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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I stand corrected! I guess my mind voted Mark off before it really happened. Thanks also for telling me Cuban has been in the audience. I flip to The Voice as soon as the dances are over so miss some audience shots and THANK GOD I also do not hear the judges' stupid and irritating comments. Which is why I didn't know about Bruno's Charlotte remark until I came here, which saved me from having a tiz fit by hearing/seeing it in real time. Bruno has the most awful things to say under the guise of his being "hot and clever." Whether he writes his schtick himself or pays someone ... either way, I wish it gone. I also wish he would be gone. And CAI. Then maybe I could actually watch and listen to the comments and see the scores. (Like that will ever happen.) Although the judge panel as is does allow me to watch two shows at the same time, so there's that.
  2. It's always been a gripe of mine that this show puts on "ringers" with past dance experience, public or private, and those are the "stars" who go on to finish at the top. Last night it dawned on me that viewers tune in to see good dances, not people stumbling around and unable to follow the music much less do a halfway decent dance step. So, Rumer, Riker, Nastia and others are there to keep people watching and to be the favorites. Others are stuck in to be voted off early so the favs can continue on another week. So, bye Redfoo, Charlotte and soon Chris, Noah, Suzanne, Patti. Whatever week those four get sent home doesn't matter because those top three will still be there. Robert is the dark horse as he is becoming a favorite and really is improving and learning to dance. And I TOTALLY loved seeing Kevin and Lori in the audience loudly cheering for Robert. Odd that Mark Cuban wasn't there. Ha ha! I believe he left either first or second in his season. So, take THAT, Cuban! I did like Noah's dance, however. Really enjoyed it. And yes to Chris in all black. Great move, costumer.
  3. I know now why Ragosa is divorced, his ex is a shrewish harpy. And what, hospital emergency rooms have Take Your Daughter To Work days? Topher, who is all kinds of awesome, should have sent that kid packing WITH her beyotch of a mother. Did we even know TC had a SIL before the episode (two times) before this one? And TC is this hotshot doc who doesn't have a clue how to look for drug use signs? I guess no one during his career as a doctor or medic ever took illegal substances and the subject was never covered in med school. Since I assume TC is suppose to be the "star" of this show, he sure gets outshown by the other characters. The writers must really dislike him. Hate dick-head Drew. As a doctor, he should know how to separate his personal and professional lives. Snap out of it, Drew.
  4. Great links about Kaitlyn's boyfriend back home. I got a gigantic kick out of this statement: I love how the "reporter" writes that Kaitlyn "always seemed honest and sincere." Yeah, right. EVERYONE who goes on this show is honest and sincere *cough*. I personally didn't see her having an interest in being much of anything but a friend to Chris, and I don't view her as desperate to get married. So I put my strong vote in for "publicity whore." Is that nicer than "fame whore"? Also got a kick out of her admitting she was "intimate" with Chris Soules. I figured as much, given her duck-lipped pout being sent home the day after her Fantasy Suite overnight. I would SO LOVE for it to play out that Kaitlyn goes home after ATFR to Trevor. It would be a big "scr*w you" to all the Britt haters. Meanwhile, I hope Britt and her fellow are still together and have set a wedding date. ANOTHER SY to her haters!
  5. No apologies needed. The end of your sentence was the best part of the post!
  6. What a hoot if Nick is F1. Most.Dramatic.Finale.EVAH!
  7. Wow, we obviously were watching different versions of the same event. I was waiting for Red to be appalled and there was nothing. No reaction at all. Maybe someone can screen cap it. Meanwhile, I guess we just take bets. I totally forgot to say, Ressler also had his leg almost shot off and was drug into that box by Red who performed meatball surgery on him to save his life. I haven't seen anything AT ALL happen to Big Crybaby Poor Me Lizzie. I think it's time. Past time. Like moms USED to say back in the day, when they were allowed to say this: "I'll give you something to cry about." That interview being held in the basement of "The Postoffice" ... all I could think of was what a soul-sucking place to work. All dark and dank without a bright spot anywhere. No wonder Lizzie is all whiny. (I still don't justify it though.)
  8. Is there anyone anywhere who thinks Lizzie is a sympathetic character? We've seen her lie, cover up murders, kidnap/torture, lie some more to protect her own ass. She bitches about Red all the time, yet if she's so affected by him, then quit or move or leave or SOMETHING. At least Tom/Jacob owns what he is, as does Red. But Lizzie? All she does is cry "Poor me, I thought I would be married, in love and with kids and HAPPY by the time I got to this ancient age of 31." And she does this whinging to Ressler, who held his dying girlfriend/fiancé in his arms after she was murdered on a city street. WTH, Liz? Plus, with your job and all your flying around the world and torturing kidnap victims, you don't even have time to walk or feed your dog. How do you expect to take care of a baby or child? I haven't seen where Liz has done anything beneficial for the FBI with her so-called "skills" except bring Red to the table. Who, I think, could have done all that "connecting" on his own. Because he is, after all, pretty well-connected.
