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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Our local ABC news affiliate has been interviewing Chris and the b-ettes during their trip to Des Moines. I just caught the end of the interview last night (SNL ran long!), but the newscaster said she's blogging about her time with Chris in Iowa. So I'm searching for the blog and came up with this. It's the "other bachelors of Arlington" calendar! http://wqad.com/2014/12/29/arlington-guys-sell-the-bachelor-inspired-calendar-to-raise-money-for-town/ Okay, here's another link that talks about behind the scenes in Des Moines, the fact they were not allowed to speak with Britt (why?) and that Des Moines coughed up $70,000 to "offset production costs" of filming in that town. And SantE Fe was upset about their tiny $50,000? So, ABC is essentially PAID to produce TB in different locales, and ad money from commercials just goes ... where? No wonder Fleiss can keep this show on the air. http://wqad.com/2015/02/15/go-behind-the-scenes-of-the-bachelor-with-news-8/
  2. I know, Judy, I'm with you ... this two-night thing is screwing with my schedule. Because tonight I'm all about the SNL reunion. So I'll only get to see TB during commercial breaks in that. I'm trusting you folks here to fill in my blanks. Because, you know, so much happens on each episode.
  3. Shugardrawers, you need to get over to the Media thread and read the Huffington Post link JenE4 posted yesterday. That will tell you all you need to know about why this show does not and never will cast the over-sized nor any not-lilly-white contestants. I said over there that the article should be required reading for everyone who posts here. The main casting requirement for women is they look good in a hot tub. Go now, and read!
  4. Archer, that's a good interpretation of how the b-ettes could play out with Chris and makes a lot of sense. Britt is Chris's Courtney, so once she is gone he has to sort through what's left, and each has her negative points. I've known guys who want the woman to always tell him what to do, and maybe Chris is one of those. I'm not sure because this show isn't letting us see or know anything about him. Whitney is the lesser of all the evils. And we know TPTB won't let him do a Womack and not pick anyone. Besides, after all the talk show rounds are over and no one gets on DWTS, they can split and Chris can then start going through all the off-screen women who will be making a play for him. Because, you know, he's famous now.
  5. Heck, if someone with one or multiple DUIs couldn't fly, the airlines would go broke.
  6. Oh, Jen, that is the most (dramatic!) interesting article EVAH and just proves what many of us feel, that this show is degrading to women. This article reveals that's its entire MO. Funny that I recognized Darva Conger right away in that photo, and knew her name, but didn't remember the guy at all. That needs to be required reading for EVERYONE who watches this show.
  7. Okay, I really enjoyed this episode, even if I agree with all the posts above. I am able to forgive those things since all of that crazy made this episode more fun. Because: I think Red is a gas, and for once we got to see his plan play out from start to finish, all for his benefit. And we got to see Lizzie toss a tantrum because Red is not there for HER, to save HER, to protect HER, he's there for his own gain. Welcome to Red's World, Keen. The business card cracked me up, too. For Keen to have given the guy one was so dense since she could have just flashed her badge at the guy like Sam and Dean do all the time with no questions asked. And yeah, the card was cheesy, it should have been a fake one Keen had printed up at Vistaprint for just such an occasion. And her cell phone works in Slavic countries! She could hear the detective NOW! Keen being busted for killing that dock worker is a great plot. I'm looking forward to Red NOT getting her out of that one. Loved Red and Donald eating dinner together while Lizzie had "room service." Heh. All in all, a fun and entertaining episode. Were there new writers this week? If so, keep them around. I give this two thumbs up. ETA: I am amazed, however, that no one stabs Red in the neck, or just shoots him point blank during one of his unending soliloquies. I felt like doing that from my couch, just to shut him up. The guy never quits.
  8. Plus Meghan would have to get a passport to go to those locations, right? Because, you know, like, she has never been out of the country. Well, until she went to that (new) Mexico beach resort.
  9. Wow, you have something there Judy. TMZ reported that Beiber is working hard now to change his bad boy image. What better way than for him to "win" TB's heart and become America's Sweetheart once again? And slim hips: yes to that. Britt really is out-of-proportion. Thinking about this has boggled my mind.
