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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Except all the audience screamers are planted there and screaming because they are told to do so by production. Even that is fake. JP was already chosen when that happened, as was Chris when that phony "fan girl" came out of the audience to "be with him" on the set last season. Then we are just "strung along" while the next TB is "chosen," even though he had been chosen during Andi's season. All that "We don't know who is the B-ette!" gets the show a lot of free publicity on the gossip shows, talk shows and in the rag mags.
  2. No, the hour was just almost over so they had to cut to the short chase. Because obviously, Nick and CC are psychically connected. Because Nick is the only one she thinks about. So much for her fiance, Whatshisname, to whom she never gives a thought. When did she ever have time to meet much less get engaged to Aaron? No, it's Nick. Because we could care less about Sid and whether he lives or not. He's just a spook in the background whereas Nick is CC's true lurve. And now CC and Nick (again!) are looking to get blown up real good by the POTUS's (drink) airstrike.
  3. My family never had a clue what I was doing out on dates. I never hung all over my guys when I was around family, that's just not polite. So I just don't get where Becca's family was coming from. Is it normal now for couples to make out on the family couch while mom and dad watch tv next to them?
  4. Yeah, those bomb vests ... the guy in Minneapolis starts fooling with it and it blows up. Another bomb guy gets knocked to the ground with a cop (?) on top of him and ... nothing. Luck of the draw, I guess.
  5. Yes, when her nursing degree will come in handy as she makes lunches and dinners and delivers them to the men who are out in the fields from 5 a.m. until midnight. Right now is the fun time for grain farmers, winter. And Bali! And LA! And ... everywhere warm.
  6. So what's up with all of a sudden these guys are going to Bali next week? What, Lubbock, Texas * wasn't a city where one could "fall in love"? * Lubbock, Texas ... named the No. 1 most-boring city in America. Google it!
  7. Agree totally. Except me thinks Chris likes blonds. I mean, check out his sisters, all with the same bleached-blond-Whitney hair. I figured she had just done a test shoot/video and it never went further than the Internet. But that doesn't mean we can't all make jokes about Chris and his Ultra-Conservative Buddies all looking for her in the Playboy pages. Because, you know, they all have to do their "research." *cough*
  8. Very insecure is what TPTB love in their b-ette. So she can be humiliated by the guys who all signed up for Britt. *coughashleycough*
  9. Yes, I think Kaitlyn would have been all about how "awesome" Jade is for doing that photo shoot. I'm also sure TPTB made Jade pull out that laptop to show Chris. I mean, come on ... they were in Chris's hotel room and she knew there was a (very convenient) laptop sitting right there? And she just picked it up and used it like it was hers? Totally producer-driven.
  10. He does not have cattle. Any shown were on someone else's farm. Production had to search hard to find corn that hadn't been picked yet when TB came to Des Moines in October; that was in the newspapers at the time. They found some standing fields outside of Des Moines; that's where the cattle were. Chris's Arlington fields had all been picked. Chris said in one of the early eps he had hogs. It was never mentioned again. So, is it a farrow-to-finish operation? Is he raising pigs only to sell to a feeder? Or is his a finish lot? No one knows. Maybe those pigs are on one of his rental properties and they aren't a REAL part of his operation. We don't know, it's never been revealed. Those were not his. Anyone can stand at a fence and say, "Hey, Bessie" but that doesn't mean that cow (or, more likely feeder steer) has that name. Show cattle and registered dairy stock have names for registration and breeding purposes. Others go by the number on the ear tag.
  11. Well, I have another question for Otto: Since Nick and Fatah were together when they got killed, and CC knew Fatah was still alive, wouldn't that mean NICK is alive, too? Because, you know, that was him on the hilltop doing the sniper work. And why do all characters have to do a lengthy soliloquy before they shoot someone? Just freaking SHOOT him, CC. That's why I loved that Indiana Jones scene. Is the Chief of Staff a good or bad guy? Why didn't TKG leader take the spy guy's briefcase away from him in the parking lot? Why didn't TKG woman shoot the spy guy? I'm totally amazed that a blond woman can sneak up on a group of terrorists armed only with a hand pistol and kill everyone. And finally: POTUS! (drink)
  12. Well, that and TPTB told him to dump both Ashley and Kelsey in that dust-bowl and to rat out Ashley so there would be Kelsey drama. That was a set up and not Chris's idea. TPTB did Chris's thinking for him on that fake date.
