone is always so stoic and non-moving and expressionless; I'm sure production tells them not to look at the camera and never to move anything if they can help it. Many here ranked on Keri (is that her name? The gal with the blond bobbed hair.) not moving her face or lips. Now we have Alex bobbing and weaving and scratching and with a deer-in-headlights look in his eyes. Yes, it's disturbing but also mildly refreshing. At last, someone who is reacting much as I would if I were on this national tv show displaying my brain power. Or lack of it more likely. Meanwhile, I can't stand the Pompous Alex the Host. I'd watch Jitterbug Alex all day long if Pompous Alex would just shut up and stop making this show all about himself. That "common law" question is a good example of the poorly worded answers so rampant on this show now, discussion above.
  9. I couldn't understand how the $300 cedar beehives were better than the "regular" ones that cost around $70 complete. Hives come in all sorts of configurations and a DIY can put one together for less than $70. Plus the bee guy didn't talk about the accessories needed for bee keeping (clothing, smoker, extractor) or where to get the bees and how to keep them properly. Honey bees will build hives and produce honey in walls of old houses so it's not like they are attracted to cedar luxury hives. I found his presentation confusing and lacking. No deal from me!
  10. After TB I saw Ashley interviewed on some show, maybe Kimmel, and she came across as bright, witty, clever, articulate and lots of fun, plus was self-deprecating on top of it all. I liked her even though I was ambivalent to her on TB, which is always all about the editing so I give almost everyone a pass. I think she's a much better "catch" than Andi, by a long shot. Even I would rather spend time with her over Andi, so I can see Josh not minding her company. Good on them both. From the TMZ post: "Andi can take a little solace, since our sources say she thought the pic was a "low blow" from Josh." All I can say is, geesh, Andi, get over it. You guys split and Josh has his own life now. Time for you to move on, too.
  11. I'm glad for Britt, too. I can't figure why so many people hate her, I don't see the reason for it. Now someone like Kelsey, I can see and understand that dislike. Yet Britt has gotten more bad comments than Kelsey ever did, it's like Kelsey was given a pass for being ... well, what she is. Go figure. I hope B+B last a long, long time. I'm totally on her side.
  12. I agree. When I go to the ABC page to put a bachelorette's name to face, I can never find anyone in the photos because they all look the same. It's like they have one Photoshop template that's used to retouch everyone. Even hair is the same, except for Kelsey last season. She was the only one I could recognize, based on hair, although later I was sorry I could. While I'm no fashion maven, I think the Bali outfits the women wore after Chris's FS dates were so attractive and made the women all look beautiful. That includes their hair, which in Bali was done up and styled. I'm a real hater of the long, stringy extension wig mops so popular on this show. (Which gave Kelsey another plus in my book, until she opened her mouth and ruined it all for me.) See photo above for the straggly mop hair I'm referencing. Ugh.
  13. So this station was off all night here due to storms. Does anyone know if this episode is online anywhere for free watching?
  14. I have a friend who had an affair with her boss. She stayed with her husband long enough to get pregnant, then got a divorce and married her boss (who also got a divorce at the same time). She wanted another child and the boss couldn't have kids. Some women just want kids and the father is inconsequential. Just food for thought!
  15. Well, to be technical, Canada IS part of North America! Actually, I did not know Robert was Canadian. Perhaps that is why he is such a nice guy, Canadians are known for being good people. For real! That's why some Americans wear a maple leaf when traveling abroad. I only know what I see on teevee, and I really like Robert. He is my favorite just because of the little I know about him based on what teevee editors allow me to see. And frankly, I hope he wins this entire thing, for so many reasons. And if his showmance with Kym is real, GOOD on them both. I have never liked Kym, but I do in this pairing. Accentuate the positive: Robert The Shark for the win! (Stick around Sunhusky, you have lots of like-minded company.)
  16. This bothered me, too, but I don't have a clue what I wish it had been instead. I'm stumped! I'm sort of thinking it was what it had to be. At least it was what I expected, if that makes sense, since Noah's story IS all military.