  10. I vote writer stupidity. And since I'm from Chicago (Home of: "Vote, and vote often"), I vote twice for writer stupidity.
  11. This made me laugh because 1. I would not eliminate myself because there's all that travel (!) and fun in the house (!) for cast members on this show. And, 2. I'm all for marrying a guy who is reasonably good looking and has a ton of money, as long as he is willing to spend that money. Yes, I'm shallow, and I know tru lurve is full of all kinds of pitfalls. Money, however ... now that's a constant good thing. It seems every group-date rose has not gone to the woman who most expects it this season. Carly won the pig-wrassling contest and didn't get it. And there were more that I've put out of my memory. A question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire yesterday was, the WINNER of what show has always been a woman. Answer: The Bachelor, of course. But it made me really think, the F1 is a WINNER? I just don't see it like that, even if Kelsey does. Keep in mind that this show opens doors for everyone who appears on it, including doors an ex might have shut and now opens once they see their former lover on this show, macking on someone else. Nothing gets you more propositions than a diamond ring on your finger. I had a TON of "offers" once I had a ring, all of a sudden guys that never looked at me were all about getting together. So, magnify that by the ex being on a network show, and BLAM! Miracles can happen. The same goes for Chris. Last August he was part of the Celebrity Steer Auction at the Iowa State Fair, in the livestock arena with the governor of Iowa, all the Iowa politicians, radio and television hosts ... and "The star of The Bachelorette, Chris Soules." And that's just one isolated incident. Chris will get a TON of attention from Britt-caliber women after this show. Trust me! *coughcourtneycough*
  12. Perfectly said. This speaks more to why Chris is still a bachelor at age 33 than his rural and isolated location. A jackass is a jackass, regardless of where he lives. That Chris is macking on Britt in front of all the other women ... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that is hurtful to the women who are right there watching the man they came to "marry" make out. That's just common sense. You don't even need a bachelors degree, much less a masters (or phd!) to just KNOW that stuff. As for Chris being sensitive to women because he has sisters ... balderdash! He's nowhere around them, he's out on the tractor. And if they do start in with their "women-folk" problems, he leaves ... and goes out on the tractor. It's the Farm Boy Way. Except she noted (more than once!) his terribly grating falsetto laugh. I doubt Becca could put up with that until death do they part.
  13. I kept waiting for a production hand to appear in the frame and hand her a box of Kleenex. She was snuffling snot like crazy (kray-zee, heh), yet her face wasn't wet that I could see. It's really possible she was a production set up, too, and told to go ahead and have a massive "breakdown" and that's the best she could do. She did pull that great line about how, while she wasn't right for Iowa, Britt most certainly was not either. It was a look into the future? In her defensive, there is such a thing as waterproof mascara. It's all I ever use. It takes time to wear off, tears don't phase it. Great stuff. I wonder if the FS is used to finally talk about things like religion, books, movies, houses, where you've traveled. You know, stuff the rest of us chat about on dates. This show is only about the "connection" so TPTB don't give a care about personal things, just about matching up wanting to get married w/the number of kids they both want.
  14. Oh, too cool! Now I'm speculating through the roof myself. Heh.
  15. Has RS come up with Chris' ex-fiancee? I can't believe she hasn't surfaced anywhere given this age of social media. I'd love to hear her story.
  16. My thinking is, every time this show went "off script," it got lots of attention from gossip shows, late night and other talk shows. Clips always play the next day, and you can see them all day long if you tune into the right shows. I don't think it's because Chris is dull, TPTB just wanted lots of air play for their Prince Farming. Well, maybe I should say we didn't KNOW at the beginning how boring this season would be. It's funny how we all thought this was the greatest bunch of smart and attractive b-ettes EVAH! at the start of the season. Then we get to know them and wow, the cray-zee really comes out. I do feel sorry for Chris because I don't see his wife anywhere in this pack. Of course, I am not the one choosing. Heh. Then again, the one(s) Chris sees as his forever-after might not be the ones who view him in the same way. Another poster wrote how odd it was that Chris took those "olden days" photos in Deadwood by himself. Yes, how odd WAS that? That would have been a really fun date. Didn't Emily and Jake do something like that? (I just remember Jake took off his shirt to change clothes. This before Jake became a tool!) That would have been a fun two-on-one date. Chris could have given each a photo to remember him by before he sent Ashley and Kelsey packing.