  13. For once, JUST ONCE, I want a sent-home b-ette to get into the Limo Ride Of Shame, look at the camera, and say, "Well, that was such a fun 'journey'. I had a blast and such a good time getting to travel and meet a bunch of new friends. Best experience of my life! Sorry to go home, but ... whatever. Thanks, show!" I was hoping that person would have been Carly last night.
  14. I KNOW, right? I kept waiting for them to do the hibatchi thing ... grill some meat on a stick, or make s'mores. That little dog of Whitney's was DISGUSTING. Hasn't anyone in that family taught it the meaning of "NO!"? That dog would hump something once at my house, then never again. Poor manners are never cute, in people OR dogs. I kept staring at Whitney's dark-haired sister, then at Whitney's black eyebrows and blond hair. Whitney, they have product for eyebrows now. For anyone worrying about fertility privacy issues, I'd say that sperm-meets-egg graphic was recorded and just a play back, not the "real thing." Chris does love his scotch. Remember how Whitney brought him a bottle of Templeton's way back at the beginning of the season? She had already checked out what he likes. Those HTDs were so awkward, it was like they were all done in one afternoon. And did they all end up back in Des Moines afterward, for the rose ceremony? So much flying around ... for nothing.
  15. The best tv EVAH! would have been, when Whitney put Chris into the "Man Room," he had picked up a Playboy ... and opened it to Jade's photo spread. Kelsey would have a word for that! When Chris told Jade he worked with a bunch of CONSERVATIVE Iowa men, I shouted at the tv, "Yeah, YOU." I wish she hadn't shown him the photos/videos because you know as soon as she left his room he was going to Google and watch anyway. Without her. And Playboy is sold all over Iowa. Those men he "works" with would all be trying to buy that issue, or be burning up the Iowa Internet doing searches for the photos. Heck, they are doing that today, right now! That includes his BILs. Funny how Chris went from tossing Ashley under Kelsey's bus but considered it none of Britt's business to know who was talking about her. Two faced much, Chris? There had to be speakers outside to magnify Britt's crying so everyone could hear every sob inside that building. Which was pretty sturdy and insulated. Couldn't hear any trucks driving past but we heard every Britt snuffle. Jade's dress at rose ceremony ... wish I could have seen more of that. What's up with Whitney's tennis dresses? And, for that matter, all the little-girl dresses this season? (Except Jade's last one. Nice.)
  16. I was all for Britt as next b-ette, but her edit last night ... wow. I think her admitting to the other women that she doesn't see herself married and she doesn't want kids killed her. Fleiss wants someone who desperately wants to get married to be his lead. Kaitlyn would be fun on Best Buddies. Becca has no personality. Jade might be cool, a Playmate for the guys. But she's not comfortable in front of the cameras. At least not the tv cameras. Only Whitney would work well. Maybe she can do it in two more seasons.
  17. Those 6,000 acres just lie there until it's time to plow, disk, plant, then spray in spring. Then those 6,000 acres just sit there growing stuff (maybe a crop duster will spray them, but that's not Chris's job) until it's time to run a combine over them. Then they just go to sleep all winter while the farmer(s) are in Florida until spring when it starts all over again. I know these corn and bean fields ... they are my closest neighbors.
  18. Grain farmers have two busy seasons, spring plant and fall harvest. Summers are spent repairing equipment, drinking coffee, mowing grass. Winters are spent in Arizona or Florida. However, livestock farming is 24/7. Which is why so many don't do that any more. Farmers whose crops won't support them will also have another full-time job, then they farm (plant/harvest/fix things) when they aren't at their 9-5. Except for a few months a year, Chris has plenty of time for weekend trips AND vacations to those places TB isn't sending him.
  19. Heck, we didn't even know Samantha was there, much less her NAME until they flashed it onscreen when she got sent home. That's probably the best edit any woman has ever had on this show.