  9. I'm so practical that I was obsessed with Lizzie wearing her wool stocking cap and was all bundled up while Ressler, with his short hair, wears not even ear muffs and his jacket is always open, no coat even. You need to toughen up a bit, Lizzie. Where is this filmed? Lizzie's stocking cap needs its own screen credit, it's become a regular cast member. Lizzie saying "You're sweet" to Ressler was so out-of-character and glaring in it being something you don't say to an FBI partner. I was waiting for them both to gag and spit after drinking Lizzie's bottle of bathtub wine, especially since Red said it would be doubtful. Otto, I though of you when Ressler tells Lizzie "At least you have a dog" when they are feeling sorry for themselves. All I could think was, yeah, it's 9 p.m. and you're not home taking care of the dog, walking the dog, feeding the dog? Great parenting skills, Lizzie. Tom had the last line of dialogue and I couldn't hear at all what he said. Can anyone help? I'm sad that Tom went from "I don't care about Lizzie, she can just die" neo-Nazi to "I'll tell you anything, just don't hurt Elizabeth Keen." He went from a bad ass to a complete wimp. I really can't believe he loves her after he tried to kill her HOW many times? And she him? I've split with partners over much less and never looked back. I was expecting a shocked look on Red's face when the doctor guy killed himself. But no, no change of expression. I guess Red's used to such things. No big deal. When Lizzie is bitching out Red at the end, how he lets people die and so is AWFUL, all I could think of was "Pot, meet kettle." Hey Lizzie, remember your involvement in killing that Harbormaster guy? And now you're all righteous and pompous to Red? Please. Cooper, you're being blackmailed. Wise up. Basically, you're screwed. So Red finally finds out Lizzie has some repressed memory? Couldn't he just ASK her? They have to dredge up stuff that was revealed how many episodes ago? No office romance with Lizzie/Ressler, please. Pretty please. This reminded me of how Lizzie is also a LIAR, saying "No" when asked if she's heard from Tom. She SO deserved to be fired, or how about just killed off. There is not one thing redeeming about her, she's just bad through and through. Maybe Blacklist No. 31 will be Elizabeth Keen. Here's hoping.
  10. Which Nick is this? The "But you had sex with me, Andi" F2 Nick? And he barged in and hooked up with Kaitlyn? (Of course, she had to let him in, so there's that.) Who is the guy with Britt now? I'm so confused!
  11. I'm loving Wentworth Miller. I hope Cold stays around for a long, long time. He's fantastic and his lines crack me up. I didn't realize how much I missed him on my teevee. I'd watch his spinoff show. I don't get Wells saying if Barry changes XYZ back in time, ABC will happen now. Don't bad/good things happen every day anyway? So why not change the bad of the past since new bad things are going to happen whether the past was rearranged or not. It's not like all of a sudden, because Barry doesn't change yesterday, roses and butterflies will pop out today.
  12. WTH. I was expecting to see what happened with the stalker and TC's SIL. Instead we got ... what? I couldn't care less about anything that happened in this episode and disliked the entire thing. Plus Topher going all PTSD all of a sudden? What the heck. While I liked the idea, Scott can't be the stalker since Jordan was told he got released from jail/prison. Wish he had shown up last night to add some interest to this BORING episode. So Chavez is really going to be gone? What a disappointment. They'd better keep Drew or I'm totally out.
  13. Hacerry, you bring up some great points. I wondered too why Scott was all, "GET IN MY CAR NOW!" instead of saying, "The heck, what happened? Do you need a ride?" The car had a flat ... how about, "Hey, want me to change that tire for you?" and "Wow, what happened to that window?" Scott was all way too up on Jordan being in trouble/stalked. Yeah, I can totally see that. Not that any of the show writers can.
  14. The judges made a big point of Chris only having FOUR DAYS to learn his dance. Was it revealed why? When he should have had a full week. Derek's always about "We're starting rehearsals NOW" right after the show. What happened to Chris and Witney?
  15. Wow, what a great idea! I'm all for that one.
  16. Count me as another little girl who didn't take dance lessons as a kid. Yes, my original post of every kid taking lessons was tongue-in-cheek. But then again, I am not the product of two Hollywood movie stars NOR have I been asked to be on DWTS. So there's that, Rumor! There is a world of difference between me and everyone competing on this show. However, if by some miracle Saber gets asked to join the 2016 cast, I'm in the dance studio taking lessons starting TODAY.
  17. Yes to this. Even Paul. Sure, he had been "exposed" but no one at that point knew for sure, or how much he had been exposed. Better to take extra precautions rather than just think, oh heck, we're all screwed anyway so forget it. When that guy threw the bloody glob of bandage or whatever down on the hospital floor ... gah. That should have been picked up with tongs and put in bio-hazard, then the floor disinfected stat. Instead, the radioactive blood stain was still there hours later. The heck, hospital staff! People keep their houses cleaner than that. (Well, most people anyway.)