  17. Yeah, that was a major deviation from the truth. His sister sent his name in to be one of the 25-30 bachelors vying for The Bachelorette Andi's hand. Chris made it to final three, if I remember correctly. It was Fleiss, TPTB, that chose him to be the next Bachelor. The "star" of each season is always a retread from the group of people who appeared on the previous season. Chris being a farmer was a hook the show hadn't seen (or used/exploited) before.
  18. Everyone remembers things differently, regardless of what really happened. Suzanne just put her own spin on things. I remember when she "left" the show and there definitely was no love lost. But whatever. It was a cute segment, even if it was sort of made up. Wasn't Three's Company from the same time as Patti's most memorable year? So not many people on the show were there for either era!
  19. There are always three "finalists" on The Bachelor, then one gets sent home after the overnight dates and two are left on "engagement day." One gets all dresses up and expects a proposal but is sent home by The Bach, then his choice arrives and they get engaged. As for the arranged marriage thing, marriage seldom happens after that show ends. But Whitney was always Chris's first choice as far as any of TB viewer know. I can't judge Willow's dance since she was too hard to pick out of the crowd that was all over the floor covering her up. And how does one judge contemporary dance anyway, when there is basically no structure to it, it's anything goes? Has any contemporary ever scored a 6 or 7 on this show? Noah made me go "WOW!" to the tv when he lifted Sharna with one hand. Yikes. I actually liked his dance. But I missed part of his opening segment ... he has kids? No wife? What's his story there? I thought we saw his girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. I didn't think Chris was as bad or worse than a couple of others but it seems judges think his time is up. I thought the Three's Company dance was a lot of fun. Liked it. Patti also was fun, although I can't say either danced better than Chris. They just had better sets and backup dancers. Maybe that's what Witney needs to add, about 15 more dancers on the floor so Chris can't be seen. She could borrow them from Mark and Willow. I kept staring at Rumer's lips when she was talking during her promo and for some reason kept thinking botox. Not that there's anything wrong with that! I can't see criticizing Nastia for "lack of connection" or emotion when that tango was gorgeous. That's suppose to be a serious dance and that's how I saw it.
  20. Will we see him again on NS? It sort of seemed like he was being set up as a recurring character. I didn't have a clue an arm could be stuck back on in a few minutes and would be fully functional. There's a bone and nerves and blood vessels to say nothing of all the muscles. But then again, what do I know.
  21. Thanks Cindy. Dublin will make for some great scenery. I wonder if the Bs get a say in where they go overseas or if they are at the mercy of whatever place cuts them a financial break. I hope they don't do any corny leprechaun stuff though.
  22. That was the feeling I got, that the show (read: Bruno) was getting heat for his comment and the promo was damage control. But i'm not in the DWTS In Crowd so I'm just speculating. I just thought it odd the show was promo-ing a clip for a contestant already sent home.
  23. There are two sides to every divorce story, even Robert's. I like his attitude on DWTS and ST, he can't be faking that. Plus his story of becoming a self-made millionaire is a great American one. What he does in his private life has no impact on me or how I feel about watching him on DWTS. That's between the parties involved, and only between them. People can spec all they want about who did what when, but it's just that: spec. Robert is my dark horse favorite in this race based on his personality and fun factor. And until he changes that himself and I see him be a jerk on the show, he'll stay in that position.
  24. Reading your post, NorCal, made me think this: Ressler has red hair. Red Reddington USED to have red hair. They have the same blood type. Maybe Red got his son ... I mean Donald his job at the FBI too. Plus you say Lizzie was wearing a red scarf in that scene (which I did not notice). Okay, Lizzie and Ressler can hook up ... then she's killed dead and Ressler and Red go on the road together to find her killer. That way we both get our wishes!
  25. A radio show host who interviewed Michael asked what he had planned for his $96,000. Michael said a buddy of his is an independent film maker so he is going to back his sequel film, "Bloody Guts Bastards" or something named along that line, with "blood" and "bastards" in the title. The interviewer relayed the story on his radio show the next day and had a good laugh about it, then justified it as Michael only being 28 years old. I guess there's book smart and street smart and, as the radio guy suggested, there's being a good friend.
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