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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. But Missy, you can't blame Chris H. for jumping on the "I'm an author" bandwagon with Sean Lowe! They can do book tours together.
  2. I wouldn't be either. It's -20 there today. And what, maybe 70-80 degrees in LA? Even Chris's brain can figure that one out.
  3. Ashley S is the first person EVAH! on this show who has said she had no tolerance for all the women sitting around the house crying, for no reason. Also the first who said she got BORED! and went exploring, going behind the Magic Curtain of Secrecy which is where TPTB reside, the ones who manipulate this show. I call good on her for being refreshing and not one of the b-ette sheep. I wish there were more like her, women resistant to The Bachelor Stockholm Syndrome. Because, really ... it's Chris Soules we're talking about. He is no prize in any way, shape or form. (Except $$.) Man can't even form a sentence or express a coherent thought, college degree be damned.
  4. This made me laugh. EVERY season is "The Most Dramatic EVAH!" in TB history. Chris Soules is dull as dishwater and they had to do something to get people to not fall asleep on Monday nights and tune in, PLUS talk about it nonstop in online chat rooms. Like here. Hey, Chris Harrison and TPTB: It's working! AGAIN! Me personally: After watching this entire season, I could care less who he picks or if he lives happily ever after. Or, more harshly, even lives at all. I also could care less about Whitney or Becca or their romantic happiness. I'm SO ready for BiP.
  5. Murderous Thighs ... it referenced my favorite, Sayid! I used to have killer thighs when I rode show jumpers and other horses every day. But I never thought of using the term "killer" literally. Still, great link. Thanks. I also agree Red should not be Lizzie's father. I want him to have other motives for keeping her safe, not a family-bond-boring one.
  6. Late to this game. i hate it when work interferes with my real life. I missed the very first part, which, unfortunately was Britt. But what I saw made me like her even more. Call her fake or whatever, but she was one of the nice people in the house. Yeah, she was happy to get the roses but she didn't give anyone the death stare (Kelsey) or do a Senior Wences "Johnny" hand puppet to mock another b-ette (Carly). Plus, she was the only one who actually GOT where she would be living if she teamed with Chris. Because: Would I want to live in Arlington? No way in HELL. Would I want to live in Chris's house surrounded by 6,000 acres with no neighbors in sight? In a heartbeat. I'm Team Britt all the way. You are still beautiful. And you can do way, way, WAY better than Chris. Carly, you went from being a sympathetic "also-ran" whom we felt sorry for because you didn't get the rose even when you won the pig wrasslin' and some other contest, to the High School Mean Girl. You sobbed in the Go Home Limo that you would never find love and you are right, no one wants a b*tch like you. You also revealed you knew your status when you told the world Chris was "YOUR FRIEND." So hold the tears, sister. Kelsey ... girl, for all your brags about knowing "BIG words," you sure owe Jimmy Kimmel's "Amazing" *ding* dollar jar a lot of money. And your skill at not answering questions or actually SAYING anything while talking for ages could qualify you for the next political election. Yeah, you saw that playback of what a poor person you are. Own up to it. Now THAT would make an amazing chapter in your amazing journey book of your amazing life. Yeah, you can "love again" now, but the person you are most in love with is yourself. Good luck finding a man who wants to be part of that package. And blowing snot into Chris H's handkerchief ... disgusting. Don't these women know to stuff some Kleenex in their bras for later use? I guess since everyone has implants these days, tissue-stuffing is a thing of the past. Jade looked beautiful. REALLY beautiful. Good on you. When Kaitlyn asked Chris why she was sent home, I was SO expecting her to pull a Nick and ask why she was out after she had sex with him. So ... big disappointment there. And speaking of Chris: WTH was up with his hair? He had peaks everywhere, like devil's horns on his head. The entire time Chris was struggling to make a coherent sentence and failing miserably, all I could do was mutter "You f*cker" non-stop to my tv. I really dislike that guy now. Such a jerk. The bloopers also made me like him less. Some guy in the background just "ran through his fart?" The heck? That's funny? Keep all people who fart and then talk and laugh about it out of my life, please. My mom raised me with better manners. So Chris, what, were you raised in a barn? Oh ... yeah. Nevermind. Ashley S. was the highlight of the entire show. Hilarious, and the only one who had a grasp on reality, as weird as that sounds. Yeah, it IS totally amazing (*ding*) that you were on television. At least she was enjoying the ride. I totally love her. Plus now we know BiP is returning! So there's that. I wish I'd known where that Iowa viewing party was being held. I would have so been there. That woman was a judge in Scott County? Girl, I've been in your court. Not cool to be all Chris Groupie. I did wish some of you posters had been watching WTA with me. I have a huge living room and couch. It would have been a blast. * Kimmel's money jar might have been for "awesome" not "amazing." Who can remember that far back? I still say the most money would go into a "like" jar.