  20. Arlington is just Chris' mailing address. He lives a zillion miles out into the country with no visual neighbors, or at least none we could see during Andi's visit. So no one is being expected to actually live IN Arlington. Maybe his house is closer to another village, who knows. Addresses in farm country are something like 4560 West 135th Ave. North. Sounds like New York City but it's really an address in a cornfield. But in any case, all Chris' wife would have to do during the day is mow lawn forever, because farmers are all about keeping their homesteads immaculate, and there are miles of ditches to keep looking like golf courses. Then there's cooking, baking, having coffee with the MIL. All while Chris is out doing ... well, MAN stuff. Oh yeah, there's laundry and cleaning too. So how bored could anyone actually BE with all that to do? ETA: WOW, archer, that's one HOT LINK you posted. Just ... wow. Thanks!
  21. Oops, I quoted your quote and didn't catch the Cedar Error myself. And I've been to both CF and CR so many times I can't count. Cedar Rapids is just further south than Waterloo/Cedar Falls. It's just north of I-80 ... which would take any b-ette right back to the west coast, non-stop, and at 80 mph!
  22. I'm saying TPTB put the b-ettes there after finding out when everything is closed. Like a late Sunday afternoon. That the town had a library impressed me. My town of 1,700 has one and the hours are sporadic. And it's always closed during lunch hour, and all day Sunday. So there's that. Thinking about this, while living on 6,000 acres of corn outside Arlington, Iowa, really appeals to me, I have to say that I don't see Chris matching up with anyone from this show, at least not past the designated six months or however long they have to keep up appearances. Rural life is DEF not for everyone, and especially not hot-tub-type women who are looking for the spotlight more than Mr. Right. Besides, I do not see Chris having anything to offer. And that laugh ... gah. And his "get me away from here" look when there is a problem. Not the best resume for a marriage partner. Although like another poster said, I'd consider how much $ he had in the bank, and then NOT sign a pre-nup before I said, "I do."
  23. "Not enough time left today to talk to Britt" is the same, IMO, as not being allowed to talk to Britt. The article said there were LLLlllooooong stretches of time when the three women were on the ice by themselves while Chris was somewhere else. That goesn't give a local newscaster five minutes to talk to Britt? Please. I'm thinking Britt might have been a TPTB plant to lead Chris on. She's a Hollywood "waitress," after all. Has anyone found where she "waits" tables? I'm wondering if Andi isn't being set up for b-ette again. I know ... vomit.
  24. Oh, right. Thanks for the snap back to reality, Rhondinella! I forgot this show's MO for a minute there. Heh. Is this episode online anywhere? Because this is where I live, I'm curious to see the entire thing and not just what I saw during commercial breaks on SNL ... which were not that many, surprisingly. I did see Andi's breakdown which lasted long enough to cover TWO SNL commercial breaks. The heck? And I agree, what's up with the no-tissue thing? Her dress must have been soaked with her wiping her tears off on it. I had a feeling it was a Next B-ette set up. But I had to laugh at her "all of a sudden" breaking up with Josh because of what she heard on the red carpet. The posters here knew they were splitsville before then.
  25. I live there, guys. There is Waterloo/Cedar Falls (totally connected, just two names), Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Waverly. I've been to all many, many times and all have EVERYTHING a fancy-schmancy woman would be looking for, including excellent restaurants, theaters, nail salons, hair extensions ... everything. And Waverly is home to the biggest draft-horse sale in the United States. Which makes me think Lindzey, as another poster said, would have been a good match. There are tons of horse shows throughout Iowa and the Midwest she could have competed in. Which makes me wonder why a better cast wasn't selected for Chris. Like some farm-type women, women who own their own Internet business, women who raise/show horses or dogs, a veterinarian, women who like the solitary life of country living. Oh wait, those would be there for the right reasons and not to be next b-ette or to advance their acting career. So, never mind. I live an hour from a major city. When I worked in town, I would be in the office on winter days when people who lived five blocks away "couldn't get out of their driveways." I had a small car that got great mileage, and my hour of driving was at highway speed as opposed to others who drove ONE HOUR through city traffic to get to work. Doing grocery shopping means I'm gone around five hours as I pick up everything else I need while I'm in town, plus the two-hour 'round trip. It's a trade off, yes, but I have no neighbors blasting music and I can watch the meteorite showers from my front yard with no city lights blocking the view. Trade offs are part of life. Does a fertility nurse need a special degree?
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