  18. Yeay for Britt. That would be cool if Britt got eliminated, then the one guy bailed to start dating her and they are now a solid couple. Even better, and worth a few laughs, is if Kaitlyn and her F1 fail and Britt gets engaged ... off camera and without Neil Lane! Anyway, that's my wish for this season. Even better: ABC televises Britt's wedding! Or, a double wedding with Chris/Whitney Soules! Hey, a girl can imagine and dream, right?
  19. Totally agree on this. Plus I heard a radio interview with her where she said DWTS had been asking her to be on for several seasons and she kept turning them down. MY THEORY: Because that gave her years to take dance lessons so she would win the mirrorball. And that's part of why she's so confident that no one on this show comes close to her talent. (Nastia immediately comes to mind as being dissed since Olympic athletes are not to be discounted, ever.) And while maybe Rumer didn't have dance lessons from toddler on (which I still think she did, EVERY little girl takes dance lessons, right?), she doesn't come by her "almost flawless" dance moves naturally. One expects someone who has never danced to be awkward at first, score 5/6, then progressively get better on this show. Not come out dancing 9s the first week. So there's that. The Hamburger Girl's bullying complaint can be taken in many different ways with different sides presenting different arguments. But the bottom line is, if you are on a reality show and don't want to read negative or nasty posts about yourself, then stay off of social media and close your accounts. And don't read anything online, including this thread. Problem solved. ETA: What is/was Julianne saying about Allison? I turn the channel so I don't have to listen to judge comments so missed the diss.
  20. But did the producer/camera operator ask any of those people ON CAMERA about a romance and then shown that clip in the pre-dance package? Remind me if that ever happened, and with whom. All the prior showmances, real or fake, I heard about were via online posts, TMZ and other gossip sites, or pap video shown after the show when contestants are going out to party/celebrate, not filmed and shown by DWTS producers themselves.
  21. I agree with that statement, which makes me think his"boring" problem on TB was all in the editing. Because he's shown more personality in five minutes on DWTS than the entire season of TB. I'm actually starting to like him. I know ... go figure! I hope he stays around for a while. I can't say he has a lot of TB fan support however, given how "boring as hell" he came off on that show.
  22. Where has Scott been all season? He looks so much like Ragosa that I didn't know who was whom. I thought Scott was gone and that was Ragosa who took Jordan home, then Ragosa is shown filling the dumpster. So thanks, Happy, for filling in the details for me. I'd be happy if this were the Drew, Topher and Chavez show. TC can take off with SIL as far as I'm concerned. Maybe he should go do Doctors w/o Borders in Chavez's place.
  23. I was surprised -- and glad -- Chris picked Pitbull to dance to instead of a country band. Like Big and Rich! Ha. Anyway, having him go first was a death knell, and getting the highest score from the toughest judge, Len? Something Chris has done has upset TPTB and they want him gone. Me, however, I am enjoying him on this show. I thought his routine was as good (or better) than some others. I enjoyed it and thought he showed a lot of amazingness for a person with no dance background other than doing the two-step in some local bar. Rumer Willis ... the minute she came on my screen all I could think of was DANCE BACKGROUND. As the daughter of two major Hollywood actors, OF COURSE she's been taking dance since she was old enough to toddle across the room. So unfair. Noah is HOT beyond words, but his dance was not a dance. And he was scored higher than Chris? Please. Robert and Kym's "showmance" was stupid to bring up. They've never done that before for others who have been in the news, whether the showmance was true or not. But they are really cute together, if people of a "certain age" are still "cute." But yeah, Robert is cute. I just wish he had SHUT HIS MOUTH just ONCE during that dance. I enjoyed it but became obsessed with his fly catching which distracted me from seeing if he were really dancing or not. Got a kick that Ed Sheeran's real recording was played with Ed Sheeran doing the singing, although it was edited to fit the short time span of the dance. But Maroon Five's "Sugar" was played/sung by the DWTS band (or some anonymous singers). Maybe because Adam Levine is starring on a show that plays opposite DWTS? During her Olympics run, Nastia was always cold and showed no personality, just stone-faced professionalism, while Shawn Johnson was the darling sweetheart of the media. I'm not surprised Nastia struggles with changing her persona on this show. LOVED the paintball costume and that dance, even if it was stolen or done before. I still liked it. Rumer said on a GMA interview that she has "no competition" on this show and she's the front runner. That kind of talk combined with no doubt a solid background in dance lessons makes me root for Derek and Nastia. I never thought I'd EVER root for Derek over Val. But there you go.
  24. Thanks MsPH. I'll bet that's what the big reveal is/was. I did a search for all GMA stories and didn't find Chris and Whitney as being on. But your news makes a lot of sense. It's not surprising Whitney has done that. I know people who were going to Iraq who did the same. Well, the men did THEIR version of "the same." One never knows what the future holds.
  25. Thanks for my morning laugh, Paigow.
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