  7. You guys crack me up. I'm not sure I can tolerate any more Kelsey. Wish she were not at WTA tonight. But there's always the remote, and The Voice on the other channel...
  8. You are so correct, Chocolatine. Who could ever forget that train that was on the "fast track" outside Sean's wedding-night window? The editing monkeys do have a lot to do with our perceptions ... including whether someone is good/bad, in love/there for the right/wrong reasons. We are all victims of manipulation! LOL!
  9. I've read the same. Ex-bettes have said that's the only time a couple is able to talk privately, and private time is important to establishing a relationship, if there is going to be one. The viewing public thinks just because cameras are not rolling and the doors and shades are shut and drawn, people are having sex. What naughty minds the majority of tv watchers have! Just proves a point that (most) people are obsessed with sex, and women who look good in a bikini. Fleiss wins.
  10. Wow, that Grantland writer is the best, and totally spot on. I did notice the camera close up of Whitney's ass and was so focused on that "unfortunate" view during that scene that I missed all the rest. I especially LOVE this: 3. The Stony Smile: Only a man on the deck of a boat with 4 ounces of whiskey in his left hand and four fingers full of female armpit in his right hand can smile with that level of satisfaction and content. Try to do it right now. You can’t. This smile also proves that Chris smokes weed. I don’t know how, but it does. And "Dick Coaster" ... yes, indeed. Like I said, spot on writing. Well done! And thanks for the link, Wings. (The "smokes weed" completely cracked me up, too.)
  11. Well, maybe it was producer-suggested, but no one looked like bad actresses acting out that scene *coughbrittcrycough*. If TPTB suggested it, everyone was all about "YES! Let's DO it! What a GREAT idea!" So there's that, Kelsey. Maybe they didn't think of it, but they all sure had fun doing it. There wasn't a fakety-fake "happy" in that group. Or on my couch at home!
  12. Thanks for that inside scoop, Archer. I'm guessing she didn't watch the show then, which featured her THs that pretty much solidified her being bat-sh*t crazy. The THs combined with the wolf howling sound effects and "I'm up here" visuals in the Badlands. You know ... TPTB making fun of her. Maybe she also forgot the clip we were shown of the other women telling her she was a big fakety-fake. That should make some good tv, Kelsey on the defensive. When Kelsey was sent home, the scene of all the women cheering and Carly being the "Let's get drunk" bartender pouring champagne was one of the best scenes this season, or maybe ever in this franchise.
  13. I know, right? Then who was it that suggested they compare the bites on the livers? Can't remember. But isn't that something the FBI should have thought of AGES ago since Deer Hunter was such a famous serial killer Lizzie was teaching a *cough* profile class about him/her? If Red ever teaches a class ... on anything ... I'm signing up.
  14. Ha ha! Now we're back to that "pre-nup" thing chatted about here a few eps back. That's so true. They film 24/7, then have to edit down to a couple hours of what TPTB feels fit the outline of the show, or the characters of the actors, I mean contestants, shown. The FS is the only place we've been told is never filmed. While everyone seems to "go there" in their minds, past contestants have said that's the one place they are able to talk about real issues and real-life dating stuff. It's not all hanky panky. I find that sentence really very interesting. Is it because subconsciously (or consciously) Americans still view women as objects that must look good in a bikini and do things to "please their man"? I do know lots of men who want women homemakers and baby makers. Even I've been told I can give up (whatever hobby or thing I do in real life) now that HE is in my life. Chris did tell Jade that he works with a bunch of conservative Iowa men so was freaked about what THEY would think of Jade's photos. Funny that mattered instead of what HE thought about Jade. (Even though he, too, is a conservative Iowa man.)
  15. Carly did go from this sweet quiet thing to full of snark and nastiness. TPTB induced? Or is that the real Carly? Maybe a few "glasses" to drink, then prompted to say stuff? Who knows. But I really don't want to suffer through some tear-fest on WTA. I mean, it was a few weeks out of your life that you were getting PAID for, for pete's sake. Unless they are auditioning for BiP. So there's that. If you read what I wrote, and you requoted, you will see I hate the WORD "guts." Why not use the alternate one you used above, "instincts." Much less Deer Hunter and Colonoscopy related. I don't have to read any self-help articles to know I strongly dislike talking about "guts" in any situation. Maybe I've just been on too many hunting trips, when GUTS are yanked out of a dead animal. Even fish are GUTTED when they are cleaned. It's all disgusting. Instincts, however, are a good thing to listen to. Everyone on TB and TB-ette listens to their "gut." Just ... yuck. (Even though some posters think Chris has a lot more to listen to than some!)
  16. Ha ha! Thanks, Otto. I needed that. (I also need to rewatch PF, it's been years.) I wish she had said that to Lizzie ... and then carried through.
  17. Thanks Thug and Julia for filling me in on why Ms. Deer Hunter was so familiar. Her voice is memorable. And Otto, are you going to make me watch Pulp Fiction again? Like back when Spader himself was hot, with a full head of hair like he told Aram he used to have? I still see him on a certain Seinfeld rerun.