  17. What? You are letting logic and reality color your opinion of this show? Obviously, this episode was written by the same guys who based the entire plot of the X Files movie on their (mistaken) "fact" that bees pollinate field corn. (Corn is self-pollinating.) You do know way too much about how to make opium, Netfoot. Perhaps they were taking those poppy flowers to give to the Shriners to sell on highway intersections to benefit veterans. I don't have a clue why the bad guys, who knew Nick was a plant, would let him call in an air strike when Nick is right there with them.
  18. TPTB had it all set up for a double dumping. There was absolutely NOTHING to do on that date but sit on the harem bed pitched in the dirt in the middle of the blowing wind and dirt. Then Chris takes Ashley and right away asks her what's going on in the house. TB NEVER ask the b-ettes that stuff, that is a TREAD LIGHTLY subject. Then he takes Kelsey and rats Ashley to her. Then Kelsey walks back to the harem bed and spends how much time giving Ashley the stink eye? TOTALLY production set up. They were just waiting for the melt down, which they got, so Chris could send both home. Plus, two vans were waiting off camera to take each home. So there's that, too. That Most.Dramatic.Scene.EVAH got lots of publicity and replay, from Kimmel to the gossip tv shows. Just what TB wanted to happen. As for "breaking the rules," remember in one of the first episodes Chris H. told the women where Chris lived and told them to "take advantage of every chance you get to spend time with him." And to MAKE time. He did everything but tell them to not let Chris have any alone time at all. Then those two women snuck into his house and antics ensued. TPTB are really fishing for a naked swim in the ocean this season to boost ratings and cover up for the dullness that is Chris S.
  19. Britt does have a really nice smile. I can't help it, I think she's really beautiful.
  20. It's quite possible Kelsey passed out from lack of oxygen at the highest-ever level at which she resides. You know, she's so high up she has to look way, way down at the miscreants on those sub-par, below-her levels. Air's gotta be thin up there.
  21. It's a Ben-and-Courtney thing. Ben could never have dated a model w/o being TB. Chris could never date a beautiful Hollywood actress w/o being TB. So many "right reasons" to be on this show! I wish I were in its demographic, I'd sign up in a heartbeat.
  22. Totally agree. This thread is the best.
  23. Okay, thanks for one of the best laughs I've had for a while. Well done, paigow.
  24. Cajun/zydeco, yes. Louisiana much? (I know where you live ... heh heh!) I can't remember if Britt loves or hates country music. It depends on what scene she is in. Hates it in one, loves it and jumps up and down to it in another. I guess I don't really care one way or the other. Chris did say that's his music, though, and he was singing along to "Ride a (Farm) Cowboy." That was a fun segment, however, and finally the show had singers on who could be recognized by the general public as opposed to some obscure person. I guess not having to pay for all those plane tickets to France have paid off in other ways. I did like the singing competition since everyone was supportive, no one was cranking on anyone else, and all got applause and all seemed to have a good time. Gotta love Big for running down the street with whatshername. He at least had some life to him. *coughchriscough* Whitney is reminding me of the two-faced woman from Seinfeld. She is witch-of-the-west one minute, then somewhat attractive the next. Makes me laugh, I never know which Whitney we're gonna see.
  25. Anyone who watched DWTS knows "Save a Horse" since that is the music Cheryl Burke and Nick Lashey (?) did their freestyle dance to, to win the mirrorball. DWTS replays that dance every year. And I mean every year. The highlight of the dance was Cheryl straddling Nick and "riding" him up and down. Yeah, it's memorable. People might not know Big and Rich were the singers, though. Rich won Celebrity Apprentice either last year or the time before, for anyone who can stomach their way through that show. So, for Britt to "love that song" could be entirely possible. Carrie Underwood. She's on tv all the time, and hosts award shows. And I only have antenna tv so it's not like she's on some obscure cable station. Carrie is huge in the country market, her latest song is in the top five. There's a big difference between the beer-bottle smashing and tobacco-chewing redneck country stereotypical music and the cross-over country/pop hits of today. Anyone hear of Taylor Swift? Country.
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