  18. On reality tv shows that are formulated to make money for the network and its advertisers, that's 100-percent a "Yes." It's the same reason Hardees/Carl Jr. hired Paris Hilton, not Melissa McCarthy, to lay all over that car she is washing while eating a burger and wearing a micro-bikini. The list of sexist examples is endless.
  19. Or, translation: One wouldn't put out after two dates over two months. So, bah-bye.
  20. Naw, no "ick" in this episode. You already saw the liver-eating scene on the preview. So Lizzie teaches an FBI class? What, Hugh Dancy wasn't available? The actress was SO familiar. What did she play on Hannibal? Maybe she was the one who said Lizzie should be teaching, to make up for Hugh still being on sabbatical. Pretty funny that Lizzie was teaching a profiler class and got all the profile info wrong. Why am I not surprised? Agree that when Lizzie was socked with the shovel, it was the perfect time to put the shovel to her neck and amputate, ala Walking Dead. Dragging her back to her lair ... the heck? Then another soliloquy from the killer. I HATE that. So I was delighted when Lizzie said to STFU and just kill her. I was saying the same thing, freaking KILL LIZZIE. That would have been the best episode yet in this series. Instead, Lizzie learned from Tom how to kill someone with your legs. Tom had his leg chains to help him kill Harbormaster. Not since Sayid on Lost has someone been able to snap someone's neck with legs. So for Lizzie to be able to strangle someone that way ... no, just NOT. Plus, as someone else said, her legs/feet were all ducktaped. So ... WTF? No way could she get Amanda between those thighs. Plus, didn't Ms. Deer Hunter have a knife in her hand? This episode had two very exciting highlights for me. One, Lizzie is going to prison for the Harbormaster murder. Two, serial killer is going to gut her. Both of those great events got screwed up. So ... the heck. Back to Lizzie being on this show. DAY-um. I kept thinking Red put something in Aram's hair, it was pretty bold of him ruffling his 'do up like that. But I guess he was just joshin' with him. How hilarious if she gives it to Red and he says, "So THAT'S where my drill-bit-socket connector has been. Thanks, Lizzie!" I do like Lizzie in her stocking cap. So there's that. Otto, please! She's a PROFILER! She knows everything! (Plus Aram probably looked up his pic and office hours online.)
  21. On Extra yesterday, there was a tease before commercial about WTA, and the clip showed some woman freaking out and yelling at the others. I barely caught the clip from the corner of my eye, and waited through another segment of the show to see it, but it must have run at the end of the show and I just couldn't wait that long. Does anyone have spoilers from WTA? I thought the woman freaking was Kelsey (shorter dark hair) but I could be wrong.
  22. And it also makes viewers tune in. People don't want to watch pug-ugly people who look like Everyman in Walmart. If they did, the regular network shows and magazine ads would be full of "pregnant" bald guys and ultra-muffin-top women. And those airbrush artists (now Photoshop specialists) would go out of business. Who watches the Victoria Secret runway angels and wishes they were size 20 and 250 lbs.? Well, okay, so a couple of you do ...
  23. Well said. One has to remember the people on this show are chosen for how good they look in a hot tub, not for any "connection" they might feel with the lead. It's all scripted and heavily edited. We never get to see a real convo, if there are any, just the "stuff" that Fleiss/ABC has found brings in the viewers and, hence, the cash, and renewal for one more year. Whether Chris was told to make out with everyone to find his "connection" or if that's really him ... only Chris (and Fleiss) know. Virgin was Becca's hook, and, based on the posts that go on forever here about that bit of nothing, it's worked to get people talking and tuning in. So, good on the show for continuing its "much ado about nothing" theme.
  24. In Chris's defense, he does not look nine-months pregnant like 90 percent of the "farmers" on FarmersOnly.com. There's "guts," and then there are "GUTS!" Does anyone know if Kelsey is going to be on WTA?
  25. Ha. A Kelsey word if we ever saw one. Maybe she will log in and tell us what it means. That is, if she can see this board from way up there. I agree Chris is completely dullsville. At least we didn't find out Juan Pablo was a d*ck until almost the end of his season, and then that was all producer-induced, the Andi sobfest and making public what he told Claire on the helicopter. I didn't have any problem with JP at all, and whatever blowback the show got is Fleiss's fault for picking white JP to fill the minority TB slot he was pressured to fill. Reap what ye sow, Fleiss. I'd rather see JP tell all the women "Ess okay" than Chris tell them ... nothing. Just subject us to his deep sighs and non-tears when he has to make the most DRAMATIC send home ever. I hate that term, and it's used constantly on this show and others. All it does is remind me what you do to a deer when you shoot it, or where the scope goes when you have a colonoscopy. Guts are intestines. If the love I feel for someone is down there, more's the pity for that person. *burp*
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